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Algorithm 1: To find biggest of the three unequal positive numbers

Algorithm 1 PHP Implementation

//Enter Number
Algorithm: Find biggest of 3 positive integers <form method="post">
<input type="number" min=0
Input: 3 integers name="1stnumber">
Output: biggest among inputs <input type="number" min=0
Step 1: Read $num1, $num2, $num3. <input type="number" min=0
Step 2: if num1 > $num2 && $num1 > $num3,go name="3rdnumber"><br>
to step 4, go to step 5 ,else go to step 3. <input type="submit" name="btnSubmit">
Step 3: if $num2 > $num1 && $num2 > $num3,go </form>
to step 6 , else go to step 4. //Use php
Step 4: if $num3 > $num2 && $num3 > $num1 go <?php
to step 7, else go to step 2. if(isset($_POST['btnSubmit'])){
Step 5: display $num1, then go to step 8. //Declare variables
Step 6: display $num2, then go to step 8. $num1=$_POST['1stnumber'];
Step 7: display $num3, then go to step 8. $num2=$_POST['2ndnumber'];
Step 8: stop. $num3=$_POST['3rdnumber'];
//Compare output and print Output
if($num1 > $num2 && $num1 > $num3){
echo $num1.",
".$num2.", ".$num3, " (1st is the biggest
}else if($num2 > $num1 &&
$num2 > $num3){
echo $num1.",
".$num2.", ".$num3, " (2nd is the biggest
}else if($num3 > $num2 &&
$num3 > $num1){
echo $num1.",
".$num2.", ".$num3, " (3rd is the biggest
Enter 1st number:2
Enter 2nd number:4
Enter 3rd number:6

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 1
To find the biggest of the three unequal positive numbers

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 2
Algorithm 2: To convert and display 20 to 100 °C range values into °F, 10+ increment in
each step.
To convert temperature from degree Celsius to Fahrenheit scale, below formula is used.

°F = 1.8°C + 32

Algorithm 2 PHP Implementation

//Input Celsius
Algorithm: Converting °C to °F. <form method=”post”>
<input type="number" name="1stdegree"><br>
Input: --- <input type="submit" name="btnConvert">
Output: 20-100°C values in °F </form>

Step 1: Input C //Use php

Step 2: Read C <?php
Step 3: C = 20. if(isset($_POST['btnConvert'])){
Step 4: if c>100 go to step 8, else continue. //Declare variable $c and $n.
Step 5: F = 1.8*C + 32. $c=20;
Step 6: C = C + 10. $n=$_POST['1stdegree'];
Step 7: display F.
Step 8: stop. //Calculate and print output.
$f=1.8 * $n + 32;
$c=$c + 10;
}while($c <= 100);
echo “input : ”,$n,”°C”;
echo “output : ”,$f,"°F";
Input Celsius: 35
Output: 95 Fahrenheit.

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To convert and display 20 to 100 °C range values into °F, 10+ increment in each

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Algorithm 3: To find factorial of given integer number.
Algorithm 3 PHP Implementation
//Input Integer
Algorithm: Find factorial number of given N. <form method=”post”>
<input type="number" min=0
Input: integer N. name="one"><br>
Output: factorial of N. <input type="submit" name="btnfind">
Step 1: Input N.
Step 2: F=1, I=1. //Use php
Step 3: I = I + 1. <?php
Step 4: F = F * I. if(isset($_POST['btnfind'])){
Step 5: If f<=N go to step 3, else continue.
Step 6: Display F. //Declare variable $x and $f.
Step 7: Stop $x=$_POST['one'];
echo "input = ",$x,"<br>";
//Calculate and print output.
for($i=1; $i<= $x; $i++){
$f = $f * $i;
echo "output = ",$f;
Input Number: 4
Number Factorial: 24

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 5
To find factorial of given integer number.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 6
Algorithm 4: To find sum of the series from given x and n value.
𝟏 + 𝐱 𝟏 + 𝐱 𝟐 + 𝐱 𝟑 +. . . . . + 𝐱 𝐧 .

Algorithm 4 PHP Implementation

//Enter number and exp
Algorithm: Find sum of given number and its sum. <form method="POST">
<table border=1 bgcolor=pink>
Input: Input Integer n1 and x1 <tr>
Output: Sum of given series <td>ENTER NUMBER</td>
<td><input type="number"
Step 1: Read $n1 and $n2. name="num1" ></td><br>
Step 2: Print or echo "Input </tr>
:",$n1,"^",$x1,"<br>"; continue <td>ENTER Exp</td>
Step 3: for($c=1; $c<=$x1; $c++), continue <td><input type="number"
Step 4: $mul = $mul * $n1; name="exp1" ></td><br>
Step 5: $sum = $sum+$mul; </tr>
Step 6: Display $sum <tr>
Step 7: Stop. <td colspan="2"><input
type="submit" name="btnsubmit"
//Use php
//Declare $n1 and $x1

$n1 = $_POST['num1'];
$x1 = $_POST['exp1'];
//Calculate and print output
echo "Input :",$n1,"^",$x1,"<br>";
for($c=1; $c<=$x1; $c++){
$mul = $mul * $n1;
$sum = $sum+$mul;

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 7
echo "Value : ",$mul,"<br>";
echo "Sum : ",$sum;
Input Number: 4
Input Exp: 3
Input :4^3
Value : 64
Sum : 84

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To find sum of the series from given x and n value.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 9
Algorithm 5: To print entered currency into its part, say $12.62 is dollar 12 and 62

Algorithm 5 PHP Implementation

//Input Integer
Algorithm: Find parts of entered currency value. <form method=”post”>
<input type="integer" name="num4">
Input: Currency <input type="submit" name="btnval">
Output: Entered currency into its part </form>

Step 1: Read Input. //Use php

Step 2: wholeNum = intval(Input). <?php
Step 3: Fraction = (Input - int(Input))*100. if(isset($_POST['btnval'])){
Step 4: print currency is made of dollars and //Declare $num.
cents. //Calculate and print output.
Step 5:Stop. $num = $_POST['num4'];
$dec = ($num - intval($n))*100;
echo "dollars ",intval($n)," and ",$dec,"
cents" ;
Input Currency: 20.25
Output: Currency is made of 20 dollars and 25

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 10
To print entered currency into its part, say $12.62 is dollar 12 and 62 cents.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 11
Algorithm 6: To find the volume of pyramid, when it’s base and height are given
Algorithm 6 PHP Implementation
//Input Integer
Algorithm: Find volume of pyramid <html>
Input: Base, Height. <title>Algorithm #6</title>
Output: Volume of pyramid </head>
Step 1: Read Base & Height $l='';
Step 2: $V= ($l * $h) / 3; $h='';
Step 3: Print Volume. $res='';
Step 4: Stop. //V=lwh/3;
//declare variable
$V= ($l * $h) / 3;
$res = $V;
//read input
<form method="POST">
<table border=1 bgcolor=pink>
<td>ENTER Base Lenght:</td>
//calculate print output
<td><input type="number" name="l"
value="<?php echo $l;?>"></td><br>
<td>ENTER Pyramid Height:</td>
<td><input type="number" name="h"
value="<?php echo $h;?>"></td><br>
<td><input type="number" readonly
value="<?php echo $res;?>"></td><br>

<td colspan="2"><input type="submit"
name="btnsubmit" value="test"></td><br>

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Enter Base & Height. 4.0 9.0
Volume = 48.00

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 13
To find the volume of pyramid, when it’s base and height are given.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 14
Algorithm 7: To print given number in reverse order and its digits total.
Algorithm 7 PHP Implementation
//Input Integer
Algorithm: Print given number in reverse order <html>
and total of its digits. <head>
Input: Integer number ln </head>
Output: Reverse on ln, total of digits. <body bgcolor="lightgreen" >
<form method="POST">
<table bgcolor="lightblue" >
Step 1: Read $ln; <td>ENTER NUMBERS</td>
Step 2: $rem=$ln%10; <tr>
Step 3: Print digit. //declare variable
Step 4: Total = digit, length = length – 1. <td>ENTER NUMBERS</td>
Step 5: $ln=$ln/10; <td><input type="number" name="num"
Step 6: digit = $ln mod 10 value="<?php echo $ln;?>"><br></td>
Step 7: Print digit. </tr>
Step 8: Total = total + digit, length = length – 1. <tr>
Step 9: for ($i =0; $i<=strlen($ln);$i++) . <td colspan="2"><input type="submit"
Step 10: stop name="btnreverse" value="REVERSE" ></td>
//Use php
$ln = $_POST['num'];
//echo"Input = ",$ln,"<br>";
$rev = strrev($ln);
$n = $_POST['num'];
echo "Reverse = ",$rev,"<br>";
$sum=0; $rem=0;
for ($i =0; $i<=strlen($ln);$i++)
$sum = $sum + $rem;
} echo "Total of Input Numbers: = ", $sum;}
Enter length of number & number.
4321 Total=10

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 15
To print given number in reverse order and its digits total.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 16
Algorithm 8: To print given month’s total days.
Algorithm 8 PHP Implementation
//Input Integer
Algorithm: Print given moth’s total days. <html>
Input: Integer number N <title>"Printing Given Month's Total Days"</title>
Output: N’s total days. </head>
<form method="POST">
Step 1: Read month number $num, Enter a Number<br>
Step 2: if $num is case 1 or case 3 or case 5 or <input type="number" name="num"><br>
case 7 or case 8 or case 10 or case 12 <input type="submit" name="btntest"
Then continue, else go to step 4. value="Result"><br>
Step 3: echo "Month has 31 days", then go to </form>
step 8. </body>
Step 4: if case 4 or case 6 or case 9 or case 11 </html>
then continue else go to step 6 //Use php
Step 5: echo "Month has 28/29 days"; <?php
Step 6: if $num is 2 then continue, else go to step //input
8 if(isset($_POST['btntest'])){
Step 7: echo "Month has 28/29 days". $num=$_POST['num'];
Step 8: Stop. //Calculate, print outpu
switch ($num) {
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 8:
case 10:
case 12:
echo "Month has 31 days";
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
echo "Month has 30 days";
echo "Month has 28/29 days";}
Enter month number: 4
Output: Month has 30 days

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To print given month’s total days.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 18
Algorithm 9: To create simple calculator for + & - operations
Algorithm 9 PHP Implementation
//Input Integer
Algorithm: Create simple calculator <html>
Input: operation & numbers. <title>"Simple Calcu"</title>
Output: output of operation. </head>
<form method="POST">
Step 1: Read two integers $num1, $num2. Enter 2 numbers<br>
Step 2: Press 1 to Add. <input type="number" name="n1"><br>
Press 2 to Subtract. <input type="number" name="n2"><br>
Press 3 to Exit. <br>
Press 1 to Add<br>
Step 3: if($res==1) go to step 4 Press 2 to Subtract<br>
if($res==2) go to step 5 Press 3 to Exit<br>
Else = go to step 6 <input type="number" name="response"><br>
Else go to step 2 <br>
<input type="submit" name="btntest"
Step 4: echo $num1+$num2. Go step 1. value="Result"><br>
Step 5: echo $num1-$num2. Go step 2 </form>
Step 6: stop. </body>
//Use php
echo $num1+$num2;}
else if($res==2){
echo $num1-$num2;}
Enter 2 integers. 2 4
Press 1 for Add
Press 2 for Subtract
Press 3 for exit
Addition = 6

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 19
To create simple calculator for + & - operations

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 20
Algorithm 10: To find first N natural number’s sum and average.
Algorithm 10 PHP Implementation
//Input Integer
Algorithm: Find natural numbers sum and <html>
average. <head>
<title>"Fibnacci Sequence"</title>
Input: Natural Number Num. </head>
Output: Sum and average of N series. <body>
<form method="POST">
Enter a Number<br>
Step 1: Read $num <input type="number" name="num"><br>
Step 2: $f0 = 0, $f1 = 1, c=0 <input type="submit" name="btntest"
Step 3: if ($c < $num) continue else go to value="Result"><br>
step 6. </form>
Step 4: Sum $f2 = $f1 + $f0; </body>
Step 5: $c = $c + 1; </html>
Step 6: Average $c = $c + 1; continue else //Use php
go to step 5. <?php
Step 7: Print sum & Average //input
Step 8: stop if(isset($_POST['btntest'])){
function Fibonacci($num){
$f0 = 0;
$f1 = 1;
$c = 0;
//calculate print output
while ($c < $num){
echo '<br>'.$c." - ".$f0;
$f2 = $f1 + $f0;
$f0 = $f1;
$f1 = $f2;
$c = $c + 1;}

Enter N.5

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 21
To find first N natural number’s sum and average.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 22
Algorithm 11: To reverse given number.
Algorithm 11 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: Reverse given number. <html>

Input: N. <title>Algorithm #11</title>
Output: Reverse of N. </head>
Step 1: Read N. //Enter Numbers.
Step 2: If (N > 0) continue else go to step 3. <form method="POST">
Step 3: Print Rev. <table border=1 bgcolor=pink>
Step 4: Stop <tr>
<td><input type="number"
<td colspan="2"><input type="submit"
name="btnsubmit" value="submit"></td><br>

//Use php
//Declare variable $n.
//Calcuate and print output.
echo 'Numbers: '.$n.'<br>';
echo '<br> Reverse: '.$rev;

Enter Numbers: 1231
Output: 1321

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 23
To reverse a given number.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 24
Algorithm 12: To print Fibonacci series for given numbers
Algorithm 12 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: Print Fibonacci series for given <html>

numbers. <head>
<title>Algorithm #12</title>
Input: N. </head>
Output: Fibonacci series of N. //Input N.
Step 1: Read N. <form method="POST">
Step 2: F0 = 1, F1 = 1. <table border=1 bgcolor=pink>
Step 3: If (N > 0) continue else go to step 5. <tr>
Step 4: Print 0 - 1 <td>ENTER NUMBER</td>
Step 5: If (N > 1) continue else go to step 7. <td><input type="number" name="n"
Step 6: Print 1 - 1 value="<?php echo $n;?>"><br></td>
Step 7: I -2. </tr>
Step 8: F2 = F0 + F1. <tr>
Step 9: Print I – F2. <td
Step 10: F0 = 1, F1 = 1. colspan="2"><input type="submit"
Step 11: I – I + 1. name="btnsubmit" value="series"></td><br>
Step 12: If (I < N) go to step 8 else continue. </tr>
Step 13: Stop. </table>
//Declare $n, $f0, $f1,$f2.

$f0=1; $f1=1;
echo "Input Number: = ",$n,"<br><br>";
echo "Series of Numbers:","<br>";
//Calculate and print output
if($n>0){ echo "0-1",".<br>";}
if($n>1){ echo "1-1",".<br>";}

$f2 = $f0+$f1;
echo $i,"-",$f2,".<br>";
$f0=$f1; $f1=$f2;

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Enter Number: 4
Series of Number:

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 26
To print the Fibonacci series for given numbers

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Algorithm 13: To print table of numbers from 5 to 1 along N+5.
Algorithm 13 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: Print table of numbers from 5 to 1 <html>

along N+5. <head>
<title>Algorithm #13</title>
Input: --. </head>
Output: table of N+5. <body>
//Print N-N+5.
Step 1: Print N – N-5. <div class="col-md-4">
Step 2: I = 5. <h4 class="alert">N N-5</h4>
Step 3: If ( I > 0) continue else go to step 6. //Use php
Step 4: Print I – I + 5. <?php
Step 5: I = I – 1. //Print Output
Step 6: Go to step 2. for($i=5; $i>0; $i--){
Step 7: Stop. $n=$i+5;
echo $i," - ",$n,"<br>";

N N+5
5 - 10

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 28
To print table of numbers from 5 to 1 along N+5.

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Algorithm 14: To print triangle of natural integers made of given number of lines
Algorithm 14 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: Print triangle made of given numbers <html>

of lines height. <head>
<title>Algorithm #14</title>
Input: L. </head>
Output: Triangle of L lines.
Step 1: Read N.
Step 2: N = 1. I = 1. <form method="POST">
Step 3: Print N. <table border=1 bgcolor=pink>
Step 4: N = N+1. I= I + 1. <tr>
Step 5: Go to step 3 <td>ENTER NUMBER</td>
Step 6: stop. <td><input type="number"
name="num" ></td><br>
<td colspan="2"><input
type="submit" name="btnsubmit"

$cnt=$cnt+1; echo $cnt;
echo ' '; }echo'<br>';}
Enter Number: 4
7 8 9 10

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To print triangle of natural integers made of given number of lines height.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 31
Algorithm 15: To determine roots of quadratic equations from given coefficients.
Algorithm 15 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: Determine roots of Q-equations. <html>

Input: Coefficients A, B, C. <title>"Finding Roots"</title>
Output: Type of equation. </head>
//Enter Coefficient A, B and C
Step 1: Read A, B, C. <body>
Step 2: Disc = B2 - 4AC. <form method="POST">
Step 3: If (Disc = 0) continue else go to 7. Enter Coefficient A<br>
Step 4: X1= B/2A, X2= -B/2A. <input type="number" name="num1"><br>
Step 5: Print roots are real & unequal. Enter Coefficient B<br>
Step 6: Print X1,X2, go to step 15 <input type="number" name="num2"><br>
Step 7: If (Disc > 0) continue else go to step 11. Enter Coefficient C<br>
Step 8: X1= (-B+Sqr(Disc)/2A, <input type="number" name="num3"><br>
X2= (-B-Sqr(Disc)/2A.
Step 9: Print roots are real & unequal. <input type="submit" name="btntest"
Step 10: Print X1,X2, go to step 15. value="Result"><br>
Step 11: Print roots are complex. </form>
Step 12: Print D = |D| </body>
Step 13: Real Part = -B/2A, </html>
Imaginary Part = sqr(Disc)/2A. //Use php
Step 14: Print X1= Real Part+ i.Imaginary Part, <?php
X2= Real Part- i.Imaginary Part. if(isset($_POST['btntest'])){
Step 15: stop. //Declare $a, $b, and $c.

//Calculate and Print output.




echo "Roots=Real N Equal. ";
echo $x1.", ".$x2;

else if($disc>0){
echo "Roots=Real N Unequal ";

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 32
echo $x1.", ".$x2;
echo "Roots=Complex. ";

echo $x1="+i ".$iPart.", ". $x2="-i ".$rPart;

Enter Coefficient A, B and C
Output: Roots=Real N Equal. 1, -1

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To determine roots of quadratic equations from given coefficients.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 34
Algorithm 16: To determine given triangle’s type and print its area.
Algorithm 16 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: Determine type & area of given <html>

triangle <head>
<title>"Finding the Type of
Input: 3 sides of triangle Triangle and its Area"</title>
Output: type and area. </head>
//Enter Side A, Side B and Side C.
Step 1: Read A, B, C. <body>
Step 2: S= (A+B+C)/2. <form method="POST">
Step 3: Area= Sqrt(S(S-A)(S-B)(S-C)). Enter Side A<br>
<input type="number" name="num1"><br>
Step 4: If (A=B)&(B=C) continue else go to step 6.
Step 5: Print Triangle=Equilateral. Go to Step 12. Enter Side B<br>
<input type="number" name="num2"><br>
Step 6: If (A=B)or(B=C)or(C=A) continue else go to
step 8. Enter Side C<br>
Step 7: Print Triangle=Isosceles. Go to step 12. <input type="number" name="num3"><br>

Step 8: If (A!=B)or(B!=C)or(C!=A) continue else go <input type="submit" name="btntest"

to step 10. value="Result"><br>
Step 9: Print Triangle=Scalene. Go to step 12. </form>
Step 10: If (A2B2=C2)or(B2+C2=A2)or(C2+A2=B2) </html>
continue else go to step 12. //Use php
Step 11: Print Triangle=Right Angled. <?php
Step 12: Print Area. //Declare $a, $b, and $c.
Step 13: Stop. $a=$_POST['num1'];
//Calculate and print ountput.

if (($a==$b)&&($b==$c)){
echo "Equilateral
else if (($a==$b)||($b==$c)||($c==$a)){
echo "Isosceles Triangle---";

else if
echo "Scalene Triangle---";}

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else if(



echo "Right
Angled Triangle---";

echo "error";

echo $area. " sqr units";

Input Side A, B an C:
A=4 B=4 C=4
Output: Equilateral Triangle 6.9282 sqr units

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To determine given triangle’s type and print its area.

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Algorithm 17: To print given 0 to 100 numbers in words.
Algorithm 17 PHP Implementation
//Enter Number
Algorithm: To print given numbers in words. <form method="post">
Input Number N. <tr>
Output: N words. <td>Enter Your Number</td>
<td><input type="text" name="num"></td>
Step 1: Read n. </tr>
Step 2: set cnt=0, continue
Step 3: if cnt < n, go to step 4. Else go to step 6. <tr>
Step 4: Print textbox nm[]. <td colspan="2">
Step 5: cnt = cnt+1, go to step 3. <input type="submit" value="Convert"
Step 6: Read textbox values num[]. name="convert"/>
Step 7: set cnt2 = 0 </td>
Step 8: if cnt2 < n </tr>
Step 9: if num[cnt2]>=1 && num[cnt2]<=19
Step 10: Call ones() function, else </table>
Step 11: if num[cnt2]>=20 && num[cnt2]<=99 </form>
Step 12: Call tens () function, else </body>
Step 13: if num[cnt2]==100 </html>
Step 14: Print one hundred, else <form method="POST">
Step 15: Print Number out of Range! //Use php
Step 16: Stop. <?php
//Use for loop to print textbox.
echo '<input type="number"
echo '<input type="submit"
value="Convert" name="sbmt"/>';

//Enter Number and print Output.



if($num[$cnt]>=1 &&


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}else if ($num[$cnt]>=20
&& $num[$cnt]<=99){

echo '<br>';
}else if
echo 'one
Out of Range!<br>';
function ones($n){
if($n==1) echo 'one';
else if($n==2) echo 'two';
else if($n==3) echo 'three';
else if($n==4) echo 'four';
else if($n==5) echo 'five';
else if($n==6) echo 'six';
else if($n==7) echo 'seven';
else if($n==8) echo 'eight';
else if($n==9) echo 'nine';
else if($n==10) echo 'ten';
else if($n==11) echo 'eleven';
else if($n==12) echo 'twelve';
else if($n==13) echo 'thirteen';
else if($n==14) echo 'fourteen';
else if($n==15) echo 'fifteen';
else if($n==16) echo 'sixteen';
else if($n==17) echo 'seventeen';
else if($n==18) echo 'eighteen';
else if($n==19) echo 'nineteen';

}function tens($n){

if($nm==2) echo 'twenty ';

else if($nm==3) echo 'thirty ';
else if($nm==4) echo 'fourty ';
else if($nm==5) echo 'fifty ';
else if($nm==6) echo 'sixty ';
else if($nm==7) echo 'seventy ';
else if($nm==8) echo 'eighty ';
else if($nm==9) echo 'ninety ';

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 39

Enter Number: 4
Output :
Enter Numbers:
5 = five
102 = Number Out of Range!
3 = three
28 = twenty eight

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 40
To print given 0 to 100 numbers in words.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 41
Algorithm 18: To find tax deduction at source from given salaries

Algorithm 18 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: to find tax deduction for given salary. //Create input type box
Input: Salary
Output: Tax Deduction //Use php for the functionalities
Step 1: Read Income if(isset($_POST['btntest'])){
Step 2: $n=$_POST['num1']. //declare variable
Step 3: if($n<=18000), Continue $n=$_POST['num1'];
else go to step 5 if($n<=18000){
Step 4: Tax=0. $flag=1;
Step 5: else if($n<=25000),Continue ///Calculate, print/echo the output.
else go to step 7. }else if($n<=25000){
Step 6: $tax=($n-18000)*0.2. $flag=2;
Step 7: else if($n<=50000) }else if($n<=50000){
else go to step 9. $flag=3;
Step 8: $tax=($n-25000)*0.3+1400. }else if($n<=100000){
Step 9: else if($n<=50000) $flag=4;
else go to step 11. }else if($n>100000){
Step 10: $tax=($n-50000)*0.4+8900 $flag=5;
Step 11: else if($n<=100000) }else{
else go to step 13: $flag=0;
Step 12: $tax=($n-100000)*0.5+28900 }
Step 13: else if($n>100000)
else go to step 15. switch($flag){
Step 14: $tax=-1; case 1: $tax=0;
Step 15: else, echo $flag=0. break;
Step 16: stop. case 2: $tax=($n18000)*0.2;
case 3: $tax=($n-25000)*0.3+1400;
case 4: $tax=($n-50000)*0.4+8900;
case 5: $tax=($n-100000)*0.5+28900;
default: $tax=-1;

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 42
echo "Income= ".$n."<br>"."Tax
Deduction= ".$tax;
Enter Your Income: 18,500
Tax Deduction : 100

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 43
To find tax deduction at source from given salaries

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 44
Algorithm 19: To find the GCD or HCF or given two non-zero numbers
Algorithm 19 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: To Find GCD of two numbers //Create input type box

Input: Positive integers x, y
Output: GCD Number //Use php for the functionalities
Step 1: Read x, y //use $_POST to load the url.
Step 2: $x=$_POST['num1']. //use btntest that holds button.
$y=$_POST['num2']. if(isset($_POST['btntest'])){
Step 3: if ($x > $y), continue //declare variables
Step 4: $temp = $x, continue $x=$_POST['num1'];
Step 5: $x = $y, continue. $y=$_POST['num2'];
Step 6: $y = $temp,continue ///Calculate, print/echo the output.
Step 7: for($i = 1; $i < ($x+1); $i++), continue if ($x > $y) {
Step 8: if ($x%$i == 0 and $y%$i == 0),continue $temp = $x;
Step 9: $gcd = $i,continue $x = $y;
Step 10: echo "GCD of $x and $y is: $gcd". $y = $temp;
Step 11: stop. }

for($i = 1; $i < ($x+1); $i++) {

if ($x%$i == 0 and $y%$i == 0)
$gcd = $i;

echo "GCD of $x and $y is: $gcd";

64 84
GCD = 4

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 45
To find the GCD or HCF or given two non-zero numbers

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 46
Algorithm 20: To find number of non-zero digits in given number.
Algorithm 20 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: To find number of non-zero digits. //Create input type box

Input: 3 numbers
Output: Non-zero digits number. //Use php for the functionalities
Step 1: Read $nm.
Step 2: $nm=array(). $i=0. $res=’’. $nm=array();
Step 3: $nm=$_POST[‘num’]. $i=0;
Step 4: if($nm%10!=0) echo $i=$i+1. $res='';
Then continue //use $_POST to load the url.
Step 5: $nm = ($nm)/10; //use btntest that holds button.
Step 6: use while($nm>0). if(isset($_POST['btntest'])){
Step 7: echo res. $nm=$_POST['num'];
Step 8: stop.
//Calculate, print/echo the output.
$nm = ($nm)/10;
}while($nm>0 );
$res = $i;

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 47
To find number of non-zero digits in given number.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 48
Algorithm 21: To find & compare calculated six(x) series value with standard sin(x),
where x values varies from 0-90 degrees in 10+step.
Algorithm 21 PHP Implementation
#define PI 3.1415
Algorithm: To find sin(x) value, where x = 0-90
degrees in 10+ step main()
Input: --
Output: sin(x) series values. //declare variables
Int Q,D,I;
Step 1: Q = 0. Float X,S,Sum,Term;
Step 2: If (Q<=9) continue,
Else go to step 15. //ask user input & store
Step 3: D = Q *10 Printf(
Step 4: Convert D from degree to radians. “X[Deg] std SIN(X) series SIN(X)”
X = (D*3.1415)/180. );
Step 5: Standard value, S = sin(x). //Calculate,print Output.
Step 6: Sum = X, Term=x, I=1 for(Q=0;Q<=9;Q++){
Step 7: If (Abs(Term)<0.001) continue, D= Q*10;
Else go to step 12. X= D*PI/180;
Step 8: I = I+2. S = SIN(X);
Step 9: Term=(-1*Term*Sqr(X))/(I(I-1)). Sum= X; Term= X; I=1;
Step 10: Sum = Sum+Term. do{
Step 11: Go to step 7. I= I+2;
Step 12: Print D [degree], S [sin(X)], Term=(-1*Term*Sqr(X))/(I(I-1)).
Sum[calculated sin(x) value]. Sum = Sum+Term;
Step 13: Q = Q+1. }while(Abs(Term)<0.001);
Step 14: Go to step 2.
Step 15: Stop. Print(%d %f %f.”,D,S,Sum);
}//end of for
}//end of main

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 49
Algorithm 22: To print binary equivalent of given decimal number
Algorithm 22 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: To find binary equivalent of given //Create input type box

decimal number ENTER DECIMAL NUMBER:

Input: Decimal Number //Use php for the functionalities

Output: Binary Number if(isset($_POST['btnsubmit']))
Step 1: Read dec. $n = $_POST['n'];
Step 2: dec = $_POST['n']. $num = $dec. $n1 = $num = $n;
$dec. $n1 = $n;
$binary. $i=0. $binary;
Step 3: $n > 0, Continue. $i = 0; //Count for binary array
Step 4: $binary[$i] = $dec% 2. Continue ///Calculate, print/echo the output.
Step 5: $dec = (int)($dec / 2). Continue do{
Step 6: $i++. Continue $n > 0;
Step 7: use while($dec>0).Continue $binary[$i] = $n % 2; //Remainder will stored
Step 8: for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) in binary array
Step 9: print/echo $binary[$j]. $n = (int)($n / 2);
Step 10: stop. $i++; //Count increment
echo "The Decimal number is : ".$num ;
echo '<br>';
echo "The Equivalent Binary number is : ";
for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--)
echo $binary[$j];
OUTPUT: 1100

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 50
To print binary equivalent of given decimal number

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 51
Algorithm 23: To print decimal equivalent of given binary number.
Algorithm 23 PHP Implementation

Algorithm: To find decimal equivalent of given //Create input type box

binary number. Enter a binary number:
Input: Binary number.
Output: Decimal number. //Use PHP for the functionalities
Step 1: Read bin. //Use $_POST to load the URL
$bin1=$_POST['bin1']; //Use btnsubmit that holds button
Step 2: Declare variables //Declare variables
$bin1=''; $bin1=$_POST['bin1'];
$dec=0; $bin1='';
$i=1; $dec=0;
$res=''; $i=1;
Step 3: do{ //Calculate and print the output
$dec= $dec + ($bin1 % 10)*$i;
$bin1=$bin1/10; do{
$i=$i*2; $dec= $dec + ($bin1 %
} continue 10)*$i;
Step 4: while($bin1 != 0); $bin1=$bin1/10;
$res= $dec; $i=$i*2;
} continue }while($bin1 != 0);
$res= $dec;
Step 5: echo $bin1; }

Step 6: Stop. echo $bin1;

Enter a Number: 1101
Decimal number: 13

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 52
To print decimal equivalent of given binary number



Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 53
Algorithm 24: To print shown format triangle with height of given number lines.
Algorithm 24 PHP Implementation
Algorithm: To print triangle made of 1 to 9 //Enter Number
numbers with <10 lines height <form method="POST">
<table border=1 bgcolor=pink>
Input: Height of triangle N. <tr>
Output: Triangle <td>ENTER NUMBER</td>
<td><input type="number"
Step 1: Read N. name="n" ></td><br>
Step 2: for($j=0; $j<$n; $j++), continue. </tr>
Step 3: for($i=1; $i<=($n-$j);$i++){ <tr>
echo" &nbsp"; continue. <td colspan="2"><input
Step 4: for($k=1; $k<=($j);$k++){ type="submit" name="btntri"
echo $k;} value="test"></td><br>
Step 5: Print/ echo $k; then go to step 8. </tr>
Step 6: for($l=1; $l<=($k);$k--){ </table>
echo $k;} </form>
Step 7: Go to step 5. </body>
Step 8:Stop </html>
//Use php
//Declare $n,$j,$i,$k,$l
$n = $_POST['n'];
//Calculate and print Output
for($j=0; $j<$n; $j++){
for($i=1; $i<=($n-$j);$i++){
echo" &nbsp";}
for($k=1; $k<=($j);$k++){
echo $k;}
for($l=1; $l<=($k);$k--){
echo $k;}
echo"<br>";} }
Enter Number: 4

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 54
To print shown format triangle with height of given number lines

Yes No

Yes No
Yes No

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 55
Algorithm 25: To print prime numbers from given non-zero positive number range
Algorithm 25 PHP Implementation
Algorithm: To print prime numbers from given
range. //Create input type box
Enter a number:
Input: num
Output: prime numbers //Use PHP for the functionalities
Step 1: Read number. //Use $_POST to load the URL
$numbrer1=$_POST['num']; //Use btnsubmit that holds button
Step 2: Declare variables //Declare variables
$bin1=''; $number = $_POST['num'];
$dec=0; $limit = $number;
$i=1; $init = 2;
$res=''; //Calculate
Step 3: do{
$dec= $dec + ($bin1 % 10)*$i; {
$bin1=$bin1/10; $div = 2;
$i=$i*2; if($init > $limit)
} conitinue {
Step 4: while($bin1 != 0); }
$res= $dec; while(TRUE)
} continue {
if($div > sqrt($init))
Step 5: echo $bin1; {
echo $init." ";
Step 6: Stop.
if($init % $div == 0)

$div = $div + 1;
$init = $init + 1;
//Print the output
echo "Input number is: ".$number;
echo "The Prime Numbers are: ";
echo "<br>";

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 56

Input number is: 15

The Prime Numbers are : 1 2 3 5 7 11 13

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 57
To print prime numbers from given non-zero positive number

No Yes



Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 58
Algorithm 26: To print given string in reverse order
PHP Implementation

Algorithm 26
Algorithm: To print given string in reverse order.
//Create input type boxes
Input: string. Enter the range number:
Output: reverse string. Enter the string:

Step 1: Declare and read variables //Use PHP for the functionalities
$n=$_POST['num1']; <?php
$w=$_POST['w1']; //Use $_POST to load the URL
//Use btntest that holds button
Step 2: $res=substr($w,0,$n); continue if(isset($_POST['btntest'])){
//Declare and Read Variables
Step 3: $rev=strrev($res); continue $n=$_POST['num1'];
Step 4: echo $rev;
//Use substr function to get the length of the
Step 5: Stop. string

//Use strrev function to reverse the string


//print output
echo $rev;

Enter range number: 12

Enter the string: happy coding

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 59
To print given string in reverse order

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 60
Algorithm 27: To arrange given 10 real numbers in ascending order and print their sum
Algorithm 27 PHP Implementation
Algorithm: To arrange 10 numbers in ascending <html>
order and print sum of all. <head>
<title>Algorithm #27</title>
Input: 10 real numbers </head>
Output: Ordered output, sum

Step 1: Use html as front end to create input <body>

boxes in array
<form method="POST">
Step 2: Use PHP as backend to process the input <table border=1 bgcolor=pink>
data <tr>
Step 3: Use $_POST to load the URL </tr>

Step 4: Use btntest that holds button <?php

Step 5: Declare and read variables <tr><td><input type="integer"
$nm=$_POST['num']; name="num[] " ></td></tr>';
Step 6: for($c=0;$c<10;$c++){ <tr>
echo $nm[$c]; <td colspan="2"><input
echo ", "; type="submit" name="btnsubmit"
} continue value="test"></td><br>
Step 3: sort($nm); continue </table>
Step 4: $arrlength = count($nm); continue </body>
Step 5: for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
echo $nm[$x]; <?php
echo " , " ;
} $sum=0;
Step 6: echo "Sum of the Numbers = if(isset($_POST['btnsubmit'])){
".array_sum($nm)."<br>"; $nm=$_POST['num'];

Step 7: Stop. echo "The Input numbers are: ";


$arrlength = count($nm);

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 61
for($x = 0; $x <
$arrlength; $x++) {
echo $nm[$x];
echo " , " ;
echo "Sum of the
Numbers = ".array_sum($nm)."<br>";

Enter 10 numbers: 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 9 8 0

Ordered output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Sum of the Numbers: 45

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 62
To arrange given 10 real numbers in ascending order and print
their sum

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 63
Algorithm 28: To find two given matrices are compatible for multiplication , if yes print
product matrices.
Algorithm 28 PHP Implementation
Algorithm: To print product of 2 matrices. <?php
Input: Two matrices $r=0;
Output: product matrix $col=0;
Step 1: Read columns and row of first matrix. if(isset($_POST['getval']) || isset($_POST['btntest'])){
Step 2: Read columns and row of second $c=$_POST['col'];
matrix. $r=$_POST['row'];
Step 3:Generate input matrices $col=$_POST['col2'];
Step 4: Read matrices values $rw=$_POST['row2'];
Step 5: Check matrices compatibility }
Step 6: Perform matrix operation. ?>
Step 7: Print matrix result. <form method="POST">
Step 8: stop. 1st matrix<br>
<input type="number" name="col" placeholder="COL"
<input type="number" name="row"
placeholder="ROW" value="<?=$r?>"><br>

2nd matrix<br>
<input type="number" name="col2"
placeholder="COL" value="<?=$col?>">
<input type="number" name="row2"
placeholder="ROW" value="<?=$rw?>"><br>
<input type="submit" name="getval"
<input type="submit" name="btntest" value="TEST


echo'matrix 1<br>';
<input type="number"
name="num['.$c1.']['.$c2.']" style="width:50px">

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 64
echo'matrix 2<br>';

<input type="number"
name="num2['.$c1.']['.$c2.']" style="width:50px">
echo'New Matrix<br>';



echo '<input type="text"
value="'.$sum.'" style="width:40px" readonly>';

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 65
Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 66
To find two given matrices are compatible for multiplication, if yes print the
product of two matrices.

Prepared by: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Students |2nd YEAR and 3rd YEAR| AY:2021-2022 67

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