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Review Proposal

From: [last name, initial]

[institute, address]

To: Editor-in-Chief (E-i-C) Annalen der Physik

Wiley-VCH, Berlin
[ Please click the fields or use the tabulator key to move forward:]

Has there been an invitation by the E-i-C or Advisory Board Member? YES NO
If yes, what was the date (DD.MM.YYYY) or occasion of invitation?      

1. Preliminary Title: (title should be attractive but also unambiguously reflect content of paper)
2. Short title: (less than 50 characters)
3. Author list: (first name, initial, last name, e.g. Peter W. Smith)
4. Role of authors: (Please specify what each author has contributed towards the manuscript.
Please only accept co-authors who have directly and significantly contributed towards the
manuscript. If you have more than five co-authors, please explain.)
5. Abstract: (not more than ½ page)
6. Keyword list: (minimum of 5)
7. Content list: (Please use concise, unambiguous and meaningful section heads)
8. Length of manuscript: (Please give an estimation, e.g. 10-15 pages, 15-20 pages,...):
9. Submission deadline (MM.DD.YYYY):      

Please note: Proposal submissions after 3 months of invitation need to be re-confirmed by the E-i-C. After
3 months the E-i-C reserves the right to invite other authors on the same or related topics. Please inform the
E-i-C about any delay in manuscript submission. Should authors not meet the deadline the article will still be
reviewed and published online as soon as possible, but for the print version of the article Wiley-VCH does not
warrant any specific, i.e. soon, date of release. Should an article be submitted more than one year after the
deadline, the article may be rejected. Special agreements with the Editor will of course be possible. You can
find this document online on:  For Contributers  Author Guidelines

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