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NET S y l l a b u s

VB.NET Languages Advance Language Features

Working With Collections
Developing Console Application
1. o List and Dictionary
1. O Entry point method - Main. 2. o ArrayList and HashTable
2. O Command Line Parameters 3. O Generic Classes
3. o Compiling and Building Projects 4. O IComparable and Sorting.
5. O Enumerable and Enumerator
Language Basics Exception Handling
1. O Variables and Data Types 1. O Handling Exceptions using try and catch
2. O String & StringBuilder. 2. O Raising Exceptions using throw
3. O Boxing and Unboxing 3. O Pre-defined Exception classes
4. o Operators 4. o Custom Exception classes
5 . O Control Statements 5. o Using Statement
6. O Arrays and Strings
7. O Procedures and Functions .
Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming Data Streams and Files
1. O Object and Class Definition 1. O Byte Streams
2. o Understanding Identity, State, and Behavior 2. O Readers and Writers.
3. O Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in 3. O Binary Streams
a single class 4. o Console and File I/O
4. O Inheritance and Polymorphism . 5. O Serialization & Deserialization
Working with Classes and Objects Working with Components / Assemblies
1. o Adding Variables and Methods 1 . O Creating a Simple .NET Framework Component
2. O Properties and Indexers 2. o Private and Shared Assemblies
3. O Constructors and Destructors 3. O Singing Assemblies with Strong Names
4. O Memory Management and Garbage Collection 4. o DLL Hell
5. o Shared / Static Members 5. O Side-by-side versioning
6. O Method Overloading 6. o Deploying .NET Assemblies in Global Assembly Cache
7. O Events and Delegates Multithreading
8. O Anonymous Methods 1. O Introduction
9. O Partial Classes 2. O Application Domains
10. O Operator Overloading 3. O Creating and Managing Threads
1 1 . 0 Inner Classes 4. O Threads Priority
1 2 . 0 Attributes and their Usage 5. o Thread States
Inheritance, Interface and Polymorphism 6. O Thread Synchronization & Inter-thread Comm.
1. O Deriving classes 7. O Using Monitor.
2. O Calling base class constructor Data Access using ADO.NET
3. O Overriding Methods 1. O Comparison between ADO and ADO.NET
4. O Non-Inheritable Classes. 2. o ADO.NET Concepts and Overview
5 . o Abstract Class 3. O Managed Providers
6. O Interface Inheritance 4. O Working with Connection, Command , DataReader
5. O Working with Prepared Statements and Stored Procedures.
6. O Connection Pooling and Multiple Active Result Sets
7. O Working with DataSet
8. O Adding, Deleting and Modifying records in a Dataset
9. O Data Tables, Data Columns and DataRows , Constraints
10. O Using Data View
1 1 . 0 Wording with DataGridView.

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