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‘AO SSB (Re 2/14) Subpoena to Produce Decumeats, Information, or Objects orto Peet Inspection of Premises in Civil Action UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Plant v Civil Action No. Defendant SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS, INFORMATION, OR OBJECTS OR TO PERMIT INSPECTION OF PREMISES IN A CIVIL ACTION To: (ame of person to whom this subpoena is directed) 9 Production: YOU ARE COMMANDED 10 produce at the time, date, and place set forth below the following documents, electronically stored information, ot objects, and to permit inspection, copying, testing, or sampling of the ‘material: Place: Date and Time: 1 Inspection of Premises: YOU ARE COMMANDED to permit entry onto the designated premises, land, or other property possessed of controlled by you at the time, date, and location set forth below, so that the requesting party ‘may inspect, measure, survey, photograph, test, or sample the property or any designated object or operation on it. Place: Date and Time: The following provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 45 are attached — Rule 45(c), relating to the place of compliance, Rule 45(d), relating to your protection as a person subject to a subpoena; and Rule 45(e) and (g), relating to your duty to respond to this subpoena and the potential consequences of not doing so. Date: CLERK OF COURT oR ‘Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk “ation signature The name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the attorney representing (name ofparty) Who issues or requests this subpoena, are: Notice to the person who issues or requests this subpoena If this subpoena commands the production of documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things or the inspection of premises before trial, a notice and a copy of the subpoena must be served on each party in this case before itis served on the person to whom it is directed. Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(a)(4). AO SSB (Rev. 02/14) Subpoona to Produce Documeats, Information, or Objects ort Permit Inspection of Premises in a Civil Action (Page 2) Civil Action No, PROOF OF SERVICE (This section shoutd not be fited with the court untess required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 45.) Treceived this subpoena for (name of maividual and tule, any) on ate) i I served the subpoena by delivering a copy to the named person as follows: on (date) ror 7 I remumed the subpoena unexecuted because: Unless the subpoena was issued on behalf of the United States, or one of its officers or agents, [ have also tendered to the witness the fees for one day’s attendance, and the mileage allowed by law, in the amount of s My fees are S for travel and $ for services, fora total of S 0.00 I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true. Date: ‘Server's signature Printed name and ttle Server's address Additional information regarding attempted service, ete. ‘AO SSB (Rev. 02/14 Subpoona to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects ort Permit Inspection of Premises ina Civil Action(Page 3) Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), (d), (e), and (g) (Effective 12/1/13) (1) For a That, Hearing, or Depostion. & subpoena may commend a perton to attend a ial, bering, or deposition ony as follows: (A) within 100 alex of where the person resides, is enployed, or segulvlyteneacs busines in pevsons oe (within the state where the person resides, is employed, orreulaly transact burese ix person, if te perso (isa party ora patys officer. or (i) i commanded to atend a wil and would not incur substantial cexpente 2) For Other Discovers 4 sibpoenn may command (A) production of doctmeae, letrouically stored infrmstion, taugible things ats place within 100 sue of where the person ede, employed, or egolarly transacts business in person: and () ispection of prises atthe premises vo be inspected (0) Protecting a Person Subject Subpoena; Enforcement. (1) Avoiding Undue Burden or Expense; Sanctions. A pty o attomey esponmle for nsing aad serving a sopoene et tle reasonable sep {o avoid imposing undue burden or expense ona person subjest tothe ‘bpoena, The cour forthe dstiet where couiplince erred waist force this dy ac impose wn appropriate sanction —which ny inched fost earings and reasonabte aoniy’sfees—on a party or attorney who fail to cosy. (@) Command to Produce Materias or Permit Inspection. (A) Appearance Not Required. A person commanded to produce documents, electronically stored information, o tangible things, o ‘enn the inspection of premises, need not appear in person atthe place of production or taspetio unles also commaned to sppear fora deposition, Daring, or tal. (B) Objecrons. A person commanded to produce documents oe tangible ‘hinge or fo pemnit inspection inay serve on te pary or attomey designated inte subpoena a wniten objeston fo inspecting, copying, testing. or ‘sampling ony or ll of the materials o to snapesting the preives or to Producing electronically stored information m the for or forms requested. “The objection must be served before the envi ofthe tite spesified or onli 1 days aia the subpoena served. Tn objeto ade the fllowing rls apply: ay te on notice to the commanded person the serving party say miore the cot forthe dstist where compliance i sequied or an cannellini production or inspection. (i) These acts may be required only as divested in the ord, and the ‘order mst protests person whois ueidir 9 pty aor party's officer fm ‘Sinfieaut expense ealting fom compliance @) Quashing or Modifying @ Subpoena {Ay han Regtred. Oaenely tne corre diet whee compliance Spa at quath or mays ibys a isionlowseuomtetietoconphe cogs apna campy bey cal ie spell aie ey” NS ONE eh il) requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter, if ne ception waver apie iy gets pron td den (@) hon Permit To protect n paren sb to or feted by 0 spon the cor forth ae er omnes eget ot ‘bokon qu orm the eobpoen it rues ( lnlonngs nde rel her oneal reach, deve or oer formation: (0 using cin eg apn ination tae 0 ee ate gmat erento Cee ane inte ciimce se ne eter Tales easy ber a et eine ate nate on ea (Gi) cusures that the subpoenaed person will be reasonably compensated. (@) Duties in Responding toa Subpoena. (0) Producing Documens or Elecronical Stored Information. These pret ay oon dots cleo ore () Documents. A person reqondng to a subpoena to produce docunets sue proce te as ty ate Bop she onary course of tuuiner ‘vst ganze and label emo crzespoad othe estegotes inthe deta (©) Form for Producing Elecponcaly Stored Dyjormation Not Specied If moc doesnt specify for fo producing cleewouically stored information, the patson responding mist produc in a fora or om in ‘wiht sonal aitined on a seasouably sable form o for {© Elecrorsclly Stored nfrmation Produced in Only One Porn. The peso sespaning net aoe proce hes clacwonial aed {afornaton in more han one fr, pene orgy Sere orn The ea, sesponding need not provide discovery of electronically store infomation fron somes tha the penon nents oat semonably acewible cae fue brn cont On ton coal dias faa teste ‘comouably accesible bsnore of nde borden o cont I thst showing i Stade the cour ny nonetheless oder dscovery oa such somes the ‘espesting pasty shows od cans, sosidesng the ltanons oP le KC). The cout may spe condone the isovery, @) Claiming Protege or Provo. Dj titrnicon WElicld 8 penn witibolling sabpocnacdiaforaation nde stam tat ts privileged or sje fo protein as tal pepmration weil mt (@yexpresly ake the sin: and deere the nate of he whic dooaneas, commmisation, or tangle anne tht witout reveling nfo tel Prttleged or roti il enble he prs tosses cai ‘@) ivormotion Produced information prodoced response oa esbpocea suger a cain of pevileg or of protections thal prepare mate to von sug a laen may aol ay party that jute te formation tthe can act for afer bog tied, a pry mst pron rem, sequester, or destoy te spel inion at ny open fi: stot or dslose fhe ilonaion ull er lun resold: not eau see forever iRfocntion ihe party dacloned before boing nce med may pomty proscalthe infortin ander seal tthe cour rhe diet where pliance i equred ora dcirnanton af the lam The person who {rodbced the infrmaton us preserve the ifonation wi the ams vet (© Contempt, The court forthe disret where compliance is required—and also after a tation i tanefered, the isting courtney boku contempt a person ‘who, having been served fails withoot adequate excuse to obey the Sulgpoenn or an order rested toi. For access tosubposna nateial, oe Fad. R. Ci, P.4(a) Conmaites Note (2012.

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