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Dela Cruz, M.R.S.

November 15, 2021

BSN 2A NCM 104
Lesson 5: Principle Of Solidarity
Case Analysis # 3: Read the situation below. Then try to answer the follow up question.
Answers will be mark according to the rubric. See rubric for marking at the learning outcome
assessment section.
Situation: In a global pandemic, the actions people do or don’t take affect the health of others
worldwide. Such shared emergencies require solidarity, which recognizes both the inherent
dignity of each individual person and the interdependence of all people. As United Nations
officials have emphasized, “we are all in this together.” Public health measures like stay-at-home
orders, social distancing and wearing masks reflect solidarity. To achieve these acts of solidarity,
the leaders most praised in their countries and abroad have relied primarily on moral persuasion,
not threats of punishment. By delivering clear information, giving simple and repeated
behavioral guidance, and setting a good example, they’ve helped convince millions to take
personal responsibility for protecting their community. (Collins, Mary Elizabeth, Garlington,
In the given situation, think about those who were reported in the televisions or someone
you know who were not following the stay-at-home orders, social distancing or wearing
masks. Based on the principle of solidarity, is it right to sanction these people?
Based on the principle of solidarity, it is indeed right to sanction these people. The
principle of solidarity assumes and views society as one family; moreover, it also views the
national community as one family. This means that one should not only think of the state and
betterment of oneself but rather, one should take into consideration the status and betterment of
society and the nation. Following the public health measures like staying at home, social
distancing, and wearing of masks is not only aimed at the benefit of oneself but rather also aimed
at the benefit of society and the country. The actions and decisions of the part reflect the status of
the whole. Individual thinking selfishly, aiming for a direct benefit, and not following the
mandated public health measures would result in a significant impact on the whole. This would
lead to more cases and more problems in society as well as the country. Hence, based on the
principle of solidarity, it would be completely appropriate to sanction these people that do not
abide by these rules, for the betterment of themselves, and society and the country as a whole.

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