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Question in pics form were from past forms

 Patient have the deficiency in MHC class 2 no CD 4 in lymphocyte? ↓negative selection,

↑ positive selection
 Parasite infection what is the immunity against for the patient? Major basic protein
 Patient with tumor and they found CD16 and CD56Natural killer cells
 Who kills tumor cells? Natural killer
 Transudate vs. exudate
 Regulation T cell CD 25
 Serum amyloid A --- acute phase reactant
 C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency ----- ACE contraindication
 Ataxia telangiectasia ATM gene defect ----- DNA repair
 pt with testical cancer metastasis to which lymph node is located paraaortic
 macrophage to T-helper what is the factor needed to activate granuloma? IL12
 Exodate vs transudate .. LDH and prtn values
 macrophage defect .. where is the defect FYR or gama .. something like that letters
 Immune response to the helminths
 patient his work is clean swimming pool has lesion with crust on his hand . I think they ask
what to do?Tell him stop working (he has allery to chlorid)
 GVA after bone marrow transplant rash rejection
 ppd test which cell responsible .. t8 ?
 Child experiment to see lymphocyte what is organ thymus CD 4 CD8

Question in pics form were from past forms

 RUQ pain, biliary sludge which neurotransmitter responsible for the pain? - --- - substance
P - ACH - gastrin
 mid brain gross bloke in this point .. which ventricle will be dilated
 Pt with Parkinson disease and where it’s located the lesion on MRI or CT scan pic
 Meningioma ----- psomoma body
 they give you a CT brain which has enlargement I think in the lateral ventr. Ask where is
the obstruction ?Interventricular foramen (look at hydrocephalus CT to be familial with).
 tumor in spinal cord .. block spinal canal .. wt is it ? shwanoma ?
 What is the ACH produced ? nucleus basales of meynert

 Dementia dilated ventricle?normal pressure hydrocephalus

 brachiocephalic vein occlusion

 Patient that use opioid are addicted why – increase dopamine in NUCLEAR
Question in pics form were from past forms

 Patient has schwanoma brain stem image to identify cn 8

 Gullian Barrie syndrome what is happen? Afferent demyelination or Efferent
 -git/ Patient with ↑ pigmentation in mouth with harmatoms peutz feghts
 git/ Peutz fegher with colon hamartomas
 Parkinson disease describe STN in pic
 What is the consequence of strabismus if not treated? Amblyopia
 Patient with hemorrhagic infarct in brain which medication 1/3 bleed Ca channels blocker
 Mechanism of Action of radiation free radical formation , double stranded DNA break
,freiderich ataxia
 Kidney with bilateral RCC condition VHL
 Pt can’t count (7-2) what is the finding in visual field ex ------ lower quadrant hemianopia
 Pt with hearing loss impair sensation weakness of his face -------- schwanoma
 Parkinson CT scan head ------- substansia nigari
 Pain after stroke ------ post stroke pain syndrome thalamic lesion
 Pt with Arnold chiarir syndrome with CT scan the need? Syringomyelia

 Pt with symptoms of VHL the need only the diagnosis what is it? VHL

 Pic of CT scan of node of Ranvier increase what substance increase Na

 pt with MS loss of vibration sensation in legs and give pic ask about the lesion dorsal
Colum in medial , dorsal Colum in lateral
 pt with glioblastoma and pic of MRI diagnosis or histology astrocyte
 Child 2 ks brought to the hospital by his mom and she said he loss of consciousness
yesterday and has been irritable CT scan show subdural hematoma what is the diagnosis
hemorrhage disease I put this answer, but correct one is child abuse
 a neurological cell has prolonged depolarization and delay repolarization, which of the
following is the cause this observation?Delayed opening of the channel(((I’m not sure)))
 a collage girl comes to the hospital complains of throbbing headache to one side of her
head with nausea stay for 18 hours. Which of the following most likely diagnosis? Migraine
 a newborn they do a hearing test for him in order to prevent what?Maintain speech
 Proximal convuluted tubules orgin? Metanephric mesenchym

 40 year old patient came to clinic with major complaint of End stage renal disease . the
doctor discuss the disease and the treatment with the patient including the high expensive
treatments . why?Medicare will pay the treatment costs (correct)
 about the neonatal origin of the glomerulus >>>metanephros
Question in pics form were from past forms

 -Patient with stress incontinence. The Doctor prescribed her Kegel exercises. Which
muscle is the doctor aiming to strengthen? >>>Levator anii
 Ammonium Mg stone -----> organism produce urease .
 Typical story of stress incontinence and asks about the diagnosis
 60 year old with history of exposure to naphtaline, presented with hematuria. On imaging
there is hydronephrosis of the right kidney and a mass on the upper ureter. Dx? Transitional
 One question with a woman who is has urinary incontinence and leaks if she doesn’t make
it to the bathroom within seconds- frequent urination, no burning, low output, what’s the
problem? Detrusor instability over activity

 Patient presents with flank plain that radiates to groin- passing kidney stone- x-ray doesn’t
show anything, what kind of kidney stone is it? Uric acid (radiolucent)

 Showed a picture of kidneys with enlarged renal pelvis and enlarged ureters, what was
most likely caused this gross presentation? Vesicouretal reflux

 Patient with acute cholecystitis, what is the best diagnostic tool?

 Pt has sx of URI so you rx with ABX. Comes back with fever and casts in the urine along
with eosinophils, white cells, rbc cell casts what is it? Interstitial nephritis

 Glomerular nephritis gross image (small nodules on kidney)- hayline arteriolosclerosis of

the efferent arteriole or benign HTN is what cause it
 Stag horn caliculus gross pic what does it cause hydronephrosis
 Renal papillary necrosis complications? Obstructive hydronephrosis, Acute renal failure,
Obstruction becomes a nidus for infection
 5 questions about incontinence. Most presented with 2 o4 4 gravid female, in her +40s, one
was pregnant. All of them had nearly identical answer choices stress incontinence, urge
incontinence, urinary tract infection, cystocele
 What’s the sequalae b/c of renal papillary necrosis (due to NSAID)?
 Horse shoe kidney on MRI + case ( without mentioning the diagnosis ), => IMA
 We gave an agent that relax renal artery, it work via : a. D1 b. D2 c. B1 d. B2
 Patient was put on some drug (Sulfa or something like that). Ten days after initiating the
treatment he develops joint pain , fever, blood in urine. Urinalysis shows : blood , WBC ,
No bacteria . Biopsy of the kidney this case:1- Toll like receptors 2- Immunoglobulin 3-
Macrophage 4- TNF-a . Which of the following plays a role in the pathophysiology of A:
I don't know the answer I think it's interstitial nephritis drug induced , I searched the web
for answers but I didn't find anything conclusive. I would go with TLR .
Question in pics form were from past forms

 Drug concentration along the proximal tubule and gives you a graph similar to the one in
first aid. This drug excretion is similar to which of the following → creatinine 100% sure
 Picture of fetus. What is most likely will be found in this fetus: 1- duodenal atresia 2-

anencephalon 3- Renal agenesis (renal agenesis)

 a new born had otitis media two times before and now has wheezing and cough and lives
alone with his father what should you ask about? if the father is smoking inside the house
 50 yo with worsening bloody cough and weight loss and smoking history. Lung biopsy
shows clear cells whats the diagnosis>>>> bronchogenic lung caner –small cell lung cancer
–metastatic canerI chose the last one as I thought its (RCC)
 a patient with lung cancer and tells you that we took a photo from the left main bronchus
so I narrowed it down to small cell and squamous but then shows you the biopsy and I
couldn’t decide!so try to see microscopic pictures of lung cancer
 Sleep apnea- 84. An obese man with BMI of 40 is Dx with obstructive sleep apnea, which
best represents this patient?Upper airway flow Respiratory Effort Po2
 Sleep apnea- 50. Question about a sleep change on EEG of obstructive sleep apnea? 10
Increase Beta waveB. Decrease sleep latency C. Increase theta waves D. Normal alpha
waves E. Increase REM sleep
 Two CT for one patient and asking about the cause of 50 years old man smoker who present
with chest tightness and cough. Left main bronchus lesion B. Right main bronchus lesion
C. Left upper lobe lesion,D. Left lower lobe lesion
Question in pics form were from past forms

 A man exercising 2000 ft above the see and fainted. He works in coal miner for 2o years.
What is the reason behind? A. Hypoventilation B. V/Q mismatch C. L-R shunt D. R-L
shunt E. Low A-a gradient (note: fibrosis diffusion problem increase A-a gradient)

 Diver living in hyperbaric enviroment and now changed the enviroment? nitrogen.
 We give PEEP to prevent Atelectasis

 PT with DVT chance of PE?

 Lung cancer of female that doesn't smoke adenoCa

 PT has DVT what percent chance do they have of getting PE  50%

 Pt has a lung abcess, is it filed with neutrophils or lymphocytes?
Question in pics form were from past forms

 Similar pic. , but much simpler, asking where would the yellow spot be ?

 Newborn child of term non complicated pregnancy presents with severe shortness of
breath, there is no stridor. We did 3D imaging of the chest. They show you the scan and
it's in 3D and said that it shows air filled cavities and they point to one of the lungs, the
esophagus and the trachea. The other lung (I don't remember whether it's right or left) was
white as it's collapsed. You can see in the image that the trachea has one bronchus; the
other bronchus can't be seen. Consider it like this but in 3d and Lateral Then asks about the
diagnosis:1- ARDS2- neonatal respiratory distress syndrome 3- Bronchial obstruction A:
bronchial obstruction. The unseen bronchus made me think obstruction. If you got this
question in your exam think about it and know that sometimes you can get unilateral lung
agenesiss which can cause NRDS but as I mentioned before there was another (looked

collapsed) lung in the image.

 60 years old patient comes with complains of shortness of breath and cough. X-ray showed
hyperinflated lungs. He had two pneumonias this year. He has been smoking for 30 years.
What is the primary pathology behind this patient symptoms:1- Increased protease
enzymes activity 2- a1 antitrypsin deficiency 3-decreased CO diffusion A:Patient has
Emphysema , increased protease because of smoking
Question in pics form were from past forms

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