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Getting Started with Wireshark

Once you open Wireshark, you can see that the screen is divided into several parts:
1- Part 1: contains a shortcut for all pcap files that have been opened or captured.
a. A pcap file is a data file created using a program which contains packet data of a
network and are used to analyze the network characteristics.
2- Part 2: contains all the interfaces that you are using in your machines, like the vpn-
interface, vms, docker, etc.
3- Part 3: it is the control bar, you can find all the tools and features that can help you to
capture or analyze packets.
Start Capturing
In order to start capturing, we need to identify the interface to capture its traffic and then click on
the blue button in the control bar. After you click on the button, the program redirects you to a
new interface that is also divided into 3 subparts.
- Part 1: Lists information about all the packets that are being transferred since you start
capturing including:
o A number for each packet
o The time in seconds it took the interface to capture the packet.
o The source and the destination IP addresses of the packet.
o The protocol used in this packet and the ROW load of the packet.
- Part 2: this part shows the packet data for each network layer (OSI Model).
- Part 3: contains packets in hex representation
Start Analyzing
Stop the capturing by clicking on the red button in the control bar and save it. We can start by
analyzing the hierarchy and the percentage of the protocols that make up the pcap file. From the
control bar, we click on the statistics button.
- Different options under the statistics button:
o Protocol hierarchy: provides a tree of all the protocols found in the capture.
o Conversation: provides information about the data sent or received from each IP
o Endpoint: provides information about the IP server.
o Resolved addresses: list most of the Ips hostnames if found.

Capture Filter:
We can choose to capture packets and analyze them according to some predefined criteria:
- A specific host  host ip or host url
- A specific source address  src ip
- A specific destination address  dst ip
- TCP/UDP port number  port no.
Difference between promiscuous and monitor modes
- Monitor Mode
You’re just sniffing on packets that are in the air without being directly connected to a specific
access point. More over like walking in the street and overhearing conversations everywhere
around you without being part of that conversation.
- Promiscuous Mode
Listening to packets that go through a specific access point after being authenticated and
connected to that access point.

Display Filters
After you initiated your capture, you can start displaying the information you found based on
some criteria:
- IP
o IP address  ip.addr ==/!=
o IP source address  ip.src ==/!=
o IP destination address  ip.dst ==/!=
- Display on different protocol:
TCPDUMP is a tool that is mostly used in the terminal with commands to capture traffic from all
the layers of the OSI model. It also provides you with many options you can do to the
information gathered.
Commands in tcpdump tool:
1- To capture packets normally without any filters we use tcpdump -i (the interface) -v
a. -i stands for the interface and you specify it directly afterwards
b. -v stands for verbose which means the data will be displayed for you in the
2- To capture packets coming/going to a specific host we use tcpdump -i (interface) -v host
(specify the hostname or address)
3- To capture packets with a specific source/destination we use tcpdump -i (interface) -v
src/dst (specify the address)
4- To combine filters we use the following syntax: tcpdump -i (interface) -v first filter and
the other filter
5- To capture the entire network or a subnet from the network we use tcpdump -i (interface)
-v net (specify the network range using addresses for example
6- To capture data related to a specific protocol we use tcpdump -i (interface) -v (protocol).
7- To capture data specified for a specific port we use tcpdump -i (interface) -v portno.
8- To capture data specified for a specific src/dst port tcpdump -i (interface) -v src/dst
9- To save the capture in a pcap file instead of printing it on the screen we use tcpdump -w
(destination of the file) -i (interface) -v (any filtration you want)

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