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Honorable the foundation’s president of Hangyuah’s Islamic School

Honorable religious opener
Honorable the principle of kindergarden, elementary, junior, and senior
high school of Hangtuah’s Islamic School
Honorable all of teacher of Hangtuah’s Islamic School
Brother’s and sister’s who always i love

First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah Almighty, for
the abundance of grace and the joy of all of us can still gather in this
place without any barriers at all and in good health.

Not forgetting the salawat and greetings we pour out to the prophet
Muhammad who has brought us out of the dark ages to the era of
bright light today, namely islami. May we all get intercession on the
end, amen.
Content of speech
Dear brother’s and sister’s,
We are standing here to give you a religious lecture entitled

Every nation has its own year to be pround of. Every new year is
always celebrated happily with many kinds of big celebrations. Each
religion also has its own year to be used as a direction in religion-
related life. And in this case the muslims have the year of Hijriyah.
That's the new year of islam to be pround of by all muslims. The year
of Hijriyah is used by the muslims since the authority of khalifah Umar
bin Khattab, this second khalifah often called Amirul Mukminin,
instructed the use of the year of Hijriyah as the starting point of the
time-count in all muslim regions. Since then, the year of Hijriyah was
widely used as the guidance to arrange the calendar of the muslims'
activities, either in relation to governmental, educational, or other
important matters as well as the history of islam.
Dear brothers and sisters who are honored by Allah!
The year of Hijriyah has close relationship with the event of Hijrah by
the messengger of Allah and his companions. Hijrah means the
emigration of the messenger of Allah and his companions from the city
of Makkah to Madinah. This event was named Fajrul Islam by
historians which means the starting time of the free and broad
propagation of islam by the muslims. In the new city, the Prophet and
his companions built a muslim community and country. Madinah, then
became the center of the propagation of islam. From this city the light
of islam brightened the world. Of course there were many sacrifices
during hijrah; but all were aimed at preserving their islam believe. The
muslims at that time believed that the event of hijrah had significant
role in the development of islam. Therefore, the companions of the
prophet decided the year of hijrah as the name of the year of islam. By
the name, it's expected that the next generation of the muslims always
remember thye importance of hijrah and take worth lesson from this

Before making a decision on the calendar of islam, our ascendants had

thought and contemplated for a long time about what kind of event in
islam life was the most important and impressing. One by one, the
events that had been undergone by the muslims was carefully
considered. Finally they found out that the hijrah of the messenger of
Allah was the most important event in the life of islam. Since then the
hijrah of the messenger was made as the beginning of islam calendar
and the new year of islam. Based on this new year of islam, the
muslims could arrange the calendar of islam such as the historical
events like the birth of the prophet and the beginning of the revelation.
They could also understand that the most important event in islam life
is the hijrah. As a result, everytime the muslims celebrated the new
year, they would remember the sacrifices of the companions of the
messenger and their jihad in propagating islam. They would also
understand that the muslims could not live individually, they have to
live collectivelly for the shake of islam. They would also understand
that the year of hijriyah is the symbol to unify the muslims and the
symbol of spreading of islam.

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, be afraid of Allah! Protect this

islam year and keep in mind the names of the months. Use the year of
Hijriyah in your daily life. The companions of the messenger had
decided the year of Hijriyah as the year of islam in order that you use it
in your daily life. More importantly, the year of Hijriyah is also used to
distinguish who is the muslim and who is the infidel.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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