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Song Exploder:

1. What genre of music are The Killers associated with?

2. Write a short paragraph about the Killers and their contribution to music.

3. List the names of the members of the band and list the instruments they play

4. Where are they from?

5. What skyrocketed them to fame?

6. What is the name of their second album?

7. What was the name of the first single from their second album?

8. What year was it released?

9. What happened to the song and the album?

10. Brandon stated that the initial experience was so exciting. What piece of important
documentation did they acquire for the first time?

11. How many shows did the play on their first tour?

12. Where had they been writing songs?

13. What is a chord in music terminology?

14. What does Dave say that a lot of ideas are created out of?

15. What instrument was Mark playing around a bass line on?

16. How many chords were they experimenting with at the beginning?

17. When they were out touring what did they realise?
18. The band's experience of Vegas is entirely different to what other people perceive it
to be. What does Brandon say seeped in from being brought up in Vegas?

19. What does Brandon say about the guitar line of the song?

20. The guitar line initially came from what instrument?

21. What does Brandon say about the desert and its relevance to their record?

22. What are the two names of the co-producers?

23. Explain the term co-producer

24. As a producer what does Flood say you need to be aware of?

25. Picking a producer to work with is difficult for any artist. Why do you think it is im-
portant to pick the right producer?

26. What was the lyric line that Brandon thought of straight away?

27. What did Brandon say the lyric line helped him with?

28. What makes the track brilliant according to the co-producers?

29. What age was Brandon when he wrote the song?

30. What is a synthesizer?

31. What kind of venue did the boys really want to play in at that time?

32. What was one of the great things they learned from Flood and Moulder?

33. Why does Flood love the old version of synthesizer?

34. Explain what timbre means in music.

35. Processing effects are used on the album. Explain the meaning of reverb.

36. What two artists influence the bridge and the style of the bridge they composed?
37. What is a scale in music terminology?

38. Sam’stown in Vegas is a ________

39. What are the last lines of the song?

40. What does Brandon say are the meaning of those lines?

41. Most of the time the song is autobiographical. Explain this term.

42. What is the song about according to Brandon?

43. Brandon states that the song did something for the band. What was that?

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