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n china m

China Destroys
The ip Paradigm
by Anne Stevenson-Yang and Ken DeWoskin

mproving the protection of intellectual property in
China has become not only the foremost goal of the inter-
national trade-policy community but also a quasi-spiri-
tual mission. Meanwhile, the Beijing political leadership
cannot quite decide what to think and tends to mix legal commit-
ments and prosecutorial energy with resentment of foreign ip and
royalty claims. But both are missing the point. Stopping the rampant
piracy of ip in China requires a much more fundamental shift than
just getting police and prosecutors to punish the worst offenders.
Along with China’s roaring economic growth has come an equal-
ly impressive deluge of copies. And not only the branded clothing,
watches, and jewelry sold in the street markets, but also everything
from the most precisely articulated business processes to the soft-
ware code buried deep within industrial machinery, to the trade

n Ms. Stevenson-Yang is managing director of the U.S. Information Technology Office in Beijing.
Mr. DeWoskin is professor emeritus of the University of Michigan and a former China-based partner
at PricewaterhouseCoopers


dress of donut stores. embraced a new form of historical deter-

Even the inventions, content, and minism whose argument is essentially
trademarks stolen or imitated by a first this: “Awareness” of the value of intellec-
tier of Chinese pirates are then appropri- tual property emerges from a certain lev-
ated by other companies in ever-widening el of industrial development, just as early
circles of opportunism and criminality. capitalism supposedly emerges from feu-
This can be seen in the phenomenon of dalism. The United States established ip
store clerks who sell pirated discs of the rights, the argument goes, only after its
new movie Meet the Fockers for 10 yuan own scientists had created inventions
and complain volubly about street sales at worth protecting. Developing countries
7 yuan, while the street vendors fret that mount a deterministic development lad-
competitors have a better format that can der, from light assembly to heavy manu-
offer two movies for the price of one. facturing and on to high-tech products,
Accelerated transfer of skills and tech- and, having achieved this degree of in-
nology, a hungry but frugal and naive dustrialization, they begin to create and
domestic market, and furious entrepre- protect ip.
neurship have combined in China into a In fact, China’s failure to protect has
particularly fascinating and volatile mix. little to do with stages of development or
Using inputs provided by eager multina- cultural attitudes. It has everything to do
tional corporations, China has married the with the government’s ownership and con-
latest high-technology imaging, manufac- trol over the economy, which undermines
turing, and engineering tools to its own private property rights—especially the in-
boisterous, boot-strapping commercial tangible kind. This creates economic insta-
culture so as to propel an unprecedented bility that makes it difficult for innovation
number of copies into world markets. by domestic companies to be rewarded,
Only in China, it seems, can you equip and thus be sustained.
a shop full of girls with sewing machines, In its efforts to create “Chinese ip,” the
a scanner and a pirated copy of Photo- government actually obstructs the path
shop and end up cloning a Chicago Bulls to market of inventions that are bloom-
sweatshirt in a matter of an hour’s semi- ing in laboratories and start-up compa-
skilled work. With a bit more time and nies all over the country. That’s because
investment, Chinese firms bring to mar- these conflict with the commercial inter-
ket pharmaceutical knock-offs, the latest ests of politically supported state compa-
Hollywood films, or the most sought-after nies that innovate far less than private,
luxury watches. entrepreneurial ones. U.S. companies are
Recent experience should dispel any sometimes accused of fearing China’s
doubts about the ability of China’s people technological rise. If this were the case,
and hard infrastructure to create inven- they should actively encourage the epi-
tion and innovation. By way of explana- demic of counterfeiting. What they really
tion for the copying, many seem to have fear is not a technological competitor but

10 far eastern economic review m March 2005

China’s failure to protect ip is a result of state
ownership of firms and control over the economy.

a copy center which tears down the value Market access and cheap labor were ex-
of innovation across the entire world. changed for foreign cash and technology.
The formation of equity joint ventures,
the original mechanism for this swap, was
The Counterfeit Explosion carefully regulated from start to finish,
the chinese manufacturing phenome- with a keen eye to assess the technology
non began to impact international markets and intangible asset value. The govern-
at roughly the same time that the rapid ment ensured that Chinese parties to joint
promulgation of information technologies ventures were qualified to recognize, and
was redefining the conduct of business. often replicate, the skills and technologies
Bombarded from one side by ever-cheap- being transferred. In some cases, the su-
er manufactured goods and from the other pervising departments, technology valua-
by new, niche technology offerings, tradi- tion committees, and government research
tional multinational companies have been and design institutes have been directly in-
thrown off balance. Some are relying on volved in porting technology to competi-
invigorated litigation strategies, some on tors outside the joint venture.
the strategic sharing of ip, and some are Through these channels, the shifting
simply flailing angrily as they watch their about of key technical employees, and other
brands and technologies lose more market mechanisms, ip has poured onto astound-
value by the week. ingly fertile land. The goal of China’s joint-
The statistics hardly need more than a venture policies was never a secret. But the
brief mention, since the trend is obvious. efficiency and effectiveness of the transfer
Three-quarters of the fakes confiscated by was a startling revelation.
U.S. Customs every year come from main- The prodigious technology uptake
land China and Hong Kong. Within China, could not have occurred absent China’s
over 90% of software is pirated, and the ambivalent ip regimen, which tightens
same for films. Chinese-made pharmaceu- only periodically, and then primarily
tical knock-offs are on the market in over to advance a shift up the value chain of
50 countries, sometimes penetrating highly government-blessed Chinese companies.
regulated distribution channels. Rare Euro- Emerging from a history of highly defined
pean watches are forged in China in quanti- usage rights and poorly defined ownership
ties one thousand times the originals. rights, China has also embraced an ethic
The path by which international of neo-Third World solidarity whose nar-
technology, brands, and business pro- rative goes something like this:
cesses have entered China was explicitly In the process of building prosperi-
designed by China’s government from the ty, the more-developed nations exploited
start of the policy of “reform and opening.” working people, polluted the natural envi-

China Destroys the ip Paradigm 11

ronment, and freely appropriated others’ ip. price destruction at work

Now mounting the same development lad- Average retail prices of selected
electronics in China, in yuan
der, China must tolerate some of the same 7,000

practices. Hypocritically, the First World 6,000 Cell Phones

(color screen)
sends lawyers and government negotiators 5,000
into China to demand what constitutes a TVs (29”
global “technology tax,” paid to rich coun-
tries by the poor. This, among other harms, Set-top box

contains China as a supplier of labor to the 2,000

mncs, who control the far more value-in- 1,000 DVD players
(domestic brands)
tangible assets in the value chain. 0
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
The current shift of economic power source: mfc insight, ccid, sina tech, sohu tech, company reports
underway is fueled by China’s aggressive
stance on ip and technology costs. A mas- of foreign direct investment in areas like
sive cheap labor pool wedded to technolo- mining, power and transport infrastruc-
gy, frugally acquired, provides two strong ture that pay very little return in the end.
legs in China’s race forward. Faced with deep pools of idle labor,
few skills, and weak infrastructure, Chi-
na initially attracted foreign investment
What Makes China Copy and growth by offering itself as a base for
the ip problem has structural causes cheap export manufacturing. The numbers
emanating both from the peculiarities of mounted impressively, fdi flowed in, mas-
Chinese economic policy and from the in- sive infrastructure investments were made,
formation technologies revolution inter- and the government built the cash reserves
nationally. that now enable it to keep a stable currency
First among these is China’s need to find and, incidentally, make sure most of those
real growth in an economy where 20% an- Chinese bank deposits remain at home.
nual export increases have become politi- But over time, Chinese policy mak-
cally and economically de rigueur. It must ers grew dissatisfied with the nation’s
sustain this growth even as the mecha- position in the shrinking center of the
nisms that made it possible in the first 25 value chain. Upstream, commodity val-
years of reform become less sustainable ues surged. Downstream, those who con-
themselves. These include the deployment trolled ip—whether technology, brand
of the vast captured savings of the Chinese value, or business process—were success-
people into unrecoverable investments; fully wielding pricing leverage to keep
the ramping up of state assets in real estate, profit margins high. The role China had
manufacturing, IT infrastructure, and the assumed, the world’s lean manufacturer,
like, from no book value to huge book val- was in danger of growing leaner.
ues, driven by the frenzy of initial public Back in the 1990s, pressured by trading
offerings; and benefiting from high levels partners to close the trade gap, Chinese

12 far eastern economic review m March 2005

Funding is allocated to produce short-term results,
so research focuses on localizing existing technology.

leaders like then Vice Premier Li Lanqing for technological research is handed out to
and Trade Minister Wu Yi began looking at fund projects that can produce measurable
the structure of China’s processing trade. results within the time-in-class of the rel-
Analysis showed that for every $100 of ex- evant bureaucrats—three to five years. The
ports, only about $10 of value was being only reasonably sure targets in the world of
added in China, which translates to some- R&D are existing technologies, and so Chi-
thing like 2% of the retail value. nese funding programs allocate resources
That realization led to a lot of policy for technologies whose prices on the inter-
gestation, resulting in a new national strat- national market have been identified as at-
egy in science and technology: increased tractive. Grants are given in order to have
funding for research; a focus on technical the technologies localized.
standards; a strengthened ip regime (at Under the rules of several funding pro-
least for the larger Chinese companies); grams, the technologies so developed may
scope for universities and research insti- be patented to the developer, but they must
tutions to establish commercial enterpris- be transferred on royalty-free or else rea-
es; and a separation of military research sonable terms to Chinese (but not foreign-
and development from military ownership owned) companies. Thus, China’s R&D
to enable the military to obtain the best base has been set in motion trying to re-
commercial technologies. Also in the new verse-engineer things like the Pentium 1
playbook were efforts to develop global processor and the cdma mobile chipset,
Chinese brands, and related efforts to gain not so that companies can avail themselves
more control of channels to market. of better technologies, but so that Chinese
However, these policies have run into companies can curtail sending money
limitations built into the structure of abroad to foreign owners of technology.
the Chinese economy. The most salient Once the technologies have been suc-
characteristics preventing the full de- cessfully reproduced, localities get on
velopment of ip by Chinese companies board with the national export drive by
include: providing free land as well as construction
M Funding replication The stubborn and tax benefits to the politically favored
intervention of the state-directed econ- enterprises. So, whether in consumer dura-
omy players has redirected activity away bles or network equipment, the enterprises
from innovation and toward capturing can mass produce and export the technolo-
existing technologies. This is particular- gies they were asked to discover, or uncov-
ly true in the R&D system, which has the er, by policy makers at institutions like the
same hybrid state-market characteristics Ministry of Science and Technology and
as the rest of the economy. Ministry of Information Industry.
For one thing, the liberal new funding If the technology is not quite up to ex-

China Destroys the ip Paradigm 13

port standard, the tech companies find a remains highly policy-directed to gov-
local Chinese market with radically low ernment-owned and politically well-con-
prices and attractive service packages, nected companies, and venture capital is
which they can do, having been spared often akin to loan sharking. Rapid regula-
the market cost of capital or of R&D. The tory change creates an unstable business
net result tends to be a lowering of the environment, so potential customers are
technology’s price without a material im- highly skeptical of the stability of new
provement in its basic efficiency, which is market entrants, especially those with-
a pure value deterioration. The consumer out a government houtai, or backer.
wins in the short run, but scientists and Companies that bring out innovative
industry find themselves playing in a neg- products have difficulty surviving to
ative-sum market. support them six months later. The in-
M Putting scientists into business At novative products seldom get developed
the same time, the spin-off of compa- anyway, since the very capable Chinese
nies from state labs and universities has engineers, many going without salary to
in some cases made high-profile million- work on commercializing their inventions,
aires. That in turn makes professors and cannot command the financing to sup-
scientists chafe at their bad luck being port two years of marketing to a skeptical
stuck in dim and unimpressive labs. Uni- and price-sensitive clientele. Meanwhile,
versities are not just permitted but en- whatever innovation they have produced
couraged to form companies based on ip is exposed to opportunistic players, bring-
resources, often in partnership with na- ing even greater price pressure.
tional organs, like the Chinese Academy With a need for cash flow, the develop-
of Sciences or most, and individuals from ment teams begin to make what the mar-
the universities may often hold about 40% ket rewards: cheap, custom technologies
of the equity. This is a marked contrast to that work almost as well as the expensive
many other countries, where universities existing solution at a lower price, less
put potentially valuable ip into the mar- than half in many cases. Misallocation
ketplace for third-party developers. of capital combined with poor protection
The problem is that academic institu- for commercial technologies derail what
tions tend to be very bad at making com- should be the most powerful structures
mercial products, because resources are for generating profitable innovation.
allocated by a bureaucratic process. So M Provisional ownership rights A re-
labs and universities tend to set up com- markably inventive patchwork of regula-
panies around offerings that are not com- tory innovation to begin with, ownership
mercially viable and then promote them is constantly challenged by arbitrary in-
energetically within the political system. tervention by officialdom. The foreign
M Environmental instability The eco- provider of an innovative telecommuni-
nomic environment itself in China dis- cations technology may have its contract
courages innovation. State-bank capital abruptly terminated when a Chinese com-

14 far eastern economic review m March 2005

Chinese companies are motivated to identify
technologies with proven value and appropriate them.

petitor emerges, with the excuse that the First, information technologies have
sales contract was actually an illegal ser- made it possible for small companies to
vice arrangement. The providers of radio reach across the world and offer niche
programing or television content regu- technologies directly to manufacturers,
larly see their contracts abrogated when who are far less likely than in 1980 to own
the license holder has a more attractive their own software and systems integra-
offer. Only a slim excuse having to do with tion units or their own R&D facilities.
China’s unpublished information regime Two decades ago, it would have been im-
need be provided. possible to form a company based on in-
There is an increasing tendency for a novations to a piece of software that runs
sale of something like software, with resid- elevators, because there were only a few
ual and contractual ip licensing costs, to be elevator companies, and they made their
treated as value-added service provision, own software. Now this kind of enterprise
bringing it into a much more complex reg- is routine. This has nurtured development
ulatory arena. Very often, the technology and commercialization of innovation, but
or service providers are told that renewed it makes ip hard to control, because the
market access is contingent upon technol- small tech companies do not have the re-
ogy transfer to the domestic competitor. sources to follow their technology around
Within this ecosystem of copying, com- the world and see whether their rights are
panies and individuals are motivated to being respected.
identify existing technologies with prov- Second, information technologies have
en market value, uncover vulnerabilities made the promulgation of technology an
in their legal protection, and appropriate instantaneous and cost-free event. Soft-
them through whatever means necessary. ware can be copied onto millions of ma-
The fortune makers and their companies, chines anywhere in the world in minutes.
promoted to mythic heights by a zealous Films can be secretly recorded in a theater
business press, are set too high a perfor- in New York, uploaded to the Internet an
mance benchmark for any other path. hour later, and pressed into a cd within
M The Internet economy The other hours in China. All sorts of digital content
half of the Chinese ip impact story starts can be dispatched through networks.
in the United States. Just as railroads and
telegraphs in the mid-19th century made
copyrights and patents commercially im-
Trade Battles
portant, so the Internet and associated so china and its technological ambitions
information technologies enabled two emerged into the international economy
enormous changes in how ip began to be at the same time that the promulgation
traded in the 20th. of information technologies was creat-

China Destroys the ip Paradigm 15

ing highways on which obscure technical countries would include promoting the
tools would cross the world. use of China-specific technical standards,
Policy reactions in both Beijing and using antitrust provisions to litigate with
Washington—which, despite its freelanc- foreign ip owners, and filing antidumping
ing in geopolitics, remains the global lead- actions against foreign rights-holders.
er in trade policy—have been predictable. Coordinated with strong political and
The Washington policy community has financial support for the domestic tech
taken up ip rights as the shibboleth of the companies that are carrying “Chinese”
new century and has prepared a varied kit technologies out into the world, leaders
of policy tools for China, from knowledge are hoping to engender a new and more
exchange on ip law and enforcement all sustainable form of mercantilism. Despite
the way to threats of massive trade sanc- the cynical deployment of these tools, it’s
tions. Trade associations have allocated, hardly surprising Beijing’s policy makers
in some cases, hundreds of thousands of want to engage in the same kinds of trade
dollars for the China antipiracy campaign. promotion the West used in the past.
Foreign businesspeople wobble between Entry into the World Trade Organi-
a sort of gloomy realpolitik that says Chi- zation has made obsolete many of the
na will never change and a can-do opti- old tools of industrial promotion, includ-
mism focused on bringing China’s legal ing industrial plans, forced tech transfer,
environment step by step into a Western mandatory local content and export re-
ip model. quirements. But the state’s ownership in-
The optimists claim that China is tun- terest in major enterprises remains, and so
ing up its system and will emerge from does its fundamental mission of promot-
this period as a full member of the inter- ing Chinese-owned companies. So Beijing
national community of ip respecters. They will inevitably reach for newly available
promote ip not only because it’s good for tools. The instinct to protect what you
business but also because they see it as own is basic.
a necessary step toward China’s ultimate
graduation into the world of development
and democratization.
What’s an mnc to Do?
China, meanwhile, wavers between ac- before the mid-1990s, China’s copying
cepting the Western model and claiming did not matter very much international-
special, developing-country exemptions. ly. The volumes were small, the quality
Some Chinese believe the Western model sub-par and the distances traveled were
of strong patent protection and vigilant short. Foreign investors were aware of
litigation can actually work to China’s the treacherous ip environment in Chi-
benefit, but many are interested in using na, but they did not need to adjust their
ip law as one more tool for strategically corporate strategies much, other than to
advancing the interests of chosen compa- protect themselves in Chinese ventures
nies. Special consideration for developing by withholding technology.

16 far eastern economic review m March 2005

China wavers between accepting the Western ip
model and claiming developing-country exemptions.

But today volumes and competency are ing they can no longer protect ip as they
both increasing at a pace beyond anyone’s would tangible assets, these companies
expectations. Thus far, all have reacted to instead open the ip to multiple distribu-
the pressure from China, but not all have tion, training, and production partners in
reacted strategically. an effort to develop a virtuous ecosystem
Because of the copying, and because of suppliers and partners who all use the
of China’s ability to discount other values, same technological standards. By provid-
such as environmental sustainability and ing free access to substrate technologies,
labor rights, products flowing from China companies may be able to establish the
are being offered at radically low prices, a language that all new technology in that
phenomenon that has been dubbed “the area will use. That could create a much
China price.” Even after moving their man- bigger market to profit from.
ufacturing operations to China, mncs still M Targeted litigation Companies with
find themselves uncompetitive on price be- strong ip assets and enough volume to jus-
cause of the stripping away of intangible tify a big legal staff may choose a strate-
costs in their products and other advantag- gy of aggressive defense of their interests,
es owned by domestic competitors. putting the market on warning that the
To remain in the game, then, they must smallest violation of registered rights will
shift their business models. First, they be discovered and prosecuted, so that the
tend to shorten product cycles, in order pirates will choose easier targets. Sever-
to sell into the lower prices coming sooner al Chinese electronics companies say that
than ever. They focus the company’s val- they pursue such a strategy of scaring
ue management in its innovation process the monkeys by killing the chickens, and
rather than in the products themselves. that as a result pirates do not steal their
They tend to concentrate on high- and low- ip. This seems particularly effective in de-
end products and to thin out the middle fending trademarks. Some large corpora-
tier of their product suite. And they may tions even take over the ip portfolios of
offer high-value service packages in place smaller companies and lease back the pat-
of a high-priced retail product. ents, because the market knows that the
But for the longer run, multinational big mncs will defend their rights.
corporations must reassess their ip strate- M Close control Some companies con-
gies more fundamentally. Here are some of centrate their efforts on physical controls
the responses that work in the real world: that make piracy more difficult and less
M Open source and open standards One lucrative. One typical strategy is the high-
of the more interesting strategies adopt- level encryption in set-top boxes, used as
ed by tech companies is what you might a physical obstruction to those who would
call “killing them with kindness.” Believ- steal satellite or cable signals. In some in-

China Destroys the ip Paradigm 17

dustries, the ip consists of real secrets, such on the network, and for antiviral software,
as encryption algorithms or chemical for- which requires upgrades.
mulas, and physical controls are the only
practical answer, so the companies tend

not to transfer their technology to China, oreign businesses and gov-
and at home they have access controls to ernments need to wake up to the
the premises and noncompete and nondis- fact that a fundamental shift has
closure agreements with employees. occurred in the way in which products are
M The “local price” There is at least traded, and the transubstantiation of in-
some truth to the Chinese contention that tangible value that has been possible since
people with an average annual income of the 19th century no longer holds. Piracy is
$1,000 can’t be expected to pay $250 for not just the result of lax enforcement, but
a piece of software to run on a personal also incentives built into the structure of
computer. Some companies respond by China’s economy. The state has maintained
stripping down the feature set in products its historical control of economic value; in
destined for sale in China and offering a that economy ip protections are not in its
lower-than-international price. interest and therefore not in the interest of
For instance, Microsoft offers a soft- the companies the government owns, nur-
ware suite called Office Starter that sells tures or favors. Only the smallest compa-
inexpensively in Thailand. The challenge nies in China want ip rights, but as soon as
is to keep the products sufficiently dis- they grow large, the rights are arrogated
tinct that customers in other parts of the to the state.
globe do not feel cheated, and vendors do ip regimes, despite the romantic no-
not arbitrage the product across regions. tion of fostering individual creation, actu-
M Universal licensing Content own- ally enable corporations to form and grow
ers find it extremely difficult to control based on the development and commer-
the copying of music, films, games and cialization of a particular kind of innova-
software distributed through stores on tion. The Chinese system is not interested
physical media. Some choose not to offer in enabling unfettered growth by corpo-
individual product licenses for sale but in- rate entities. Rather it charges corpora-
stead an all-you-can-consume scheme for tions with a portion of the state’s growth
periodic subscription fees. agenda and gives them a limited franchise
M Service/support model Perhaps but not definite property rights.
more than any other strategy, ip owners Given that China is a long way from re-
are shifting toward a business model that solving the more fundamental questions
brings in revenues around services rath- of property rights and the state’s role in
er than their associated products. This is the economy, foreign companies worried
true of many open-source software instal- about protecting their intellectual prop-
lations. It also can be effective for games, erty must develop their own strategies for
in which players pay to play with others surviving a protracted struggle.

18 far eastern economic review m March 2005

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