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How you know ( Lý do quen)

• I have known him for around 2 years. After my

graduation, I was received by his company because of
my high scores at university.
• We were working in the same office so he gave me some
sound advice to help me adapt to his company because I
was wet behind the ears at that time.
• I met him for the first time in 2012 when I began to
revise for my ielts/Toeic examination. I was under a lot of
pressure as my parents placed great importance on
learning English – ………(thêm lý do phụ thuộc vào tình
Good looking: ( Ngoại hình)

He is a good-looking man because he spends time

playing sports with his like-minded friends daily in
order to get into shape/keep fit.
Young at heart: (Tính cách)

• He is also young at heart/has a great sense of

humor and usually tells us various funny stories.
• Sometimes he makes us grin/smile from ear to ear
by telling jokes. In other words, he is a joker.
Education: (Học tập)

• He passed an English exam with flying colors

because he spent a lot of time studying English.
• As you know, practice makes perfect so the more
time you spend on learning English, the better
result you will get. If you work hard enough, you
can do almost everything.
Career: (Sự nghiệp)

• He has tried his hand in various jobs to build his

career. Despite those obstacles, he has never given
up his ambition, and now he is one of the most
successful people in his field.
• He is so busy with his job that sometimes he has to
work around the clock/burn the midnight oil to hit
• He has tried his best to make his dream come true
as he wants to earn a great amount of money to
raise a family/meet different needs in his life.
Hobbies: (Sở thích)

• Travelling: He has a passion for travelling so he

often pays visits to some tourist attractions in Viet
Nam each year to let off steam after stressful
working hours.
• Sports: He is a big fan of sports, particularly some
strenuous sports like football or volleyball as they
are good for his health.
• Reading books: He has a knack for English, so he is
really into reading English books in order to improve
his English skill. Sometimes he has his nose in a
book and does not care what I say.
Admire/Like/Interesting: (Lý do thích)

• Firstly, he always puts himself in others’ shoes to

tackle any problems. For example, he tried to
understand what difficulties I experienced when
embarking on my career, then gave me suitable
methods to complete all tasks well.
• Secondly, he pays much attention to charitable
campaigns. He donates his clothes and money to
help impoverished people who are living in the
countryside. In other words, he is a warm-hearted

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