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Science (x) Math (y) X^2 Y^2 XY

87 90 7569 8100 7830
96 93 9216 8649 8928
97 95 9409 9025 9215
99 99 9801 9801 9801
94 94 8836 8836 8836
96 98 9216 9604 9408
90 96 8100 9216 8640
95 96 9025 9216 9120
87 96 7569 9216 8352
97 98 9409 9604 9506
95 96 9025 9216 9120

Sum: X= 1033
Y= 1051
X^2= 97175
Y^2= 100483
XY= 98756

r= {11(98756)-(1033)(1051)}/√[11(97175)-(1033)^2][11(100483)-(1051)^2]
= 0.55
Therefore, the relationship of the 11 randomly selected junior high school students’ math and
science grade denotes substantial or marked relationship.

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