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Grade 10.

A book Review:


1 You must write a review of one of the 10 ECONOMICS books indicated below. You must
provide a justification of no more than 100 words (not part of the book review but will be
judged) as to why you have selected this book.
2 Your book review should be approximately 750 words (+ or – 50 words). You must state the
word count on your review.

Choose one of the following titles and complete a BOOK REVIEW on it.

The Ascent of Money - Niall Ferguson

Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman
The Price of Inequality - Stiglitz
Good Economics for hard Times - Banerjee & Duflo
The Bottom Billion – Paul Collier
A Little History of Economics  - Niall Kishtainy
The Great Economists and how their ideas can help us today – Linda Yueh
Doughnut Economics – Kate Raworth
GDP: A Brief But Affectionate History – Diane Coyle
Misbehaving – Thaler

You might like to take some notes on the book as you are reading it. Engage with the judging criteria to
get an idea of what makes a good book review.

Bon Chance, and submission date is 29th August 2022 by e-mail to

A prize will be awarded to the writer of the Best Review- not marshmallows.
Judging criteria:

This is in two parts.

Part A Justification for selection of book. 5 marks.

5-4 Clear and convincing justification of why the book is relevant to the world today (and the book is
of relevance), why the title suggests to a reader that the book will provide an interesting and thought
provoking read. Provides a clear justification as to why the author of the review is interested in the
book. The book is clearly about economics. The justification is no longer than 100 words.

3-2 Justification provided of the relevance of the book to the world today, why the title or cover of
the book indicates to a potential reader that there is an interesting and thought provoking read in store.
Provides a justification as to why the author of the review is interested in the book. The book is clearly
about economics. The justification maybe slightly longer than 100 words.

1-0 Limited justification provided for the relevance of the book to the modern world. Limited
attempt to suggest why the book would be of interest to someone picking it up in a shop or online.
Unclear as to why the author of the review is interested in the topic of the book. The book is tangential
to economics.

Part B The Book Review. 25 marks.

Outline of what the book is about: 5 marks

5-4 Clear outline, either at the start or throughout the review, of what economic topics and ideas
the book covers. The review provides a guide for the reader to judge whether or not they should invest
time reading the book. The writer demonstrates some passion for the topics in the book.

3-2 Outlines the ideas the book contains and provides a guide to the reader of the review as to why
it might or might not be worthwhile investing time in reading the book. The writer demonstrates some
enthusiasm for the topics in the book.

1-0 Outlines what ideas the book contains, perhaps by resorting to listing, in an unimaginative
manner. The reader of the review would have difficulty deciding whether or not to invest time in reading
the book having read the review.
Engagement with the issues in the book: 10 marks

10-7 Engages with one or a number of issues in the book in an analytical and critical manner.
Demonstrates the ability to critically consider the relevance of the issue or issues involved, testing them
against other evidence and ideas and clearly justifying agreement or disagreement with the author of
the book.

6-4 Engages with one or a number of issues in the book in an analytical fashion. Can critically
consider the relevance of the issue or issues with some testing against other arguments or evidence and
indicating agreement or disagreement with the author of the book.

3-2 Engages with one or a number of issues in the book. Examines the issues with some testing
against evidence or ideas to support conclusions reached.

0-1 Limited engagement with the issues in the book. Outlines ideas in the book but it is difficult to
find a discussion of where the issues match up to other evidence and there is limited, if any, support for
the conclusions reached.

Written communication: 5 marks

5-4 Clear written communication using an engaging style, choice of vocabulary and maintaining
interest throughout. The word limits are not exceeded.

3-2 Clear written communication but may contain errors. Errors do not impede understanding. The
word limits may be marginally exceeded.

0-1 Generally clear written communication but may contain errors. The word limits are not adhered
Passion, enthusiasm and joy: 5 marks

5-4 Clear passion, enthusiasm and joy of economics in the book being reviewed, whether the
reviewer is agreeing or disagreeing with the book.

3-2 Passion and enthusiasm for the economics involved in the book is displayed, whether the
reviewer is agreeing or disagreeing with the book.

0-1 Limited passion, enthusiasm and joy of economics in the book being reviewed.

Total available mark:30.

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