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Steven Paul Jobs was one of the most important marketers and
leader in the world.
One of the reasons is the Apple Inc. foundation with the help of
his team, because an important skill for an marketers like Jobs is

A good Leader is in a higher position with respect to other team

members (because has more experience for an activity…) and
now has the important task to help them.
The capability to team up and be leader is not easy and not for
There are a lot of types of Leaderships and Steve Jobs creates
some pills that teach you how to become a Chief Leader even
though these examples are not enough.
1. “We continue building our tomorrow instead of worrying
about what happened in the past”
Thinking about only past’s mistakes is wrong, a good leader
watching ahead does not focus on the past.
2. “Most examples of success require a lot of time”
A leader must teaching you to working in a team to reach a
good results.
3. “Great things in business are never accomplished by one
person alone instead they are achieved by an entire team”
Nobody is a leader if does everything by himself.
Edoardo Moretti

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