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The Future Of The Future JOHN McHALE GEORGE BRAZILLER / NEW YORK Copyright © 1969 by JouN McHans All rights reserved For information address the publisher George Brazller, Inc. One Park Avenue ‘New York, N. ¥. 10016 First Printing Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 69-15827 ates of America Printed in the United St ‘The author and publisher wish to thank the following for permission to reprint certain materials included in this book from the books and periodicals listed below ‘The American Sociologist—"The Sociologist and the Study of the Future” by Henry Winthrop. Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill, May, 1968. ‘Adetbert Ames, Jr.—Institute for Associated Research, Hanover, N.HL ‘Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Scienoes—"A "New Orientation in American Government” by Bertram M. Gross and Michael Springer, Syracuse, N.Y., May, 1967, George W. Ball—From an article appearing in Time, November 24, 1967. Basic Books, Inc-—The Art of Conjecture by Bertrand de Jouvenel. New York, 1967 Bodminster Press, Inc.—Language and Literature in Society by Hugh D. Duncan. Totowa, NI, 1961 Bollingen Foundation—The Myzh of the Eternal Return by Mircea Eliade, Bollingen Series XLIV. New York, 1954. George Brazller, Inc —“Subjective Time” by Tohn Cohen, from The Voices (of Time edited by J. T. Fraser. New York, 1966. ‘Arnold Buchhol2—Draft manuscript. Germany, 1958 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists—"The Speed of Change” by Ritchie Calder. December, 1965 Center Diary: 17, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions—"Fu- turibles: Innovation vs, Stability” by Jobn Wilkinson. Santa Barbara, Calif, 1967 Christian Science Monitor—Eaitorial by Robert C. Cowen. Boston, Mass February, 1968, Columbia University Prest—Little Science, Big Science by Derek J. de Solla Price. New York, 1963, Current—"The Future as Present Expectation” by Daniel Bell. New York, November, 1967. vy Acknowledgements acdalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences —“Twelve ‘Modes of Prediction” by Danie Bel. Cambridge, Mass, Summer, 1968 Daedalus, Journal ofthe American Acsdemy of Arts and Sciences —"Utonia ‘for Practical Purposes" by Bertrand de Jouvenel, Cambridge, Mass, Spring 1965 Deedains, Journal ofthe American Academy of Arts and Sciences—"Com- ‘munications Technology andthe Future” by John R. Perce, Cambridge. Mass, Spring, 196. Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences—"The ‘Year 2000-Trajectory of an Idea” by Daniel Bell Cambridge, Mast, Summer, 1967 The Free Presi—~"The End of Ideology": On the Exhaustion of Politica {Ideas in the Fifties (1960) by Date Bel. New York, 1965. ‘The Free Prese The Division of Labor in Society (1893) by Emile Dutk- heim, translated by George Simpson New York, 1947 “The Free Prest—Machine ge Maya: The Industralzaion of a Guote mmalan Community by Manning Nash, New York, 1958. The Free Press—The Sociology of Geore Simmel transated and edited by Kurt H. Wolf, New York, 1950 James M. Gavin, Chairman ofthe Board, Arthur D, Lite Inc—"Perspec- tives and Prospects in Space." Presented at Honors Convocstion, Amer ican Insta of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Boston, December, 1966. Harper & Row, Pabisher,Ine.—Self Renewal by John W. Gardner. New "York, 1964, Hacper & Row, Publishers, Inc—Foreword to Cyborg: Evolution of the Superman by Manired Clynes, DS. Haley, Jr New York, 1965. Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc—Introdction to World Resources by Etich W. Zimmermann, edited by Henry L. Hunker. New York, 1968 Tndostrial Research Inc, Industrial Rescarch—“The solated. Brain” by Robert J. White. Beverly Shore, Ind, Apri, 1968, Information Forum on Technology and’ Nation, Atoms and US, Inc— “Can Technology Replace Social Engineering?” by Alvin Weinbers, and Quarter, No. 3. Newark, Del, 1967 The Insitute of Electrical and Electronics Engincers, In, IEEE Spectrum —"Human Enhancement Throveh Evolutionary Technology” by Wer- ren M. Brodey. New York, September, 1967 Journal of World History—"Time and Change in Twentith Century Thought” by Corinne Lathrop Gilb, Vol. IX, No.4, Neuchatel, 1966. Robert Jungk—‘Outline of « European Lookout Institution” (raft). Ine situ Fr Zukunftafragen, Vienna, 1967 Alted A. Knopf, Inc—-Conscionsnesr and Society: The Reorientation of European Soil Though 1890-190 by 1. Stuart Hughes. New York, vi FUTURE OF THE FUTURE Mankind 2000 Internationsl—Preparatory International Secretariat. Lom don, May, 1966. Marine Technology Society—"Ocean Fisheries: Status and Outlook” by W. McLeod Chapman, Transactions of 2nd Annual Conference of ‘Marine Technology Society. Washington, D.C, 1966 McGraw-Hill Book Co, Inc-—Understanding Media: The Extensions of ‘Man by Marshall McLuhan, New York, 1966, Mentor Books—The Age of Revolution 1789-1848 by E. J, Hobsbawm, New York, 1962, Meridian Books, Inc., division of The World Publishing Co.—"Strategies (of Inquiry: The Use of Observation” by Harold D. Lasswell, from The Human Meaning of the Social Sciences edited by Daniel Lerner Cleveland, Obio, 1955, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council—“Bnergy Re- sources,” Publication 1000-D, Committee on Natural Resources. Wash. ington, D.C., 1962, Nature—"Technology, Lite and Leisure” by Dennis Gabor, Vol. 200, No. 4906. London, November 9, 1963. New York Academy of Sciences—"The Biological Significance of the Space Effort” by Ward J. Haas, from Planetology and Space Mission Plan ‘ning edited by Robest D. Enaman and Edward M. Weyer. New York, 1966. Oceanology International, Industrial Research Ine.—“Drugs from the Sea” by Robert E. Hillman. Beverly Shores, Ind,, September/October 1967, Oceanology International, Industrial Research ine—"Deep Submersibles” by Andreas B. Rechnitzer, Occanology International 1968 Yearbook Directory. Beverly Shores, Ind., 1968, Oxford University Press, Inc—Communication and Social Order by Hugh D, Duncan. New York, 1968, Oxford University Press, Ine—Essays in Sociology by Max Weber, trans- lated and edited by H. H. Gerth and C. W. Mills. New York, 1958 Pergamon Press—'Technological Forecasting in Corporate Planning” by Erich Jantsch, from Long Range Planning, Vol 1, No. 1. Oxford, United Kingdom, and Long Island City, N.Y. September, 1968, Boris Pregel—L’Enersie Atomique et L’Abondance, Ecole Libre des Hiautes Etudes, Paris, 1948. Boris Pregcl—“Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy,” Social Research; Internas ional Quarterly of Political and Social Science. March, 1947 Prentice-Hall, Inc—The New Utopians: A Study of System Design and Social Change by Robert Boguslaw. Englewood Cliffs, NI, 1965 Prentice-Hall, Inc—Man's Place in the Dybosphere by Richard R. Landers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1966, Psychology Today Magazine, Communications/Research/Machines/Ine— The Psychology of Robots” by Henry D. Block and Herbert Ginsburg Del Mar, Calif, April, 968, vii Acknowledgements Rand McNally & Company—‘Social Organization and the Ecosystem” by ©. T Duncan, from Handbook of Modern Sociology edited by Robert L. Faris, Skokie, I, 1964, Reynal and Hitchcock Publishing Company and Williams and Wilkins Com- pany—The Next Hundred Years by C. C. Furnas, New York and Bal. ‘dmore, 1936. Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. and Alfred A. Knopf, Inc—The Social His- tory of Art, Vol. 4 by Arnold Hauser. London and New York, 1951, 1958. Saturday Review—"Prospects for Humanity” by R Buckminster Fuller. New York, August 29, 1964 ‘Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science—"Peaceftl Uses of the Earth’s Atmosphere” by Walter Orr Roberts, Vol. 152, No. 3719. Washington, D.C., April &, 1966. ‘Science Journal (incorporating Discovery)—"Mineral Wealth from the Oceans” by John L. Mero, London, July, 1964. ‘Sclentific American—'Salt Water Agriculture” by Hugo Boyko. New York, March, 1967, ‘Scientific American—*Remote Sensing of Natural Resources” by Robert N. Colwell. New York, January, 1968, Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd. and Alfred A. Knopf, Inc—Inventing the Future by Dennis Gabor. London and New York, 1963. Sheridan House—The Impact of the Nuclear Age by Boris Pregel, from America Faces the Nuclear Age, a Cooper Union Forum tecture, edited by Johnson E. Fairchild and David Landman. New York, 1961 A.W. Sithoff and Oceana Publications—The Image of the Future, Vol. T by Fred L, Polak. Leyden, and Dobbs Ferry, N-Y,, 1961. Department of Sociology, Southern Mlinois Graduate School, Syracuse University "Esonomic Development and Conficting Values” by Peter A, Munch (manuscript) Southern Illinois University Press—Nine Chains to the Moon by R. Buck- minster Fuller. Copyright 1938, 1963 by R. Buckminster Fuller “Sover Life Magazine—An interview with Bestuzshev-Lada, Robert Jungk and Fritz Baade, No. $ (140). Washington, D.C, May, 1968, Spartan Books—

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