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2018 AMC

Senior Solutions

Solutions – Senior Division

1. (Also I4)
The three angles at P add to 90◦ , so ∠XP Y = 90◦ − 50◦ = 40◦ ,
hence (D).

2. Since 8 × 30 = 240, slightly more than 30 km per day is required,

hence (C).

3. The number is 64, so twice the number is 128,

hence (D).

4. (Also UP18, J14, I10)

There are many subdivisions of the hexagon into equal areas that show that the shaded
area is of the total:

2 4 4 8
3 6 6 12
hence (B).

5. (Also I9)
Using the distributive law,
9 × 1.2345 − 9 × 0.1234 = 9 × (1.2345 − 0.1234) = 9 × 1.1111 = 9.9999
hence (A).

6. 20 = 1 and 18 = 1 so that 20 − 18 = 0,
hence (A).

7. (Also J11)
1000% means ‘10 times’, since 1000% = 10 × 100%. So 10 times the number is 100, and
the number is 10,
hence (C).

8. (Also J13, I11)

To feed 4 dogs for 1 day costs $60 ÷ 3 = $20, and then to feed 1 dog for 1 day costs
$20 ÷ 4 = $5.
To feed 7 dogs for 7 days will cost $5 × 7 × 7 = $245,
hence (C).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 69
2018 AMC
Senior Solutions

9. Four of the statements can be eliminated through a well-chosen example.

Suppose AM √ = M B = 1, M C = 2 and AB ⊥ M C as shown. Then C
AC = BC = 5 by Pythagoras’ theorem. This eliminates (C) and
Also AM 6= CM so that 4ACM is not isosceles. Then ∠CAM 6= √ √
5 5
∠ACM , so that (A) is false. 2
Also 2∠CAM > 2 × 45◦ = ∠CM B, so that (B) is false.
In general (E) is always true, since triangles 4AM C and 4M BC
A 1 M 1 B
have bases of the same length and identical altitude,
hence (E).

10. The difference between 1 + 2 + · · · + 100 and 101 + 102 + · · · + 200 is 100 × 100 = 10000.
Therefore 101 + 102 + · · · + 200 = 5050 + 10000 = 15050,
hence (A).

11. Alternative 1
If the edge of the triangular tile is 1 unit, then the row of tiles has perimeter 30 units. To
fit a single row, this will split 30 = 14 + 1 + 14 + 1 like this:

1 1

Then there are 28 triangles, 14 pointing up and 14 pointing down,

hence (D).

Alternative 2
There are 10 × 3 = 30 triangle edges in the perimeter.
If the row has n triangles, then there are 3n triangle edges, but some are used in a ‘join’.
The triangles are in a single row, so there are n − 1 joins, each using 2 edges. So the
perimeter is 3n − 2(n − 1) = n + 2 edges.
Solving n + 2 = 30, we deduce that 28 tiles are needed,
hence (D).

12. (Also I16)

Since x + 3x + 200 = 360, x = 40.
Triangle 4ACD is isosceles with ∠ACD = 40◦ and ∠DAC = ∠CDA. Then 180◦ =
40◦ + 2∠DAC, so that ∠DAC = 70◦ .
Similarly in 4ABC, ∠BAC = ∠ABC = 12 (180 − 120) = 30◦ .
Hence ∠DAC : ∠BAC = 70 : 30 = 7 : 3,
hence (E).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 70
2018 AMC
Senior Solutions

13. If the number is x, then

4x − 330 = + 330
16x − 4 × 330 = x + 4 × 330
15x = 8 × 330
x = 8 × 330 ÷ 15 = 8 × 22 = 176

hence (E).

14. Subdivide the octagon with horizontal and vertical lines, and use the standard ratios of
right-isosceles triangles to find the spacing between horizontal lines.

√ 1

1 1

√ 1 √
Then the shaded triangle has base 1, altitude 1 + 2 and area (1 + 2),
hence (E).

15. Alternative 1
If the fares are p and w and the total cost is C, then

C = 6p + 7w 4C = 24p + 28w
C = 8p + 4w 3C = 24p + 12w
4C − 3C = 24p + 28w − 24p − 12w
C = 16w

That is, for cost C she can take 16 Warriors,

hence (C).

Alternative 2
From the information, swapping 2 Panthers for 3 Warriors doesn’t change the fare.
Consequently starting with 6 Panthers and 7 Warriors, she can swap 6 Panthers for 9
Warriors. On this trip she could take 16 Warriors,
hence (C).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 71
2018 AMC
Senior Solutions
16. Let P S = SQ = p and P T = T R = q.
p q
2p p
Then tan α = and tan β = .
q 2q S α T
So p q
2p p
tan α : tan β = : = 4 : 1, Q R
q 2q

hence (B).

17. Distinguishing between the three dice, the sample space consists of 63 = 216 equally likely
There are 4 possible selections of consecutive numbers: 123, 234, 345, 456. Each of these
24 1
will appear 6 times in the sample space. So the required probability is = ,
216 9
hence (B).

18. (Also I21)

We can approximate 2018 = 218 × 1018 = 28 × 210 × 1018 ≈ 200 × 103 × 1018 = 2 × 1023 ,
which has 24 digits. This indicates that 2018 has 24 digits.
More formally, 218 = 28 × 210 > 100 × 1000 = 105 and 218 = 29 × 29 < 1000 × 1000 = 106 .
Then 1023 < 2018 < 1024 and 2018 has 24 digits,
hence (A).
Note: 20 = 262 144 000 000 000 000 000 000

19. (Also J25, I22)

Alternative 1
Start with some simple cases:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
sum of digits = 3 × 1 + 3 × 8 + 9 = 36
2 2 2 2 −
1 1 1 0 8 8 8 9

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
sum of digits = 4 × 1 + 4 × 8 + 9 = 45
2 2 2 2 2 −
1 1 1 1 0 8 8 8 8 9

Clearly this pattern continues, and we can generalise. Then the sum of all digits is 49 ×
1 + 0 + 49 × 8 + 9 = 450,
hence (D).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 72
2018 AMC
Senior Solutions

Alternative 2

111 . . 111} − 222

| .{z | .{z . . 111} − 111
. . 222} = |111 .{z . . 111} − 111
| .{z | .{z
. . 111}
100 50 100 50 50

. . 111} 000
= |111 .{z . . 000} − 111
| .{z | .{z
. . 111}
50 50 50

. . 110} 999
= |111 .{z . . 999} − 111
| .{z | .{z
. . 110}
50 50 50

= |111 .{z
. . 110} 888
| .{z
. . 889}
50 50

In the digit sum of this number, we can pair the 1 + 8 terms, giving 50 × 9 = 450,
hence (D).

20. Alternative 1
Let the smaller polygon have n sides, so that the larger one will have n + 5.
The sum of the interior angles in a regular n-sided polygon is (n − 2) × 180◦ and the size
180(n − 2) ◦
of the interior angle is . Then
180[(n + 5) − 2] 180(n − 2)
− =1
n+5 n
180(n + 3)n − 180(n − 2)(n + 5) = n(n + 5)
180(n2 + 3n − n2 − 3n + 10) = n2 + 5n
n2 + 5n − 1800 = 0
(n − 40)(n + 45) = 0

Since n is positive, n = 40. The larger polygon has n + 5 = 45 sides,

hence (C).

Alternative 2
Let the exterior angle on the larger and smaller polygons be θ◦ and (θ + 1)◦ , respectively.
360 360
Then the polygons have and sides, respectively. Then
θ θ+1
360 360
5+ =
θ+1 θ
5θ(θ + 1) + 360θ = 360(θ + 1)
5(θ + 9)(θ − 8) = 0

Since θ > 0, we have θ = 8. Therefore the larger polygon has = 45 sides,
hence (C).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 73
2018 AMC
Senior Solutions

21. Since n = 100 − m2 , we have 100 − m2 ≥ 0 so that m2 ≤ 100 and −10 ≤ m ≤ 10.
Also 100 − m2 is a perfect square. By checking possible values of m2 = 02 , 12 , . . . , 102 , the
possible pairs (m, n) are

(±10, 0) , (±8, 6) , (±6, 8) , (0, 10)

Therefore there are 7 possible solutions (m, n),

hence (C).

22. The tetrahedron can be made by slicing 4 triangular pyramids off the cube. Each of these
triangular pyramids has base area 2, height 2 and volume .
4 8
The volume of the tetrahedron is then 8 − 4 × = ,
3 3
hence (A).

√ √
23. The diagonal of the rectangle is 122 + 52 = 169 = 13 cm.


r 13
5 r

To find the radius of the circle, note that the area of 4ADB is 30, which is also equal to
12r 5r 13r
the combined areas of 4AOB, 4DOA, and 4BOD, which is + + = 15r. Thus
2 2 2
r = 2.
We can then subdivide the rectangle horizontally and vertically:

2 8 2
√ √
Then by Pythagoras’ theorem, OP = 82 + 12 = 65,
hence (C).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 74
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Senior Solutions
√ 1
24. Express each · as (·) 2 , then
1 1 1 x
(· · · ((28 ) 2 ) 2 · · · ) 2 = 28
| {z }
8 ( 1 )60 23x
2 2 =2
8 = 23x
2−57 = 23x
x = −19

hence (B).

25. Alternative 1
Label the original triangle and the first two smaller
triangles as shown. Note that all the triangles are
similar, since they have a right angle and a common D
acute angle. We first find the fraction of trapezium
BDCE that is shaded.
Similar triangles 4ABC, 4CBD, 4DCE demon-
strate that = = . So the area of 4DCE
4 2 16 A
is = times the area of 4CBD. That is, C E
5 25
4DCE is of the area of trapezium BDCE.
The same ratio applies to the trapezium formed by any pair where the white triangle is the
larger of the two. Furthermore 4ABC is comprised of the sequence of such trapeziums.
Consequently the shaded area overall is of the area of 4ABC. That is, the shaded area
16 96
41 41
hence (E).

Alternative 2
Suppose x is the area shaded, so that 6 − x is unshaded.
The leftmost unshaded triangle is similar to the whole triangle (area 6) but with hypotenuse
3 54
3 instead of 5. So the area of the leftmost triangle is 6= .
25 5
54 96
Removing the leftmost triangle leaves a figure with area 6 − = with x shaded and
25 25
− x unshaded. This figure is similar to the original, except that the shading is reversed.
Consequently the ratio of unshaded to shaded in the original triangle is equal to the ratio

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Senior Solutions

of shaded to unshaded once the leftmost triangle is removed:

6−x x
= 96
x −x
x2 = (6 − x)( − x)
25x2 = (6 − x)(96 − 25x) = 25x2 − 246x + 576
576 96
x= =
246 41

hence (E).

Alternative 3
In the infinite sequence of triangles (white, shaded, white, . . . ) each triangle is similar
to the 3:4:5 triangle. By comparing sides, we deduce that each is r = the area of the
previous one. That is, the areas form a geometric series:
6 = a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + · · · =
For a general geometric series S = a+ar +ar2 +ar3 +ar4 +· · · , consider the even exponent
and odd exponent terms separately:
A = a + ar2 + ar4 + · · · and B = ar + ar3 + ar5 + · · ·
1 r
Then B = rA and A + B = S. Therefore A = S and B = S.
1+r 1+r
In the current problem, the shaded triangles are represented by the series B above, so with
S = 6, r = we have
r 96
B= S = 25
1+r 41
hence (E).

26. (Also J30)

A number is divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9. Thus, B
and C are divisible by 9.
Since A is a 2018-digit number, B < 2018 × 9 6 19999. Hence C 6 1 + 4 × 9 = 37, and C
is one of 9, 18, 27 and 36.
Each one of these 4 values of C is possible, as shown in the table below.
90000000 . . . 0000000 9 9
| {z } 00 . . . 00 99 18
| .{z
. . 9999} 00 . . . 00 999 27
| .{z
. . 9999} 00 . . . 00 9999 36

Therefore the sum of all four possible values of C is 9 + 18 + 27 + 36 = 90,

hence (90).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 76
2018 AMC
Senior Solutions
27. The area of ABCD is (100 + 150) = 15000, so each small quadrilateral has area 3750.
Let the sides’ midpoints be E, F, G, H as shown and let
R be the foot of the perpendicular from Q to AD. A 50 E 50 B
The trapezium AEGD and the pentagon AEQGD are
both half the area of ABCD—the trapezium because it
has half the base and top of ABCD and the same al- H F
titude, and the pentagon because it is 2 of the 4 equal R Q
This can only occur if EQG is a straight line as shown.
D 75 G 75 C
Let P be the midpoint of EG. Then AEP H is a trapez-
125 60
ium with AE = 50, AH = 60 and HP = = 62.5, so AEP H has area (50 + 62.5) =
2 2
3375. Consequently 4HP Q has area 3750 − 3375 = 375.
Let h = HR, the altitude of 4HP Q, then

1 125
375 = h =⇒ h = 12
2 2
Then AR = 60 + 12 = 72 and RQ = 50 + 72 × = 65. By Pythagoras’ theorem,
√ √ 120
AQ = 652 + 722 = 9409.
For AQ to be an integer, the last digit of AQ will be 3 or 7. Also AQ2 ≈ 10000 =⇒
AQ ≈ 100, which suggests that AQ = 97.
Checking, 972 = (100 − 3)2 = 10000 − 600 + 9 = 9409 so that AQ = 97,
hence (97).

28. Alternative 1
There are 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720 ways to arrange the six shoes in a row, if we
ignore the fact that we want each pair to appear in the correct order. In half of these
configurations, the blue shoes will be in the correct order. In half of these configurations
again, the red shoes will be in the correct order. And in half of these configurations again,
the white shoes will be in the correct order. Therefore, the number of ways to do this is
720 × 21 × 12 × 12 = 90,
hence (90).

Alternative 2
Start with the two blue shoes in a row BL and BR .
Next place the red shoes RL and RR to make a row of 4 shoes, two of which are red. There

are 2 = 6 ways of doing this.
Finally place the two white shoes WL and WR , which can be done in 62 = 15 ways.

Therefore the number of ways of placing the shoes is 6 × 15 = 90,

hence (90).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 77
2018 AMC
Senior Solutions

29. (Also I30)

Let A be the centre of the pattern, then for each circle there
is a centre O and an isosceles triangle 4ABC as pictured. C B
∠BAC =
1 360  180
∠ABC = ∠ACB = 180 − = 90 − A
2 n n
∠AOC = 2∠ABC = 180 −
360 1 1
Then reflex angle AOC = 180 + = + × 360. Consequently the visible arc is
n 2 n
1 1 1 1
+ of the circle and it has arc length + .
2 n 2 n
1 1 n n

The total of all visible arcs is then n + = +1 = 60. Therefore = 59 and n = 118,
2 n 2 2
hence (118).

30. Consider the number 1 in the top-left cell of the n × n grid. After one shuffle it has moved
one cell to the right and one cell down. Similarly, after a second shuffle it has moved a
further cell to the right and down. This continues until it reaches the bottom-right cell
after n − 1 shuffles in total. The next shuffle sends it to the cell below the top-left cell.
The next n − 2 shuffles continue to move it right and down until it reaches the bottom row
immediately to the left of the bottom-right cell. The next shuffle sends the number 1 back
to top-left cell.
Hence it takes
(n − 1) + 1 + (n − 2) + 1 = 2n − 1
shuffles for the number 1 to be returned to its original position, as illustrated in the path
on the left. Every other number that starts on this path will also follow the same cycle,
so they too will return to their starting positions after 2n − 1 shuffles.

1 2

path of 1 after each shuffle path of 2 after each shuffle

Similarly, the path taken by the number 2 can be traced as illustrated on the right. After
n − 2 shuffles it reaches the final column, immediately above the bottom-right cell. The
next shuffle sends it immediately back to its starting position, via the bottom-left cell.
Hence it takes
(n − 2) + 1 = n − 1

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Senior Solutions

shuffles for the number 2 to return to its original position. Again this applies to every
number that starts on this path. A similar analysis shows that all other numbers in the
grid will also take n − 1 shuffles to be returned.
Therefore lcm(2n − 1, n − 1) shuffles are required to return all of the numbers in the grid
to their original position. Since 2n − 1 and n − 1 have no common factors, other than 1,
the number of shuffles is in fact given by S = (2n − 1)(n − 1).
To find when S first exceeds 20000, it is convenient to approximate it by the simpler
expression 2n2 . Hence

2n2 ≈ 20000
n2 ≈ 10000
n ≈ 100

If n = 100 then S = 199 × 99 < 20000. If n = 101 then S = 201 × 100 = 20100,
hence (101).

c Australian Mathematics Trust 79

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