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Azure Developer
► Develop Azure compute solutions
→ VM's
→ Web Apps
→ Functions
→ Containers
→ ARM Templates
→ Durable Functions
► Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services
→ Queues
→ LogicApps - Cloud-based workflow engine
→ Events - Light weight Pub/Sub model Fan out-many subscribers
→ Azure API Management - Publish, secure, transform, maintain and monitor APIs
► Implement Azure security
→ Concepts
→ Azure Active Directory (AAD)
→ Authentication/Authorisation
→ Keyvault - Store secrets, keys and certificates
→ App Configuration - Centralised configuration service
► Develop for Azure storage
→ Storage
→ AzCopy - Copy or move items
→ Cosmos DB - Managed No SQL DB
► Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions
→ Application Insights
→ Redis Cache - In memory cache
→ Azure CDN - Content delivery network
→ Azure Front Door - Application Delivery Network (ADN)

The best fonts for books include:

Serif Fonts
► Garamond. This graceful font was developed in France in the 16th century and has
a classical feel.
► Georgia. This elegant yet sturdy font was designed in 1993 and is also the best
font for small print.
► Palantino. This font, released in 1949, is reminiscent of the old-style typeface.
Released in 1949.
► Caslon. This font was designed by William Caslon in the 18th century and has a
somewhat textured appearance.
► Minion Pro. Considered some of the most readable fonts for print, the
Renaissance-inspired font series from the Adobe family was designed in 1989.
► Merriweather. This font has a strong, dependable feel and is easy to read.

Sans-Serif Fonts
► Helvetica Neue. This bold font is an excellent choice for chapter titles.
► Myriad. This versatile, humanist, and general-purpose font was developed in the
1990s for Adobe.
► Open Sans. Although a sans-serif font, Open Sans pays homage to certain elements
of serif styles.
► Roboto. This clear and concise font is quite versatile.

The Most Easily Readable Fonts for Web and Print

1) Georgia
2) Helvetica
3) Open Sans
4) Verdana
5) Rooney
6) Karla
7) Roboto
8) Arial
9) Neue
10) Tisa
11) Montserrat
12) Quicksand

According to the Bureau of Internet Accessibility, the right fonts for website
accessibility are:
Times New Roman
Lucida Sans (PC) or Lucida Grande (Mac)

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