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azo METHODS OF CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR ay Constructor Civil Engineering Home Bulding | concrete | construction | HowTo Gude | Geotechnical artnquae | Struct METHODS OF CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR Royal Sundaram Insurance Health, Motor ,Travel & Home policy No Paperwork, Buy Online Instantly! Follwog the evaluation of the cracked structure, @ suitable method of concrete crack repat procecure can be Selscted. Successtl repair procedures take into account the cause(s) ofthe cracking. For example, i the cracking was primary due to drying shnkage, then i is ely that after 2 period of tine the cracks wil tabize, Oo the ather hang f the eracks are fe to continuing foundation settlemint,repak wil be of ne se unt the settlement problem Following isa survey of crack repair methods, ncliding a sunmary ofthe charactertics ofthe ‘racis that may be repaired with each procedure, the types of structures that Rave been repared, anda sumeary of the procedures that are used, Epoxy injection Cracks as narow 2s 0.002 i, (0.05 mm can be Bonded by the nection of epoxy. The ‘eemnique generally consists of establishing entry and venting ports at close ntervas along the crack, snag the crack on exposed sufaces, and necting the epony under prestur, Epony Injection hos been successful used inthe repa of eraks in bulkings, ridges, dare, and ther types of concrete structures (ACI 503). However, Unless the cause of Ue cracking has been corrected, wil probabW recur near the arg! crack. Ifthe cause ofthe cracks cannot be removed, then two options are aveteble. ‘One isto rout and scl the crack, thus treating It a5 at, o, establish a oint that wil accormradate the mavement and then inject the crack with epony or ater sutablerateral With the excepcion of cera melsture tolerant epoxies, this technique I not applicable # the ‘racks are actively lakng and cannot be dred out. Wet cracks canbe injected using moisture tolerant materats, but contaminants nthe cracks (clung sit and water can reduce the eftactvaness of the epoxy to stracturaly rapa the cracks. ‘The use of low-meduls, exe achesive in crack wil ot allow signcant movement of the concrete stroctue. The affective modus of elastic ty ofa eile adhesive is 8 rack is ‘sbstantly the sore as that ofa Held adhesive because ofthe thin layer of material an high lateral restraint inposed by the surrounding concrete. Epony injection requires a high degree of sil or satisfactory execution, and application ofthe technique may be lmted by the ambient temperature + Clean the cracks: The fst steps to chan the cracks that have been contaminated: to the edent ths & possbke and practical. Contaminants such as a, gfease, dit, of fine particles of concrete prevent epoxy penetration and bonding, and reduce the effectiveness {of repars. Preferably, contasnation should be removed by vacuuming of fishing with Water or other special effective cleaning solutions, + Seat the surfaces: Surtace cracks shoul be sealed to keep the epoxy rom leaking out befor thas gel. Whore the crack face cannot fe reached, but where there 6 backil, for where a sleb-on-grade is beng repied the bacfll material or sub base mates Sometimes an adequate seal &suace can be sealed by applying an epoxy, polyester, oF ‘ther eppropriate sealing material tothe suface of the crack and alowing fo heréen I & permanent glossy appearance slong the crack objectionable and # high injection pressure not requred,vstrpableplstic surface sealer may be spoiled along the face of the crack When the Job complete, the surface sealer can be stnpped away to expose the hptheconstructor rg/concretemsthods-o-crackrepsn/886) SUBSCRIBE, ‘is bog ie sures ang mantaines y Gopal Mishra. Hei the founder of ‘he Canstrcor WE ARE ON FACEHOOK. | | Seucurt eats i 16 i204 METHODS OF CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR ‘oss-fee sutace, Cemanttlous seats can ako be used where appearance of the Completed works important. I extremely high injection pressures are needed, the crack fan be cut out to 2 dapth of 1/21. (13 mm) and with of about 3/4 In (20mm) n 8 = ‘shape, files with an epoxy, ond struck af fish with the see. + Insel the entry and venting pots. Thrwe methods are in general use 1. Fittings inserted into ried hotes: This method was the fst tobe used and soften Uedin conjinetan with V-grooving ofthe eracks. The ethod ental dling 9 hole nto the ack, appronirtely 3/4. (20 me in ameter and 1/2 to 2. (13 t025 me) Below the apex of the V grooved section. 2, Bonded Mush ftng: When the cracks are net V grooved , 2 mathod frequently used to prove en entry por to Bond iting Fish withthe concrete face over the crack. The flush Feng has an apening at the top forthe adhesive to arter and a flange at the bottom that is bonded tothe concrete 3. Interruption In seal: Another system of providing ente to om the seal fram a portion of tre crack This mathed can be used when special gasket davces are avalale that over the unsealed portion of the erack and allow injection af the adhesive directly inte the track wenovt leak, + Mix the: ris is done ether by batch oF continuous method. In batch mbdng, he adhesive components are prembad according tothe manufacturers nstrctens, usualy Wit the use of 8 mechanisl ster, Ike 8 pit moing pad. Care must be taken to x {nw the amount of aahesive that can be used prot to Commencement of gellog ofthe + Inject the epoxy: Hydaute pups, pant pressure pots, of alvactuates cau auns may be used, The pressure used for njection rust be selected carefully, Increased pressire ten does ite to accelerate the rate of injection. the cack sverial or ncbned, the injection process shovlé begin by purbing epoxy into the entry por at the west elevation Unt the epoxy level reaches the entry port above. For haraontal eacks, the jection should proceed fromone end ofthe crack to the otherin the same manner, The rack fll ifthe pressure can be maintaine, Ifthe pressure can nat be mabtaied, the epony& sti flowing into unfle portions oF leaking out ofthe crack. + Remove the surface seal: After the injected epoxy has cured, the surface seal should be removed by hang oF ather means as aparoprate + Alternative procedure: For massive structures, an akernate procedure consists of ilag| 2 sevles of ales [usually 7/8 to in. (20 to 100-re damete] that intercepts the crack 3: 2 numberof lcations, Typcally, Poles are spaced at S-f (1\S-m ntervak, Another Irethod recently neing used a vocuum oF vacum assist method “There are two techniques: one i Lo ently enclose the cracked member with a B39 and introduce the lqid adhesive at the bottom and to apply a vacuum atthe top. The ather ‘technique to inject the cracks from one side and pull vacuum rom the other. Typical, ponies are used however, eryles and polyesters have raven successful * Routing and seating Routing and sealng of cracks can be used in conditions requting remedial rep and where structural repar isnot necessary. Ths method Involves enlarging the crack aang ts exposed face and ing ana seatog with 2 suitable int seat (Fig. 3.1). This is 2 common ‘eetnique for erack treatment ad i relatively simple in comparison Lo the procedures and the ‘waning required for epony injection. The procedure & most appleable Lo approuetely Hat horizontal sufoces sucha floors and paverrents. However, routing and seating can be acconplshed on veri! surfaces (with &non-sag sealnt) as wells on curved susfaces (pipes, ples ane poe) Routing and sealng i used to treat both ne pattem cracks and brger,soated cracks. A ‘common and effective use i for waterooofing by sealng cracks on the concrete surface whore water stands, or where hydrostatic pressure is apple. This treatment reduces tne ‘ality of moisture to reach the renorcng steel or passthrough the concrete, causing sutace stains or other proses. ‘The sealnts may be any of several materials, including epenee, urethanes, scones, Polsubises, espnatie mates, oF palmer mortars. Cement routs should be avoided eto ‘the tketiood of cracking. For fore, the sealant shoul be sutfzienty rigid to suppor the nteipated traf. Satisfactory sealants shouldbe abe to wthstond cycle deforrations an should not be bt ‘The procecure consists of preparng 2 groove at the surface ranging in dept, typial, from 14 to 11m. (6to 25 mm). A concrete saw, hand tools or pneumatic tols may be used. The toove is than cleaned y air basting, sandblasting, or water blasting, and aed. A sealers placed inte the dry groove and allowed to cue, A bond bresker may be provided atthe bottom ofthe groove to atbw the Sealant to change shape, wrhout a concentration of stress on the bottom (Fig. 3.2) hptheconstructor rgiconcretemsthods-o-crackrepsn/886) i204 METHODS OF CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR Rea fc yt a sing on Fi. 22-Eifect of bond breaker ‘The bond breaker may be 2 polethylne stp or tape which wil not bond te the sealant. Careful attention shouldbe appled when dealing the jon so thats with to depth aspact ratio wil accommodate anticipated meverent (ACI 5048), Stitching sttchng invelves cling hols on beth sides ofthe crack and grouting U-shaped matal Uns wen shore gs (stasks or stching cogs) that span the crack as shown mip 3.3 sttchng may be used when tensile strength must be reestablshed across major cracks. The stitching procedure consists of dling holes on bath sites of the crack, clearing the holes, and ‘anchong the lags ofthe stapes inthe Nols, wih einer anon stink grout or an epony rest bases bonding system, Note varie moh tcation and | ‘Sows crock s detabued inthe (ernie arto an corer Sra pane

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