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Article · January 2021


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Martha Lestari Hutagalung

State University of Medan


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Martha Lestari Hutagalung

Mathematics Education, State University of Medan, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Email :


This study aims to the determine the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) models in online
mathematics learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus of this research is on improving
student learning outcomes, skills and creativity. The research method used is literature research, which is
research conducted to research which is carried out by analyzing literature related to the topic to be
studied. Sources of data from this study use secondary data obtained through a study of previous research.
The data is obtained from scientific articles published in accredited journals and books, using
documentation data techniques. From the results of data analysis can be concluded that the Problem Based
Learning (PBL) model is very effective in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords : Problem Based Learning, online mathematics learning, Covid-19 pandemic


Corona Virus Diseases 2019 (Covid-19) which has started to enter Indonesia in early March 2020,
has ruined the plans and activities of all mankind. Starting from social, economy, tourism, even education
experienced a significant impact because of this virus. Seeing such conditions, Minister Education and
Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim issued circular letter No. 4 2020 on March
24, 2020 contains about implementation of education policies in emergency times the spread of Covid-19.
In a circular described that the learning process is carried out at home through online or remotely without
meeting in person students to provide comfort and safety for students to avoid viruses.

The development of knowledge and technology is currently increasingly influencing all areas of
human life. Computers and the internet can be used as a means to facilitate activities in everyday life are
not new. Computers and internet are indispensable in presenting actual information. The use of technology
can also be used as an effective way to convey material in the learning process. Various universities have
decided to facilitate studying from home through online learning. Online learning is learning that allows
the delivery of teaching material to students by utilizing internet media or other computer network media.
Through online learning, students can stay comfortable studying at home during the Covid-19 pandemic as
it is today. Every student has the freedom to study in the most comfortable place at a speed that suits their
perceptual power. Some of the benefits obtained when using online learning include : (1) learning is more

flexsible and comfortable so that learning motivation is better; (2) student performance can be monitored
more easily; (3) online learning can be used as a learning resource and media; (4) learning fun. Online
learning is able to make student get new experiences in learning to use technology to enable increased
creativity and critical thinking. Several research results indicate that online learning can improve student
learning outcomes. In addition, online learning can also increase student motivation (Kusmaharti. D, 2020).

However the use of technology is not no problem, a lot of variance is a problem hampers the
implementation of the effectiveness of learning with online methods among others are:

1. Limitations of Mastering Information Technology by Teachers and Students

The condition of teachers in Indonesia does not fully understand the use of technology, this can
seen from teachers who were born in before the 1980s. Technology constraints information
restricts their use of online media. Likewise with students whose conditions are almost the same
as the teachers in question with an understanding of the use of technology.
2. Inadequate facilities and infrastructure
Tech support devices are obviously expensive. Many in Indonesia are teachers is still in a dire
economic condition. Teacher welfare and students who limit them from being completely
limited in enjoying information technology facilities and infrastructure that are indispensable to
the disaster this Covid-19.
3. Limited Internet access
The internet network is still uneven in all corners of the country. Not all educational institutions
both primary and secondary schools can enjoy the internet. Even if there is an internet network
the condition is still not capable covering media online.
4. Lack of readiness for budget provision
Costs are also something that hinders the welfare aspects of teachers and students still far from
expectation. When they use the internet quota for meet the needs of online media, so obviously
they can't pay for it. There is a dilemma in the use of online media, when the minister education
gives the spirit of productivity must go forward, but on the other hand the financial skills and
abilities of teachers and students have not progressed in that direction same. The state is not yet
fully present in facilitating needs the cost in question (Aji, 2020).

Math is an important subject, there are a lot of activities that related to mathematics. Mathematics is
one of the most subjects lessons that given from the primary education to the higher education. The
purpose of learning mathematics, such as: “(1) understanding the mathematical concept, explain the link
between concept and apply the concepts or algorithms in a flexible, accurate, efficient and remain in
fragment problem, (2) using the reasoning in the patterns and nature, perform mathematical manipulation
in making generalization, compile evidence or explain the ideas and accomplishments of mathematics, (3)
solving problems that include the capability of understanding the problem, devised a mathematical model,
solve the model and find a solution, (4) communicate ideas mathematics with symbols, diagrams
or other media to clarify the situation or problem , (5) having an attitude appreciate the usefulness
of mathematics in life, are curious attention and interest in studying mathematics and tenacious attitude
and confidence in problem solving” (Depdiknas in Astriani. N, Edy. S & Edi. S, 2017).

Cornelius (in Pandiangan. L. W. H & Edy. S, 2020) stated that : “Five reasons for the need to study
mathematics because mathematics is (1) a means clear and logical thinking, (2) means to solve life’s

problems daily, (3) means of recognizing patterns relationships and generalizations of experiences, (4)
means to develop creativity, and (5) means for raise awareness of cultural development.

Problem-based learning began at McMaster University Medical School over 25 years ago. It has
since been implemented in various undergraduate and graduate programs around the world. Additionally,
elementary and secondary schools have adopted PBL. The PBL approach is now being used in few
community colleges also. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) describes a learning environment where
problems drive the learning. That is, learning begins with a problem to be solved, and the problem is posed
is such a way that students need to gain new knowledge before they can solve the problem. Rather than
seeking a single correct answer, students interpret the problem, gather needed information, identify possible
solutions, evaluate options, and present conclusions. Proponents of mathematical problem solving insist
that students become good problem solvers by learning mathematical knowledge heuristically. Students'
successful experiences in managing their own knowledge also help them solve mathematical problems well.
Problem-based learning is a classroom strategy that organizes mathematics instruction around problem
solving activities and affords students more opportunities to think critically, present their own creative
ideas, and communicate with peers mathematically (Surya. E & Edi. S, 2017).


PBL is a teaching method that is focused to students in their involvement in the learning
process. PBL is a constructivist model of learning, a learning approach that focuses on students by
showing the reflection as well as skills in communication and collaboration, and require reflection from
a variety of perspectives. Students are faced with a real-life scenario, or a problem that needs a
solution. Students analyze problems and context and then apply the deductive and inductive process to
understand the problem and find a solution (Amalia. E, Edy. S & Edi. S, 2017).

In general, problem-based learning is a learning model that uses real-world problems as a context
for students to learn about critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as to acquire knowledge and
essential concept of learning materials. According to Sanjaya (in Eviyanti,C.Y dkk, 2017) defines "
problem-based learning model can be interpreted as a series of learning activities, with emphasis on the
process of resolving the problems faced scientifically".

According to Sheryl (in Simamora. R.E, Dewi. R. S, & Edy. S, 2017), Problem Based Learning
(PBL) as a learning method, was built with the idea of constructivism and sudent-centered learning
approach. When using PBL, teachers help students focus on solving problems in real-world contexts, which
will encourage students to think of situations of problem when students try to solve problems. As a model,
this learning is done through collaborating of students in small groups; using student-centered learning
approaches; teachers acting as facilitators, and using real-life situations as the focus of learning.
Students will work in groups to solve real and complex problems that will develop problem solving skill,
reasoning, communication, and self evaluation skills through Problem Based Learning. PBL is also a
learning model based on the many problems that require authentic investigation of the investigation
that requires a real settlement of the real problems.

According to Siswono (in Assegaff, 2016), Problem Based Learning is an approach learning that
begins with asking a problem and continues with solve the problem. According to Hung (in Shofiyah, 2018),
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a curriculum plan learning to achieve an instructional goal.

Moffit in Rusman (in Eviyanti,C.Y dkk, 2017) says that the problem-based learning is an approach
to learning that uses real-world problems as a context for students to learn about critical thinking and
problem solving skills as well as to acquire the knowledge and concepts are the essence of the subject
matter. In the process of learning and problem solving, students can gain experience using the knowledge
and skills already possessed. This experience is then trained students into logical thinking, analytical,
systematic, critical, and creative in dealing with problems.

In problem based learning, students need to solve the problems presented by digging up as much
information as possible. This experience is indispensable in everyday life where the development of a
person’s thinking and work depends on how he learns on his own. In essence, problem based learning is
learning that uses real world problems presented in early learning. Then this problem is investigated to find
out a solution to the problem solving (Samosir. R. N & Edy. S, 2017).

Characteristics of problem-based learning process according to Barrow and Tamblyn (in

Perwitasari. D & Edy. S, 2017) are: (a) Begin with a focus on the problem; (B) the investigation
and early identification of learning needs of students; (C) Learning skills and knowledge in
accordance with the requirements; (D) Application and reflection; (E) Improvement and development;
and (f) Conclusions and integration of learning into student’s knowledge and skills. Tan (in
Perwitasari. D & Edy. S, 2017) mentions the key idea of problem-based learning as follows: (a) The
problem is the beginning of the learning process; (B) There is a complex real-life problems and can
develop into a real problem; (C) There are many different perspectives to look at each problem,
and we need to use a variety of disciplines to solve it; (D) issue focuses on determining the object of study
and to learn more about the object; (E) the responsibility of students can be developed with leading
themselves to learn by acquiring various kinds of information; (F) There are various forms and places
resources associated with the learning process of learning; (G) PBL is a collaborative learning
which include communication, cooperation, and work in small groups. Student ability can be
developed by having intense interaction between friends and present their ideas in the group; (H)
development in examining the issue. Therefore, teacher only acts as a facilitator and adviser by raise
questions to encourage a better understanding; (I) The study should be concluded by the knowledge based

As for the steps Problem Based Learning (PBL) (Trianto in Fadilah. N & Edy. S, 2017) in learning
is as following :

1. Orienting students on problem

2. Organizing students to study
3. Guiding individual investigations or group
4. Develops presenting results creation
5. Analyze and evaluate problem solving process

Ibrahim and Nur (in Simatupang. R & Edy. S, 2017) added that the steps for Problem Based Learning
(PBL) were as follows:

No Phase Teacher’s Behavior
1. Student orientation to the Explain learning objectives, explain the required logistical
problem needs, and motivate students to engage in problem solving.
2. Organizing students to study Helping students define learning tasks related to the
3. Guilding individual/ group Encourage students to gather appropriate information,
experiences carry out experiments, and seek explanations and solutions.
4. Develop and present the work Assist students in planning and preparing materials for
presentation and helping them to share assignments with
5. Analyze and evaluate the Helping students reflect on or evaluate the educational
problem solving process processes they use in solving problems.

There are 10 suggestions given by the research sample for learning mathematics will be much more
effective in the future, namely:

1) Learning is done through video calls;

2) Providing brief learning materials;
3) Minimizing sending material in heavy video form to save
5. quota;
4) The selection of material in the video must be based on easy language criteria
6. understood;
5) Continue to provide material before the assignment;
6) Giving questions that are varied and different for each student;
7) The assignment must include how it works;
8) Give assignments according to the lesson schedule;
9) Remind students if there is a task given;
10) Reducing tasks (Mustakim, 2020).


The research method used is literature study, namely research conducted to research which is done
by analyzing the literature related to the topic to be studied. Sources of data from this study use secondary
data obtained through a study of previous research. The data is ontained from scientific articles published
in accredited journals and books, with documentation data collection techniques. The secondary data
sources studied were the journals by Edy Surya, a lecturer at PPS UNIMED. The research procedure
includes formulating research topics, looking for problem from previous studies, collecting information on
supporting materials for research topics, testing the indexity of materials that have been obtained,
conducting reviews of materials, writing research results, concluding research.


Mathematics learning in SD is carried out online through the WhatsApp application, zoom, google
classroom. Learning mathematics through this application is to explain an abstract concept in the form of
teacher explanations, providing learning videos, and notes or summaries that the teacher makes so that
students can clearly receive the subject matter. A concept to elementary school students must be explained
through various media, because elementary school children are still in the concrete operational period. The
positive impact with online learning during Covid-19 is that all elements can be technology literate by
recognizing the various face-to-face applications that are used to simplify the teaching and learning process
online. In addition, learning becomes more flexible because it can be done anytime and anywhere without
being fixed by the classroom walls (Wiryanto, 2020).

Before the Covid-19 pandemic existed, the problem based learning model had many studies which
said that the problem-based learning model was very well applied in teaching activities, one of which was
the journal "". Based on the results of these studies, the application of the problem learning model based
learning (PBL) can be used for increase student activity and results learning grade 4 SDN Panjang 03
Ambarawa in the second semester of the school year 2017/2018. The results of research on learning
activeness in pre-cycle (64.87%) 24 students were not active increased in cycle I to (24.32%) 9 quite active
and in cycle II increases to (83.78%) 31 active students. As for pre-cycle learning outcomes shows
completeness of (41%) 15 students then improve in cycle 1 to (54%) 20 students and (81%) 30 students in
cycle II. Thus, it can be concluded that application of the Problem Based Learning model (PBL) can
improve student activity and class student learning outcomes IV (Pamungkas 2018).

Based on the analysis of the journal “Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Berbasis Masalah Berbantuan
Geogebra Terhadap Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Di Era Covid-19”, the method of this research is
quasi experiment. This research done online cia zoom meeting. In this research it takes three groups namely
experimental group I, given problem based treatment model with the help of Geogebra, the group
experiment II was given treatment a problem based approach and a control group that is given the usual
treatment approach. From the results of research and discussion can be concluded that there is an increase
in the average score of students when using a problem based learning model in online learning. Learning
using a model based on geogebra assisted problems on online learning more effectively rather than using
a model based problems as well as ordinary learning against reasoning abilities mathematics vocational
students, so too more problem based learning effective than ordinary learning on aspects of mathematical
reasoning SMK students (Sugandi, 2020).

Based on the analysis of the journal “Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning
(PBL) Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata
Pelajaran Produk Kreatif Dan Kewirausahaan”, the method of this research is purposive sampling. This
research is a classroom action research conducted in four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing
end reflecting. The four stages form a cycle. The obtain data, researchers use observation techniqes, oral
test and documentation. Descriptive analysis is used to describe student learning outcomes data in the
experimental class and class control. The data used in this analysis were obtained from learning outcomes
and observation. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded as follows :

1. Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) models can increase student learning
activity. This is based on observational data of all the indicators observed in cycle I with the
percentage of student learning activeness of 62.01% and increased in cycle II by 76.30% and
increased again in cycle III with a percentage student learning activeness is 80.19%.

2. Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) models can improve student learning
outcomes. It is based on that the average student learning outcomes in the precycle was 67 with
the percentage of completeness of 32%. On cycle I average student learning outcomes of 76
with a percentage of completeness of 50%. And on cycle II, the average average student learning
outcomes of 80 with a percentage of completeness of 64%. While in cycle III, the average
student learning outcomes were 84 with a percentage of 86% completeness (Fuadi, 2020).

The steps taken by the pamulang university mathematics study program in suppressing and breaking
the covid-19 transmission chain in higher education are implementing an online learning system as a
solution so that the learning process continues amid the Covid-19 pandemic based on a Ministry of
Education and Culture circular. The results of the study indicate that:

1. Pamulang university mathematics study program students have the facilities and infrastructure
to form an online learning process.
2. Online learning is still ineffective due to several student reasons.
3. In breaking the chain of covid-19 transmission, online learning is effective because there is no
(direct) interaction between lecturers and students and students do not gather in class, canteen
and other places.
4. Online learning can make students learn independently, however, students are not well
supervised during the learning process (Ilmadi, 2020).


Based on the results of the literature study analysis, it can be concluded that the Problem Based
Learning model is very suitable to be applied to online mathematics learning in the era of the Covid-19
pandemic to improve student learning outcomes and creatifity.


Based on the conclusions obtained, the researcher suggest that the problem based learning model
can be used by mathematics teachers in online mathematics learning to improve student learning outcomes
and creativity.


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