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One of the biggest challenges and problems in my society is “Non-accepting the natural
differences between us as humans” which led to dehumanizing others and consider them of a
lower class. This idea resonated in the minds of adults and the result was the destruction to
society in general and to the educational system in particular, so a new generation will grow up
on this idea and the destruction will continue if we don’t make a change. Non-accepting others
and dehumanizing them contradicts with the human nature and the purpose of the mind
because we are designed to live and love others, our brains are wired up for this and they
always seek for “connection” to thrive and make us a stronger group.

How can I face a problem like this? I started working on different levels and the first level was
the college community and my approach was science, and specifically neuroscience and
psychology. Conversations were the tables on which I put my ideas and the science that shows
how we’re connected to each other, how others reached peace by connecting, and how all
humans are equal regardless of differences. Soon many of my colleagues joined me and began
using this approach to spread the message of connection and equality to other stages and
colleges. Books are running in parallel with our approach and I wrote a book in neuroscience
and now I’m making a new book in psychology while publishing articles in our college’s journal.
I hope to reach the media because it was the source of dehumanization (as in genocides) and it
can be the source of spreading love, peace, and equality.

As I leader I would choose the team on the basis of accepting others, professionalism, passion,
and love for change, I’ll assign them to suitable tasks, and give them energy to work together
and overcome problems so each one would take us a step closer to the ultimate goal.

Finally, Life is about connecting and connecting is about taking others perspective of view.

“Our world is a shared experience, fractured by individual perspectives”.


I am applying for Law, Leadership & Social Justice and the reason for choosing this program is
my interest in acquiring more information about how laws in U.S. are legislated? How are they
applied on all classes of the community? Because we are facing a problem of not applying laws
on all the classes in a fair manner. Science began to find its way in law system so I’m interested
in the effect of science on how laws are modified (MRIs and Psychological tests).

The way the American leaders think, make decisions, and work for their people is another
source of interest for me especially how they dealt with the problem of racism and how they
overcame it.

Most of my experiences are in my academic studies. I’m the leader of a group consists of 21
students and I’m responsible for them in hospital tours and in managing their affairs. Also I’m
the leader of a research group that's responsible for making a research and presenting it at the
end of the term. I experienced injustice and felt that there’s no value for laws if they are not
applied on all people in the same manner so that I’m interested on how to apply law?.

Learning more about history, leadership, and laws in U.S. will help me a lot. I’ll take lessons from
U.S. history and knowing another culture’s history will widen my perspective and give me new
ideas on how I can apply these lessons in my country. In order to apply these lessons, I have to
be a great leader so that this new experience will develop my techniques in making a good
team, be inspirational, and a source of motivation. Also I’ll benefit from other leaders’
experiences in spreading peace and love among their people.

“Leadership” has many aspects that are shaped and developed with time and from each aspect I
learnt something. War generals gave me a lesson in determinacy, the ability to lead large
numbers of people, and responsibility. From the CEOs, I learnt how to be a foresighted, how to
plan for the future of the company and its success in the simplest way, how to care for your
creative members and how to choose them wisely. I learnt from the hospital’s manager how to
respect others, how to listen to them, and how to maintain order in this facility. Finally, I learnt
from the spiritual leaders how to spread love to your followers, the importance of defending
your cause even if you have to sacrifice yourself, and how to solve problems with peace. All
these aspects are found in the great leaders that I saw them in my life or read about them.

In order to be a great leader you must have a position, but that’s not enough, you need to listen
to your people, to discuss your ideas, to have good relationships with them so that they love you
and respect you, to support them, to plan well, to be a source of inspiration, and finally to look
at yourself before asking others to be like this.

I’m the leader of my group in study and most of the times I have to assign each one of my group
to a suitable task, so I have to know the strength and weak points of each one of them. Then I
have to explain what we will do and how to do it and ask them for ideas, finally I choose who
will represent our results?. Sometimes I face a colleague that doesn’t to work with the group
and instead works against them. Here I had to make a decision after many tries of explaining
and persuading him to be with us, when he didn’t cooperate, I excluded him and our project

I chose a difficult, distant goal but it was worthy. I said that if I achieved this goal, then I’ll live
happily ever after but I was wrong and I took lessons from that goal. I put all of my energy in it
but I could not achieve it due to circumstances that I have no control on them.

Depressed, sad, and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, this was my condition at that
time. I didn’t do what I really love like reading, completing my book, or researching. To put it in
another word; everything seemed so dark, and there was no hope.

After a couple of days I sat and started thinking of this “HUGE” problem, I said to myself: I have
to change this, I shouldn’t live like this, and i should compare my problem with the others
problems and I’ll see how simple is my problem.

After this conversation with the self, I began changing and the first change was my environment.
Decoration, places, activities, I changed them all then I started working on myself. I sat alone
and inspected the downsides that I have in my life and made plans to change them. The first
lesson I’ve learnt from this experience is that I should not choose a distant goal, and if I choose a
goal like this, then I should use a ladder to get to it, I should move step by step and in each step I
should check myself if it is alright to complete the road or stop, and in each step I should feel the
sweetness of achievement and praise myself. The second lesson was that I should keep in mind
the probability of change that may occur due to circumstances that you have no control on
them. The third lesson was that I shouldn’t put all my efforts in one goal in order not to be
disappointed if I didn’t get it. At last I’ve learnt that I should ask for help whenever I need …
that’s what I’ve learnt from failure.

Differences in views and opinions, from my point of view, are an advantage that can be
harnessed for the benefit of the team or the system in general and the best example is the
difference between the legs and how they work in order to let the body move in the space. The
right leg moves forward, at the same time the left leg moves backward to support and correct
the movement of the right leg if something wrong happened, and in the next cycle the opposite
occur and this is how the body moves!. We have to accept our difference in order to move

How can I overcome the difference?

In order to overcome the difference I have to make it clear to him that the team’s interest is
above all differences and this is our ultimate goal. Then I try to understand what is his point of
view? After all, maybe he is right. Most of the times I discuss my views and opinions with the
group that I’m working with and encourage the others to participate so we can choose what is
best for the group.

Sometimes, this is not the case especially when I become the leader of the group because I have
to make the right decision in the right time and I have to satisfy or try to satisfy each member of
my group and I achieve this by listening, listening to their thoughts so I can modify my decision
in a way that make it better for the group. Also this allows me to take feedback from the group
about who have different opinions and may refuse my idea? After I listened to all of them I let
them know what I’m thinking about and if they want something to change. Even after adopting
this method, I encountered someone who has a different opinion and to solve this I use voting
so the group will make the decision and he will have to accept it.
Reference #: 8274546

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