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Lois Brandt Phillips

Q.1: Write the meaning of each phrase with reference to its context.
(i) The velvet grass - soft grass that almost feels like fur or velvet.

(ii) Drinking straws - it appears as if the butterflies are sipping

nectar from the flowers with the straws.

(iii) Meadow houses - several houses where the insects, birds and
animals live in the meadows. Such as burrows, nests and mounds.

(iv)The amazing mound - mound created by the ants as their

dwelling place.

(v) Fuzzy head - heads of the bright yellow flowers which have a
beautiful texture.

Q.2: Write the summary of the poem.

In the poem Meadow Surprises, the poet, Lois Brandt Phillips talks
about the surprises we may encounter while walking in the
meadows. Meadows have many surprises for us to explore only if
we have keen eyes and ears to see those beauties in nature and
hear those musical notes of nature.

While walking gently through the velvet like grass and listening to
the running water of the brook, we may find a butterfly sitting on a
buttercup flower and taking out its drinking straws (its antennas) to
drink the nectar. While walking in the meadows we may scare a
rabbit that was sitting still. We may not see it until it hops and
jumps. In the meadows, we will may dandelion whose wool-like top
was golden some days ago. The head of the dandelion may fly in the
air like parachutes when we blow air. We may also find burrows in
the ground and even nests. We may find a mound built by ants.

According to the poet, meadows have many surprises for us and

many things to tell. We can discover them if we look carefully.

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