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NIM: 51806140004



The undersigned below:

Full Name : Ellenia Nadya Osinenda

NIM : 51806140004

Study Program : English Education Department

Faculty : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Thesis Title : Exploring The Student's Problem in Writing

Explanation Text Through Collaborative
Writing Strategy in ELT

Stating that the Final Project/Thesis with the title above is the result of a
scientific work carried out by the researcher and original with plagiarism
level %. If the declaration is later proven to be incorrect, the researcher is
willing to accept sanctions in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Mojokerto, 20 July 2022



Ellenia Nadya Osinenda



Composing an explanatory paragraph is no longer a simple task. When it

comes to crafting an explanatory paragraph, students run across a number of
obstacles. The concerns may be broken down into a variety of categories.
Choosing between basic, compound, complicated, and many tenses is a challenge
for the majority of pupils. demonstrate the ability of explanatory texts to convey
the sequential stages involved in the occurrence of natural phenomena, scientific
processes, and cultural events. This research is using quantitative research is
research that uses numbers to represent and contribute to goals, design for use,
data sources to be selected, and instruments to be developed, by experimental
research. The result of this research is the findings show a positive improvement
in students' writing skills and classroom situations. This research is a pre-
experimental research method, the purpose of this research is to improve students'
writing skills in explanatory texts.

Keywords: Explanatory, writing skill, improvement


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Merciful

Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin, the author praises to the presence of Allah SWT.

being the only creator who is almighty, lord and ruler of all that, who has given
health, blessings, grace, and completion of this thesis to the author. Sholawat and
greetings to the prophet muhammad saw. Assalamualaikum. Who has guided us
from uneducated people to educated people.

The author would like to thank all those who have supported and helped him.
He realized that without their support and assistance, he would not be able to
complete this thesis. Therefore, on this occasion the author would like to express
his deepest gratitude to his beloved parents and family who have given love,
advice, support and unceasing prayers to God for the success of the author.

The highest appreciation and gratitude are conveyed to Ahmad Iklil Saifulloh,
S.S., M.Pd. as the first consultant and Amy Krisdiana, S.Pd., M.Hum. as a second
consultant who patiently guides and provides development advice, motivation and
corrections to the author to complete this thesis.

In addition, the author also expresses special thanks to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rachman Sidharta Arisandi, M.Si as Chancellor of the Majapahit

Islamic University
2. Mrs. Suesthi Rahayuningsih, S.Si., M.Pd. as Dean of Teacher Training and
Education Language Education Faculty Study Program, Majapahit Islamic
3. Mr. Syihabul Irfan, S.Pd., M.Hum. As Head of English Language
Education Study Program
4. Mr. Ahmad Iklil Saifulloh, S.S., M.Pd as my advisor I who has sincerely,
sincerely, and whole heartedly guided and provided direction in the
preparation of this thesis.
5. Mrs. Amy Krisdiana, S.Pd., M.Hum as advisor II who has also been
willing to take the time for the author to guide and provide good direction
in the completion of this thesis.

6. All Lecturers of the Teaching and Education Faculty of the Islamic
University of Majapahit who have helped provide input and support.
7. The author's parents, father and mother who always give encouragement,
support, attention, and prayers to the author during his study. You are the
most special gift from God, you never stop to give me encouragement
every step I take in my life.
8. The whole family of the author who has provided both material and
psychological support. So that the author can complete the thesis as much
as possible.
9. The author also expresses his gratitude to all classmates who have
provided positive energy, positive affirmations, and support that have
helped the author to think more positively to complete this thesis.
Finally, the writer hopes that what is presented in this thesis can be useful
for the development of science, and to all parties who have provided
assistance, encouragement, and support. The author prays that God
Almighty will repay all kindness, as well as a worthy reward and always
bestow His grace on all of us.
Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Mojokerto, July 2022

Ellenia Nadya Osinenda


APPROVAL SHEET......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.



EXAMINER APPROVAL............................................................................vii



TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................xii
LIST OF TABLE..........................................................................................xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1 Background..............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2 Formulation of Problems.........................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3 The objective of the research...................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4 Significance of the Study.........................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5 Definition of key terms............................Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW........Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Previous Study.........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Definition zof zWriting.................................................................................8

z2.3Writing zConcept......................................................................................10

2.4 Types zof zWriting zText.............................................................................10

2.5 Explanation zText.....................................................................................12

2.6 zEnglish zLanguage zTeaching zin zwriting zan zexplanation ztext....................13

2.7 zCollaborative zWriting..............................................................................14

2.8 Hypothesis................................................................................................15

2.8 Conceptual Framework...........................................................................17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD.........................................................18

3.1 Design zof zthe zResearch............................................................................18

3.2 The zSubject zof zthe zResearch....................................................................19

3.3 Population, zSample z.................................................................................19

3.4 Research zProcedure.................................................................................20

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis....................................................................22

3.6 Analysis Techniques................................................................................23

3.7 The Validity zand zthe zReliability zof zthe zResearcher zInstrument................24

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION.............................................26

4.1 Data Description......................................................................................26

4.2 Finding....................................................................................................27

4.2.1 Students' Writing Ability in the Exposition Text of SMKN


4.2.1 Analysis of Normality Test and Homogeneity Test.............................36

4.2.2 T-Test Value.........................................................................................37

4.2.3 Validity.................................................................................................38

4.2.4 Reliability.............................................................................................39

4.4 Discussion...............................................................................................40

4.4.1 Improving Students' Writing Ability in Explanation Text...................44

4.4.2 Discussion Of Findings Through A Questionnaire..............................45

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...............................47

5.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................47

5.2 Suggestions..............................................................................................48




Appendix 2.....................................................................................................55

Appendix 3.....................................................................................................61

Appendix 4.....................................................................................................62


Table 3.1 the Analytical Scoring Rubric45

Table 4.1 The Students’ Score in Pre-Test Based on Aspects of Writing

Table 4.2 The Students’ Score in Post-Test Based on Aspects of Writing

Table 4.3 .the Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Pre-Test and

Table 4.4 Pre-Test and Post-Test Normality Test

Table 4.5 Homogeneity Test

Table 4.6 T-Test

Table 4.7 Validity Test Result

Table 4.8 Reliability test result



1.1 Background

Writing helps the students develop their vocabulary, grammar, and other

skills. Students with good writing skills can speak and read texts more effectively.

Students need to understand how to write to prepare before. With these benefits,

writing is very important for every student (huy, 2020). The styles of valid text are

narrative, descriptive, procedure, explanation, recount, discussion, record,

information, hortatory exposition, analytical exposition, spoof, and evaluation

(Depdiknas, 2006). 

The researcher centred on enhancing students' potential in writing an

explanation text because textual explanation content is one of the texts which

twelfth-grade college students should master. The researcher also found that

writing a textual explanation of content changed into no longer an easy aspect.

The students face several problems in writing explanatory text. Can categorize the

issues into several criteria. Most students have problems with simple, compound,

complex, and tense choices. Demonstrate that explanatory texts can describe the

stages involved in the processes of natural occurrences, scientific methods, and

events associated with socio-cultural life. The purpose of this explanation text is

to explain how and why anything may occur. According to Anderson and

Anderson (1997: 82), the goal of the explanatory text is to explain how a natural

or socio-cultural event might come into existence. The purpose of discussion in an

explanation text is often to examine how and why an event took place. The


illustration demonstrates why this might be different, how this could be, why this

may be occurring, how to find a way out of this situation, etc.

Furthermore, related to spelling, students have also faced difficulty spelling

words linked to the topics discussed, and finally, in the criteria of syntactic

language. The students' problem is using articles, prepositions, and punctuation

marks (Bahasa et al., 2019). I found the same thing when I taught eleventh graders

Banking and Microfinance 2 of SMKN 1 MOJOANYAR. The student did not

have enough ability to write. The student did not know about the process of

writing explanation text. The student did not understand the generic structure of

the explanation text. The student had no ideas regarding the ideas of something to

write down or what happened in their writing, especially about how to deliver it in

English. On the other hand, students have difficulty using the correct word in the

appropriate context.

Collaborative writing provides students with an actual learning environment

in which they may enhance their writing talents and their critical thinking and

decision-making abilities. They then decided to go with the technique of

collaborative writing because they were aware that it would encourage students to

become much more active in the process of writing, particularly when it comes to

explaining what they have learned. (Huy, 2020)

1.2 Formulation of Problems

Based on the explanation in the background of the study, the researcher

formulated the research question as follows: 

Is there any Significant Influence of Using a Collaborative Writing

Technique on Students Writing Ability in Explanation Text? 


To what extent are the students' perceptions of Student Problems in Writing

Explanatory Texts Through Collaborative Writing Strategies in ELT?

1.3 The objective of the research

This research aimed to explain the Significant Influence of Using a

Collaborative Writing Technique on Students Writing Ability in Explanation

Text. And To find out students' perceptions of Writing Explanatory Texts

Through Collaborative Writing Strategies at ELT.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Theoretically, the researcher will contribute her research result to the English

teacher and the students. The researcher also contributes her research result for

further research. 

1. For the English teacher

The researcher hopes the teacher will get more references about the student's

problem in writing explanatory text with collaborative strategies. The teacher can

also develop the student's writing skills through this research.  

1. For the students

The researcher hopes that the students are interested in English class from this

research, especially in learning how to write explanatory text. The researcher also

hopes that the students can develop their ability to improve their English writing


1. Further Researcher

For further research, the researcher hopes other researchers know and understand

students' perceptions of writing explanation text with collaborative writing


1.5 Definition of key terms

The following is to make the readers have the same perceptions for some

terms used in this study to avoid misunderstanding. The words are to be defined

as follows: Explanation text. 

According to (Anderson 1997), an Explanation text is a type of explanation

that explains how or why something happened. It takes a look at methods

compared to things. The textual content of the evidence intends to inform each

method development (how) and offer a motive (why). The explanation is the part

of the content that deals with approaches that engage with understanding and

explicit how or why unique phenomena, opportunities, and thoughts occur in

logical and specialized fields. The use of passive voice, simple reward requests,

conjunctions of time and cause, a company of nuns, and complicated phrases are

all examples of grammatical abilities required to rationalize written information

(Aida & Widiyati, 2020). Collaborative writing is a network for writers associated

with developing a category network created in the classroom alongside

collaborative writing. College students engage with each other in a high-quality

manner, allowing subject count numbers to be examined and examined penetrated

with effect. Students experience that they may be a part of a more prominent

academy for gaining knowledge.

3. ELT Teaching English

ELT Teaching English is The current curriculum includes: acquiring the skills

necessary to communicate fluently in the language by reading, writing, and

speaking. These skills consist of listening, speaking, reading, and writing,

respectively. (Sulaiman, 2005).



2.1 Previous Study

In writing this thesis, the researcher found several researchers who are closely

related to this research, the researchers:

Supiani's (2007) research as research titled "WRITING SKILLS


TO PRACTICE. In her study, she conducted that teaching writing skills aim to

permit students to master the functional and monologue texts inside genres. But,

preceding research found that Indonesian students have issues getting to know it

because writing entails grammatical shape, preference of phrases, and producing

and organizing the thoughts into coherent and logically ordered. These have

turned out to be a complex challenge for plenty of college students in Indonesia.

Finally, the collaborative writing technique is undoubtedly one of the techniques

to help college students research and develop their writing. The research

population used in previous studies used what research was used for while this

study used quantitative, and not only that, the people employed in previous studies

were not written down, and this study used class XI.

Inayah (2019) conducted research entitled "Implementation of Collaborative

Techniques in Teaching" Writing to Improve Students' Skills in Writing English

Texts. This subject matter co-conducted this research on 60 average students from

the 2018 English training study application at one of the private universities in

Bandung involved. This study was conducted using descriptive qualitative studies


in which the primary facts analyzed turned into the development of students'

interests and writing capabilities at some stage in the application of Collaborative

techniques. The population used in the previous study used qualitative. In

contrast, this study used quantitative, and the people employed during the last

survey were students, while the current study was in class XI Vocational High

School. The collaborative writing manner aims to empower college students'

writing competencies and expand college students' potential to work with others

to reduce selfish conduct. Students can also increase their motivation to write

collectively with them, make friends, assist every different, and feel like readers

and writers.

Abbas & Herdi (2018) conducted research entitled "SOLVING THE



research on 23 students of the English schooling department, college of trainer

schooling and education, Lancang Kuning University, Pekanbaru, Indonesia. The

units used in this take-a-look were writing tests, subject notes, commentary

checklists, and interviews. Based on the check consequences, the scholar's

rankings had reached the achievement standards and significantly extended from

the outcomes before the studies began. The average score for the midterm take a

look at was 54. nine, and the standard score of the check cycle changed to

seventy-four. Three. In addition, primarily based on statistics received from

subject notes, remark checklists, and interviews, it turned into found that scholars

have been lively, creative, and enjoyed getting to know the method. A

collaborative writing method can resolve the students' problems in writing an


argumentative essay correctly. The research population, while this study used

quantitative, and not only the people employed in the previous survey were

students when this research was still in school. Class XI Vocational High School.

Latifah & Ulfa (2020) conducted research entitled "Effectiveness of Using

Collaborative Writing".Strategies for high school writing skills students". The

participants were all students in the tenth grade at MA Al-Ibrahim. The covariance

analysis was the method that was utilized to obtain the data (ANCOVA).

According to the findings of the study, the collaborative writing strategy seems to

be more successful than the standard method in the classroom when it comes to

teaching literacy. When their writing abilities were evaluated using post-test

terms, however, the study group and the control group showed a statistically

significant difference. The gap between previous studies conducted in the design

used; the research population used quantitative, and not only that, the people

employed in the last analysis were students at the time happen in school Class XI 

Herwiana (2021) conducted research entitled "STRENGTHS AND



investigation was born to determine the benefits and drawbacks of collaborative

writing and peer feedback in an EFL in-depth studying and write coursework

study room. The focus of this investigation was on the college students in the

English department of the Hasyim Asy'ari college. It has come to our attention

that the remark has both some strengths and some faults. These methods

demonstrated that students were taught to share their opinions, improve their

grammar and vocabulary, be more unusually active, have excellent collaboration


among friends, build self-confidence, and make students happy. On the other

hand, if the majority of students have a limited capacity for learning English, the

strategies may not have a significant influence on the students' cognitive talents in

terms of their writing abilities.

Further, an intelligent scholar might choose to write for my part than in

collaborative writing. The gap between previous studies in the research design

used; the research population used while this study used quantitative, and not only

that the people employed in the last survey were students at the time conducted

this research. Still, in school, Class XI SMK

Previous research is caused by the research design used, the research

population used in previous studies using qualitative. In contrast, this study uses

quantitative, and not only that, the people employed in previous studies differ

from the current study. The last population used the student population and class

X SMA, while the present study used class eleven.

2.2 Definition of Writing

Students put what they've learned about language into practice and refine

their understanding of it via the process of writing. Students are put through a

procedure where they are tested to identify the best approach to communicate

their ideas. Numerous different compositions result from this. (Abbas & Herdi,

2018). Writing well is distinct from other talents such as reading and public

speaking. According to Brown (2001), current trends in teaching writing in EFL

and other foreign languages include integrating the education of registering with

the learning of different abilities, namely reading and listening. Writing is an


important ability that students of foreign languages need to cultivate as part of

their overall repertoire.

Reading is the third and last step in learning a new language after hearing and

speaking. To put it another way, what evidence suggests that the ability to write

well is correlated to how well someone learns a language? They should first

become proficient in listening, speaking, and reading before beginning to write.

Writing is a generative talent rather than a receptive one, like reading or listening.

Putting one's thoughts and ideas into written form is one method. Students often

undervalue the time they spend writing because they are unaware of the

significance of the skill.

"Writing is useful communication because it allows students to build their

imagined worlds." To write well, a writer must balance several components, such
as content, organization, purpose, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Writing is
one of four language talents.
For example, novels, tales, and articles are all examples of writing. We may

spend more time pondering and deciding on the right words to convey our

thoughts and feelings. Even if the writer's intentions aren't obvious, we may revise

and alter their work. Learning to write better comes with practice. After

completing the writing, make any necessary adjustments and revisions to what

you've written. As a result, writing is never a one-step process; instead, it is a

multi-step process.

As a writer, most of what you accomplish as a writer doesn't show on the

page since writing is a discovery process that requires you to uncover new ideas

as well as new ways to arrange and present them. It's a way to get a message

through. To communicate successfully, a writer must always be aware of their


audience before starting a piece of writing. Because writing entails the selection

and organization of ideas into a cohesive and logical whole, writing is

undoubtedly founded on thought in this instance. According to Finocchiaro,

writing has been dubbed "written thought" by some. It implies that writing is a

tool for expressing ourselves in words that originate in our minds. A writer's goal

in the writing process is to craft a well-crafted phrase that communicates their

thoughts and emotions to the reader.

Ideas and opinions may be expressed via writing. Writing in English has

emerged as a need in the current global network since it allows people from

different cultures to communicate via letters, messages, and business reports, as

well as website pages and so on (Gaviria, 2016; Weigle, 2001). Writing is defined

in a variety of ways by diverse scholars. Writing, according to Brown (2001), is a

kind of thought. It requires a concerted effort on the part of the student, which is

often sustained over a long time (Elsalahat, 2014). There's also the assumption

that writing may be prepared and given a limitless number of changes before its

distribution. Writing is a recursive process, which means that students modify as

they go along, often shifting back and forth between the various phases, according

to Urquhart and McIver (2005, p. 5). For this reason, instructors and students

should work together to educate pupils on how to think creatively and uncover

new ideas.

It is possible to define writing talent using these definitions. There are many

phases to the writing process. The first step is to discover and express one's

thoughts, feelings, and ideas in writing. Secondly, many revisions are necessary to

produce grammatically and logically correct compositions. There are legible texts

in the literature that should have something to say to everyone who reads it. It

may also be noted that writing competence is a sophisticated activity in generating

a qualified written product based on these criteria (Kitchakarn, 2012). As with

writing, there are several phases to the process.

The teaching and learning process of writing has to be done correctly, with

well-developed input and practical exercises, to enhance students' writing skills.

As a consequence, instructors must consider the requirements, abilities, and

capacities of their students while teaching writing skills. Only acts such as taking

down dictation or transcribing a recording are examples of writing converting the

spoken language into written form. For language learners, writing is an essential

means of expression. Working on other abilities like listening, speaking, and

reading may help me improve at writing. When words have been used receptively,

they may be used thanks to this pre-planning productively. Keeping problem logs,

for example, is a kind of project work that may be done by students in an English

for Academic Purposes program.

The writer came to this conclusion based on the description provided above:

writing is the activity we may use to represent our concept of the thing in

transcript format. In today's global literate society, the ability to communicate

effectively via the written word has become an essential competency. At the very

least, the ability to write at a basic level is required for work in many fields in

literate societies. In addition to hearing, speaking, and reading, writing is a critical

component of developing one's language proficiency. As the act of putting

thoughts into words, writing may be described as a kind of expression ( Tiwari,


To put it another way, writing is putting ideas, emotions, and feelings into words

and putting them down on paper. With good ideas, organization, and style, pupils

must be able to compose a good piece of writing. In research reported (Hotimah,

2015) by Nunan, it was said that writing involves the mental activity of generating

ideas, contemplating how to communicate them, and arranging them into

statements and paragraphs that are understandable to a reader.

When writing, according to Ghaith (2001), the writer can explore their thoughts

and ideas, making them tangible on the page. Writing provides a unique chance to

discover new ideas and gain new knowledge. Students’ opinions may be more

easily conveyed if they are written down. Writing is the act of converting thoughts

and ideas so that they can be expressed and organized in a statement or paragraph

on a sheet of paper.

The above definition leads us to conclude that writing is a process in

which students must uncover ideas; they may develop writing and transmit what

they want to others. The previous definition supports this conclusion.

Furthermore, writing helps students develop skills that will aid them in

recognizing new writing styles (Huy, 2020). Students also get the opportunity to

practice their talents. 

2.3 Writing concept

Describe the events that took place. A piece of writing that is good can

pass on information to the reader; it is well organized and can be grasped quickly

by the reader. It must be effectively ordered to make it easy to learn for the reader.

Conversely, Brown asserts that written goods are often the consequence of

conventions established through the processes of thinking, compiling, and refining

methods. As we have mentioned previously, writing is an essential factor of

language and the most crucial language skill compared to others.

According to Harmer (2004), there is a lot of importance in learning

writing. Firstly, as in writing, students frequently have more time to think than in

the oral activity. Secondly, they can go through what they know in their minds

and even consult dictionaries, grammar books, or other reference material to help

them. Thirdly, writing also encourages students to focus on proper language use.

Because they think as they write, it may well provoke language development as

they resolve problems that the writer puts into their minds. Another importance of

writing is also stated by Camilleri, Ford, & Sollars (2007) that paper offers a way

of maintaining social relationships and sharing personal information.

It also assists participants in developing skills that make them persuasive,

critical, and analytical readers and writers. Moreover, it is frequently helpful as

preparation for some other activity which gives students time to think up ideas

rather than having to come up with instant fluent opinions, something that many,

especially at lower levels, find challenging and awkward.

Writing is never one step action, and it is an ongoing creative act. When

you write something, you have already been thinking about what to say and how

to say it. You write and revise and write and revise again until you are satisfied

that your writing expresses precisely what you want to say.

There are four primary writing stages in the process of writing as a

classroom activity.
1. Planning (pre-writing) (pre-writing)

At this stage, we should determine what we would write and what point of

view we will take on the problem that we will write; in this stage, we can outline

our writing to easy mapping the issue that will be discussed.

2. Drafting (writing).

Start writing without revising the material when you've collected the ideas

you want to write about.

3. Revising (redrafting)

Revising is more than just proofreading for grammar and spelling

mistakes; it also aims to enhance the overall substance and structure of the text to

help the reader better understand the writer's intentions.

4. Editing.

In the last step, editing, we clean up and verify the text for errors in

grammar, spelling, punctuation, and diction, as well as the correctness of

supporting information, such as quotations, examples, and so on. By delaying

formal editing until this stage, you may avoid disrupting your flow of ideas when

writing and revising.

For this reason, the writer concluded that writing takes time since it is not

a simple ability. We must prepare and apply the proper writing materials for our

work to be enjoyable to the reader.

It is possible to conclude that writing is a process that aims to generate a

written form by generating ideas, accumulating information, and, lastly,

correcting what has been reported. This research aimed to investigate the

effectiveness of using image series to help students enhance their writing abilities

in the explanatory text. In this chapter, the researcher explains various pertinent

theories linked to the analysis to improve the framework for the study on which

the investigation is based. It consists of a theoretical description, research findings

relevant to the topic, and a conceptual framework. How will the concepts of

writing, teaching writing, the media, and the image series be brought to the

forefront in this chapter?

The pupils need to concentrate on their writing while they are in the

process of writing to improve their writing skills. The student's writing may be

evaluated based on the many components of the paper. According to Sarah

Cushing Weigle, the five aspects of writing are content, organization, vocabulary,

language use, and mechanics. A writer has to have an understanding of the many

aspects of writing. Additionally, the author has to have a firm grasp of the

fundamentals of writing. The following is a list of the five components of paper:

1. Grammar is a writing aspect that deals with rules for writing reasonable

and acceptable English sentences. 

2. Vocabulary, which refers to the list of words and their definitions; 

3. Mechanics, or the practices of writing such as spelling, capitalization; and


4. Fluency, which refers to the style of composition and the ease; 

5. Form (organization), which is cohesion and the logical sequence or flow of

ideas poured into writing. 

(O'Malley, 1996)

2.4 Types of Writing Text

2.4.1 Explanation

The most common written words you will encounter throughout the day.

In the explanation, a topic will be introduced and arranged logically without

referring to the author's personal opinion. It is represented by “informative

writing,” purposed to share knowledge or information, give directions, and state

ideas to others. Informative writing involves describing events or experiences,

analyzing a concept, speculating on causes and effects, and developing new ideas

that are purposed to inform something that may be important to the readers.

2.4.2 Descriptive

Writing aims to help the reader's imagination, event, character, place, or

much more in the setting of concrete arrangement

2.4.3 Persuasive Writing

The aim of argumentation, or persuasive writing, is to influence the reader

to assume the author's point of view. It is represented by “persuasive writing” that

is purposed to persuade the readers to do something. It's an effort to influence

others and initiate action or change. This type of writing includes evaluating

books, movies, consumer products, or controversial issues.

2.4.4 Narrative Writing

Characters will make appearances in parts written in a narrative format,

and the reader will find out what happens to those characters as the tale

progresses. It is possible to include dialogue in narrative writing. It may take the

form of either "expressive writing" or "narrative writing," both of which are aimed

at conveying a personal or creative expression to the reader. Typically, it will

consist of a story or an essay written by the author. A language that is expressive


or narrative is usually employed when presenting an enjoyable discovery, whether

it be in a book, a poem, or a short theatre.

2.5 Explanation Text

Explanation text tells how something happened, seen in the steps rather

than the incident. The objective of the explanation is to explain the processes

involved in the production and functioning of natural or socio-cultural

phenomena. This might be the case whether the phenomenon in question is

natural or socio-cultural. This kind of explanation text is often used to explain

how and why a particular phenomenon (an occurrence) happens in nature. A few

instances of explanations include the following: how something occurred, why

something happened, why something was similar or different, how to address an

issue, and so on. (Anderson, 1997)

2.6 English Language Teaching in writing an explanation text

The way toward composing has approximately four stages. The first step is creating

an idea; the second is sorting thoughts. Third, create an unfinished version. Finally,

please clean up the incomplete version by changing it and making corrections (Oshlma

et al., 2007).

Writing activities are never a single step. Writing is a valuable study that needs

procedures. This procedure requires the writer to write in the preparation stage. The

writing process is several locations experienced by an author to create something

(written text) before it becomes the final draft (Harmer, 2017)

Creating a piece of written work involves three stages: pre-writing, actual

writing, and revision. To improve our report, we need to follow all of these
1. Pre-writing

Pre-writing is the first phase in the writing process; it serves as a warm-up.

Pre-writing helps to get the creative juices flowing before you go down to write
by getting your mind warmed up with potential topics. Warming up before writing
may be accomplished in a variety of ways.
a. Brainstorming

It's a good idea to do some brainstorming before you start writing. Using this
method, we jot down everything and everything that comes to mind or enters our

b. Clustering

Another method for tying concepts together is clustering. Circles and lines
intertwined with one another help us picture our thoughts. On a piece of paper, the
topic is centred, and the rest of the studies are organized around it in concentric
circles. You can see how it works by looking at these three phases:
1. On a sheet of paper, draw a circle around our subject and write it
in the middle.

2. In circles surrounding the central process, write whatever

thoughts you have about the subject. Using a line, connect these
thoughts to the primary word. As you consider each of our new
concepts, consider how they relate. Continually repeat this
approach until you run out of ideas.

2. Writing

The writing process is the next phase. The pre-writing process results in a
guide for us to write a paragraph due to brainstorming or clustering. The pre-
writing ideas we came up with will serve as a guide when we compose the first
draft of your section. Always start your writing with a subject sentence outlining
your significant points, and use numerous phrases to back up your claims. Stick to
the subject does not contain material that is not directly related to the primary end
of the article. For the other concepts to make sense, arrange the phrases in a way

that makes sense. To assist the reader see the connections between your thoughts,
use signal phrases.
3. Revising

After we've written a rough draft, the last stage is to revise it. The
document's substance may be obscure, ambiguous, or confusing. Therefore we
need to examine it. If our paragraph is to flow smoothly, we must tighten the
grammatical details. At the end of this process, we may either add a new phrase to
support the thoughts of others or remove ones that aren't important.
It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the first try, so it
needs to be revised. The steps are: 
a. Add new ideas to support the topic.
b. Cross out sentences that do not support the topic
c. Change the order of the sentences.
d. Use the following checklist to revise your paragraph.
1. Make sure you have a topic sentence.

2. Cross out sentences that do not relate to the main idea.

3. Check to see if the sentences are in the proper order.

4. Add new ideas if they support the topic sentences.

5. Make sure you have included signal words to help guide the reader.

6. Check the punctuations, spelling, and grammar.

2.7 Collaborative Writing

z(Zhang L, Spezia M, Yuan C, Feng Y, Huang S, Zeng Z, 2018) The concept of

writing is suggested in classrooms where students are learning a second language;

collaborative writing is often used to help generate engaging educational

experiences. Using collaborative writing in language classrooms is an appropriate

educational practice that may boost students' prospects for learning. Students have

several chances to show their comprehension of how to utilize the language when

participating in collaborative writing projects properly. A collaborative writing

method is an approach to teaching writing that encourages students to generate

quality writing by working together, either in pairs or in small groups. Using this

method, the students can collaborate with their classmates on writing a separate

email. To achieve successful learning, the students need to cooperate. According

to Huy (2020), collaborative writing serves as a network for students writing.

Besides that, all associated with growing a lecture room network are brought into

your classroom along with collaborative writing. Students interact with each other

in a high-quality manner, permitting route substances to be examined and

penetrated with effect, and college students feel that they are a part of the more

prominent academy of getting to know. The instructor explained the entire

approach to the student ahead of time to avoid misunderstandings. The following

is an outline of each phase of the procedure:

1. Divide the students into several groups of at least three people each.

2. Assign one subject to each group.

3. Each group should begin formulating a strategy for researching and

collecting facts to support their article.

4. The students need to consider both the subject matter and the overall aim of

their writing structure.

5. Every student collaborates actively with one another and drafts a paper

based on the ideas contributed by the other students. The finished product

of this procedure is the first draft. (Latifah & Ulfa, 2020)


2.8 Hypothesis

Researchers used two groups (control and experiment). This study was

analyzed statistically by an independent sample test to compare the mean value of

two different data from different groups. In this case, the researcher uses statistical

calculations using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).

The hypothesis is:

H1: A significant effect of collaborative writing learning on student learning

outcomes vocabulary mastery in the second semester of eleventh grade

SMKN 1 Mojoanyar in the 2021/2022 school year.

H0: There is no significant effect of collaborative writing learning on student

learning outcomes vocabulary mastery in the second semester of eleventh

grade SMKN 1 Mojoanyar in the 2021/2022 school year


2.8 Conceptual Framework

English Languange

Listening Reading Writing Speaking

Descriptive Narative Explanation

aspects of writing Generic Structure of

- Grammar Explanation
- Vocabulary - Introduction
- Mechanics - Sequenced
- Fluency Explanation
- Form (organization) - Closing

Collaborative Writing
- Make a Group
- Determine Topik
- Make a plan
- The main Purpose
- Arrange in writing


Pre zTest z& zPost




3.1 Design zof zthe zResearch

Quantitative research can be understood as a method of analysis used to

examine a specific population or sample. Sampling is typically done randomly,

data collection is carried out with the assistance of research instruments, and

quantitative or statistical data analysis is used to test predetermined hypotheses.

(Sugiyono, 2013).

Experiential research was carried out by the researchers to determine the

influence manipulation has on an individual's behaviour. Specifically, the pre-

experimental analysis used the whole class group designs, and the pre-test and

post-test procedures were carried out by just one class (Latipun, 2002). There are

various forms of experimental design: pre-experimental design, basic

experimental design, factorial design, and quasi-experimental design. The primary

characteristic of a quasi-experimental invention is the establishment of an

experimental design, which may or may not include a control group depending on

the specifics of the experiment but does not allow for complete control of the

external factors that may affect the results of the investigation. (Sugiyono, 2013).

In this investigation's context, quantitative research refers to research that uses

numerical data to represent and contribute to study aims, design for usage, data

source selection, and instrument development. (Latif, 2016). The participants in

this research were all students enrolled in class XI at SMKN 1 MOJOANYAR

during the academic year 2021–2022. There were a total of 34 students enrolled in

one class.


3.2 The Subject of the Research

The research subject is an attribute nature or value of a person, object, or activity

with certain variables set to be studied and conclusions drawn (Sugiyono, 2013).

The subjects of this study were eleventh graders Banking and Microfinance 2 of


3.3 Population, Sample

1. Population

The population is a generalization consisting of objects or subjects with

specific qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to be studied

and then concluded. The people of this study were students of the state vocational

high school one the Mojoanyar year 2021/2022

2. Sample

A sampling of students using the purposive Sampling technique. Researchers

determine the quota or number of research samples first in class eleventh-grade

Banking and Microfinance 2

The term "probability sampling" refers to the following: "a method of selecting

members of a sample from a population that guarantees each member of the

population an equal chance of being chosen." In addition, the meaning of the term

"nonprobability sampling" is as follows: "a method of sampling that does not

provide each element or member of the population an equal chance or opportunity

to be chosen as part of the sample is called a non-probabilistic sampling


z3.4 Research Procedure

When researchers are collecting data, one of the tools or facilities they employ to

make the process simpler and more accurate is called a research instrument. The

data for this research was collected by assessing several aspects of the exam. The

measuring device was used for both the preliminary examination (pre-test) and the

concluding examination (post-test) (Arikunto, 2002). Both a pre-test and a post-

test to collect data were administered. Then, the researchers did an analysis of the

outcomes of these two actions, which may be broken down into the following


1. Pre-test

The pre-test test was renamed the first treatment. It is carried out by

producing exposition textual material based on the subject matter. Students in

control and experimental classes were given a pre-test before the treatment to

evaluate their writing abilities within the exposition textual material. This was

completed earlier than the therapy became administered. Students are given

75–100 words and 60 minutes to compose an expository text based on a topic

they chose for the pre-test. The time allotment treatment is based on the time

allocation treatment.

2. Treatment

Following the administration of the pre-test, the researcher provided the

class participants with some kind of therapy. The researcher designed the

treatment after analyzing the mistakes made by the pupils on the preliminary

exam. The procedure will only be performed once, and the meeting will last

one hour. In addition to that, the researcher offers some material about

analytical exposition texts.

In writing, there are some essential things that people have to notice when

the people want to write something. According to Harmer (2004: 4-5) states

that the process of writing has four main elements. 

Those are :

a. Planning

Planning is an essential step in the writing process. In the planning stage, the

writer must consider three main issues. First, the writers have to consider about: 

1. The purpose of writing. It is essential to know the meaning of

writing since this will influence a good writing result. Understanding the

purpose of writing, someone can decide the most appropriate language style.

Therefore, the result will be effective in reaching the goal.

2. The organizational framework of the information that will be included in

the writing, namely how the facts, ideas, or arguments will be arranged in the


b. Drafting

Drafting means getting ideas on the paper in sentences and paragraphs. In

the writing process, Drafting is necessary for helping the writer to write

thoughts and decide what should come first, second, third, and so on, until the

last. Drafting helps the writers to connect their ideas so that the concepts

become coherent with each other. 

c. Editing (Reflecting and Revising )


In the editing process, the writers read again what they have written as a

draft. Another reader’s comment will help the author to make the correct

revision. Here, the writer may change what the writer has written if they find

something terrible. For example, the information is unclear, the grammar is

wrong, the diction is not appropriate, the sentence is not coherent, etc. The

writers can change or correct it if they find those conditions.

d. Final Version

The final version is the last step of writing. This may look different from

the first draft that has been made before due to many changes in the editing

process. However, the writer is ready to send the written text to the readers.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that there are four steps of

writing. They are planning, Drafting, editing, and creating the final version.

Those steps help the writers in having an idea or outline before they write


In data collection procedures, the researcher will observe if the element of

writing have done or not, and then the research will continue by:

First Meeting

At the beginning of the first lesson, the instructor greeted the students,

prayed for them, and inquired about how they were doing. During the

educational activities, the researcher will present and explain the topic,

specifically the explanation text. After that, the researcher will begin the

presentation to the class. Material relating to the analytical explanation text

will be provided by the researcher. During their education, it is intended to


pique the children's attention. The researcher requested that the students

organize themselves into groups.

The researcher used the occasion to ask the students about any difficulties

they had encountered throughout the teaching and learning process before

adjourning the meeting and dismissing the class. They are given as many

questions as they can handle to answer on the subject to ascertain whether or

not the pupils have understood the principles discussed in today's class. In

addition, the researcher inspires students to maintain a high level of English

language proficiency and strives to do so with them. In closing, the researcher

gave encouraging remarks to the pupils before saying her goodbyes.

3. Post-test

The post-test was finished after the experimental and manipulated

instructions magnificence students were given treatment. Within the student

submit test too, asked to write down an exposition textual content based on

the supplied subject matter that consists of 75-one hundred phrases and 60

mins for the allocation of time. That is accomplished by discovering students

writing skills in exposition texts after they are taught the usage of

collaborative writing strategies.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

The analytical scoring rubric for writing has a five-point scale with

categories for content, organization, vocabulary, language usage, and

mechanics. These categories are as follows: The data relating to the student's

writing ability are analyzed by the researcher using a grading rubric that

incorporates analytic concepts.


3.5.1 Analytical scoring rubric of the student's writing skill

Table 3.1 the Analytical Scoring Rubric45


3.6 Analysis Techniques

1. Normality Test

The normality test is nothing but testing the normal distribution of the data

to be analyzed. Tests are carried out depending on the variables to be

processed. Testing the normality of data distribution using the Kolmogorov-

Smirnov test with the help of SPSS 22. According to the Kolmogorov Smirnov

method, the test criteria are as follows:

1) If the significance is below 0.05, the procedure of the facts to be examined

has a significant distinction from standard information requirements,

which means that the records are not typical.


2) If the significance is above 0.05, there is no significant difference between

the data to be tested with common standard data. It means that the data is


2. Kruskal Wallis Test

Kruskal Wallis test is an alternative nonparametric test of one-way ANOVA

analysis where data values are replaced with rankings. This test is an alternative to

the F test, whose purpose is to determine whether there are statistically significant

differences between two or more groups of independent variables independent

variable with a numerical data scale (interval/ratio) and ordinal scale. Calculating

the Kruskal-Wallis test is the same as the Mann-Whitney test. That is, all cases

from all groups are combined and ranked. The ranks are added for each group,

and the Kruskal-Wallis statistics are calculated from the resulting sum. Kruskal-

Wallis test statistics that can be used are (Sulaiman, 2005)

3.7 The Validity and the Reliability of the Researcher Instrument

1) The Validity of the Research Instrument

An instrument is valid if it can measure what is desirable and reveal the

variables' data appropriately. In this study, the device used is a writing test.

Validity is used to determine how much these instruments have reflected the

results. The fact applied in the writing test was content and constructed reality

(Arikunto, 2002).

2) Reliability of the Research Instrument


Research to measure the Reliability of the instrument. The researcher used

the correlation coefficient between the two raters to obtain inter-rater



This chapter is divided into two parts: the first part discusses the study
findings, and the second part delves into the research debates. The results of the
study include a summary of the outcomes of the tests that were conducted to
gather the data that will be described in the next section.

4.1 Data Description

. The data of this research were obtained from pre-test and post-test data on
the collaborative writing method. The data obtained from data collection were
then analyzed using the normality test, homogeneity test, paired sample t-test,
and independent sample t-test. The data analysis was carried out using the help
of the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 22 program. The
effectiveness of learning can be reached. There were 3 (three) main parts that
were fulfilled, including 1) planning, 2) implementation, and 3) evaluation. The
following is an explanation of each of these sections.
1. Planning
The planned learning process involves students and learning
devices preparing learning objectives, commonly known as Learning
Implementation Plans (RPP). According to the lesson plan, collaborative
writing learning is used so that students understand better and students can
exchange ideas with one another. At this planning stage, an evaluation of
the learning activities that were carried out at the meeting before this
research was conducted.
2. Implementation
The implementation of learning is carried out in classes KI 1,2,3, A, and
B; the number of students in the overall research sample was 35.


 Learning activities are carried out within 40 minutes. It's time to learn
to open and close. Each class is given learning materials, including
Explanation text material, for 40 minutes. The material is carried out in 1
(one) meeting, each session 1 (one) material. Research activities include
initial activities, core activities, and final activities. Students were invited to
pray at the beginning of the movement before the learning process began. In
the following action, the teacher opens the attendance book and sees
students who do not enter. At the pre-test stage, the teacher gives question
sheets to students in class, and the completed question sheets are returned to
the teacher. Unlike the post-test, after praying together and accompanying
the students, the teacher gives a question sheet and 60 minutes to do the test
in class. In this section, 35 students stated that the collaborative writing
method was interesting for students during the learning process.
3. Evaluation
After doing and collecting the work, the teacher invites students to tell
stories and explain what they do not understand. This activity is carried out
as a reflection or evaluation of learning, namely providing direction and
stating some things that are not following student statements. After the
learning evaluation, the teacher invites students to start learning activities
by praying together.
4.2 Finding

The findings of this study relate to the student's pre-test results, and post-

test results are classified. A test was administered not once but twice for the

researcher to collect enough data to respond to the issues raised in the research

presented in the last chapter. Before the students were given therapy, a pre-test

was provided to measure their writing abilities in analytical exposition texts. This

was done so that the treatment could be more effectively administered. The

students were given a post-test to assess their writing skills after they had finished

getting treatment, and the results of the post-test are reported in the next section,

which comes after the completion of treatment. Before and after the children

received therapy, they were given these two exams to measure how well they

could write. 4.2.1 The Students' Writing Abilities as Demonstrated in the SMKN

Mojoanyar Exposition Text

In this part, the findings of a data analysis conducted on students' writing

skills in the exposition text of SMKN 1 Mojoanyar are presented.

In this part, the findings of a data analysis conducted on students' writing

skills in the exposition text of SMKN 1 Mojoanyar are presented. Student scores on the pre-test

Students have to compose an explication paragraph for their class assignment.

The researcher is aware of the findings of the pre-test that the students took based

on the evaluation rubric for the task of producing an analytical exposition text,

which takes into account the following: content, organization, grammar,

mechanics, and vocabulary.


Table 4.1 The Students' Score in Pre-Test Based on Aspects of Writing

The majority of the student's results on the pre-test were determined by

using the written scoring rubric, as seen in Table 4. According to the data, most

pupils had grades between 30 and 50, placing them in the very low or poor


Where :

C : Content
O : Organization
V : Vocabulary
L : Language Use
M: Mechanics

In writing an exposition, five aspects must be considered: organization,

content, language use, mechanics, and vocabulary. Here's the explanation.

a. Content

The content aspect has four criteria: mastering the topic of writing, being

substantive, developing a complete explanation text, and being relevant to the

topic discussed. The teacher did not determine the issues written in the pre-action

this time; students were given the freedom to decide their cases. Therefore, each

student has a problem that can be developed according to their knowledge. The

development of explanation texts with topics discussed by students is still in low

criteria. Students still have not mastered the problems regarding the chosen topic,

so the results of student writing are less substantive.

b. Organizational

Organizational aspects with fluent expression, ideas, well-organized, logistical,

and cohesive. At this pre-action stage, students' writing was poorly organized, and

writing development was incomplete. Therefore, the organizational aspect of the

expository essay needs to be improved.


c. vocabulary

The third aspect assessed in the students' explanation writing is the vocabulary

aspect. This aspect refers to word ownership or word choice. In the vocabulary

aspect, there are still student errors in vocabulary. These errors can be seen in

using words that are not standard and do not match the enhanced spelling.

d. Aspects of Language Use

The fourth aspect is the aspect of language use. This aspect refers to sentence

construction and effectiveness. At the pre-action stage, there are still many errors

in terms of language use.

e. Mechanical

The last aspect of writing an explanation text is the mechanical aspect. This

aspect refers to word writing, related to writing rules, spelling punctuation, use of

capital letters, and paragraph arrangement. Many students still write errors using

periods, commas, and capital letters.

According to the data shown in the table above, which represents the writing

scores of students before they underwent treatment with the collaborative writing

method, 35 of the students in the table receive scores that fall into one of three

categories: average, terrible, or wrong. There is not a single student who receives

scores that fall into the excellent and sound categories. The sum of all of your

answers on the preliminary exam is 1437. It is plain to observe that the students in

XI KI 1,2,3 have a somewhat poor writing competence overall. Because most

students get a bad grade


Table 4.2 The Students' Score in Post-Test Based on Aspects of Writing

Data source: the Students' Score in Post-Test)

Based on the post-test results, the data shows that the average post-test
score is excellent. From the analysis, it can be seen that the writing ability of 35
students is classified as good because there is an increase in student scores.
Thirty-five students in the excellent classification, although there are students in
the moderate type, there are no students in the poor category, inferior.

When writing an exposition, one must consider the following five aspects: the

topic, the arrangement, the vocabulary, and the language usage. The rationale is as


a. Content

The content aspect has four criteria: mastering the topic of writing, being

substantive, developing a complete explanation text, and being relevant to the

topic discussed. The teacher did not determine the issues written in the pre-action.

This time, students were given the freedom to decide their cases. Therefore, each

student has a problem that can be developed according to their knowledge. The

development of explanation texts with topics discussed by students is still in low

criteria. Students still have not mastered the problems regarding the chosen topic,

so student writing results are less substantive.

b. Organizational

Organizational aspects with fluent expression, ideas, well-organized, logistical,

and cohesive. At this pre-action stage, students' writing was poorly organized, and

writing development was incomplete. Therefore, the organizational aspect of the

expository essay needs to be improved.

c. vocabulary

The third aspect assessed in the students' explanation writing is the vocabulary

aspect. This aspect refers to word ownership or word choice. In the vocabulary

aspect, there are still student errors in vocabulary. These errors can be seen in

using words that are not standard and do not match the enhanced spelling.

d. Aspects of Language Use


The fourth aspect is the aspect of language use. This aspect refers to

sentence construction and effectiveness. At the pre-action stage, there are still

many errors in terms of language use.

e. Mechanical

The last aspect of writing explanation text is the mechanical aspect. This

aspect refers to word writing, related to writing rules, spelling punctuation, use of

capital letters, and paragraph arrangement. Many students still write errors using

periods, commas, and capital letters. The result of the pre-test and post-test

The following table illustrates the progression of the pre-test and the


Table 4.3 .the Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Pre-Test and
Descriptive Statistics
Minim Maxim Std.
N um um Mean Deviation
Pretest C 35 11 18 15,06 2,100
Pretest O 35 5 11 8,51 1,502
Prstest L 35 5 11 8,11 1,367
Pretest V 35 2 10 6,06 1,909
Pretest M 35 2 9 3,49 2,513
Postest C 35 21 25 23,00 1,213
Posttest O 35 16 20 17,97 1,175
Posttest L 35 15 20 17,06 ,873
Posttest V 35 10 29 15,00 4,518
Posttest M 35 3 4 3,86 ,355
Valid N
It can be seen that the average score of students in each aspect of the

assessment of explanatory writing has decreased. In content, students are less able

to develop the topics or ideas they get. In the organizational part, students' writing

has also reduced. Students' writing includes three exposition structures: the

statement of opinion or thesis, argumentation, and reaffirmation.

The third aspect assessed in the students' explanatory writing is the

vocabulary aspect. This aspect refers to word mastery or word choice. In this

aspect of vocabulary, it shows that there has been an increase. Before being given

the action, the average score of the class in this aspect was 8.51 d. Furthermore,

after being given the first action cycle, the average score was 17.97.

The fourth aspect is the aspect of language use. Some students have not paid

attention to the effectiveness of sentences in writing explanatory texts

The last aspect of writing an explanation text is the mechanical aspect.

This aspect refers to the writing of words, which are related to the rules of writing,

spelling, punctuation, capital letters, and paragraph arrangement. This aspect is

increasing. In language use, an average score of 8.11 was obtained, and after the

action in the first cycle, it rose to 17.06. It is proven that before being given the

action, the average score of students was only 3.49, and after being given the first

cycle of action, it increased to 3.89.

The data in the scoring table demonstrates that the post-test scores are

higher than the ones from the pre-test. The average score on the pre-test was

41.06, and after the exam, it climbed to 75.60. The pre-test has a standard

deviation of 4.95, but the post-test has a standard deviation of 9.05. Consequently,

the significance of the post-test mean score was significantly higher than the pre-

test mean score. It indicated that the student's writing abilities had improved as a

result of the teaching method that had been used in the class.

4.2.1 Analysis of Normality Test Normality Test

In the normality test section, there are 2 (two) tests to see the distribution of

pre-test and post-test data in class XI KI. The tests include a pre-test normality

test and a post-test normality test. The following table shows the pre-test and

post-test normality test tables.

Table 4.4 Pre-Test and Post-Test Normality Test

This shows that the data from each sample is 35. In the normality test

using SPSS, it is known that there are 2 (two) statistical results: Kolmogorov-

Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk. The basis for this decision is based on the number

of samples.

The significance value (p) in the Pretest Control Kolmogorov-Smirnov

test was 0.23 (p < 0.05), indicating that the data were not normally distributed

according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test. The significance value

(p) in the Posttest Control Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 0.178 (p > 0.05), so

based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, the data is typically


The significance value (p) in the Pretest Control of the Shapiro-Wilk

test is 0.075 (p > 0.05), so based on the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, the data

is usually distributed. The significance value (p) in the Posttest Control

Shapiro-Wilk test is 0.067 (p > 0.05), so based on the Shapiro-Wilk normality

test, the data is usually distributed.

4.2.2 T-Test Value

This section determines whether there is a significant difference between

the pre-test and post-test. In this one t-test analysis, the basis for decision-making
is determined based on the substantial value in the significance level. The
following table may be used to determine how much of a change there was in the
mean score between the pre-test and the post-test.
Table 4.6 T-Test

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
Interval of the
Sig. Mean Difference
D (2- Differen Lowe Uppe
T f tailed) ce r r
Hasil 48, 3 41,05
,000 39,35 42,76
Pretest 988 4 7
Hasil 65, 3 81,74
,000 79,21 84,28
Posttest 548 4 3

Based on the One-Sample Test table above, it is known that the t value (t

count) is 65,548. The value of df (degree of freedom) or degrees of freedom is 34.

The value of Sig. (2-tailed) or the significance value with a two-tailed test is 0.000

1. If the value of Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, then H1 is rejected.

2. If the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is > 0.05, then H0 is accepted.


Based on the output of the "One-Sample Test" table above, we know the value

of Sig. (2-tailed) is equal to 0.000 <0.05. According to the basis of the decision

above, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be

interpreted that the post-test value is not the same as the pre-test value.

4.2.3 Validity Test

A validity test is a measure that shows the levels of validity of an

instrument. A validity test is a measure that shows the levels of reality of a

mechanism. A less valid agent means it has low validity. Data processing was

carried out using SPSS version 22. The item test value on the calculated r-value

on the results of each respondent is greater than the r table so that it is positive (r

hitung > r table). From the output described above, the value of the r count is

more significant than the r table (r count > r table), so it can be said to be valid.

Table 4.7 Validity Test Result

4.2.4 Reliability

A reliability test is an instrument that can be trusted enough to be used to

collect data because the device was suitable. Data processing was carried out
using SPSS version 22.

Table 4.8 Reliability test result

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
,389 16

Based on the reliability test results above, it can be seen that the

questionnaire statement item has a Cronbach's alpha of 0.389, so it can be said

that the questionnaire used in the study is relatively reliable if it meets or exceeds

this value. 

Cronbach's Alpha Interpretation

Cronbach's Alpha Interpretation

0.00-0.20 Less reliable

0.21-0.40 Rather reliable

0.41-0.60 Quite Reliable

0.61-0.80 Reliable

0.81-1.00 Very reliable

4.4 Discussion

During the learning process, the author gathers specific information from

the students' actions. This study was carried out throughout five separate sessions.

The test and treatment results showed that implementing the collaborative writing

approach may enhance students' writing abilities in explanatory texts. The test

consisted of two sessions, while the treatment consisted of one meeting. The

writer tasked the students with composing an explanation text at the first

gathering, instructing them to "Make three paragraphs of explanation text on the

topic of global warming." After that, students hand over their finished work to the

writer. Its purpose is to evaluate the pupils' capacity to compose explanation texts

before administering any therapy. In this scenario, the writer uses the writing

evaluation rubric to provide a score for the pupils' work at home. The researcher

explained the explanation wording at the second meeting. The author requested

that the pupils organize themselves into groups. The author included some other

examples and a comprehensive breakdown of the explanatory text. At the third

meeting, the researcher handed out assignments to the students, one of which

required them to compose a descriptive text and divide it up into distinct

paragraphs. Researchers and students confer to examine each other's replies. At

the fourth meeting, the researcher gave the students individual paragraph-writing

assignments to complete.

The findings of the observational study on the process of learning to write

explanations during the pre-action stage fall within the "less" category. During the

first examination of students' ability to write an exposition, it was discovered that

some students were less passionate about practising writing. Students don't

accomplish any studying; instead, they spend their time joking around with one

another and distracting their peers who are working. Students have a hard time

coming up with projects to focus on. The following field notes provide evidence

of this conclusion.

a. Content Aspect

Content aspects in writing exposition texts include mastery of writing

topics, being substantive, developing complete exposition texts, and being

relevant to the issues discussed. In this study, an increase in the content aspect of

the exposition text can be seen in the results of A4's work.

Education is currently a of as an indicator of the progres of a

nation. Expecially in a world.... deve loping country...

The results of A4's work have not been seen to dominate the writing topic.

The exposition text that is made is incomplete and incomplete about what the

author wants to convey. The free theme given by the teacher makes it difficult for

students to determine the composition of the exposition writing. The results of the

exposition writing showed an increase.

The rain

The rain that we know as the events fall of water

from the sky to the earth,at first the rain water comes....
Evaporation happens that due to....

The students' work above shows an improvement compared to the pre-

action activities. In this activity, students can write explanations. A4's work is

quite good at mastering problems. The title with the content is appropriate. The

development of the idea is quite good, even though it is not optimal, and there are

still errors in other aspects.

b. Organization

The organization is related to explanatory text and includes a statement of

opinion, argumentation, and reaffirmation. In this study, the increase in the

organizational aspects of the exposition text can be seen in the results of A11's



Almost everyone very likes a natural phenomenon called

the rainbow. To the extent that a lot..... The sunlight that
shines in between the rain.....

The results of the A11 explanation writing work on the organizational

aspects of the pre-action test are still lacking. The results of A11's work have not

shown an excellent corporate structure of the explanatory paragraph. The results

of S18's writing put the thesis in the first paragraph, which is correct even though

the contents are still poorly organized.


This aspect includes word mastery, appropriate word selection, and word

formation mastery.
This process separates the white light of the sunlight into a
spectrum of different colors. The spectrum of colors are
red,orange,yellow,.....resulting the light whict looks arched and

The results of writing A9 at the time of the pre-test above are still lacking.

The results of A9's work above show that students have not mastered the word

and have not been able to choose the right word to use.

D.Language Use

the use of language in the exposition text includes sentence accuracy and


It is not a short time to learn how to make a batik,

many batik industry workers work for 10 years because
the need... it is not easy and takes a long time.

The results of the work on the pre-test above show there is still much

ineffective use of language.


The mechanical aspects of explanation texts include the rules of writing,

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraph arrangement

What is meant by poor people who habe difficulty

making ends meet.... while structural poverty is poverty....

The mechanical aspect of the A9 above at the time of the pre-test was still

low. There are still many errors in capital letters in the pre-action test. Not only

that, but punctuation is also still not noticed. Word abbreviations are still standard.

4.4.1 Improving Students' Writing Ability in Explanation Text

Students' writing abilities may be improved by using collaborative

writing approaches in the context of teaching the production of explanatory texts.

These methods stimulate students through the use of frequent visual components,

such as:

The instructor gives the students a free-rein assignment to write an

explanatory text, to evaluate the student's abilities to write and choose the

appropriate words (word choice) in various contexts and for multiple purposes

and functions. To broaden the kids' vocabulary, the instructor will ask the pupils

to clarify anything they are unsure about. The pupils can compose words or

phrases that adhere to the rules of good grammar. The evidence from the

observations made by pupils who can concentrate and pay attention to the

instructor while explaining something. Students do not waste time during the

lesson; they are motivated and enjoy writing class; they are active in asking when

they do not understand; they gather to work on assignments together, and they are

more engaged in class. Therefore, it has the potential to boost the motivation of

students. In addition, it contributes to the overall happiness, activity level, and

inspiration of the class's participants. When looking at the test results, the

information provided in the classification table based on the writing aspect makes

it abundantly clear that out of the pre-test group of thirty-five students, there was

not a single student who received excellent, good, or sufficient scores. This is

made abundantly clear by the fact that there was not a single student who received

excellent, good, or adequate scores. Instead, ten students (45.45%) received poor

grades, and twelve (54.54%) received inferior degrees.

On the other hand, twenty-two students, or 98 per cent, had excellent

results on the post-test, while none of the students received scores that were very

bad, poor, adequate, or very good. The author concludes from this data that the

pupils' writing abilities have improved from very bad to good, moving from not

good to excellent. A further point of interest is that the mean score on the pre-test

was 40.5, but the mean score on the post-test was 75.14. As a direct consequence

of this, the average value of the post-test, which came in at 75.14 points, is greater

than the average value of the pre-test, which came in at 67.08 points (40.5 points).

Even after taking into consideration the significance criterion of 5 per cent and the

total number of degrees of freedom (df), the value of the table is still 0.444. Still,

the result of the t-test is 3.00. The fact that the value of the t-test is greater than the

value of the t-table (65,54) leads one to conclude that the student's ability to

compose explanation texts significantly increased as a direct consequence of

receiving treatment.

4.4.2 Discussion Of Findings Through A Questionnaire

A pie chart was used to analyze the students' replies to the collaborative writing

approach used in class XI KI 1,2,3 SMKN 1 MOJOANYAR. Twenty individuals

participated in the survey and were able to complete it in July of 2022

successfully. Of the 17 positive questionnaires. Every student responded well, and

the vast majority received between 50 and 74.99%. Students reach a consensus,

based on the category of score level, to study the explanatory text using the

approach of collaborative writing. This indicates that the system of collaborative

writing encourages favourable responses from students while they are learning to

produce explanatory texts, and they are in agreement with this. Sixteen students

had perfect scores of 75-100%, and 4 students received scores of 50-74.99%

(positive). The writer concludes that there is an increase in students' writing

abilities in explanation texts when employing the collaborative writing approach.

This conclusion is based on the facts that were shown above. After receiving the

therapy, the students were given a questionnaire, and the responses revealed that

the vast majority had a favourable reaction to participating in collaborative

writing. This indicates that students will be able to improve their capacity to

create explanatory texts and enhance their writing abilities.



After describing the results of the research and discussion in the previous

chapter, the researcher concludes and provides some suggestions based on

research conducted at SMKN 1 MOJOANYAR

5.1 Conclusion

According to the previous chapter, the data indicates that students' writing

abilities have significantly improved. This research is a form of pre-experimental

research. This study aims to establish whether or not the use of collaborative

writing techniques may enhance students' writing abilities in explanatory texts. As

a result, quantitative research methods were used for this study. The data analysis

findings are: The standard deviation of the preliminary examination was 4.95

points, while the mean result on the test was 41.06 points. Post-test results showed

the mean score was 75.60, and the standard deviation was 9.05 points. The results

of the t-test indicated that the t-test value of 3.00 was more significant than the t-

table value of 0.444 when the significance threshold was set at 0.05, and the

degree of freedom (df) was set at 21. In addition, the findings of the t-test

indicated that the degree of freedom (df) should be set at 21.

The findings demonstrated that this approach enhanced the student's

writing abilities, which included: writing to explore their thoughts, using the

appropriate words while writing, composing paragraphs using proper syntax, and

employing mechanics in the composition of sentences. The findings of the

student's test scores provide further evidence to support the progress of their

writing abilities. According to the analysis of the just completed results, the

average score on the pre-test was 75.00, but it rose to 75.60 on the post-test. Since

the t-results test (65,54) is more significant than the t-(0,444), the table indicates

that the null hypothesis (H0) should not be accepted and that the alternative idea

(Ha) should be accepted instead.

5.2 Suggestions

As a result of these findings, the researcher would like to provide

recommendations about this study to different groups of people, including

instructors, students, and other researchers. The following is a list of suggestions:

5.2.1 For English Teachers

1. Teachers of English need to improve their creative writing skills, for example,

by utilizing different forms of media to pique their students' interest,

employing visual aids to explain the subject matter better, and utilizing a

variety of teaching strategies during each class session to ensure that their

students take pleasure in the educational experience.

5.2.2 For Students

1. Students need to be more engaged in the learning process and not be

scared to make errors, particularly in their writing assignments.

2. They should have plenty of experience writing English text, talk to their

peers about any issues while writing text, and enjoy the time they spend

in writing class.

5.2.3 For Other Researchers

This thesis can be a reference for other researchers to conduct further


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Appendix1 1

Pre test

Name :

No :

Class :

1) Make three paragraphs of explanation text with the theme of global


Answer :

. ........................................................


Pre test

Post test

Name :

No :

Class :


1. Make three paragraphs of explanation text with the theme of global


2. make three paragraphs of explanation text with a free theme!

3. The time is 60 minutes.

Answer :

. ........................................................


Appendix 2


Nama Sekolah : XI KI
Bidang Keahlian : Semua Bidang keahlian
Kompetensi Keahlian: Semua Kompetensi Keahlian
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Tema/Sub Teama : Global Warming
Kelas / Semester : XI/ I
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021 - 2022
Durasi : 3 TP @ 45 Menit
KI-1 Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI-2 Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,
(social): santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai),
bertanggung-jawab, responsif, dan proaktif melalui
keteladanan, pemberian nasihat, penguatan, pembiasaan, dan
pengkondisian secara berkesinambungan serta menunjukkan
sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan
dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial
dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan
bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia
KI-3 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi
(Pengetahuan) : tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, operasional dasar,
dan metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kerja
Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detil, dan
kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,
seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks pengembangan
potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia
kerja, warga masyarakat nasional, regional, dan

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.16 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, 3.16.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan beberapa teks kebahasaan undangan resmi
khusus dalam bentuk undangan dengan memberi dan meminta
resmi dengan memberi dan informasi terkait kegiatan
meminta informasi sekolah/tempat kerja
terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat sesuai dengan konteks
kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
penggunaannya 3.16.2 Menemukan fungsi social,
struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan undangan resmi
dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait
kegiatan sekolah / tempat
kerja sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaanya .
3.16.3 Menyimpulkan fungsi social,
struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan undangan resmi
dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait kegiatan
sekolah / tempat kerja sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaanya .

• Setelah mengamati video atau gambar, peserta didik dapat menganalisis
struktur teks eksplanatori
• Melalui tayangan slide power point, peserta didik dapat menemukan 3
fungsi social, 3 struktur teks, 3 unsur kebahasaan teks eksplanatori secara
tepat dengan kemandirian.
• Melalui kegiatan Tanya jawab bersama guru, peserta didik dapat
menyimpulkan fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan teks
eksplanatori secara benar dengan percaya diri.
• Melalui diskusi kelompok peserta didik dapat membuat teks eksplanatori
terkait kegiatan sekolah secara benar dengan tanggung jawab.

• Melalui kegiatan mencari informasi dari berbagai sumber peserta didik
dapat menulis teks eksplanatori dalam waktu 10 menit.

Science Technology
Metakognitif : teks eksplanatori
terkait global warming
1. Menggunakan jaringan internet
dalam mengumpulkan data
tentang global warming
2. Mencari kosa kata / vocabulary
dalam membuat global warming


1. Pendekatan : Collaborative
2. Model : Discovery Learning
3. Metode : diskusi, Tanya jawab, penugasan


1. Media, Alat dan Bahan
 Power point
 Video
 Gambar Global Warming
 Internet
 Laptop
 Poster Global warming
 Smartphone
 White board, spidol,speaker
2. Sumber Pembelajaran
 Lande, K Shyla & Astuti, Eka Mulya. 2013. Forward: for Vocational
School Grade XI. Erlangga
 Sarwoko. 2017. English on Target for SMA/ MA Grade XI. Erlangga
 Buku bahasa inggris kelas XI, kemdikbud RI tahun 2017
 Lingkungan sekitar
 Buku referensi yang relevan
 Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK / MAK kelas XI PT Penerbit Intan


Tahap Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

A. Kegiatan pendahuluan Alokasi
Orientasi • Guru mengkondisikan peserta 5 menit
didik dengan mengucap salam
• Guru bersama peserta didik
berdoa sebelum memulai
• Guru memeriksa kehadiran
peserta didik, melalui presensi
Kegiatan literasi sekolah
• Peserta membaca sebuah bacaan
yang berhubungan dengan
Persepsi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris 10 menit
sebelum pembelajaran di mulai.
• Guru menampilkan gambar yang
di ambil dari internet yang
menunjukkan suatu poster global
• Guru bersama peserta didik
melakukan gerakan – gerakan
pelenturan supaya otak rileks
melalui tayangan video global
• Guru bersama peserta didik
5 menit
menyanyikan yel – yel untuk
Motivasi membangkitkan motivasi dalam

B. Kegiatan Inti

TAHAP 1  Guru menampilkan video, gambar 10menit

Treatment gambar tentang global warming
Pemberian rangsangan) • Peserta didik bersama guru
menganalisis video dan
gambar gambar tentang global
warming berdasarkan fungsi
social, struktur teks,unsur
• Guru bersama peserta didik
membuat kelompok belajar, 1
kelompok 4 peserta didik

• Guru menampilkan slide
power point tentang global
• Peserta didik menelaah slide
powerpoint global warming
tentang fungsi social, struktur
teks,unsur kebahasaan
TAHAP 2 • Guru mengarahkan peserta didik 10menit
untuk bertanya mengenai fungsi
Problem Statement
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
(Identifikasi Masalah) kebahasaan tentang global
• Peserta didik berdiskusi mengenai
fungsi social, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan tentang global
warming bersama kelompok yang
telah dibuat.
• Peserta didik menulis hasil diskusi
TAHAP 3  Peserta didik mencari informasi 10menit
tentang global warming melalui
Data Collection
(Mengumpulkan  Peserta didik menemukan
informasi fungsi social, struktur
teks, unsur kebahasaan dari
berbagai sumber
 Peserta didik bersama guru
menganalisis fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan tentang global
warming yang ditampilkan
 Peserta didik menyusun hasil
jawaban dari kerja kelompok
 Guru bersama peserta didik
menyimpulkan tentang fungsi
sosial,struktur teks,unsur
kebahasaan global warming
TAHAP 5 • Peserta didik membuat global 10menit
warming dengan menggunakan
Data Processing
(Pengolahan data) • Peserta didik mendesain global
warming dengan poster
• Peserta didik mengkonstruksi
fungsi social,struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan global warming
• Peserta didik mengupload

TAHAP 4 • Peserta didik menganalisis fungsi 10menit
social, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan global warming dari
hasil diskusi kelompok
• Peserta didik menganalisis fungsi
social, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan global warming dari
• Peserta didik menganalisis fungsi
social, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan global warming dari
berbagai sumber
TAHAP 6 • Peserta didik mengoreksi hasil 10menit
kelompok lain
Generalization • Guru memberi komentar pada
(Mengkomunikasikan) hasil yang telah dikumpulkan
• Guru mengapresiasi hasil
presentasi peserta didik

C. Kegiatan Penutup • Guru bersama peserta didik 10menit

membuat kesimpulan tentang
materi global warming
• Peserta didik bersama guru
menganalisis kelebihan dan
kekurangan kegiatan pembelajaran
• Guru bersama peserta didik
berdoa untuk mengakhiri

1) Penilaian sikap spiritual dan sosial
a. Instrumen penilaian sikap spiritual (lembar pengamatan terlampir)
b. Instrumen penilaian sikap sosial (lembar pengamatan terlampir)
2) Penilaian pengetahuan dilakukan dengan : Tes Tertulis (soal terlampir)

Appendix 3


1. I prefer to study explanation text in groups

2. I was present when the teacher taught explanation text using collaborative
3. I feel motivated when the teacher teaches explanation text using the
collaborative method
4. I feel that the ability to write explanation text has improved after learning
by using the collaborative method
5. I don't understand if I study explanation text there is no explanation
6. I prefer to exchange ideas with friends
7. I prefer to learn explanation text independently

Appendix 4






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