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Facultad de Ingenierı́a

Departamento de Matemáticas, Fı́sica

y Estadı́stica
Probabilidad y Estadı́stica I


Nota: Este taller está propuesto como complemento a las actividades realizadas en clase y dirigidas por
cada uno de los docentes. Sirve de guı́a respecto a la totalidad de temas que se planea evaluar al concluir la
quinta semana de clases.

Suggested Exercises
1. From a group of students in the School of Engineering, four are selected at random and
classified as chemical or mechanical engineers. List the elements in the sample space
Ω1 using the letter Q for chemical and M for mechanical. Define a second sample space
Ω2 where the elements represent the number of chemical engineers selected.

2. A group of 85 students was interviewed to determine their preferences regarding laptop

brands and the following results were obtained

* 42 students prefer MacBook

* 42 students prefer Lenovo
* 35 students prefer HP
* 19 students prefer MacBook and Lenovo
* 13 students prefer MacBook and HP
* 16 students prefer Lenovo and HP
* 9 students prefer Lenovo, HP and MacBook

Organize the information into a Venn Diagram and use it to determine the number of
students in each of the following events:

a) Students who prefer MacBook or HP...

b) Those who prefer Lenovo or HP but not MacBook
c) Students who have no preference for any computer
Probabilidad y Estadı́stica I Página 2 of 2

d) Students who prefer MacBook and HP but not Lenovo

3. Ana and Maria saw two men drive away in front of a jewelry store, just before a
burglar alarm went off. When questioned by the police, the two young women gave the
following information about the license plate (which consisted of two letters followed
by four digits) Maria was sure that the second letter of the license plate was an O or a
Q, and that the last digit was a 3 or an 8. Ana said that the first letter of the license
plate was a C or a G and that the first digit was definitely a 7. How many different
plates will the police have to check?

4. ¿De cuántas maneras pueden repartirse 5 premios en un conjunto de 10 personas,

suponiendo que cada persona puede recibir únicamente un premio?

5. Una caja contiene 72 colores para pintar de los cuales 10 son tonos cálidos, 8 tonos
frı́os y 2 son tonos neón. Si se eligen 10 colores al azar para realizar un paisaje, de
cuántas formas pueden escogerse 6 tonos cálidos, 3 frı́os y 1 neón?

6. Se quiere seleccionar un comité de 12 personas será elegido entre 10 hombres y 10

mujeres. ¿De cuántas formas se puede hacer la selección si

a) Debe haber 6 hombres y 6 mujeres

b) Debe haber un número par de mujeres
c) Debe haber al menos ocho hombres

1. Respuestas a los ejercicios

M QM Q, M M QQ, M QQM, QM M M, M QM M, M M QM, M M M Q, M M M M };
Ω2 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

2. (a) 64 (b) 38 (c) 5 (d) 4


19 16
4 7

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3. 800 different plates

4. 30240 forms

5. 23520 formas

6. Respuestas

a) 44100
b) 63090
c) 10695

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