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The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

Welcome to The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably
Not Using. So the idea is pitch, sell close and repeat that is pitch, sell
close as you want to pitch the why sell the what and close out.

So what is pitch the wide mean just to do a little bit of a recap, is to

sell the vision, not what it is you do, but really the vision of the
product, the service, their investment. And because people when
you're selling, they have no imagination, one of the worst things you
can do in a sales environment is to assume that your customer or your
investor knows what they want. Most people don't know what they
want until they actually get it or see it or experience it. So what a cell
division, you know, something that Elan Musk, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs
have done just so very well. Because nobody knew they needed an
iPad or Tesla, or even the ability to shop online with Jeff Bezos. And
so that is one thing, you cannot say I am not good at sales, because
that is just an excuse. It is it is just an excuse. And so what you need
to be able to do is to sell the vision, what's it going to like, when you
come to my event, or when I coach it, this is what's going to happen,
or we do deals together? Or here's what's going to happen. And I had
to do that. And I'll give you an example of selling division that
actually go through all the steps. I'll come back.

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using


So we want to pitch the why then sell the what Dan, you tell people? What is the
product? What is the service? And then so you pitch the why sell the what and close the how
closing the How is basically telling the customer how to order telling the investor how to
invest. One of the worst things you ought to do. We talked about this in the previous one, I'm
just recapping and maybe I did maybe I did is the art of assumptive. Base closing, always talk
to the customer. Like you know, they're going to buy from you like you know, they're going
to invest with you. Because what you have is they need your product, they need your service,
you have authority, because when you go to the customer and you say okay, well, you you
know, what do you think are you interested, what you're doing is that you're moving away the
power of disparity, which was you making the offer for the product, the service and the
investment, and then switching it to switching it to the customer, the investor where now they
have the power.

Now I'm gonna give you a very recent example of a couple things that I came up with
recently. You know, this all happened during the pandemic, as things need to shift, I need to
innovate. And so in my mind, I said every day, I'm online every day, we're doing live
coaching every day, I'm doing this. But the problem is, you know, I have a bunch of fans or
attendees, right? How can I monetize my social media following. And the best way to
monetize is to do deals. So I created do deals network, right. And the idea was, you know,
you can bring me deals, right, that was one level. Second way you can bring deals, but then
you have my proof of funds letter.

So you put an offer, you have a proof of lesbian, my private equity. And the third one
was the founders, the ability to be in a meeting, where you see all the deals we can invest
together, learn together, participate together. And you know, there have been a lot of clubs. In
fact, I started a club a few years back, and it was a very good club that just people didn't show
up. And so the idea is how can we just genuinely So number one, we had to make sure the
quality was high. And number two, I had to sell the vision. And I called you know, the first

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

20 people myself and Alma division who has in the all said yes, before really know what it is.
Now fast forward, this has been one of the greatest things, a $35 million deal appear from
there that we picked up for $2.5 million, the ability to participate in alipay, which is owned
by jack Ma, and and Alibaba did the flips that I have the deals that small, bigger this business
opportunities ahead VLAN, where I put 500,000 and I'm going to get five times my return on
my money in nine months.

These deals happen. They happen because I created this network. And so always
thinking about the next thing I said, Okay, this is working. Just absolutely fantastic. How can
I now? Like monetize this? Right? How can I monetize This opportunity, how can I really go
to the next level? Because people say, Well, I'm not in real estate, I don't have any deals, I
have a business. So then I create next level with JT, where we go into businesses. And we
find out we, you know, takes about two, three hours, we do research, turn every corner and
look at the competition. And then after that, say, Okay, well, here's how we can get involved
in your business, or here are various options, you know, passive active, you know, bring my
infrastructure, my sales, my marketing my connections, and now we got into like, eight or
nine deals. So now see, but you have to be very good at selling the vision, right? So I said,
here's what my vision is, here's what it is. And here's how they can get involved, leading them
to a decision process.

That is the idea of pitch, sell close. But now we're going to take it even more
advanced. And by the way, if you want to want me to be your partner, or you want my team,
my organization, francy ga t Mendell, and, and everyone there just got to next level, which I
think just have a one on one meeting, let's see what the opportunities are. So, so exciting at
that, as well. So very, very exciting. But So now, I'm going to take it to the next level, which
is what we are going to talk about here. And this section is a little bit more advanced. And
what do I mean by a little bit more advanced, is the idea of strategic positioning. Okay. And
so here's the thing, it's all about sales, right, and I'm gonna repeat this, again, if you can't sell,
you cannot succeed. So I'm going to show you how to build a sales organization, whether it's
just you or somebody else, sales is not an art, it is a science. And there are things that you
need to do. So the reason why you can sell is because you don't have a framework. So part of
the pitch sell clothes is it's kind of the overarching, kind of overarching plan. But now the
way I do is I got to bring structure.

So this is pitch, sell close, the structure component, this is the segment that we are
putting on a foundation so that when you build pitch, sell clothes, and you put that house on
top of the foundation, there's no floods, there's no tornado, there's no hurricane, right?
Nothing can move it. Because if you have these drivers, in your organization, these
components, then you will be able to close better know what's working, what's not working,
adjust your sales, your marketing, the way you approach everything. Most people don't look
anything, they have this approach where you're just winging it, and you cannot win. Okay,
you cannot win. So that's a a process of, of elimination did you have to do so number one,
you need performance data, okay, you need performance data. So I wanted to write this
down, this is going to be kind of this. So number one, you need to have within the prospect

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

data, you need to have what's called a lead scoring, okay, every potential leads you have, you
need to have some kind of a lead score, right? Whether they qualify, they fill out the form,
you had an initial interview. And the reason why is too many times, right, let's say you have
ABC and D leads, right? A lot of times people spend a lot of times on the season DS, which
have a lot more questions, a lot more objections, but they never bought, partly because they
have no money or they have fear or whatever it is. So you got to spend your time on the A's
and B's. So what can you do you can create to do this, you can create a test, you can create a
questionnaire, you can have an initial call, you got somebody else with initial call. And what
it does is you got to come up with some qualifying questions.

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using


Ultimately, you want to really find out, you know, what is their financial situation?
Right. And it's not to say that people have no money, and they're a waste of time. But here's
the thing, there's only so many hours, there's only sunny days, so we got to we got to make
sure that, that you know, you're you're protected in that way. So you got to have this and the
biggest question you can always ask is on a scale of one to 10 What is your financial situation
10 being really good, and one not be good. You know, if people you know often give you
lower than a five, you know, you know things are going to be tight as well.

Now, it's not sale proof people be alive. You know, you can go even further by asking
how much money they have, you know, and what their debt is. Do they own their house? Do
they have equity? I mean, there's a lot more questions. But again, sometimes when you're
selling at first, the more questions you ask about their financial situation, the less likely
they're gonna give you so there's a fine balance. There's also a difference between a more
market lead and a cold market lead, right? Do they know you? Right? Do they know who you
are? Are they ever met you Do you know is this a cold lead on social media? Or this is a
database, right?

So also in your system, you got to have customers and clients, I've said this before,
customers or people will buy once from you, clients or people about more than once you. So
some of your clients you want to know already. And sometimes there's an easier, there's an
easier opportunity to be able to do that.

The second message that you kind of have in this in this performance data is you need
to have a message going in. Okay, a unified message. And what do I mean by unified
messages? You got to know what you're going to say? Okay, you got to know what you're
going to say. And I know it sounds a little bit cliche about but what's going to be a message,
okay, when you call, okay. You know, Hi, my name is this. And here's why you need to listen
to me, here's what's about. I think too many people when they go in, they've actually never
written down, here's what I want to get across. Here's the messaging I want to get on. And by

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

the way, what happens is that it creates that, that ability to to have cohesiveness. And so
especially when you're over the phone, when you're over the phone, you want to be able to
have a message of cohesion, especially when you're on the phone.

Here's the message. Here's I want to say now the important thing with a message is
that it sounds natural, nothing is worse than when people call and it sounds like you're
reading the message off the script as well. Now, how do you do that, so you write down your
message. So as I'm doing this, a lot of guys keep coming over. So I apologize to my nose. But
that's how I get inspired by these courses and record them outside. So give me a sec till they
leave. So the message is understanding the importance of natural, so how I do it, is I'll write
down a message and I'll literally read it 100 times, okay, and even better, if you can
memorize it, how effective the memorization is. And that's very, very, very important, as
well, because people don't like being sold, right? Every buddy wants to buy but nobody wants
to be sold to. So of course, there's apprehension as well. So you got to sound natural, okay,
and you have your message written down. Okay, you got to say it 100 times.

Now, that's when you talk over the phone. Right, and also talk over the phone is much
harder. And, but in a way, in a new world of zoom selling as well, people see their face if you
can see their body language. And there's a great course on millionaire plates, of course, on
body language that's already included here. You can change your presentation based on your
body language. So many, many times, I have switched my, my sales presentation, based on
body language, based on on, you know what I see. So create a message, right? And the
message must be filled with not features but more benefits with sprinkled a little bit of facts
and numbers and statistics, not too much. But for the left brains, right? Because here's the
thing, when you're speaking, and you see someone on zoom, or you speak live, first thing you
ascertain, are they left brain are they right brain and then you then adjust your pitch right
brain, right feelings, emotions, left brain facts, numbers and statistics and logic. But when
you're talking on the phone, you're not sure right away, I can tell very quickly by the tonality
of the voice by the type of questions they have, by the job that they do.

Again, I'd recommend you listen to the body language course that's already included
in millionaire flex. So you can truly get a whole purpose on on on this to me So to me, was
that the message? Okay. Next one, I want to know, like the What do you say the opening line
of your presentation, right? And what I have found very effective. It says, Hi, my name is
Jackie Fox, I'm the CEO of this. I don't normally make phone calls. I don't normally make
phone calls. You know, like this because you know, you probably just want to try to sell
something. But here's what I'm looking for.

So what you do straight from the outset, you disarm the objection. Because whatever
you're selling whatever product or your service people are always, always, always, always,
always, always, always, always, always. You know, they're just always, you know, like, Oh,
hang up, I don't have time, right and so, so you want make sure that the opening is there. Now
if your people are calling and be like Hi, I'm so and so. And I just spoke to my boss. about
you or your fall in your account, and you wanted me to call you, personally, and talk to you

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

further or ask me to offer you this, right? Because in the end, it is true, right? You will talk to
your team, here's the leads, I want you to call, here's leads, I'm interested as well. And that's
trying to get third party edification as well. But there's a different way how to train your own
salespeople and in yourself, I'm trying to do a hybrid.

But again, no one should be able to sell better than you. If your people sell better than
you. That's a problem. You need to keep listening to this over and over, and over and over
and over again, as well. Okay, so. So, so that's the how the, the call should go. The next one
is the follow up meeting. Okay. Very, very, very hard. On the first sales call, that you're
going to get people say, Yes, I'm interested as well. Okay. unless they've seen you before,
unless they requested when you go to cold, you have to understand, right? That it's a two step
sales process, right? positioning authority, build rapport, and then boom, set up another
meeting, when you set up that in the meeting always have a specific time. And a specific
date. Okay, a specific time and a specific date. Reason why he say, Well, I'd like to talk next
week. Yeah, yeah. People say yes. So what you're looking for is commitment of schedule.

Now, the most frustrating part is people set up a call, they don't get on the phone call,
they blow off meetings, and I don't blow off meetings, you know, if something happens, you
know, I think there's only one meeting I've gone off in the last two years. And that's because
there's a medical emergency that happened, my family that had to be taken care of 15 minutes
before the phone call. But other than that, I stick to my appointments, I stick to the call. And
that's why most people are not succeeding, because they think they're busy. But they're busy
creating excuses.

You know, and to me, I look at every meeting, every opportunity, it takes one person,
one deal and one opportunity to change your life and your business forever. So, to me, it's
very important as well, so so I want to make sure that the follow up me the two step meeting
as well. Okay. And then the next thing you want in you go in there is you got to have a sales
plan. Okay. And so, if they buy this, okay, here's what happens. If they don't buy this, do I
have a down sell? So sometimes people are trying to swing for the fence and get the big deal?
The big thing, say, hey, rather than investing, you know, 300,000 this project, why don't we
start with 50,000? Or rather than buying this program for 50,000? Why don't we just start at
the 500? Or why don't we just start with this as well. So here's the thing, you've got to have a
plan. And important thing is you need to have a down sell. And by the way, the down sell is

So I'm a big believer of a sales plan is number one always have three options when
you're selling three or four options, tops. Remember it confused mind doesn't buy doesn't
invest. Right? So the idea is to have three options. And one of them's the lower right the
equivalent of the you know, the Bugatti The, the you know, the the Bugatti The, the
Mercedes, and then the Corolla as well. And then if that doesn't work, it'd be like, the scooter.
Okay. So it's the ultimate down sell of the scooter. So that's an important part of the process
to understand is the scooter. Okay. So really, really kind of understanding the the ability to

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

really kind of have come up with a sales plan, three options, and then a down sell if they go
that as well. And then it's very important to have a follow up plan. All right, about 90% of
sales are follow up and follow through. And I tried this, what's called a seven minute phone
call. And so really kind of what happened is, you know, my clients, my people had the leads,
it didn't work out, and I just set up a 7 million call a seven minute call. And so I got on the
phone, I talked to them. And I tell them, here's my plan I want to do, here's what I want to do.
And believe it or not, I have been perfect on it. In fact, I have three today. So hopefully it
doesn't jinx it and break my streak as well. And you know, here's the thing,

How come my people couldn't close it as well. So maybe as you as the position of
authority you come in, you say what you're doing and your salespeople then closes the deal
afterwards. And any further questions as well. So to be very, very important that I do that.
And I made a very big difference. So make sure number one, there's a follow up. There's a
follow through, right. And obviously there's a difference between persistence and stalking.
But if it doesn't work out, just create a funnel that every three to four weeks they get, Hey, I
know that you said no or you're thinking about it, you're not ready. Just let you know that I'm
ready and I'm persistent as well. So I think the To me, that's what makes all the difference in
the world is to make sure to note most people don't know they have this Winget approach
when it comes to sales. And that's why they don't do as well. That's why they don't succeed as
well as they do. Okay, because there's no follow up plan, there's no follow through, if most of
the sales are in the follow up and follow through, then you add it could be coming out with a
plan. Okay. And then here's the thing to another part that you need to understand is, you
know, are you going to use a CRM, what are you going to use the sales tools, right. And
sometimes, there's a lot of cheap ones and a lot of very expensive ones, right.

But just to be able to have the lead management as well. And I think for us for a very
long time. And in some cases, sometimes we're still victim of that, itself, a Google Excel
spreadsheet. But here's the thing, you have all the CRM, all the data you want. But if you
can't look at it, and analyze, and that is your job, right, you can't expect your employees or
managers to be able to see what you see. And if it's just you, tracking is such a big weakness
as well, because it tracks productivity, how many calls, how many leads, what's happening,
what's not happening. And as a result, right, you can find who are your strong eight players
who are Your weak players. And I be surprised, sometimes you think someone's better, but
when you look at the data, they're not as good as they think. So that way, you can move
resources. That way, you can move and adjust resources, you know, in the right positioning,
and to make sure that your best people get the best leads. And then eventually, it gets
someone to go in there and close. And also hold everybody accountable by comparing sales,
right? Also to a very big number that people don't understand a sale versus collected, people
like, Oh, I got a sale, but a sale is not until all the money then also a sale in a long payment
plan often doesn't work. So it's kind of really kind of understanding that positioning,
understanding that positioning of, you know, what works and what doesn't work, and, and,
you know, the positioning of it as well.

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

And, and that's why you've got to have training and coaching. And the most effective
way of selling is role playing, role playing, role playing, and that's a very important one.
Okay, yeah, the ability to role play, okay. And one of the most shocking things that, that
you'll ever do, is when you tell people to sell you, and there's always the excuse, oh, you
know, I got intimidated because you're the boss as well. But really, you're going to realize
how bad they are, you're literally going to realize how bad they are at selling. You know, it's
kind of shocking, right? And it happened to me as well. And also how much product
knowledge people don't have. And so if I was you, and you have other people working for
you, give them a test roleplay sell me the product, throw objections at them, see how they
answer as well. You know, some places you can't or cannot do that. But if they can record
themselves, and you can listen, because somebody and you could tell, I mean, it's actually
one of the most frustrating things in the world, the worst thing you can do when it comes
down to sale is to have a laissez faire approach. But if it's just you, you got to be your
harshest critic, record yourself on your end, right. And then Lee re listen to you, oh, my God,
what the I've stumbled, I didn't say this. I said this as well.

Think about this, as you being a football player Tom Brady talked about this in
previous that he would go back to the place analyze what he said, what he didn't say what he
could have done, throwing the ball, what play seen again, going back and forth, you must
become a student of the game, the art of the deal, the art of sales, and you have to be your
toughest critic. And you have to say, I'm gonna say this next time, or I shouldn't have said
this as well. Because if not, you are never going to get better. And I know you're a great guy,
I know, you're great. See, that's the thing much I know you are great. But you either got to get
coach and train yourself. And by the way, if you want, we have an event called mega sales,
which we roleplay for, you know, four days live, or now we're doing it virtual as well, both.
And we actually roleplay you sell me I sell you and I could sell you better than you can sell
yourself because one of the things that that I think is very effective, is I look at other
businesses that are not mine, and I try to see if I can sell it. Right. And I also take a look at
other businesses and say what would I do?

How would I do this better, faster, more efficient. I'm always looking for that. That
that advantage that makes all difference in the world, because that just makes all the
difference in the world. So but so the ability to understand and also always breaking down
your sales process, what's working, what's not working. And I would recommend this, here's
a big aha, when you're testing a new price strange or pre stress free strategy, try to do it to
five people in a row. And you maybe have a good database like, like factor of whether it's
working or not, because one of the worst things that you can do is to basically fail twice and
say, Oh, it's not working and not adjust your offer, you need to adjust your offer, to, you
know, to to basically, by having the data so some people are too quick didn't stick with it,
they didn't have it.

You can't sell to people nothing because you don't want to have money that no
money, it's not the right time of day, you didn't do as well, right? Because the more you sell, I
mean, the art at some point, I'm gonna do another program, the art of selling on stage, which

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

is probably one of the hardest things you can do when people don't know you, because the
presentation is scientific. Now a lot of Guru haters would be like, there's a formula. Of
course, there's a formula to everything. Right. And the reason for most, because it works,
that's the sale. And I know some people use it unethically. But there is a process, those are
step one, the performance data that you need. Okay, this alone is worth it, your membership
of that. And by the way, I'm going to start doing a little bit of role playing for those of you
who are on level two, millionaire flexible upgrade to the coaching, which is you get about
five hours of group coaching, I'm gonna start role playing a lot more sales.

In fact, in this program, I'm going to include a program of role playing, that I put in
there, so you can see the power of role playing that I did, because to me is very, very
important. So we are going to put that into this program. Some of you have heard it, but if
you are to see I'm going to want you to look at it and analyze things from a different
perspective. And that's the great part about sales and success is really kind of understanding
the the positioning and understanding, you know, what works and what doesn't work and how
to make it happen and stuff like that. So to me very, very, very, very, very important to that as
though Okay, step number two, you know, how well are you doing? How well are you doing
by the numbers? Okay, step number two, how well are you doing by the numbers? So I'm
going to want you to write down these data's and I want you to incorporate this in your
business, okay? Because these are very, very, very important to your success.

They're very, very important to how you do this as well. So number one, you want to
talk to like, like, what is what I call the sources of revenue, okay, where the money is coming
from? So number one is new customers, okay? new customers, okay? How many new
customers? Are you getting? a day, a week, a month, depending on your value? Okay? And
so that's an important source, okay. And then you can put a number on that how many sales
growth to new customers.

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using


Another metric that you want to put in is existing customers, right? How many
existing customers that say, but this product so the new customers, how many new customers
we got, right? And existing customers how many existing customers bought this product for
total sales. The most important number in sales and how empires are built is life time value,
your customer your partner, keep buying over and over and over. And by the way, if you take
a look at what Apple and Amazon is so valuable, it's exactly what it doesn't matter what
Apple comes in, I By the way, Amazon, the loyalty, the ease of use, that people keep buying
over and over, you often don't need to get resold. Right? Because there's something called a
luxury and a necessity a luxury and a necessity. And necessities I need this product, I need
this service. And it luxury is I wanted but I really don't know if I really need it.

Now what has happened in the case of Apple is that very luxurious necessity, right?
You don't need a $900 phone, you really don't. Okay, you don't need a $900 phone. You
really don't. Like you don't need a $900 phone, but people get it because it's, you know, it's,
it's, you know, it's an iPhone, right? Or the 11,000 1200 whatever it is right? They'll keep
paying it over and over and over again as well. And for a long time, right. I never bought the
watch. I still haven't bought it. But now they came up with more health driven because there's
been a lot of updates

And they also came up with the oxygenator. Right? So especially COVID, and oxygen level
as well and being low. So they basically created this level. So they're now making the watch.
and integrating is so much part of your life that not only is the iPod no longer but the iPhone,
that Mac and the iPad a necessity for a lot of people because it's all integrated. The apps have
become integrated Apple Music, Apple video, right. So what happens is that they're building
an ecosystem, right? they dominate one thing.

Amazon was the books right and now they sell you pretty much everything. A very
good book bezel nomics. Better book millionaire underdog, by the way, first, you should read

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

millionaire, underdog But another book about how Amazon works. Best
phenomics very, very, very kind of good book about the positioning of, of Amazon and how
they put in there as well.

So the next one I want to know is how many kind of like new markets or new market
segments have we opened? So have we opened a new city? Have we opened a new product
category? Have we opened a new city, depending on where you are, as well? Did you expand
number of countries especially know online as well, right, because you can then track that,
oh, we're getting a lot of traction in this city or in this country, or for this type of product.
And now you can adjust your offering you can pivot your organization that is not to be like a
giant Titanic, or a giant ship where you're, you're going to crash and fall because you're too
big, or it takes too long, too slow. You want to be like that small speedboat. You want to be
nimble, you want to be able to go in there. So I love seeing, you know, oh, this product we're
getting or I'll go to my people say, okay, we did something over there says in Australia, New
Zealand, you know, we added this time, is it working? Is that not working? Europe, how
many people what's the best time as well. And because if I'm flying blind, I'm in essence
throwing something against the window. And I'm hoping it's going to stick. And it doesn't
always work that way as well.

So, and then the most important thing is called customer churn, customer churn. And
what that is, is, every single year, you know, you'd lose customers, because out of sight, out
of mind. And so to me, you know, one of the things is I saw this woman, she was a friend of
mine, she was a friend on Facebook, I remember she came to the top 1%. That's the three day
where I coach people at my house or in other parts of the world. Now, it's virtual till we go
back online, but we are going to put one online, do the online and start live and virtual,
mixing things up. So be announcing that very shortly. And if you're listening to this later on,
we may already have it up and running. Because I think this program is going to be timeless.
And so, you know, I noticed that she unfriended me on Facebook. And I don't know why you
know me? Why would she unfriend me on Facebook? It doesn't make sense to me. Right?
And so, you know, the problem is that was I posting too much, which I usually don't, you
know, and then I saw her, like, spending time with another sort of Guru that I know is sea
level guru. And, you know, they're speaking on their virtuals, which is a bunch of nobodies.

But, you know, that should be it. For us. It's the highest standard, you know, we have
the highest standard of people. And I think this is very, very, very, very important. Very, very
important for us to get involved in business to figure out, you know, what's, you know, what's
wrong? And, and finally, the numbers you should trick keep track of which is probably, you
know, these are like, the most important three numbers that you need is number one, what is
your closing percentage? Okay,and what is the deal size and the profit margin, okay? And the
reason why and this number may not be as important to you, but sometimes you have sales
people cutting deals, and after you pay commissions, and you look at your numbers, you got
the sale, but you didn't make that much money.

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

And that's a problem sometimes when people have flexibility and making deals as
well. And the last number is, you know, tracking how many meetings how many sales, okay,
so for every 10 meetings, you know, we got three sales because then you'd be like, how do
we get the five and then you analyze but they was three, what happened to the seven, no
money, this excuse that excuse follow up maybe as well, because you can really adapt your
entire messaging to this type of thing as well.

So to me, that is such an important thing as well. And your bottom line is Okay, your
bottom line is because there are things that you generate, because you have your sales team,
you can have your sales effort, which is your effort, okay? And when you take a look at all of
that as well, you want to take a look at what's your revenue, and what's your profitability of
every division, okay, every sales division out to have this because marketing me like, Oh, we
got all these online sales, which makes it look like your sales department is doing well, it
doesn't. And then you can sell selling a lot. And you're pumping all this money to marketing,
because a sales people either got their own leads or or you got to track and most important
things, you got to figure out how can marketing and sales, right, the lead generation and the
sales team, you know, work together.

And right now, there's nothing more important than the sales call, right or so the
generating the lead on marketing and the sales call as well. That is probably one of the most
effective way of working right now. Is that idea as well. But more More importantly, as well,
you should set the expectation. The big mistake is people say I want you to make X amount
of phone calls. I'm expecting X amount of sales, because the worst thing you can do. And the
worst thing you can do is have people that are not are not performing or you're just you know,
a player's they want to meet or exceed a goal. Okay. And sales.

Most salespeople great salespeople, a player salespeople, they're incentivized by

making more money, because that's how they build money. That's how they make more
money. So that's something that you have to take a look at. When you grow, can you
incentivize, can you create bonuses? Right? Can you set the goals, also create a competition
against other salespeople as well, that's how it works as well. That's how you build that
sustainable sales goal, we're gonna move on to the other side of the program.

So for me, when I sell, there's certain things that I do before I start anything else like
that? And you should do as well, number one, you have to understand your cultural market.
Okay, what do I mean by that? I have spoken in 54 countries. And I can tell you that your
product, your service, and your investment works in where in the world, although the
problem becomes a very big problem. And that problem becomes that when you are let's say
you are overseas, and as an American, but for in Canada, I'm kidding, an American,
depending if you like Americans and Americans, if you don't like Americans, I'm Canadian.

But a lot of people don't like the American hard way of selling, okay, but they'll still
buy our products of service or investments. But that's not the point. So you have to
understand the culture. And I'm going to give you some examples of some of the cultures that

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

I've had to experience that I've had to sort of navigate to that give you an idea, the point
between the different types of market and selling. So I will tell you that. And I think that will
be very revealing to understanding your market. So for example, okay, what's the difference
between Canada and America? Okay, America asked for the sale in your face very, very
tough. Canadians like, whoo,there. You don't want to sell me there right.

Now, I'll tell you that I've made more money in Canada, sometimes selling that I have
in America as well. So people like well, it's hard in Canada, it's not hard, is that the problem
in Canada is that there's a lot of objections. And what you need to do is you need to eliminate
the objections before it comes into. So one of them is Oh, you live in America or your this or
your that as well. Also, too, when you're selling, everyone has objections. And if you don't
bring up the objections that they didn't ask, right, I always tell people always sell people
whether they're known or unknown, because you just never know. You just never know. You
know, they might say, Well, I'm not interested to buy but they never tell you why. And the
reason is the one you brought up, so sometimes you afraid Well, what if I bring up a reason
that creates like, that makes them realize, well, that just shows your authority that you're
willing to bring up every single objection.

Remember, whatever you think you can hurt you, you need to bring it up as well. So
then I take a look at the Canadian market, it's very, very much similar to the New Zealand
market as well. Right. And in Australia, you deal with tall poppy syndrome. And so I use
that, I guess it's Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, hate the American way. But there's also
something called young delevan and yanta lagen, which means we're all equal and nobody is
different than anybody else. And we're all the same. And a lot of people, at least my market,
they don't want that. They don't want to be like everybody else. And the fact that they don't
want to be like everybody else. Just kind of shows them just kind of shows them that, you
know, if I bring up this message, this message to them, then say, Hey, listen, I remember
saying on a speech or No, I said f young fellowmen. Right. And, you know, I got a standing
ovation as well. So understanding the culture of differences as well know how many
Americans or Canadians going into Norway and know the word young milovan. Right. And
so you have to understand these barriers and the Scandi grid in Finland, very analytical, very
left brained just kind of stare at you, you really got to push, push, push, push, push.

But remember, when I look at my audience, you know, the world's becoming a giant
melting pot. Sometimes I go to countries in Europe, like you go to London and some melting
pot and the whole world, right, a lot of Africans, a lot of Eastern Europeans, a lot of other
types of Europeans. Not a lot of British, but when you go to Leeds and Manchester, it's a
whole different ballgame. You go to Birmingham, right? So the UK, you know, bragging is
not very, very effective. And British people are very, very skeptical. You can see that online
by all the hatred and negativity. People love going online and being negative on there. And
South Africa, they had this mindset that I live in South Africa, so I'm screwed.

So I said, Are you a South African or South Africa or that sell what you do doesn't
work only works in America, other places we live in South Africa, so I needed to show right

The Ultimate 3 Step Closing Process You're Probably Not Using

and that's why you could be the greatest salesperson but nothing sells better than results. So
in a lot of places I build my brand around results. I interesting enough, I was so nervous the
first time I went to the UAE Dubai cuz I'm like, Oh my god, Middle Eastern country, bla bla
bla, well, you go to Dubai, 90% of the people in the room are actually from all over the

Now with Abu Dhabi, they're a little bit more conservative about rain. It was like
brand new, very few people had gone to Bahrain, we had a pack route, there's definitely an
income disparity as well. So you had to bring that in. And, and Kuwait was a was a was more
of a yet to watch everything that you said. Right? Everything that you say, because it's just,
you know, it's kind of like, you don't want to get caught into the crossfire of certain things,
right? of political and racial, Oman nicest people as well. So they were kind of open to
everything, as was a different thing. Singapore, again, the hard sell does not work, you got to
praise of the agent, like I know, I'm not Asian, but I am family.

My motto is family, Asia is about family. So you got to play off that. Also, too, you
have to understand that Asia is not the same thing everywhere, China, it's all about what you
own, how big your house is what your car is, right? While Singapore is they hate that type of
Asian, Kal people. Kuala Lumpur, they must be Malaysia when they must be very much like
Singapore, Japan, it's all about elders and respect, which is kind of crazy. Because that's not a
very effective way. You know, as you know, a lot of big companies are built by youth. So
you got to work with honor and tradition in there as well and show respect to your elders as
well. And so, you know, it, she needs to know that if you're five minutes early, you're late.


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