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I would say that, of my goals of learning, gaining knowledge, and getting good grades, I have achieved

them. While I can’t be certain I did the third one entirely as I haven’t received my grade on all of my as-
signments as of yet, from the grades I received so far as well as the amount of work I have put into the
ungraded assignments mean there is a fair chance of receiving a good grade on them. There is also this as-
signment and another one which I have not yet completed, but I am also decently confident I will receive
good grades on them.

As for gaining knowledge, I believe that I have done so and gained much. I now know far more than I
did about even the concept of Christology, let alone the actual beliefs of certain people groups. I know
that the way I name things affects the way I see them and, ultimately, the way I live in relation to them. I
know that there is such a thing as the New Monasticism movement and I know how various Christians
view the transgender issue. I have gained knowledge on the tension in theology on certain issues as some-
times Scriptural principles seem to conflict. A specific example being in the issue of immigration, how is
one supposed to see and live towards the issue when Scripture affirms obeying governmental authority as
well as loving our neighbors and treating aliens well? While I haven’t fully formed my opinion on some
of these topics, and even some opinions I had earlier formed I am now questioning, I would say I suc-
ceeded in learning about various sides of issues and the reasons different sides believe the way they do. I
would say I now have better ground to build my opinions on when I do so.

Finally, as for my goal of learning, I would say I have done so. Apart from learning the knowledge
previously mentioned, I also learned about various sources of information, for example, the website Ren-
ovare. I also learned how to better find information and how to use specific keywords to guide my
searches. I even learned a bit about how to see the world differently. Specifically with the Christology
section of the class, learning about the different ways other people see Jesus. Especially the one which I
wrote my paper on. I learned how to start to see things from their perspective even though I really didn’t
understand it as well as I would have liked.

As for the things I planned to do in order to achieve my goals, I did do them all for the most part. I at-
tended every class session as I planned to do. I finished the reading on time almost every time. I asked
questions and took part in class discussions as I felt was helpful. I daughter help whenever I needed it, al-
though I didn’t seek help in any of the ways I used as examples. I primarily sought help by asking ques-
tions and having discussions outside of class with other students. I asked for help finding sources for my
final presentation and was delighted by how much help I received.

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