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Ady Veisz Draghia, Ryan Servis


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Ady Veisz Draghia, Ryan Servis

Misty Bourne

Juan Arrabal, Ambrose Hoilman, Jason Strutz, BNE Design

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The Eldersphinx
“To briefly summarize the accomplishments of this perplexing age: it was good while it lasted.”

Description Tha-Nalkaret in
Your Campaign
The majestic figure of Tha-Nalkaret looms large over those who
stand before it. Its body is that of a fearsome winged lion with When Tha-Nalkaret reached its terrible epiphany about the end
a face not unlike a humanoid’s, but it bears an expression that of all things, it decided that it could no longer sit idly by and
displays the eternal creature’s true nature. Those who gaze into accept the inevitable, seeking to fundamentally alter the prede-
its eyes find the cold blue orbs staring not at them, but through termined waters of the River of Time. At first it used its ability
them. The Eldersphinx sees not only what they are, but who to go to those timelines that were facing mundane calamities
they were and what they might become. The soft rustle of a and offer them partial salvation, the opportunity to escape their
nonexistent wind can be heard when Tha-Nalkaret speaks, the doomed civilization and serve the greater good of the universe.
sound of its voice echoing in the minds of those who hear it. Its Even though few fully comprehended the extent of what the
smell is reminiscent of ancient parchment carrying the weight Eldersphinx portended, they saw the devastation in their home-
of the ages. lands and chose service before destruction. Those who joined
discovered their lives greatly lengthened by their stay in its lair
and immortalized their cultures in the records and exhibits of
the Eternal Repository. After amassing a sizable following who

Personality: Domineering other sphinxes to oversee the new realm that the gods had
wrought. While the others were tasked with shepherding
Ideals: Tha-Nalkaret has witnessed countless permutations the mortal races, teaching logic and passing wisdom to
of the world, innumerable civilizations both old and young, the humanoids of the realm, Tha-Nalkaret was given a
and has seen them fall away to the unceasing march of time. mission in solitude. It was given the title Eldersphinx, and
As such, it sees no value in the fates of individuals, instead it was responsible for overseeing the world through its
focusing on existence as a whole. It does what it sees as development, ensuring that any threat to the whole would
necessary to persevere, and it acts as it sees fit to postpone be known before it transpired. At first there was only one
the inevitable entropy of all things. timeline to oversee, but as time proceeded it branched
into uncountable iterations, and Tha-Nalkaret saw them
Bonds: As a sphinx, Tha-Nalkaret highly values its abode, all from its perch outside time. Eventually, turmoil struck
the Eternal Repository. Within its halls and chambers lie the realms, and the divine beings that created the sphinxes
thousands of both magical and nonmagical relics from vanished or were destroyed, replaced by new gods that knew
across the timelines and ages of the world. Should anyone not of the Eldersphinx or its purpose. It was left to watch
gain entrance into the sphinx’s home without permission as the other sphinxes grew ever more distant in their own
and sabotage this great collection, its wrath would be assignments. It knew the importance of its vigil, but it grew
devastating. more restless as it became aware of an encroaching presence.
Tha-Nalkaret learned of entropy, a force that seeks to grind
Flaws: The mind of the Eldersphinx is so different than all timelines to nothingness, the infinite division of which
that of mortals that it often fails to understand their accelerates the end. Distraught at this discovery and left
insignificant concerns. This makes it strapped for allies and without masters to guide it, the Eldersphinx decided it was
in no short supply of enemies. Tha-Nalkaret is willing to time for intervention, and it began to step into timelines to
damn an entire people to destruction if it will prolong the direct their advancement and preserve their legacy. Through
lifespan of the universe, creating enemies of any who survive its study of the ages, Tha-Nalkaret had seen patterns,
its condemnation. learned of the things that accelerate the coming of the
endless dark, and sought to stop them from coming to pass,
Legend: The tale of Tha-Nalkaret begins at a time outside even if in so doing it damned the very mortals its kind were
time, when it was formed by divine will alongside twelve meant to shepherd.

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

could act out its will, Tha-Nalkaret proceeded to tend to the fac- Regardless of how you choose to implement Tha-Nalkaret, the
tors it saw as critical to the continued existence of the universe. motivations behind its actions remain unknown to all but its de-
Using its divinely bestowed tools, it plotted a course through voted servants, and no one but itself understands its reasons for
times and places, bringing its abode to secluded wastelands and specific interventions.
dispatching its followers to alter the course of events. A campaign involving Tha-Nalkaret places the characters against
Due to the role and location of the Eldersphinx, its involve- a truly inscrutable mind in service of a cause that only truly seems
ment in world history can range from knowledge no scholar has justifiable to the Eldersphinx itself, an alien foe whose concerns
ever recorded to a well-known aspect of a religion or culture. are far beyond mortal needs. If the party meddles with the
Eldersphinx’s plans, it will have to face them. Sooner or later, they
will become the center of its attention, for adventurers of great
Author’s Note: potential send ripples through time with every action they take.
Time and the Meta Narrative
Time travel is a classic trope in science fiction stories
and other media, but it is rightfully regarded as a bit of a Involving Tha-Nalkaret in the events unfolding around the char-
headache to manage. The power to alter time has wide- acters means a sudden and unpredictable force of change led
ranging implications, and there are many theories as to how by a mysterious cult. This could manifest in a variety of ways,
such a thing could work. How you choose to implement and not all of them are negative. If you wish to bury the lead
this power will determine the flow of your game. For
on the eventual antagonist role the Eldersphinx will serve, this
those needing some help figuring out the mind of Tha-
event can be the adventurers being rescued from a losing battle
Nalkaret the Eldersphinx, here are some points to consider.
by unknown, hooded saviors who could serve as a point of con-
The Eldersphinx’s actions often seem arbitrary to lesser
tact. Other more neutral interactions could also work well, such
minds, since its decision making is based on a non-linear
as the servants of the Eldersphinx, the timekeepers, resolving a
perception of time. When considering how you want the
quest given to the characters before they can do it themselves.
Eldersphinx to influence a campaign, don’t worry about
Either method raises the players’ awareness of this new force and
plotting out every story beat and brilliant maneuver. Instead,
may inspire them to inquire about its leader. The timekeepers are
retroactively attribute the events of the campaign to the
unwilling to explain their actions or their motives, speaking in
sphinx, particularly those that could easily be explained by
the ability to see alternate timelines, futures, or even into the
unclear figurative language which most find tiring, but few can
past. Even time travel is possible through the power of the
argue with the seemingly beneficial results.
Eldersphinx. Generally speaking, you should limit the time
influencing aspect of this monster to one or two expressions: CONFLICT
time travel, parallel timelines, predicting the future, or
visions of the past. This is for your sake as much as it is for The characters continue adventuring in the world, dealing with
your players, as keeping track of what the Eldersphinx can problems as they come about and perhaps facing an entirely un-
and cannot do can quickly become overwhelming if the full related antagonist, until one day the plans of Tha-Nalkaret clash
possibilities of each aspect are explored. with the players’ intentions. This could manifest in a variety of
ways. Perhaps the Eldersphinx is intent on securing an object
- Ady Veisz Draghia the party is also seeking, is attempting to prevent an event from
coming to pass that the characters are working toward, or plans

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

to dispose of an ally of the party who has committed no fault

that they can see. These actions aren’t explained and are likely
Temporal Domain
thwarted by the characters, whose intervention proves to be
somewhat of a blind spot in Tha-Nalkaret’s premonitions. These Time is often described as a river, but sometimes it coalesces
conflicts repeat, occasionally occurring in times and places the into a maelstrom called a temporal domain. These strange
Eldersphinx portends the characters are unlikely to reach. anomalies are incredibly dangerous and navigable by only
the most powerful or alien creatures. In these realms time
does not flow so much as it erupts, warping the environment
CONCLUSION backward, forward, and even sidewise through time.
Creatures can live, die, and live again over the course of eons
After a number of its plans are thwarted by the party, Tha- within these domains, only to emerge none the worse for
Nalkaret deems it necessary to deal with them directly. Upon wear. Temporal domains are areas of great magic and are of
their next encounter with the timekeepers, the Eldersphinx deliv- supreme interest to learned minds. Objects within their area
ers them an invitation to confront it in its lair, making clear its gain strange properties, while sudden pivots through time
intent to defend its ideals and its goals before their judgement. open doorways to new realities. To outsiders, a temporal
The party is finally given access to enter the Eternal Repository, domain appears always in flux. Mountains rise and fall in
through which they must venture to reach the Eldersphinx. Every moments, trees return to their seeds, and creatures from
remaining timekeeper returns to the Repository, mounting a for- alternate timelines pop into existence without warning.
midable defense of their leader. Should the party overcome them, Creatures. Celestials, constructs, dragons, fiends, and
they come face to face with the Eldersphinx. What happens next undead are commonly found in a temporal domain—only
differs in every game, but the likely outcome is a climactic battle ancient or timeless creatures can consider one a habitat.
with the Eldersphinx, and there can be only one winner. Because time in a temporal domain rarely moves in a single
direction for long, creatures with a long lifespan have a
much smaller chance of being erased when time flows
Challenges backward or succumbing to old age when it flows forward.
Detection. A DC 30 Wisdom (Survival) check is required
Tha-Nalkaret can pose exploration, social, or combat challenges to determine a temporal domain’s true nature.
to characters who interact with it.
Properties. A temporal domain causes the following effects
within its area.
• Glimpse. As an action, a creature that has been in the
The Eldersphinx spends most of its time guarding its vaulted lair, domain for at least 24 hours can peer through time to
leaving only for exceptional circumstances in which its own cha- witness an event in the past or any number of possible
futures that has or will occur outside the temporal domain.
risma or wit is required to further its goals. For the most part, it
The creature can perceive 1 hour of “normal” time in this
watches the realms from afar using its wondrous artifacts and rel-
manner before the effect ends and can view the event from
ics, allowing it to remain fully aware of what happens in the world
any angle or perspective. Once a creature has used this
without risk. What impact it has on the world is usually hard to feature, it must finish a long rest before it can use it again.
discern, as it dispatches its timekeepers to nudge the course of
history in subtle or drastic ways, ranging from eliminating world • Imprisonment. When a creature finishes a long rest in the
area, it must attempt a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a
leaders to planting a sapling in a forest. All actions have conse-
failure, time warps around the creature and traps it within
quences, and their impact is clear to the Eldersphinx.
the domain. The target cannot leave the domain for 1 year.
Tha-Nalkaret’s abode is a wonder of the multiverse, a museum
of past and future from a variety of timelines preserving their • Temporal Resistance. Non-Epic spells and magical effects
culture and legacies. The Elderspinx’s goal in maintaining these that alter time cannot be cast within the domain’s area.
objects is tied directly to its nature—it idolizes all of creation and • Time Storm. For every 24 hours that pass within a
wishes to see it persist against the coming of the end. The Eternal temporal domain, the area may experience a time storm, a
Repository not only contains objects, but also has sections dedi- natural phenomenon for the domain. A time storm causes
cated to the containment of creatures, and it has throughout its one or more of the following effects within the area, which
existence seen its fair share of breaches. Interlopers and escaped affect each creature, object, and structure (which are at the
exhibits are dealt with by the brave and loyal timekeepers, who DM’s discretion) within the domain’s area.
are divinely empowered by the Eldersphinx to act out its will and Disjunct. The domain becomes disjointed with
defend its sacred domain. time outside the area. Time within the domain
flows up to 1d10 times faster or slower than time
Regional Effects outside the area.
The region containing Tha-Nalkaret’s lair, the Eternal Repository, Freeze. Time within the domain freezes.
is influenced by its magic, producing the following effects with-
Jump. The domain jumps to a specific point in time
in 10 miles of its location:
in the past or future.
The ancient magical crystals that sustain the Repository
y Reversal. Time flows backward instead of forward.
affect creatures that would typically grow old, slowing Split. The domain splits to an alternate timeline.
their aging. For every 1,000,000 years that pass in the

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

Eternal Repository, creatures within age only 1 year. of the flow of time just outside the Repository. At the core of
The rate at which creatures need to eat, drink, and sleep this massive construction lies the Solar, a chamber within which
are equally slowed, allowing a creature to persist much the Eldersphinx keeps his most guarded treasures, the objects
longer without suffering harmful effects. that he uses to divine the increase and decrease of entropy and
with which he plans his actions with great care. The building
Tha-Nalkaret is aware of any attempt to influence time
y itself was forged from an ancient stone that bears resemblance to
within the affected area, including its source and the white marble, but its durability far exceeds any material mortals
nature of the effect (such as from magical effort, a magic could obtain.
item, or a class feature).
Lair Actions
The affected area is a temporal domain (see the
y On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Tha-Nalkaret can
“Temporal Domain” sidebar). take a lair action to cause one of the following effects. If Tha-
Nalkaret is using its mythic statistics, it can instead choose to
If Tha-Nalkaret is destroyed, these regional effects immediately take a mythic action or lair action, but not both. Tha-Nalkaret
end and only return if another creature dons the Tiara of the can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
Endless. When no creature is attuned to the Tiara, the Eternal
Repository completely falls apart within 1 week, and creatures Tha-Nalkaret gains a second turn this round, which
within appear on random planes at random points in time within occurs at its initiative count minus 10 (minimum of 1).
the multiverse.
Tha-Nalkaret speeds up the flow of time around a
Tha-Nalkaret’s Lair creature it can see within the lair. A creature of its
Tha-Nalkaret’s lair is a temple located within a strange demi- choice within the lair must either forfeit its next
plane known as the Eternal Repository, the stability of which turn as it is thrust forward in time or take 70 (20d6)
is maintained by the Eldersphinx’s innate divinity and focused psychic damage (target’s choice).
through the relic it was granted, the Tiara of the Endless. This
Repository is located in a stable eddy within the River of Time, Tha-Nalkaret calls upon the knowledge of the
a place from which time itself can be observed and traversed Repository to query a creature with a riddle of
with greater ease. Only the Eldersphinx’s servants, the timekeep- staggering complexity. The creature must immediately
ers, are allowed to reside for long and freely travel within the attempt a DC 20 Intelligence ability check to solve the
Eternal Repository. Tha-Nalkaret’s lair is a wondrous museum riddle. On a failure, the affected creature cannot cast
containing written records of events from many permutations of spells and takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage at the end
the world, recording what has been and what could be, as well of each of its turns. On each of its turns, an affected
as countless objects of significance to the history of the realm. creature may attempt another DC 20 Intelligence check
Cosmic winds can be heard by those with a keen ear, the sounds (no action required), solving the riddle on a success.

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

Exploration Encounters It Belongs in a Museum. The Eldersphinx learns the location

Tha-Nalkaret has witnessed countless timelines across nigh of an ancient tome it has been seeking to complete an important
infinite worlds. There is no place nor era in which the sphinx collection. The book is now in the possession of a powerful noble.
could not make an appearance, though it is drawn to creatures To avoid causing unnecessary hassle, it approaches the party and
of singular rarity and significance. Tracking these specimens asks them to retrieve the item from the noble by whatever means
down and collecting them for study is a challenging task that they can, promising just compensation in return. They may find
requires traversing the multiverse to its most dangerous corners. the item to be more than a mere historical oddity.
Whatever the origins of its quarry, the Eldersphinx has taken
those retrieved to be eternalized within its lair, studying them SOCIAL
to understand how their existence influences the River of Time.
This obsession coupled with the Eldersphinx’s magical capabili- Tha-Nalkaret prefers to resolve its problems by indirect means,
ties allows it and its minions to be encountered nearly any- setting up events in advance to play out in a way that benefits its
where at any time, so long as there is an interesting creature there goals. As such, direct interactions in the earlier parts of the nar-
to collect. rative are unlikely depending on the schemes it undertakes. This
changes a lot more as the party intervenes in the Eldersphinx’s
Ancient Outcast. The characters are approached by an out- unfolding schemes. Since it cannot seem to get rid of them for
cast from the timekeepers, one of the ancient race known as long and cannot seem to account for their actions, it takes great
the Mar’theda who were thought to be extinct. The timekeeper interest in them personally and attempts to find out information
offers them knowledge of the Eldersphinx and the party’s po- about them, either from direct conversation or indirectly through
tential role in a prophecy it carries, the prophecy for which it the timekeepers.
was cast out, on the condition that the party successfully un-
dertake a treacherous journey into ancient ruins in the desert Social Encounters
of Argathon. Though the timekeeper is of an unknown people Few manage to converse with Tha-Nalkaret, but those who do
and these claims can’t be proved, any insights into the party’s find that it is quite verbose, as sphinxes are known to be. It tends
potential antagonist could prove invaluable. to speak in prose and riddles, derailing conversations to discuss
philosophy or history that often seems completely unrelated to
Everflowing Time. The characters catch wind of an exciting the matter at hand. The Eldersphinx is equal parts excited to share
new archeological discovery: old tablets depicting a religious its knowledge and incapable of fully putting its trust in anyone or
order dating thousands of years dedicated to a sphinx who di- anything. Given what it has seen and experienced, this isn’t par-
vined their cause using a strange artifact of timekeeping. If the ticularly surprising or unusual; the fragile and limited length of
characters are already privy to the Eldersphinx’s schemes, they humanoid lifespans are too brief for it to get too attached.
will be doubly intrigued by the recovery of these tablets. Further
inquiry into the findings reveals that the long-forgotten temple Fateful Encounter. To attempt to bridge the gap that forms be-
is well guarded by ancient sentinels and is already being assailed tween them, the Eldersphinx extends an invitation to the party.
by timekeepers who seek to reclaim a strange artifact that lies They meet outside the Repository to exchange information. It
within: the Eternal Hourglass. answers questions truthfully as long as knowing the information
wouldn’t sabotage a future scheme in some obvious way, and it
asks questions about the characters in return. This encounter is
unlikely to conclude in mutual understanding but prepares both
sides for future confrontations.

Riddle of the Sphinx. The party comes into conflict with Tha-
Nalkaret over an item of shared interest. A mage allied with the
characters informs them that appealing to the Eldersphinx’s love
of riddles may help them acquire the object of their desire. Tha-
Nalkaret agrees to part with the object if the party can come up
with a riddle that it cannot solve. Devising such a riddle would
involve much research and preparation as well as conversations
with scholars whom the Eldersphinx has not met.

Planar Disruption. The Eldersphinx provides the party with a

cryptic warning regarding a future calamity: the arrival of chaotic
outsiders who will decimate the plane with reckless abandon.
Tha-Nalkaret provides them with the knowledge of one of
its greatest servants, Aten’efru, who has mastered combatting
these creatures and who could be persuaded to assist them in
this coming trial. The party may suspect the true motives of this
revelation, but confirmations from other diviners make the threat
credible. They embark on a planar journey to meet this strange
monk and convince them to provide the assistance they need.

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

COMBAT Easier Tactics – Avoid focusing the Eldersphinx’s ire on one

target in particular, and avoid countering the party’s strategies
Tha-Nalkaret is a tactical mind before anything else. It has con- overmuch with River of Time. Don’t use Gaze of Ruin more
sidered any combat scenario that it may encounter. This doesn’t than once on a single character. When using Temporal Roar,
mean it cannot be surprised, but when it takes stock of the situ- try to avoid affecting more than two characters at a time. Let
ation, it has a plan ready to deal with any encounter. Unless its the characters who want to be in melee with the Eldersphinx
opponents have taken significant precautions to avoid its divi- remain in melee, only moving to the squishier characters if the
nations, the Eldersphinx knows their powers and their weak- frontliners go down. When using River of Time, don’t switch
nesses, and it selects creatures to fight against them to exploit its option every turn. This will allow the characters a chance
this knowledge. If it must engage them directly, it casts spells to to adapt their strategy to the existing effect before things get
give itself the edge and prevents their own spells from happen- changed up.
ing, using its supernatural roar to accelerate or decelerate time
locally to weaken the party or strengthen itself. It values its own Harder Tactics – Use the Time Hop legendary action along
life and attempts to avoid direct conflict by almost any means, with the Freeze option from River of Time to get right in the
but if the fate of the timeline appears to be at stake, it fights to middle of the party. Once there, use Temporal Roar to maxi-
the bitter end. mize the number of targets. Switch to the Echo option on River
of Time to keep the pressure on, scoring critical hits against
Combat Encounter Example: Time Heist creatures affected by Freeze. If you do use Gaze of Ruin, plan
Tha-Nalkaret has fixated upon an object of great temporal sig- to use it twice against the same target. Even the most long-
nificance, a scepter that has been passed down through a royal lived characters cannot easily afford to age 10d10 years without
lineage. The Eldersphinx has planted spies and servants of the consequence.
timekeepers amid the monarchy, ready to secure this object at
the exact right time. To ensure no unexpected interruptions, Mythic Tha-Nalkaret
it intends to distract the party directly, using a contingent of When confronting Tha-Nalkaret using its mythic statistics, the
soldiers to distract them away from proceedings and then en- characters are much more pressed for time. The Eldersphinx
gaging them in a battle of attrition. Its goal in this fight is not gains access to two potent mythic actions, along with a signifi-
to kill the party, for it believes they must survive for the longevity cant boost to the effectiveness of its non-mythic options. The
of the timeline, irksome as they may be. Neither does this mean most dangerous of these new tools is the Dust to Dust mythic
Tha-Nalkaret will let them leave unharmed. It harrows them with action, which reduces any character brought to 0 hit points
tooth and claw to the brink of unconsciousness, allowing them to dust. The longer the fight goes on, the more targets the
to escape and reengage for as long as it takes for the heist to be sphinx can affect with this fearsome ability, almost guarantee-
complete. ing at least one character will succumb to the ravages of time.
Borrowed Time provides a healthy shield for Tha-Nalkaret,
Tactics disincentivizing characters from attacking it while it is in effect.
Battlefield Classification: Controller Remember that creatures aged to death are extremely difficult
As a master of time, Tha-Nalkaret unleashes a slew of dangerous to return to life, a nasty surprise for victorious characters who
abilities against which it is difficult to defend. Its main strength lost a few comrades in the battle.
comes from its River of Time trait, which provides four distinct
and powerful effects that can be adapted for any situation. The Mythic Effects
Echo option can be used to pile on more damage from its Bite, As a mythic creature, Tha-Nalkaret causes the following effects.
Claw, or even its Temporal Roar. When dealing with danger-
ous enemies that deal a lot of damage, the Forward option can Axiomatic Being. Tha-Nalkaret is a being of pure law and order,
buy precious turns for Tha-Nalkaret to deal with less dangerous granting it the following benefits:
characters. Freeze can be used to lock characters out of the fight
until the sphinx is ready to deal with them, scoring a guaranteed Tha-Nalkaret cannot be magically summoned or called
critical hit with one of its melee attacks. The Reverse option can from its lair unless it allows it.
be used to subdue troublesome magical effects or even condi-
tions harming the sphinx, so make sure to choose your targets Tha-Nalkaret is immune to any spell or effect that would
carefully. Beyond this feature, Tha-Nalkaret relies on a host of alter its form.
potent attacks and powers. Notable is the Gaze of Ruin feature,
which threatens to age a character or dramatically reduce their Tha-Nalkaret can’t be compelled to act in a manner
hit point maximum. Temporal Roar can gain tremendous value, contrary to its nature or ideals.
affecting vulnerable party members over and over until they suc-
ceed on their saving throw against it. Make use of the Time Hop Knowledge of the Eternal. By spending 1 hour of uninterrupt-
legendary action to stay unpredictable and mobile, putting the ed concentration, Tha-Nalkaret can cast one of the following
Temporal Repercussions on the most dangerous characters. spells without the need for any components: commune, divina-
tion, guards and wards, legend lore, plane shift, teleport. When the
Eldersphinx casts commune in this way, the spell connects to the
Eternal Repository itself and answers based on the information
contained therein.

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

Huge monstrosity, lawful neutral

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 715 (53d12 + 371)
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Multiattack. Tha-Nalkaret makes two Claw attacks, and either
uses its Temporal Roar or makes a Bite attack.
26 (+8) 10 (+0) 24 (+7) 22 (+6) 27 (+8) 25 (+7) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +15, Int +14, Wis +16 Hit: 47 (6d12 + 8) piercing damage.
Skills Arcana +14, History +22, Insight +20, Perception +20, Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Religion +22 Hit: 24 (3d10 + 8) slashing damage.
Damage Immunities psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Gaze of Ruin. Tha-Nalkaret afflicts a creature it can see
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened within 300 feet of it with its magical gaze. The target must
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 30 succeed on a DC 24 Charisma saving throw or have its hit
Languages Common, Sphinx point maximum reduced to 50. This reduction lasts until
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) an affected creature finishes a short or long rest. A creature
can choose to automatically succeed on this saving throw by
instead magically aging 5d10 years.
Temporal Roar (Recharge 5–6). Tha-Nalkaret emits a roar
Mythic Resistance. If Tha-Nalkaret fails a saving throw, it can that echoes across time and can be heard up to 10 miles
expend an unexpended legendary action to succeed instead. away. Each creature within 300 feet of Tha-Nalkaret must
River of Time. Tha-Nalkaret taps directly into the plane known succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or take 35
as the River of Time, which exerts its influence in a 30-foot- (10d6) thunder damage. A creature that fails this saving
radius sphere centered on Tha-Nalkaret. At the start of each of throw experiences the effects of the roar again at the end of
its turns, Tha-Nalkaret decides what effect occurs within the each of its turns, forcing it to repeat the saving throw. The
affected area, chosen from the following options. effect ends when a creature succeeds on the Constitution
saving throw.
• Echo. When a creature enters the affected area for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there, a temporal echo of
Tha-Nalkaret from another timeline appears in an unoccupied
space within the affected area and makes a single Claw attack Tha-Nalkaret can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
against the creature (no action required), then vanishes. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
• Forward. When a creature in the affected area starts its turn, at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Tha-
Tha-Nalkaret can force it to attempt a DC 24 Charisma Nalkaret regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
saving throw, being thrown forward in time and vanishing on Attack. Tha-Nalkaret makes one Claw attack.
a failure. At the start of the creature’s next turn, it reappears in
the nearest unoccupied space to where it vanished. Time Hop. Tha-Nalkaret hops forward in time and vanishes.
At the start of its next turn, it magically appears in an
• Freeze. When a creature enters the area for the first time on unoccupied space of its choice within 90 feet of the space
a turn or starts its turn there, Tha-Nalkaret can force it to where it vanished.
attempt a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw, becoming frozen
in time and paralyzed on a failure. The creature remains Gaze of Ruin (Costs 2 Actions). Tha-Nalkaret uses its Gaze of
paralyzed until it is no longer in the affected area or until it Ruin action.
takes damage, whichever comes first. Temporal Repercussions (Costs 3 Actions). Tha-Nalkaret
• Reverse. At the end of each of its turns, Tha-Nalkaret reverses targets a single creature it can see with a temporal curse. The
time to end one effect within the affected area with a duration target must succeed on a DC 24 Charisma saving throw or
greater than instantaneous. suffer the temporal curse. When the cursed creature deals
damage to Tha-Nalkaret, the creature loses a number of hit
Timeless. Tha-Nalkaret does not age naturally, nor can it be
points equal to half the damage it dealt to Tha-Nalkaret
magically aged. Additionally, it is immune to spells and magical
(rounded down).
effects that control or manipulate time.

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

Mythic Tha-nalkaret
Huge mythic monstrosity, lawful neutral

Armor Class 23 (natural armor) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit Points 2,185 (141d12+ 1,269) Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) slashing damage.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
Gaze of Ruin. Tha-Nalkaret afflicts a creature it can see within
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 300 feet of it with its magical gaze. The target must succeed
30 (+10) 10 (+0) 28 (+9) 24 (+7) 32 (+11) 27 (+8) on a DC 29 Charisma saving throw or have its hit point
maximum reduced to 50. This reduction lasts until an affected
Saving Throws Dex +10, Con +19, Int +17, Wis +21, Cha +18
creature finishes a short or long rest. A creature can choose to
Skills Arcana +17, History +27, Insight +25, Perception +25,
automatically succeed on this saving throw by instead magically
Religion +27
aging 10d10 years.
Damage Immunities psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Temporal Roar (Recharge 5–6). Tha-Nalkaret emits a roar
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened that echoes across time and can be heard up to 10 miles
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 35 away. Each creature within 300 feet of Tha-Nalkaret must
Languages Common, Sphinx succeed on a DC 29 Constitution saving throw or take 70
Challenge Mythic 5 (20d6) thunder damage. A creature that fails this saving throw
experiences the effects of the roar again at the end of each of
TRAITS its turns, forcing it to repeat the saving throw. This effect ends
when a creature successfully succeeds on the Constitution
Mythic Resistance. If Tha-Nalkaret fails a saving throw, it can saving throw.
expend an unexpended legendary action to succeed instead.
River of Time. Tha-Nalkaret taps directly into the plane known MYTHIC ACTIONS
as the River of Time, which exerts its influence in a 60-foot-
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Tha-Nalkaret takes
radius sphere centered on Tha-Nalkaret. At the start of each of
a mythic action to cause one of the following effects. Tha-
its turns, Tha-Nalkaret decides what effect occurs within the
Nalkaret can’t use the same effect twice in a row.
affected area, chosen from the following options.
Borrowed Time. Tha-Nalkaret gains 200 temporary hit points,
• Echo. When a creature enters the affected area for the
which last until the next initiative count of 20.
first time on a turn or starts its turn there, a temporal
echo of Tha-Nalkaret from another timeline appears in Dust to Dust (5/Day). Tha-Nalkaret chooses a creature or
an unoccupied space within the affected area and makes a object it can see within 300 feet of it and subjects it to the
single Claw attack against the creature (no action required). ravages of time. Until the next initiative count of 20, if the
• Forward. When a creature in the affected area starts target would be reduced to 1 hit point or fewer, it instantly ages
its turn, Tha-Nalkaret can force it to attempt a DC 29 100,000 years. If a creature would be immune to the effects of
Charisma saving throw, being thrown forward in time and aging, it instead gains three levels of exhaustion. If Tha-Nalkaret
vanishing on a failure. At the start of the creature’s next uses this option again, it may target an additional creature or
turn, it reappears in the nearest unoccupied space to where object it can see within range, up to a maximum of five targets.
it vanished. This benefit lasts for 1 minute.

• Freeze. When a creature enters the area for the first time
on a turn or starts its turn there, Tha-Nalkaret can force LEGENDARY ACTIONS
it to attempt a DC 29 Wisdom saving throw, becoming Tha-Nalkaret can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
frozen in time and paralyzed on a failure. The creature options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
remains paralyzed until it is no longer in the affected area time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Tha-Nalkaret
or until it takes damage, whichever comes first. regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
• Reverse. At the end of each of its turns, Tha-Nalkaret Attack. Tha-Nalkaret makes one Claw attack.
reverses time to end one effect within the affected area with
a duration greater than instantaneous. Time Hop. Tha-Nalkaret hops forward in time and vanishes. At
the start of its next turn, it magically appears in an unoccupied
Timeless. Tha-Nalkaret does not age naturally, nor can it be space of its choice within 90 feet from where it vanished.
magically aged. Additionally, it is immune to spells and magical
effects that control or manipulate time. Gaze of Ruin (Costs 2 Actions). Tha-Nalkaret uses its Gaze of
Ruin action.
ACTIONS Temporal Repercussions (Costs 3 Actions). Tha-Nalkaret
targets a single creature it can see with a temporal curse. The
Multiattack. Tha-Nalkaret makes two Claw attacks, and either target must succeed on a DC 29 Charisma saving throw or suffer
uses his Temporal Roar or makes a Bite attack. the temporal curse. When the cursed creature deals damage to
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Tha-Nalkaret, the creature loses a number of hit points equal to
Hit: 75 (10d12 + 10) piercing damage. half the damage it dealt to Tha-Nalkaret (rounded down).

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

Aten’efru the Enlightened. Residing within the plane of chaos
Tha-Nalkaret is the keeper of a vast number of powerful magic is a pyramid monastery which stands in stark contrast to its mad-
items and is the head of an organization dedicated to its ev- dening surroundings. This is the base of Aten’efru, a Mar’theda
ery commandment. Consequently, the Eldersphinx has access to whom Tha-Nalkaret saved from impending doom. Despite no
many valuable and powerful resources. These assets are invariably longer residing within the Eternal Repository, he still considers
put to use in acquiring rare and wondrous creatures from across himself and his disciples followers of the Eldersphinx’s teach-
the multiverse. In addition to these resources, the timekeepers ings, and he uses his mastery of psionics and martial technique
and all those who believe in the Eldersphinx’s cause understand to defeat all but the most powerful foes.
the importance of its survival, so anyone who wishes to remove
Tha-Nalkaret faces more opposition than they may expect. The Timekeepers. Devoted servants of the Eldersphinx, the
timekeepers have seen the cause of the Eldersphinx and com-
ALLIES mitted to the preservation of the entirety of time. This collection
of exiles and castaways have all long since left their former lives
Tha-Nalkaret’s ultimate goal is so far-reaching into the future behind, originating from places that have changed unrecogniz-
that it alienates all but the most idealistic immortals and zeal- ably or ceased to exist. Tha-Nalkaret uses them to carry out its
ous humanoids. Nevertheless, the Eldersphinx has endeavored schemes—they serve as soldiers and spies to gather information
to find allies to help it on its endless crusade, and a few have and carry out the Eldersphinx’s will.
answered the call. When not interacting with the Eldersphinx
directly, the party are most likely to interact with the timekeep-
ers or with Aten’efru, whom Tha-Nalkaret uses to carry out its New Organization:
orders dutifully. Timekeepers of Tha-Nalkaret
Name: Timekeepers of Tha-Nalkaret
Leadership: Authoritarian
Membership: Huge (983 members): humanoids;
clerics, paladins
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Motto: “The preservation of the whole over the survival
of the few.”
Resources: Knowledge, magic (divination), magic items
Creed: The Timekeepers of Tha-Nalkaret are the
devoted servants who have chosen to spend an
extended existence preserving the Eternal Repository
and assisting in the schemes of Tha-Nalkaret. The
organization is comprised of many refugees from
devastated civilizations of the past or timelines that
could have been. Some joined purely through belief
in the cause, others joined to seek greater purpose,
and others still joined to escape their own dying ways
of life. Now they carry out the Eldersphinx’s wishes
without question, knowing that its purpose is to
preserve all that will be, even if it comes at the cost of
some that is now.

If Tha-Nalkaret is defeated, the characters can obtain its crown.
The Tiara of the Endless is an object once bestowed upon
the Eldersphinx by a long-forgotten deity, and it grants its
wearer foresight into the future and control over the Eternal
Repository. Any who don the artifact may call the Eternal
Repository their lair, and they gain full knowledge of what is
contained within as they observe its many halls. They also gain
the memories stored within, including the knowledge of the
original mission given to the keeper of this timeline, and they
may become burdened with an understanding of the great en-
tropy lurking at the end of time.

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

Tiara of the Endless

Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
This tiara appears as a crown with five jewels, four embed- Keeper of the Repository. While you are within the
ded within and one floating above it by the power of some Repository, it becomes your lair. You gain access to
ancient magic. The Tiara appears to be made of gold and its lair actions and maintain its regional effects.
its weight is significant, although it resizes to its attuned Void Ward. You are permanently under the effects of
wearer and the weight adjusts accordingly. A creature who the mind blank spell.
wears the Tiara is master of the Eternal Repository, able to
make use of its many powerful magic items and easily able Wisdom of the Ancients. Your Wisdom score
to navigate its many halls and chambers. becomes 19 unless it is already 19 or higher.
Attunement. When attempting to attune to the Tiara, a Knowledge of the Eternal. By spending 1 hour of
creature is flooded with memories of the previous wearer uninterrupted concentration, you can cast one of the
which explain its purpose and the lessons learned by its following spells without the need for any components:
previous owner. This process takes 24 hours during which the commune, divination, guards and wards, legend lore,
target is effectively incapacitated, unable to do anything but plane shift, teleport. When you cast commune in this
speak in low tones. If the Tiara is removed from the creature way, the spell connects to the Eternal Repository
attempting to attune to it during this 24-hour period, the itself and answers based on the information contained
attunement process is disrupted and all information is lost. therein.
Otherwise, at the end of the process the creature’s motives Time Heals All. As a reaction when you are subjected to
are questioned by the Tiara. Should the creature answer a non-Epic effect with a duration greater than 1 round,
truthfully and the Tiara judge their ideals compatible, the you may reduce the duration to 1 round.
creature will be asked if they wish to be the timekeeper of
the Repository. If the creature accepts, the attunement is Destroying the Tiara. The only thing capable of
complete and can only be ended if the attuned creature dies. destroying the Tiara is the inevitable decay of entropy.
While attuned to the Tiara, you gain the following traits: The artifact persists so long as the Repository persists.
When the Eternal Repository is destroyed, the Tiara of the
Eternal’s Gaze. Your eyes become pools of silver light, Endless crumbles to dust and fades away.
granting you truesight out to a range of 120 feet.

T h a - Na lk a r e t  •  T h e Eld er s p h i n x

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