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ISDN (integrated service digital Telegram - Nikolái and Pável Dúrov

Electronical network) (2013)

Electronic media are media that use
electronics or electromechanical
audience to access the content.

Any equipment used in the electronic

Social Networks
communication process (e.g. television, Social networks are structures formed
radio, telephone, game console, on the Internet by people or
handheld device) may also be
considered electronic media.
organizations that connect based on Educational Platforms
common interests or values.
A virtual educational platform is a
Internet Function: Through them, relationships program that includes different types of
between individuals or companies are tools for educational purposes. Its main
It is a decentralized set of created quickly, without hierarchy or
interconnected communication function is to facilitate the creation of
physical limits. virtual environments to teach all kinds
networks that use the TCP / IP family
of protocols, which guarantees that the of training over the internet without the
heterogeneous physical networks that need for programming knowledge.
compose it constitute a single logical
network of global reach.
The most used social networks are:
Types of internet:
Facebook – Mark Zuckerberg (2004)
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Instagram - Kevin Systrom and Mike The most common educational
Network) Krieger (2010) platforms
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber WhatsApp - Brian Acton and Jan
Line) Schoology: It contains tools that can be
Koum (2009) used to be online with a group and
ADSM (ADSL Mobile) Twitter - Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, schedule activities, share ideas,
Noah Glass, Biz Stone (2006)
educational material or manage either a
completely virtual course or that serves
as a complement to a face-to-face
Edmodo: It allows to organize
students, assign tasks, grades and
maintain communication that involves
teachers, students and parents.
Udemy: It is an online course platform
with a strong video component. More
than a platform focused on school
institutions, it is a library of online

Camacaro Canelon Diego Armando

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