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Main Character:
- Abo Mamongkuroit

- Monondeaga

Antagonist :
- Tulap the Giant

Cameo :
- villagers

Once upon a time, in a forest in the North Sulawesi area, there lived a poor couple of husband and wife.
The Husband is named Abo Mamongkuroit, while his wife is named Putri Monondeaga. Despite his poor
life, the husband and wife always loved each other. Wherever they go, they are always together and
help each other. Every day they look for firewood to be sold to markets that are not far from where they
live. They also raise several chickens that will be sold to the market to supplement income. Apparently,
life went awry to make Abo Mamongkuroit intend to go monitoring. In the evening, Putri Mondeaga
immediately prepared provisions in the form of rhombus, boiled eggs, and several strands of clothing for
her husband. When the sun began to rise in the eastern ufuk, Abo Mamongkuroit was preparing to go
on the side. Although with a heavy heart, he was forced to leave his wife alone in the middle of the
forest. Farewell is very heavy for the married couple. Because, since becoming a married couple, then
this time they will separate. Her haru also enveloped her second heart. Inevitably, Putri Mondeaga shed
tears. Likewise Abo Mamongkuroit, his tears came out of his eyelids because he could not stand the
feeling of his day seeing his wife cry. When Putri Monondeaga was looking for firewood in the forest,
Tulap came to Putri Monondeaga. And Putri Monondeaga was very scared that she would fall prey to
Tulap and she begged not to be prey. Then Putri Monondeaga gave many reasons that Tulap would not
bring it, Tulap the Giant was very angry to find Monondeage always stalling for time. He can no longer
wait. Then Monondeage arrived to be forced. Abo Mamongkuroit arrived from his monitoring by
bringing a large amount of money. He was very astonished when he found his house quiet, his wife was
not there. He was looking for his wife around his house. Because he hadn't found it, Abo Mamongkuroit
was looking for him into the forest. He was very worried about his wife's safety.

Abo Mamongkuroit found a very large house. He was sure, it was the Tulap Giant's house. By sneaking
Abo Mamongkuroit into the big house. Abo Mamongkuroit was shocked to find his wife in an iron cage
with other people. He deservedly freed his wife and people in the iron cage. Abo Mamongkuroit could
not immediately bring his wife out of the big house because Tulap the Giant suddenly came to his way.
Abo Mamongkuroit was not afraid to face the ferocious giant of human predators. By exerting his greed,
Abo Mamongkuroit attacked the Giant Tulap until the ferocious giant of human predator finally
collapsed and died. Abo Mamongkuroit and his wife returned to his house. Similarly, people who were
previously smothered in the Giant Tulap. They were all happy to find the Tulap of the Giant dead. A
handful of villagers also rejoiced. They now feel safe and peaceful, not having to be afraid of the giant
human predator.

“ My wife! Every day we work like this, but the results we get are sometimes not enough to eat
everyday. If you don't mind, may Abang go on an eye to improve our destiny? ” Abo Mamongkuroit's
pinta to his wife.

“What about me, Bang? ” asked Putri Monondeaga with a sad face.

“ Just here. If you take part, who will take care of our pet chicken, ” Abo answered.

“All right then, Bang! Abang may go on an as long as it's not too long, ” said Putri Monondeaga giving
her husband a monitoring, even with a heavy heart.

“Yes, my wife. Abang will be home soon, ” Abo's promise to his wife.

“ Never mind, my wife! Abang left first. Take care of yourself Good sister! Abang promised not to be
long at monitoring, ” Abo Mamongkuroit said goodbye while kissing his wife's forehead.

“Yes, Bang! Be careful on the road! ” said Putri Monondeaga took her husband away while waving.

“Hai, Putri Monondeaga! What are you alone there? ” ask the voice.

“Ampun, Mr. Giant! Do not eat me! ” love Putri Monondeaga with fear.

“Don't be afraid, Monondeaga! I will not eat you, as long as you want to come with me, ” said the Tulap.

“All right, Tulap! I'm willing to come with you, but not today. I want to wash my hair first, because I
haven't washed it for a month. You better come here tomorrow to pick me up, ” said Putri Monondeaga.

“Yes, my God! As far as Abang Abo is here, of course this will not happen to me, ” complained Putri
Monondeaga in the heart.

“ Hey, Monondeaga! I came to want to collect your promise yesterday, ” said Tulap.

“ Sorry, Tulap! How about tomorrow you pick me up, because I haven't showered, ” said Putri
Monondeaga the second time.

“Yes, my God! Keep my history. I will die in the Tulap, ” ucap Putri Monondeaga in the heart with a

“ Hey, Monondeaga! What else is your reason? Come on follow me! ” invite the Tulap with a blaring

“ Wait a minute, Tulap! I want to comb my hair first, ” persuade Putri Monondeaga.

“Please…! Please…! Let me go! ” Putri Monondeaga shouted in a thrashing manner.

“ My wife! Hose home ... !” Abo shouted.

“ My wife! Where are you..!?” shouted Abo calling his wife.

“Don't let my wife be eaten by wild animals, or drift away by river currents, ” she thought to herself.

“ Hey, who are you? How dare you come here! ” asked the Tulap.

“I am Abo Mamongkuroit. I'm here looking for my wife, Putri Monondeaga, ” answered Abo

“ Hey, Abo Mamongkuroit! You may bring your wife home, provided you are able to fight me on the calf,
” challenge the Tulap.

“All right, if that's what you want. I accept your challenge, ” answered Abo Mamongkuroit.

“Ha... ha... ha… ! Apparently you have courage against me too. Are you able to fight me? ” ask the Tulap
in an arrogant tone.

“ Just try it when you dare! ” challenge Abo Mamongkuroit.

“ Surrender, O rancid giant! I am stronger than you. The proof, you can't knock me down! ” exclaimed
Abo Mamongkuroit.

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