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Write the Verb to be and

change to short form.

I ______/________
I am I’m I am not I’m Am I? you ______/________
You are not Are you? We ______/________
You’re You are not You aren’t Are we? They ______/________
We are We’re We are not We aren’t Are they? He ______/________
They are They are not They aren’t Is he? She ______/________
They’re He is not He Is she? It ______/________
He is He’s isn’t Is it?
She is She’s She is not She isn’t
It is It’s It is not It
Write in the correct Verb to be Re-arrange the sentence.
1. Cindy ______ my best friend. 1. I / not / a teacher. / am ___________________________
2. Peter and Kate ______ classmates. 2. She / my mother. / is ___________________________
3. Johnny _______ my brother. 3. The boys / playful. / are ___________________________
4. You _______ a good student. 4. The girl / in the room. / is ___________________________
5. They ______ in the classroom. 5. We / not / are / at home. ___________________________
6. It ______ an apple. 5. My dad / smart. / is ___________________________
7. Felicia and I ______ sisters. 6. My mother / a housewife. / is ___________________________
8. I _____ her teacher. 7. She / not / my sister. / is ___________________________
9. It _______ a book bag. 8. The teacher / angry. / is ___________________________
10. You _______ a doctor. 9. The dog / in the kennel. / is ___________________________

1 2 3 4
Look at the pictures and answer the question
1. Is he a teacher? No, he is not. _ ____
2. Is it an elephant? _______________________
3. Is it a pencil? _______________________
4. Are they twins? _______________________
5. Is he in the park?___________________________ 5 6 7 8
6. Is he a painter? ___________________________
7. Is Ricky in the living room? ___________________
8. Is mom in the kitchen? ___________________
9. Is your dad a postman? ___________________
10. Are the books on desk? __________________ 9 10 11 12
11. Are you Mrs. Perkins? __________________
12. Is the broom behind the door? ________________
A. Complete the description of this girl. Use verb to be.

Hello! I ………… Maria and I ………… from Madrid in Spain. I ……… 11 years old and I
love music. I’ve got two sisters and one brother. My brother ………… Alberto, he
………… tall and thin and he loves computer games. My two sisters ………… younger than
me and my brother. I ………… the oldest of my sisters. My sisters ………… 3 and 4
years old. They like playing with dolls. I ……… very funny, I usually go out with my
friends Marta and Noelia on Saturdays. They ………… 11 and 12 years old. My mum
loves cinema and my dad loves sport and nature. I ……… very happy!
How are
B. Complete the sentences. Use verb to be.
0. My teacher ……………………… American.
1. We ………………… at school.
2. Where …………… my dictionary?
3. What ………… it?
4. I ………… eleven years old.
5. ………… you OK?
6. We ………… students. I’m
7. Murray ………… my brother.
8. Susan and Sarah ………… my friends.
9. I …………… from Spain.
10. John ………… English.
11. They .......... friends

Choose and circle. Write: am i are

1. They
1. I am/is are doctors. They aren’t doctors. They
glad. 1. I are
……. nine.
2. They is/are pirates. 2. You ……… my friend.
3. You am/are twelve. 3. It …….. big.
4. She He is 12.
2. is/are ______________________________________
a teacher. 4. You ……… beautiful.
5. We She is my
3. am/are cousin. _______________________________
friends. 5. I ………. happy.
He4. is/are
You’re a nice
questions. tall. boy. 6. She ……… a farmer.
7. We1. are/is
Vicky the
is champions.
happy. ________________________________________
_____________________________________ 7. He …….. old.
8. I are/am
2. amatall.
5. IIt’s from
fish. Japan. ______________________________________
8. She ……. a teacher.
9. They
3. He is/are very
is very clever.
young. ______________________________________
______________________________________ 9. We ……… from France. sunnyistoday.
My sister at school. __________________________________
10.They ……… hungry.
6. You’re in class 8.
5. TheyListen
are and
good students.
correct ________________________________
the sentences. Track 2
6. ________________________________
The cat is white. _________________________
7. I’m
7. a teacher.
We are in the park. ____________________________________
8. I am very fast. ___________________________________
9. The pencil is red
10.The weather is sunny
Choose the correct option.
James isn’t/aren’t nervous.
The bus isn’t/aren’t yellow.
My cat isn’t/aren’t funny.
My sister and I isn’t/aren’t happy.
The house isn’t/aren’t white.
My friends isn’t/aren’t lazy.
We isn’t/aren’t the champions.
Lions isn’t/aren’t hungry.
They isn’t/aren’t very clever.
The movie isn’t/aren’t interesting.
Read the information in the chart and write TRUE or FALSE.
Remember that these abbreviations stand for the week days:
Mon = Monday Tue = Tuesday Wed = Wednesday Thu = Thursday Fri = Friday Sat = Saturday Sun = Sunday

How often they watch their

People TV programmes programmes
Game shows Mon, Tue, Thu
Soap operas Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Cooking programmes Mon, Wed
The news Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun
Reality shows Wed
Chat shows Tue, Thu, Sat
Cartoons Sat, Sun
Comedies Thu, Fri, Sat
1- Lee watches chat shows
and comedies three times a week. ___________
2- Henry doesn`t watch the news. ___________
3- Mimi watches soap operas every day. ___________
4- Karen watches TV four times a week. ___________
5- Lee doesn`t watch TV on Wednesdays. ___________

Read the chart again and answer the questions. Write complete answers!
1. What kind of TV programmes does Lee like? _________________________________________________________
2. How often does Karen watch cooking shows? ________________________________________________________
3. What kind of TV shows does Mimi like? _____________________________________________________________
4. How often does Henry watch cartoons? _____________________________________________________________
5. Does Karen watch the news and reality shows? _______________________________________________________

Answer the questions.

a. Do you watch soap operas? If you do, what`s its name? ____________________________________________________
b. Do you like nature programmes? ______________________________________________________________________
c. How often do you watch sports programmes? ___________________________________________________________
d. How often do you watch cartoons? What`s your favourite cartoon? __________________________________________

Read the sentences and circle the correct option.

1. a) Jim never is at work. 2. a) We have usually lunch at 12 o’clock.
b) Jim is at work never. b) We usually have lunch at 12 o’clock.
c) Never is Jim at work. c) We have lunch at usually 12 o’clock.
d) Jim is never at work. d) We have lunch at 12 usually o’clock.
3. a) She travels always by train.
b) Always she travels by train.
c) She always travels by train.
d) She travels by always train.
4. a) They go out sometimes in the evening.
b) They sometimes go out in the evening.
c) They go out in sometimes the evening.
d) They go sometimes out in the evening
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, as in the example.
1. late / is / she / sometimes ___________________________________________
2. early / up / sister / never / Sundays / on / gets / my ___________________________________________
3. usually / he / goes / to / on / Fridays / the / cinema ___________________________________________
4. go / you / restaurant / often / a / do / how / to / ? ____________________________________________
Put the frequency adverbs and expressions in the right place.

1. Susan is late for school. (never) __________________________________________________

2. My brother doesn’t write letters to his friends. (usually) __________________________________________
3. We go on holidays. (twice a year) ____________________________________________________________
4. Peter wears a tie. (once a week) _________________________________________________________

Rewrite the following sentences using phrases of frequency.

1. I go to English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
2. I have coffee for breakfast, at 11 o’clock, after lunch and sometimes in the evening.
3. I go to the dentist in June and in December.
4. My friends and I go shopping two days a month.

Complete the statements with correct phrases

_______________  much sugar.

_______________  enough time to finish?

_______________  a few bananas and a few apples.

_______________  only one way to solve this problem.

_______________  any apples in the fridge?

_______________  many tigers left in the world.

cWrite a paragraph talking about what TV programmes you watch, how often and why you watch them and
those you don`t watch them.

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