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Hello, how art thou? You doing good? Good. Ready to do some killing, and X ing, and.....blades-ing?

If you're not, I don' blame you. However, if you're ready to get a session going on X-Blades, well then you're in luck.






----------------0 INTRODUCTION ----------------0


WALKTHROUGH --------------0


----------------------------------------[1] The Ruins I ----------------------------------------

What you want to do is head straight in the path and then take a right or left behind the blocking. You may break the destructible objects if you deem it necessary. Jump through the lava gap, and then climb up through the short ledge. Double jumping is required. Now, jump on down and head straight into the clearing. Now you're going to get into a battle. Try to get the enemies to follow you around for a bit, then dispatch them with your basic slash attacks. Turn back often, and continue slashing if the enemies surround you.

Keep this motion up and you shouldn't be attacked much, if at all. If there's an airborne enemy that's taking its sweet little time getting to you, feel free to bust a cap in its aforementioned posterior. You'll proceed in this manner until the enemy requirement has been filled. This is the basic gameplay system of the game. Things shouldn't be so tough, so you should take the time to get a feel for the controls. You should also take the time to mess around with the skill menu and decide which skills you want. The choice isn't consequential for now, so don't worry. When the enemies have been taken care of, you'll be granted passage, and as such, keep moving. There will be enemies that greet you on the way. Charge

attacks are helpful here. When you're able to move forward again, do so and head down the large opening. There are destructible stones here, should you want to check them out. One contains a silver artifact, so that should be motivation enough to do so. Head through the force field-like material to end the level.

------------------------------[2] The Sun Temple -----------------------------After the cut-scene, you'll be in the aptly named sun temple, and will be tasked with some butt kicking right off the bat. Keep running in circles, and then stopping to attack the enemies. Staying in one place for too long will allow them to ambush you. Jumping around and shooting is a useful tactic here. There is a large lion-like creature here that can cause some damage. Stay out of the path of his slashes, and you should be good to go.

Be liberal with your skills, otherwise the enemies will get the best of you early on. There are some shiny crimson crystals floating about, up to no good. Do them a favor and put them out of their misery when you get the chance. The level's pretty straight forward, so you should be done in no time.

---------------------[3] The Abandoned Coast ---------------------

Start off by shooting the floating enemies in the horizon. Keep your distance, and keep firing. Strafe to the left and right when possible, and keep firing at the enemies that get close to you. Fire at them, and turn back to the horizon. Attack them with melee when they start to surround you. They can be overwhelming if you give them that opportunity, but that's nothing a few skill uses can't handle, now is it?

You can head up the right of the ledge, and up the stairs to obtain a gold artifact. You can then head back down into the fight. Go the opposite way and

do the same thing to pick up a ruby artifact. The enemies follow you while you are doing this, but if you keep running, they shouldn't give you any trouble.

Head to the shiny crystal when you're done taking care of business, and destroy it. Use distancing to your advantage when taking out the flying enemies. It should take a while, but is the safest way to get though them. Jump slash, or shoot them if they get a little too close for comfort, though.

When you've taken enough of the little annoyances out, and their friends, you should be done with the level. Head on over then nearest ledge and follow it through to the exit.


The Stone Circle --------------------------

Head straight past and into the clearing. Attack the enemies that swarm you, and dodge the periodic fireballs that come your way. It's best to fight fire with fire with that distant enemy. Jump and fireball 'em when you have the chance, but do so when the swarmers aren't beating the crap out of you. Keep the method up of slashing the nearer enemies, then jump-strafing whilst fire balling the distant big guy, for a while. Though the easiest method, it take a while and is fairly drawn out. When the distant creature goes down, head over there and break that crystal.

Take out the remaining enemies, and you should complete the level. If you run past the broken structures, and keep fairly to the right of them, you'll discover a silver artifact. Turn back and head to the right again, to the short ledge that has the exit.

-------------------[5] Stairway to heaven


Head up the cleverly named stairway, and on the left as you ascend, you should discover a gold artifact on the small ledge part of the staircase. There are flying enemies abound, so gun them down as you make your approach. When you get up to the small clearing, break the crystal while you're taking down the baddies. Your gun is your best friend for the guys who keep their distance. You can fire ball them too, should you have a little more disdain for them than usual. The level wont end until these guys are taken out, so though long, you know what you gotta do. When the last baddy goes down, head for the exit. There are some destructible objects here that you can check out if you haven't already destroyed them. Whatever the case, the level is complete.

------------------------[6] The Ruins Above The Sea


A lot of the reaper enemies want to say hello to you as you start the level. Greet them back by mercilessly attacking them. Take them out with the usual method for flying enemies, as you slash the object next to the pillar. When ambushed, you can have some trouble, so don't stay in one spot for too long, even when destroying the object. There is another one of those objects to the right, in a narrow passageway. The enemies don't want to bid you farewell yet and as such they will follow you there. On your way back, you'll notice another one of them near the pillar structure. Destroy it. Head back near the beginning, and pass through the other structure to find the other one. The order in which they are destroyed doesn't matter, so which ever's close to you, there's not problem breaking. There happens to be another one in the opposite direction, so head over there

when you're done. Then head up the stairs for the next one. The flying enemies can get annoying, but if you ignore them for too long, they'll gang up on you. I recommend taking a couple out when destroying the objects, and then ranged attacking the rest as you make your way to the next object. Ascend the next flight of stairs, and hug around to reach the next one. The enemies don't make it any easier, but you gotta do what you gotta do. There is also a floating one nearby. The battles can get long and tedious, so use your skills whenever you get the chance to make things easier. Don't forget to purchase new skills whenever you're in decent wealth.

There's another one nearby. Locate it by targeting. That is the basic structure of the level. Locate the molten round objects, and try to whittle down the size of the airborne enemies. Take out the objects and the remaining enemies and you'll be done with the level in no time. Well, actually not no time, since the level is fairly drawn out, but no time from the time where you had just a few objects left wasting your time. That's a lot of time, as compared to no time. Well, after that long and disturbing session of reading the word time, you should be done with the level. Head to the top level and move through the walls to locate the exit.


The Fork in the Road


Head straight through and attack the eager enemies. There will be a crystal in the middle waiting for you to destroy it. Do so while fighting the ground enemies. If you haven't purchased the ground crushing, crowd clearing move, there's no better time than now. Though they can still ambush you and cause trouble, the ground enemies aren't as tedious to deal with as the flying ones.

For the most part, you'll be in the same area taking out the baddies, but notice a small opening on one of the pillars: there's a silver artifact over there. When the rest of the enemies have been taken care of, you'll be done with the level in no time. This time, actually no time. Alright, the next

section wont have the word time used. Promise.


Observation Site


Watch out for the spikes that shoot up from underground. Look before you leap. You goal here is to survive, as the spikes will come towards you in different patterns. Try to stick to the middle, and jump when they're getting close to you. Shoot while jumping to slow down, and keep you airborne longer. You'll be doing this for a while, so though it's okay to get hit a couple of times, try not to get hit too much; you'll need your health. Your objective isn't to not get hit, it's just to be alive long enough, so don't fret if you land on the spikes a couple of times. Pay attention to the pattern, and be careful. After doing this for quite some time, you'll have a cut scene to contend with.

After the scene, since you've been away from enemies for a while, the game makes sure you've got your fill here. There will be flying enemies all over the place, and ground enemies as well, just to keep you on your feet. Take the crystal out as you approach it. You have to take out all of the enemies in order to continue. Once you've killed a decent amount of enemies, you can explore the inner section of the staircase for destructible items to break. The enemy will still follow you, but after taking enough of them down, you should be done with the level. Before exiting, head through the area with numerous pillars to obtain a gold artifact. There is a ruby artifact on the other side as well. After you're done with all of that, head through to the exit.

---------------------[9] Deadly Passage


Move through the passage, and be careful when you see the suspicious lines on the ground. There are guillotine-like corridors here, so take your time when you get to the lines in the ground. Dodge roll through them quickly to avoid taking damage. It's not a particularly long passageway so you should be done and encountering a cu t scene soon.

-----------------[10] The Death Arena


What a pleasant name. Doesn't that just make you think of ponies, and rainbows, and everything nice? Me neither.

Slash up the ground enemies, but be sure to take the time to destroy the destructible stones, and assorted items for goodies. The lion guy may take a few hits to go down, but if you keep jumping out of harm's way, there shouldn't really be any problems. Watch for his slam attack. You want to make sure your health is in check, because this battle is going to take a very long time. When he FINALLY goes down, proceed to the exit to end the level.


The Ruins II


The enemies here won't give you a break, so you shouldn't give them one. Start off by attacking the distant flying enemies, and move around while you do so. Try letting the critters on the ground follow you for a bit until there's a handful of them. Then attack them all together at the same time, but try not to let them touch you if you choose to go that route. Remember to jump and shoot whenever it seems like they want to counter attack, and then bring on the onslaught when you reach the ground again. The path will clear up once you send the remaining enemies to an early grave. And from the annoyances they've been giving you, I hope it's a deep one. When you move along and come to the clearing, you can destroy the statues for some goodies. There are quite a few statues and few enemies at the beginning, so you might as well do just that. When you get a little further into the clearing, you'll trigger a wave of enemies. They mostly consist of the reapers in the air, and agile foes on the ground. Jump shooting is a handy tactic here, just make sure you're semi strafing at the same time. Quickly have at the foes on the ground, and make good use of your skills. The earthquake move is spammable when there are numerous foes on the ground, and should you be low on health, or usually lack an instance to attack, you should fall back on this tactic to prevent dying, get some breathing room, and recuperate.

There's a lot more stuff to break, but not too many places to go, since your path is blocked until the enemies are no more. Whenever they're not rushing you, you can take the time to destroy the breakables before coming back to the fray. When the path finally opens, head on through and beak what you need. When you get far enough, your path will be blocked off again, and as such you'll have enemies to take care of. Head out through the side once you take care of the enemies, and run along, following the diamondy path. The final wave of enemies will come your way, but make sure to jump up the ledge on the left to pick up the ruby artifact first. Take the enemies out, and you'll be done with the level.


The Stone Alley


Head down the stone stair case, and you'll eventually come across some flying, ranged blue enemies. Take them out from a distance. Jump and strafe away from their attacks, but keep on the offensive. The level is reminiscent of the fist encounter with the blue enemies, in that it may take a while to take them out. There are also some green fuzzy flying foes that come your way too. Though it takes time to beat them, they are the only enemies in this level, so if you keep your distance with them, you'll be done soon. When the enemies are gone, take the time to break what can be broken; a silver artifact lies in one of the structures. When you've taken care of business, proceed to the exit to end the level.


The Sea Shell

-----------------Head forward and upwards as you explore the level. There are molten orb objects to destroy in this level. They're easily found by targeting though the enemies around you make it fairly difficult. Make your way through the level taking out the reaper enemies and the orbs, while still avoiding the ground guys. Again, the order in which you destroy the orbs doesn't matter, and you can find them and shoot them from far away with the help of targeting. You'll proceed in this manner for a while, but when done, ascend the stairs and move along towards the exit, in the direction of where the sun shines.


Blades of Death


Ah, such a soothing sound, no? 'Blades of Death'. Hearing that just makes me want to open up a good book, while sipping a cup of tea in my rocking chair. (Disclaimer) the above statement is a lie.

You'll see a spinning cylindrical bridge in your way. The clincher here is that there are blades propelling around it. It's the only bridge to the other side, though, and so your guess of moving through it is a correct one. Wait till the blades on the left are in about a 30 degree angle, and then run across. When you find your self slipping a little to the right, move through the blade opening and to the left. Continue through and you'll be past the bridge.

Then head out through to the exit. That was the only obstacle in the level, so once you've gotten past that part, the rest is very straightforward.


The Great Gates


What you want to do here is to run up the staircase into the clearing. You should see some spider enemies come at you when you proceed. Shoot at them and advance to them slowly. There's the main spider enemy in the middle, and then the little spider minions that try to surround you. Keep your distance from both of them, as they like to pounce you, and can get some cheap hits in. The battle take a while. clearing and hide behind come back to the battle. take long, but not as long as If you have any charge moves, be sure to leave the the statues to get some breathing room, then you can Remember, ranged attacks are your friends. It may it will take to start over. Don't be reckless.

When you finally take the enemies out, move to the railing, and jump into the extending ledge. This is on the right side if you just enter the clearing, and on the left side if you turn back. There is a silver artifact hidden there

waiting for you to scoop it up. The exit is on the lower level near the staircase base.


The Arched Bridge


As you move along, you'll notice some large red gaseous matter floating your way. They are easily dispatched by firing ice projectiles at them. They give you more than enough time to charge your attacks if you run past them a little, and so shouldn't pose too much of a problem. After you do that for a little while, though, reaper enemies will soon follow you, to join the party. Let's not disappoint them, shall we? There are a lot of destructible things in the area, so when you're not slashing through hordes of enemies, you should check them out. The area is long and narrow, so you should have some space when dealing with the enemies. After you take down the enemy quota, proceed to the exit to end the level


The Way to the Temple


Alright, start off blasting away at whatever's targetable. In a short while, a strange floating energy foe will punctuate the air. Fire at him for good measure. There will be ground-bound enemies as well, so lead them to a comfort zone, and then slash them all simultaneously, or make use of your skills. A lot of reaper enemies will float on by, but you've dealt with enough to know how to

take them out. Walk backwards as you shoot, and strafe/jump when they get too close.

Just make attention of ground make sure if possible,

sure you've taken care of the ground enemies before you focus your on them, though. There'll be a lot of razzle and dazzle, as a bunch enemies will start to come your way. Take them out with skills, and they don't overwhelm you. Jump around when you need the space, and earthquake the sons of guns.

Yeah, don't worry, it's supposed to take this long. Keep your health at a moderate point, and keep attacking. There is a dark statue that is home to a gold artifact. You may inadvertently get to it during combat, but if you don't, take out any statues that you've missed to obtain it. A LOT of enemies will come your way, but like I said, spacing, health moderation, and patience will see to it that you pass the level. There is a bigger stronger central enemy that you have to look out for during your slaughterfest. It shoots flames at you. The best way to avoid collateral damage is to lead the ground enemies away from it so that while fighting them, you can either avoid the fireballs, or be able to predict them.

Shoot the enemy from a distance, but remember to do just that: distance yourself. Remember to go crazy with your skills when you feel your health dropping faster than you'd like. Earthquake works especially well in this situation. Attack the boss enough to stun him, and then before he gets a chance to strike, earthquake! Watch out for his lunges, and the enemies around you. Search out health when you need it, and don't fret if the level takes a while. When the seemingly never ending batch of enemies finally goes down, the level will be over. Head straight through to the exit.


The Dark Temple

----------------The boss with shoot multiple fireballs at you. Run around and around the general direction of the fireballs, and once they subside, move in for the

kill. Fireballs may very wells still be coming your way, but they should be at a much less frequent rate.

The main goal is to take care of the boss, and the best way to do this is to keep away and jump to either the left or the right while shooting. When the following enemies are far away from you, you can also use charge attacks if necessary. Keep this manner up and you'll take the boss out with minimal casualties. Yeah, he wasn't really nice anyway.


The Dark Temple (Evening)


The area is crashing down on top of you, so to get past this area, all you have tou do is run all the way to the exit. Simple, eh?


The Long Descent


Some enemies will pop right out at you. Ground-borne, so don't worry too much. There's a subtle change to the scenery now, as you can tell from the previous level, but there's no time for admiring.

After you take the enemies out, head all the way down the stairs to pick up a ruby artifact. Enemies will pop out, though so be ready. Take out the remaining

enemies in your path, and head downwards towards the exit.



----------Take out the enemies, if you haven't already upgraded your firing capabilities, I recommend doing so. With the amount of reaper enemies you've fought, though, you probably already took the path that would make that situation easier. After a short enemy wave, you should be done with the level. Head through the opening beneath the staircase and move on through to end the level

---------------------------[22] The Abandoned Coast (Evening)


As with the usual assortment of ground enemies, there will be fire floating enemies of whom are easily taken out with ice. (Ice arrows, anyone?) But make sure not to neglect the critters that will be following you. There will be reaper waves-for those guys, stay back and unload bullets. As already stated, take out the floating heat enemies with ice. And for the guys on the ground? I recommend beating the crap out of them in any manner you deem fit, since they aren't particularly challenging. Shooting the reapers may be a little time consuming, as always, but that fact is slightly dependent on how much you've upgraded your projectile skills. After the reapers, reptilian foes come your way. The can catch you off guard, but shouldn't be a big problem overall. Eventually, you'll clear the level After clearing the level, head up the ledge like you did when it wasn't evening

to pick up a gold artifact. After that, you may proceed to the exit.


The Stone Circle (Evening)


Guess what? It's evening! I know right?!!? It's only been that way for the past couple of levels....but the time of day has no bearing on how many caps you're gonna have to bust in the enemies' aforementioned arse. So let's get to it, shall we? There will be four legged foes with black lightning like waves coming out of them as you move into the clearing. Lead them away so that they approach you together. Lead them to the ice crystal, and when they're close, slash it. This will cause all of them to freeze, leaving you free to deal with the big bad guy of the level. Use your ranged attacks as fast as you can, right off the bat. Be careful, as the frozen enemies will be able to move again pretty soon. The indication of this is when the electricity channels out of the flying boss. When this happens, lead them away again, and then move back to the ice to refreeze them. I would be best not to leave any unfrozen. Keep firing at the boss whenever the critters are frozen, and attack the critters that happen to escape. That's the format for this level, so if you get accustomed to it, you'll be done in no time. When the boss is out of the picture, rush over to the exit to end the level.


Stairway to Heaven (Evening)


Head up the stairway into the clearing. Take care of the flying floating orb guy. Jump-dodge the attacks, and take out any ground enemies that are close to you. The level's comprised mostly of these guys, so keep your distance at all times, and should they be too much for you, immediately run for the green crystal.


The Ruins Above the Sea (Evening)


What you want to do here is run from the airborne enemies, and just break all of the molten orbs. The level is much too long otherwise, and the health trade off doesn't work quite well in your favor.

Just make sure you have enough health to do the running away, and then shoot the enemies occasionally. When you are in a spot where there are only a couple of them tailing you, then you can take the time to shoot them. When that's over with, rush on over to the exit. You wouldn't want more of those annoying floaters coming to your for round 2, would you?


Deadly Passage (Evening)


Yup, the passage is just as deadly as before, but you can do it. I-I have...*sniff* faith in you. Alright, what you want to do is first off, find out where the line indications on the ground are. It's slightly darker now, so once you do that, you'll have the dodge rolling to do. You know, just stop, wait, then roll. Simple as that, if you time it right. When you get past the obstacles, just run on past to the end of the short level.


Observation Site (Evening)


For dispatching the enemies in this part of the level, I recommend bringing with you lightning blades. They should make the onslaught a little more manageable. Like I said before, when there are crowds of enemies, or enemies with a boss, earthquake spamming is a must. Though this part is more of the same, mixing and matching your skills proves helpful here. Keep up your ground onslaught and lead your enemies away as opposed to jumping all the time in this case. It works slightly better when you have earthquake. After a couple of waves, you should be done soon. Make sure the enemies don't catch you off guard, because there are a lot of them, and will punish you if you get careless.

---------[28] Fork in the Road (Evening)


Start the level off by taking care of the flying reaper enemies. And by 'take care', I mean kill 'em. And by ''em', I mean them. And by I, I'm referring to the FAQ author; me. But then again, if you didn't know what 'I' means, you

probably would have been even more lost with 'I'm'. ....................anyway....

It's best to shoot them rapidly while strafing. You'll be done with the level soon, but before you exit the level, you're going to want to head over to a central skeleton statue. Breaking it, will reveal that it has been housing a silver artifact. Grab it, and move to the exit.


The Death Arena (Evening) -------------------

There is a large machine-like central boss you have to fight, and following you are a bunch of ground enemies. Shoot him from afar, and keep attacking the mecha minister with lightning. Head to the clearing with the formation of crystals. Break through the green crystal, make sure to pick up the silver artifact. The boss isn't so much as a problem, as the minions that come with him. Just strafe and avoid the bullets of your foe, and keep your distance from both him, and the spiders that spawn later. In the event of you circle strafing, you'll notice a gold artifact near a health crystal. When the more taller enemies start to spawn, be sure to shoot more often and attack those closest to you only when you need to. If you get the chance to attack the boss up front, you may seize it, but try not to stick to that method, as it results in a lot of health lost. You should be done with the level soon, so head to the exit to call it a day.


The Ruins II (Evening)


Light blades help in dark situations such as these. Take the rudimentary enemies out, and then head down the path from where you came the first time (when it wasn't evening). A blocking path will trigger, and will not be reopened until the enemies have been taken out. There are some destructible items here, but then again, you should know that, shouldn't you? You were here earlier!....just....not as..eveningy....if that's a word.... There are a lot of things to break when the path has reopened, but the main goal is to proceed down the newly accessible path to the next batch of enemies. Dark situations= light blades. You don't want to sprain your eye now, do you? In the final area where you'll have foes to destroy before you can move on, be sure to jump up the higher platforms to locate a ruby artifact. The enemies aren't too hard, so the exit should be within your grasp soon.


The Stone Alley (Evening) -------------------------

You'll be in the familiar corridor...the stone alley, if you will. There's a lot of enemies coming your way, but your main target other than the mindless drones is the silver artifact hidden in the stone structure to the side. The enemies may not be the same, but the goal is. Destroy them all, and the level will be complete. The design of the alley makes it fairly easy to avoid enemies, but your main focus should be taking them out rapidly, other than avoiding damage. There aren't any tough enemies that you'll have to keep your distance for. ----------------------[32]

The Sea Shell (Evening) -----------------------

As soon as you realize that it's a little too quiet, the ambiance will be

ruined by enemy approach. This is another orb destroying mission. On the second level, in a kind of room with one of the orbs, you should look out for a gold artifact. Again, what you have to do here is destroy the orbs to proceed. The enemies are fairly stronger though, so you can't spend all your time avoiding them this time around. You'll have to space them out and then attack them in manageable chunks. The orbs are in the same place as last time, so there shouldn't be any problems locating them. Destroy them all, and then head out through the stone bridge. The enemies may be different, but the level shouldn't give you that much trouble. You've basically played it before, with a different scenery.


The Stairway to Heaven (Evening) ----------------------------

Head up the stairway.........I'm so tempted to make a lame joke right now. But alas, I digress. The same floating orb enemies from last time will be here. They must have got your invite. Well, reward their punctuality by shooting them from a distance. The floating orb enemies are the only opposition here, so once you take them out, you should be home free. These guys can sometimes be a bother if they come at you in groups, but that isn't really the case in this mission. When the last one hits the floor....or ....dissipates, actually, you should be heading for the exit, and preparing to kick some more heiny.


Blades of Death (Evening)

-------------The blades didn't like you before, and they sure as hell don't like you now. That's okay, because you're just going to run past them, as opposed to starting

friendly competition with them. Make your way down to the area in which they reside. The trick here, as it was last time, is to just run across, and then jump to the left when you yourself are slipping to the left. Then continue the jumping motion as you slowly progress, and you'll be over the bridge in no time. Even if you come pretty close to falling on the right, if you jump like you should, you should still have an opportunity to make your way through unscathed. -----------------[35]

The Great Gates (Evening)


You have to fight the lion guy again, as you probably could have already told from the cut scene. You have to put the colored light out according to their elements. For instance, you have to use ice to take out the red fire one, fire to take out the blue ice ones, etc. Attack Mufasa quickly, for in a while after putting out the lights, he'll spawn some minions to take care of you. Use your ice flower to freeze the numerous enemies, to buy you some space. Keep the enemies on ice for a while, and unload your powerful attacks on the lion guy. He'll start again with the colorful lamps, so you know what to do. Remember to attack leo any time you can. Freeze the insane amount of enemies as soon as they spawn, otherwise you'll never get the space you need. The boss'll conintue with these tactics, so if you familiarize your self with the strategy, there shouldn't be any problems. The battle can be pretty difficult. It's definitely more difficult from the first encounter. Stick to the strategy, though, and it'll be a case of patience, rather than a lack of resources. You'll be relieved to see that dude go down.


The Great Gate (Darkness)


You'll have to fight a friend....or is he a foe? Watch out for his attacks, as he can freeze you, leaving you vulnerable to damage from him or the reaper enemies that populate the environment. If you try to run and keep your distance, he will follow you, bu the reaper enemies must be taken care of first. Run around the arena, for a while, and occasionally stop to quickly target and rapid fire at the reapers. Do so quickly, though. The light flash technique works well for this level. Charge attacks are key on this level's boss. Once the reapers have been taken care of, you'll have some one on one battle time. You'll now be able to use charge attacks on him unhindered. Well, not entirely unhindered, because he can still freeze you. You should use a semi hit and run tactic whenever you're alone with the boss. Hit him with a charge attack, and then run off. Keep doing that, but whenever the reapers are summoned, take them out first.


Entrance to the Castle


Now you're getting somewhere. The usual assortment of enemies make an appearance here. You've dealt with them many times before, so though it's not the easiest task to do, it's definitely easier than the last battle you had. There aren't any enemies to freeze you every time you blink. The area is mostly wide open, leaving plenty of space to take out the initial ground enemies. When enough of them go down, you'll have the reaper phantoms to take care of. Standard fare here, but carelessness can result in death. Don't worry though, this part isn't excessively long.


The Two Thrones


Now in this part, you'll have to watch out for the attacks of the sorcerer enemies. The attacks consist of projectiles, which can be dodged, but usually aren't. Fight fire with fire by using projectile damage to defeat them. They're a pain. The place gets pretty crowded with the effects, the projectiles, and the enemies, so when you aren't sure what's behind you, it may be best to move to a spot where you can see properly. If you're going to get past this part, you're going to have to resort to your most powerful attacks, that take out multiple enemies at a time. It may not be brief, but it's a safe bet. You should be done with the level soon.


Hall of Columns -----------------

Head upwards. There will be a lot of enemies here, most of them airborne. A good tactic is to move towards the stairs and then jump off, targeting and shooting the airborne enemies as rapidly as you can. Keep this up, but do not neglect the ground enemies. If you're doing this right, you should be able to stay airborne for quite some time before touching the ground. That amounts to a lot of bullets unloaded onto the enemies. Eventually, you'll have to take out that turtle boss you dispatched earlier. Up front and personal attacks work well here. There will still be enemies behind you, so the trade off of damage on the boss is damage to you, and the trade off of taking the surrounding enemies out, is that the boss will momentarily recover after flinching. It can get dark in this level, but you know how to counter that. More airborne enemies will show up once you've torn the place apart enough. After some time of ruthless attacking, you'll be done soon if you keep your health up.


Underground Hall


You'll have a ridiculous enemy to fight. To win this battle against this...weird thing, you'll have to try and stay under its legs while you attack. This enemy isn't particularly hard, and since it's the only one there, you should be done fairly soon. Head out the exit and prepare for a cut scene.

-------------------[41] FINALE

----------------Here it is, folks, the final boss. Prepare your self, cause the culmination of your abilities have led up to this point. The final boss' attacks consist of the expected ice freezing one, and an attack that brings out spikes from the ground when you're out of his way. Use your light attacks to fell this foe. He also chases after you, but you should have more than enough time to charge light attacks at him. Don't be afraid to use your most powerful attacks here, because...who else could you be saving it for? After you've done enough damage, he'll your shots when you get the chance, and run mean strategically use your power bomb succession, and this boss will go down lunge floating orbs at you. Charge when he chases after you. Spam-erm, I and light spark attacks in rapid much faster than you'd have expected.

--------------------------CONGRATULATIONS!!!-------------------You'll now witness the final ending. If you purchased any evil upgrades, you'll miss out on the good ending. Well, whatever your choice was, enjoy, you've

earned it.


Thanks [TNKS] I'd like to thank Gamefaqs for allowing me to host this guide. I hope it helped many of you out there, and I hope I can make more helpful guides in the future. Thanks guys, YOU ALL HAVE A *SNIFF* SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART. *SOBS* Well, thanks.

--------------------------------------------------------------------ETC [ETC] This guide is copyright of 2009 askmenoinquiryz, and is to be hosted only at Gamefaqs.

-----------------[VS] Version History --------------Version 1.0 Wrote guide, and skeleton Version 2.0 Major wording overhaul to make the guide slightly more accessible Version 2.5 Changed overall design of guide Version 3.0 Polished, tweaked, added more info, and took some out. ---------------------------------------------------! !

! ! THANKS!!!

FOR !!!

READING!!! ! ! ! !

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