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Recreation activities

Held during special occasions

Revitalize all the different aspects kof line ( physical, mental, social, emotional )

All activities are held for everybody's enjoyment and pleasure


Relaxing the mind and the body

It is important to engage in an activity that relieves a day to day tension.

Universal need of man

2. Classification of Recreational Activities

1. Spectator - People spend their time watching the event and derive enjoyment from it.

2. Participant Type - People do not gain enjoyment merely by watching; they do so by joining the

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Type of Recreation

1. Active Type - People have to function effectively in performing the action.

2. Passive Type - People have no excessive movement in performing the task or action.

3. Physical Activities - People exerts efforts and bodily functions in performing the action.

4. Mental Activity - The mind is doing the functions with less body movement.

5. Public Type - Involves the general public.

6. Private Type - Confined to people working in a private companies.

7. Commercial Type - Endorsing products which are open to everybody.

8. Recreational games


Chinese Checkers


Snakes and Ladder

3. Characteristics of Recreation

Involves Activity

No single form

Determined by motivation

Occurs in unobligated time

Voluntary participated

Universally sought and practical

By products

Gives direct satisfaction

4. Values in leisure and recreation

Physical Health

Psychological Health

Social well being

Emotional stability

Big business

5. Scope of recreation

1. Indoor Activities

a. games and sports : chess, parlor games

b. dance activities : stop dance, trip to Jerusalem

c. music activities : singing, instrumental playing

d. drama activities : story telling, comedy skits

e. Arts and Crafts : origami, pop-cards

f. hobby and collecting activities : cooking, dancing, stamp collections, antique collection.

2. Outdoor Activities

a. games and sports : dual and team sports

b. dance activies : street dancing, aerobics

c. music activities : singing contest during fiesta

d. nature and outdoor activities : camping, hiking, field trips, pacnic, excursion

e. Arts and crafts : painting, drawing

f. Hobby and collecting activities

f.1. bowling, tennis

f.2. billiard, fishing

6. Agency for Recreational Activities

Types of organized recreation

1. government recreational agencies

2. Voluntary non-profit organization

3. Private membership organization

4. Commercial recreation entreprises

5. Employee recreation program

6. Armed forces recreation

7. Campus recreation

8. Therapeutic recreation services

7. Benefit of Recreational Activities

According to The American college of Dictionary, a benefit is anything that is for the good of the person
or thing. In Parks and Recreation we add to this definition be adding the “community”.

There are many different benefits that can be achieved by participating in leisure opportunities. Most of
these benefits fall within one of four categories.

Develops Personal Development and Growth

Physical Health

Self Esteem and Self Reliance

Creativity and Sense of Accomplishment

Creates more Fun

Enhances Pleasure

Reduces Stress

Increases Life Satisfaction

Promotes Psychological Well-being


Connected Families

Strengths Social Bonding

Ethnic and cultural Harmony

Reduces Alienation

Develops Strong Communities


Reduces Pollution

Promotes Clean Air and Water

Preserves Open Space

Protects the Ecosystem

Increases Community Pride

Reduces Healthcare Cost

Reduces Vandalism and Crime

Enhances Property Value

Catalyst for Tourism

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