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Way of the Wolf Summary


Why Read this book:

helpful for persuasion, psychology

perform presentations that will hook the attention of the viewer

sales. money. yeah.

influence people to do what you want (ethically)

Contents (Arlo’s version 😉):

1. Cracking the Code for Sales and Influence

2. The Straight LIne

3. The First Four Seconds

4. Tonality and Body Language

5. State Management

6. How to manage your state

7. Advance tonality* (favorite chapter)

8. Advanced Body Language

9. The Art of Prospecting

10. 10 Rules for straight line prospecting

11. Making world-class sales presentations

12. Looping


Way of the Wolf Summary 1

1. Cracking the code for sales and influence

a. Every sale is pretty much the same

i. It’s all about clearing uncertainties (being unsure)

ii. We can grade certainties on a scale of 1-10

1. 1: uncertain

2. 10: super certain

iii. The goal is to make the person certain

b. The Three Tens:

i. The product, idea, or concept

ii. You

iii. The company

c. We need to make the client move up the scale on all 3 aspects


2. The Straight Line System

a. 2 Types of Certainty

i. Logical

ii. Emotional

b. “We make decisions based on our emotions, then justify it with logic”

c. Instead of trying to force a client from buying…

i. understand their needs by probing/asking questions

ii. make sure you can provide the client’s needs, and handle their concerns

iii. make them more and more certain.

d. 5 Core Elements of the STraight Line system

i. prospect must love your product

ii. prospect must trust and connect with you

iii. prospect must trust and connect with your company

Way of the Wolf Summary 2

iv. lower the action treshold (make it easy for them to start)

v. raise the pain threshold (make them know the pain of not working with you)

3. The first four seconds

a. First impressions are important. We remember them and it takes a lot of effort
to override.

i. (This is why i start my presentations with something memorable to hook

your attention. Our attention spans aren’t that long anyway)

ii. (Think of a YouTube short. They want to get your attention within the first
four seconds.)

iii. Don’t miss out on this opportunity

b. The right way to be perceived as:

i. sharp (observant)

ii. enthusiastic

iii. expert in your field

4. Tonality and body language

a. Human communication:

i. 45% tonality

ii. 45% Body Language

iii. 10% Words

b. Saying nothing but crossing your arms and rolling your eyes clearly says

c. We tend to notice tonality and body language more perceptively than just the
words we hear.

d. Some tips and tricks for tonality:

i. Assertive: speak louder with downward inflexion

ii. Unsure: upward inflexion

iii. Playful: smiling, sing-song tonality

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iv. Sharing a secret (to get them to pay attention): whisper

v. Listing important things: (give pauses)

vi. To sound like you have a connection: (say they’re name as much as you

vii. Using a variety of tonality with the appropriate context will make
people pay more attention AND be persuaded

e. some tips and tricks for body language:

i. open body: don’t cross arms,

ii. listen with your body: lean forward, eye contact, feet pointing person

iii. hand gestures

1. open palms for friendliness

2. “donald trump point” for aggressiveness (don’t do this)

3. rough movements for assertiveness

4. graceful movements for friendliness

Way of the Wolf Summary 4

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