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Last Night on Earth

~ House Rules ~

[Johan “Lobban” Engelskölds LNoE House Rules 1.6]

“Permanent” difficulty raise for heroes

10TH ANNIVERSARY STANDARDIZATION: The standardized rules 1st introduced in “10 year anniversary edition” is used.
This means killed heroes always turn into Zombe Heroes (no black zone) and that the Heroes Replenish settings now is
standard for all scenarios (not in our rules though… read on!)
GENERAL HOUSE RULES: Rules and difficulty settings below applies to every scenario and stack with the scenarios own
settings! Example: If a scenario use Zombie Horde as default, these house rules forces you to play with 2x Zombie
Horde rules with 28 Zombies and rolling to spawn with 4D6. Yes, that IS mean.
DIFFICULTY: [o] is the official difficulty of the rule. A house rulies difficulty is estimated. Difficulty settings and house rules
below is something we use for every game of LNoE (scenario exceptions in the end of these rules). That means;
further customization is used on top of these settings.
“SSI” short for Scenario Search Items and “ZP” for Zombie Player throughout the text.

[oooo] Zombie horde
House rule: 21 zombies  roll to spawn with 4D6 (or even better: 3D8). 28  6D6 (or 3D10).
[ooo] Zombie grave dead
House rule: The ZP roll 2 dice and choose one Grave dead ability.
[oooo] Heroes never replenish (Mainly for 2-3 player games)
You never get new heroes. Exceptions are randomly found heroes or when “Heroes replenish”
is kept in some difficult scenarios (scenario exceptions at the end of these rules).
Additional House rule: Heroes entering midgame can’t get bonus “Hero starting cards”
regardless of what the scenario or these house rules say! This means; they only get 1 card if
starting outside, and 0 cards if they start inside a building.
[ooo] Zombie alarm hazard (NEW RULE!)
Making noise: When heroes “make noise” (searching, firing a gun or using motorized hand
weapons) inside a building, zombies may be alarmed. When noisy put a D6 with a 6 on top
inside that building. IMPORTANT: This is only done once per building for each ZP turn and hero
turn together regardless of number of noises made!
If heroes are noisy two turns in a row (two ZP turns or two hero turns) the D6 change to a 5 and
with three turns in a row to a 4 which is max.
When heroes don’t make noise inside a building for a whole ZP + hero turn you change the
D6 one step backwards (45, 56, 6remove) for each “silent” turn until the D6 is removed.
Also: The D6 is instantly removed if no heroes are present there at the start of a hero turn.
Zombie alarm movement: At the start of a ZP turn, roll 1D6 for each buidling with a D6. On a
positive result (4-6 if the D6 shows a 4, and so forth) the ZP rolls 1D3 and may move that many
zombies 1 step closer to the building. Choice restricted to zombies closest to building before
the roll.
[oo] Hero starting cards(1)
Ex. 1: Standard LNoE setup changed from 01 card in building and 12 cards outside.
Ex. 2: Use a specific scenarios special number of starting cards first , then add 1 extra card.

Various house rules

Zombie heroes
A hero killed by a zombie (not infection) “lie down” on the ground with wounds replenished.
He is turning into a zombie and can be killed while lying down. The turning zombie hero may
defend but can’t move, attack or hurt a hero in any way. If the turning zombie hero survives
he is raised and used the next ZP turn. An infected hero killed in any way (except explosives
that removes him from the board) turns into a zombie hero instantly and attacks every hero in
his square if raised on a hero turn. If raised on a ZP turn, the ZP is free to use him directly.
Scenario search items – SSI
1. SSI drops if the hero dies. Put a marker on the spot and stack the SSI cards near the board
with a corresponding marker. Another hero on that space may pick up the SSI’s for free,
except when moving through.
2. When you have the SSI on random counters and draw nr 1 and 2 (and 1 and 2 are the only
ones you are supposed to find) on the first two tries the 2nd SSI isn’t found anyway. SSI nr 2 may
now be found at nr 3 instead. Heroes secretly checks remaining counters to see where nr 3 is.
If you, for example have 6 counters 1-6, and the 2nd SSI isn’t found on the 4th try, it is found on
nr 5. Heroes secretly checks remaining counters to see where nr 5 is.
GENERAL HOUSE RULES: Optional: As we’ve removed all Zombie cards whose only effect is discardong Hero cards
you (to slowly build the Hero discard) discard 2 cards from the hero draw pile before using any card or board piece
that draw a card from the hero discard pile.

Building pick up restriction

An item used, lost and then picked up with a buildings pick up ability, all in the same turn,
can’t be used again that turn. If there are several copies of the same item in the discard this
rule applies separately to each copy.
Well-stocked buildings
Set up: Place one “pick-up” card per building next to that building. Example: Meat cleaver
for Diner board. Activation: When activating a “well-stocked building” draw the item from
hero discard OR take the item next to that building. You may never draw a card from the
hero deck. Restrictions: The “table card” for “any first aid card” is always the “Recovery”
card. The “table card” for “any gun and ammo” is chosen before game starts. The hero can
choose between shotgun, hunting rifle or revolver AND ammo.
Exert (take wounds) to build barricades: The rule is removed because of thematic disconnect.
Building together (House rule): 2 Heros adjacent to the same wall from any side can choose
to give up both Heros move actions to automatically build 1 barricade/reinforcement.
3+ heroes  automatically build 2 barr./reinf.
With 2+ heroes building, also roll 1D6: 4+ builds 1 extra barr./reinf.
Scenario or character specific barricades: If a character (Ed Baker House rule below) or
Scenario House rule states there will be a number of barricades used, there’s only a that
specific number of barricades available that game.

Supermarket: Ability replaced: Draw 2 cards and choose 1.

Antique shop: Ability replaced: Draw random card from hero discard pile.
Power relay station: “Kill…” ability replaced: Hereos may reroll 1 fight die.
Jenny & Father Joseph: If the Farm (Jenny) or Church (Joseph) isn’t represented in the setup
the hero may choose to roll a random board pice. That board is removed and replaced with
the Farm/Church.
Father Joseph: Extra ability: May reroll 1 fight die in the church.
Kenny: Extra abilities: May carry 6 items. Start with 1 “random item”.
Amanda: Escapes on 5+ instead of 4+.
Jade: Avoid wounds on 3+ when doubles are rolled with 3+ dice. 2 dice work as normal.
Victor: With 2 hand weapons equipped: Break one of them on a bonus die roll of 1.
Jeb: Fight card ability changed: If ZP play fight cards when in Jeb’s space or adjacent, Jeb
instantly draws a hero card that may be kept by Jeb or exchanged with the attacked hero
and used before resolving the ZP fight card.
Ed Baker: Ability replaced with “Timber” ability: 1. Start game with 3 Barricades that do not
count toward maximum carried items. 2. With a chainsaw equipped: May give up a move
action to saw a hole in one space in any wall (even if barricaded/reinforced) on a roll of 3+
(put an open door marker there). 3. If playing a Scenario with Barricades, start game with a
Chainsaw instead of Barricades.
Nikkie: Rescue gear ability replaced: May do a free search on the roll of 3+ when entering a
building from an outdoor space.
Cards (base game, growing hunger, timber peak & hero pack 1)
GENERAL HOUSE RULES: Heroes don’t loose when their deck run out. Optional: As we’ve removed all Zombie cards
whose only effect is discardong Hero cards you (to slowly build the Hero discard) discard 2 cards from the hero draw
pile before using any card or board piece that draw a card from the hero discard pile.

Garden shears: “Instantly killed” changed to “killed”.

Hunting rifle: Extra ability: Instead of firing 2 shots when giving up a move action you can
make 1 aimed shot that hits on 1+ (automatic hit) and instantly kills on 4+.
Monkey wrench: Discard a card on 5+ instead of 4+.
Rotten bodies: Shuffle back into deck and draw a new card if drawn on turn 1.
Lighter: When drawn, immidiately draw a 2nd card. Does not count agaist carrying limit.
Shamble & Trip: New result is always at least 1 less/more than the original value. The cards
negative or positive purpose decides how the result is changed.

Cards (imported web-exclusive card expansions)

Catch: May throw SSI. If dropped SSI, roll to see which space in the arc it lands on. The SSI may
then be picked up again according to “SSI house rules” above.
Closing in: If there are heroes on the chosen boardpiece; roll D3’s instead of D6’s.
Hedge trimmer: You only get extra D6’s from zombie nr 2,3,4… and so forth.
Hungry dead: Max one extra Zombie card drawn per hero regardless of number of lost fights.
Hysteria: Take cancelled card back in hand but you may not use it again before next turn.
The smell of brains: Play at the start of a fight before any fight dice are rolled.
Wireless radio: Runs out of batteries and “breaks” on a roll of 1.
Hero Upgrades
GENERAL HOUSE RULES (Tougher variant): 1. Max 3 XP/hero (6 with “gaining ground”) and Hero turn. 2. Unlocking a
Boost always cost a minimum of 2 XP. 3. When gaining an Upgrade, roll a D3 to randomly decide which pile you
draw from. You may choose the drawpile if you pay an extra +1 XP.

Combat Prowess: Boost replaced: You may move 1 space when beating a Zombie with 2.
Knockback: Cost added: Spend 2 XP to make a Boosted knockback.
Rush of Combat: Boost replaced: Heals on 3+.

Sharpshooter: Boost changed: 2 damage instead of “killed”.
Crippling hit: Completely redone! ABILITY: May choose to make a “crippling hit” (CH) shot
with +1 to hit. Roll for ammo separately roll w.o. +1. CH don’t kill Zombies. Figure is instead laid
down and may only move with Zombie hunger. Faster Zombies and Behemoths may move
without Zombie hunger but never more than 1 space/action. Only gain XP when crippling a
Zombie that would’ve died with a normal shot. Crippled Zombies don’t count when rolling to
spawn new Zombies.
BOOST: CH is +2 and may also push the zombie 1 space in opposite direction of the Hero.
Trigger Happy: Completely redone! ABILITY: Discard ammo or ranged weapon to make 3
rifle/shotgun or 4 pistol/revolver shots with -1 on the rolls. Don’t roll for ammo! The discarded
weapon/ammo is then removed from the game.
BOOST: May spend 1 XP to make 4 rifle/shotgun or 6 pistol/revolver shots with -1.

Gaining ground: Max 3 extra XP/Hero turn.
Lucky: Cost added: Spend 1 XP/fight.
Resourceful: Boost changed: Take both cards, then discard 1 of that charcters cards.
Scenario tweaks
GENERAL IDEAS: These tweaks are meant to be used with the “Permament difficulty raise for heroes” that start out
these house rules. This means for example that the base number of Zombies is 21 instead of 14 in every scenario. Se
the beginning of these House rules for more examples. You can use these scenario tweaks with standard rules but
you need to adjust some settings if you do. Optional: With 3+ Hero players the “Hereos don’t replenish” rule might be
boring. If changing a scenario to “HEROES REPLENISH!” while wanting to keep a tough survival feel; add a Zombie
Horde (+7 extra zombies) instead. A note on Scenarie Search Items (SSI): As I don’t like the standard way SSI works,
most of those scenarios are changed.

Escape in the truck: SSI replaced with 5 badges in random buildings w.o. heroes.
1: Truck keys. 2: Diesel. 3-5: Nothing. 1 and 2 are represented by appropriate badges and
counts as one item each. Difficulty: Can’t escape the same turn you used gasoline. “Heroes
don’t replenish”.
Defend the manor: “Pack mentality” grave dead may not be used. Difficulty: No “Zombie
alarm hazard” house rule. Autospawn changed to “roll to spawn with 4D6.” “Heroes don’t
Burn’em out: Add 6 badges in random buildings w.o. heroes.
1-3 Draw SSI. 4-6: Draw from the deck. Extra requirement: A “keyword fire” item is needed to
use the explosives. Additional SSI: Lighter. Gasoline station/Refinery restricion: You may only
pick up 1 explosive/game and building with a “Pick up gasoline/explosive” ability.
Difficulty: “Heroes don’t replenish”.
Burn it to the ground: Add 6 badges in random buildings w.o. heroes.
1-2: Draw SSI. 3-6: Draw from the deck. Gasoline station/Refinery restriction: You may only pick
up 1 explosive/game and building with an “Pick up gasoline/explosive” ability.
Difficulty: Roll 1D6+1 when spawning at end of ZP turn. “Heroes don’t replenish”.
Plague carriers: Difficulty: “Hero starting cards (2)”  (0). “HEROES REPLENISH!”
Zombie apocalypse: Difficulty: “Hero starting cards (2)”  (1). Roll 1D6+1 when spawning at
Hunt for survivors: Difficulty: “Hero starting cards (1)”  (0). When searching for survivors and
rolling equal to revealed number you always find a zombie hero and never a hero! “Heroes
don’t replenish”.
Revenge of the dead: Difficulty: “Hero starting cards (1)”  (0). “HEROES REPLENISH!”
Hold the line: You get 8 starting cards and no bonus starting cards, including house rules.
Difficulty: No “Zombie alarm hazard” house rule. “HEROES REPLENISH”!
We’ve got to get back: You get 12 starting cards and no bonus starting cards, including house
rules. There can be max 1 bio cannister on board pice nr. 2. Reroll if more than one are
supposed to be placed there. Difficulty: “Heroes don’t replenish”.
All hallows eve (VARIANT): The Manor is used as center piece. 19 turns. Extra requirement: The
book must be burnt at an altar in the 4 central spaces of the manor. Zombie Master: 3 health,
2 attack dice. Loose 2 health on a “kill”. Ignores adjacent Zombie hunger. An alive Zombie
Master may use 1 of 4 central Manor spaces as a spawning pit each turn.
Hero major victory: Save all townsfolk. (Zombie major Victory condition unchanged).
Difficulty: “Heroes don’t replenish”.

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