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Title ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY POST-COVID 19, THE BEST AND THE WORST TIMES. Samruddha Kulkarni (39) Rutva Shah (63) Tanmay Saki (62) Aanchal Lulla (42) Murli Bansal (09) Atharva Pathare (55) Department of SYBMS, Vivekanand Education Society. Abstract A novel Coronavirus outbreak halted the entire world. The Coronavirus caused everyone to stay in their houses and follow all protocols and safety measures. Individuals were forbidden from moving out of their houses because of the virus. It had become extremely difficult for every individual to get rid of their boredom and have quality time with family. The entertainment industry hit a massive downfall since Cinemas, exhibition halls, stadiums, etc. were closed. The Darwinian evolutionary theory says that the “Fittest survives” taking this as a metaphor the fittest form of entertainment that survived the pandemic was came as a beckon of hope in every individual's life. Digital platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar, Hulu, and numerous other OTT platforms acted as an escape from the monotonous life and were a true savior. Introduction to the industry Life is filled with stress and anxiety and particularly in metropolitan cities scenario is the worst. Most are busy together with his life, no time for family and himself even. All and sundry are running behind his feverish schedule. Life becomes thus quick however still no time to relax for five minutes and unleashes the strain. No got to make a case for, you'll be able to simply analyze after you are in hurry to achieve the workplace thinking of a number of your personal tensions then the total day feverish schedule. The diversion will add salt during this discomfort and distasteful life. I's the manner of diversion that keeps life going. Else life becomes terribly uninteresting and boring. diversion offers life its charm and energy. diversion may be of any sort reckoning on one's alternative and likes. A tired person once returning from the workplace, if gota fifteen-minute time to look at their favorite show then that point is enough to relax his effortful mind. This little fundamental measure of diversion will provide smile and a soothing result to his mind, Music could be a good way to live the day-to-daysstress. virtually all and sundryis inquisitive about any reasonable music Introduction From May 15th, 2020 4.5 million people were affected due to the novel Coronavirus worldwide and many countries including India had announced lockdown and social distancing measures to ensure safety. In the media these days it seems that COVID-19 has become the most talked-about topic. Direct media has suffered from a huge loss of viewers and income as a result of the pandemic, whereas digital media is gaining extreme popularity. This research was done to understand the relationship between the entertainment industry, the impacts, and how it affected the people. The pandemic hada huge effect on all the industries but it had a severe effect on the entertainment industry as it had become very difficult to create new content, and it was all the more difficult to find relief from the monotonous lifestyle. Here all the OTT platforms and Digital Media came in as a massive support to us Research objectives To understand the impact of covid 19 on the style of entertainment used by demographics like age and profession To understand whether digital platforms are the future of entertainment To understand what kind of entertainment, do people prefer To understand the condition of traditional entertainment after covid 19. Key-words Covid 19, entertainment industry, OTT platforms, Media industry. Type Of Relationship People were stunned at the sudden and rapid spread of the covid-19 virus outbreak around the world. Owing to the rapid spread, the world health organization (who) upgraded the epidemic into a Pandemic. It seemed like the world has paused. Due to strict guidelines, rules, and regulations, a lot of work was adjourned in the industrial sector and especially the entertainment industry. The relationship between Covid 19 and the entertainment industry is direct because a rise or fallin covid cases directly affected the functioning and working of the entertainment industry. Impact The Hindi film assiduity that operates primarily from Mumbai is bleeding yet again. Just as people began returning to theatres, Maharashtra, before this month, disallowed the firing of flicks and TV diurnals till April 30. Several flicks, including big names, have held up their release, some for the alternate time. Digital earnings grew as OTT platforms acquired titles to make their content libraries. During the lockdown period, Television, gaming, digital and OTT platforms are seeing consumption growth. On the other hand, out-of-door consumption models similar to flicks, events, theme premises, are witnessing a dramatic fall with social distancing morals in place. The study stressed that while the Television viewing has increased, it lacks fresh content. Advertisement is less in the time of covid-19, dwindling the overall profit of the companies and the goods are faced by workers in the form of smaller pay cheques. The global profitable depression started by the Covid-19 epidemic could change the entire sports assiduity in ways allowed unbelievable till now. Some sports have been hit harder than others. The cancellation of the IPLwill bring the BCCI, the event’s broadcasters, and the votes at least Rs crore. The Indian Super League (ISL) final was held in an empty colosseum. Production is also at a full stop at a time when people consume more, putting pressure on content libraries and threatening shortages. But mitigating factors and compensatory effects are starting to emerge. So thus, the entertainment industry has been majorly affected due to Covid -19 pandemic. Literature Review The world after Covid-19, written by Syed Sharfuddin isa research paper that explains in detail how the novel coronavirus has affected the entire world, not only the people but also the economic state of affairs, trade cycles, industries, and several business sectors. [1] UNORGANIZED SERVICE SECTORS ARE BACK IN BUSINESS AFTER COVID-19 LOCKDOWN, written by Vivek Vijayakumar and K. Chandrasekar is a research paper that contains information about how the unorganized business sector was affected by covid. [2] How do we find a ‘New Normal’ for Industry and Business After COVID-19 Shut Downs? written by Cath Kelaher, Lyn Gilbert, Allen Cheng, and Michael Kidd is a brief and detailed research on how the business sector is adjusting to the new normal |.e., covid 19. [3] IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, written by Sheetal Mahendher, Akshita Sharma, Aman Hansis a research based on the increased usage of OTT platforms, and howit has become very addictive for all of us.[4] EVTM After COVID, an article written by Rishi Kundi, Jonathan Morrison, and Thomas Scalea explain in detail how the entertainment industry is moving towards the new normal and how the industry is dealing with the new changes. Moving forward with the digital aspects of getting entertained. [5] Scope Of Area Mumbai ity; also described as a city that never sleeps seemed to be a perfect fit for our sample space as this city is culturally, demographically, and socially diverse, and thus the responses which will be coved will have both qualities and quantity. Research Methodology This study includes both primary and secondary data collection methods. Hypothesis testing was done to know the kind of impact COVID 19 had on the digital OTT platforms. The data was collected froma total of 178 people living in the Mumbai metropolitan area. The survey that we conducted was an online public survey, we chose this method because it is one of the most effective survey methods. Our survey included demographic questions, multiple-choice questions, drop-down questions, and open-ended questions to increase the quality of the results. Which include all the general literate public, students, working professionals, and the working housewives as well. This research was conducted to understand what are the general public's views on the entertainment industry before covid, during covid, and perhaps post covid Survey and Analysis Gender 178 responses @ Male @ Female @ Others Which age group do you belong? 178 responses @ 15:30 @ 3045 @ 45 and above What kind of entertainment medium do you prefer? 178 responses © Traditional @ Digital @ Both @ Both online & ofline @ Really depends on my = mood @ Both depend upon situation sometimes. @ Amix of both @ Action @ Fine with both Do you think COVID-19 has affected the entertainment industry? 178 responses @ yes @r0 @ cant say Since covid most of the theatres and concerts were locked up now in the post covid situation do you think the theatre business would be the same as it was before? 177 responses @ ves @No @ Maybe Did online streaming services like Netflix, Amazon or hotstar bloomed and helped in any way possible for entertainment? 177 responses @ Yes @ Maybe Your views on quality of entertainment 178 responses @ Increased @ Decreased @ Is the same When did you start using digital platforms for entertainment? 178 responses @ Before covid @ During covid Post covid @ during lockdown Do you think it is worth spending money on online concerts and sports events? 178 responses @ ves @No @ Maybe Favorite form of entertainment 178 responses @ Movie @ Wshows @ Books © Video game @ sports @ Music ‘Your views on quality of entertainment post covid Usage of OTT apps during cov has definitely aed the competion fr atonal and movie entertainment Deo thisnerease in competition, the content qualty is nether increased nor decreased ‘uch, Though tl dae fading good reviewed show ¢ 9 task Some times maybe good sometimes maybe shit thik more quality conten wil be provided (ualty has improved dis beter, Better than before ‘Good, new ideas, novation and talent have come up Post COW the quali of entertainment has improve, People are more aware ofthe options avaiable on the dig platform soi the quality of certain shows or movies not good, they ean easly sate to nother one. ue tthe vast choices avalabl, the makers have o give quality coment othe audience Your views on quality of entertainment post covid eel hat quality of entrainment has improved ératcally, manly because of OTT. amazing ‘Quality of entertainment has increased due to covdand siting at home during lockdown, the quay of entertainment post covid has become beter and mor innovative but a an individual prefer the olde entertainment methods ‘ualiyof entertainment ha deiitely improved post coud Dial entetslament industry has grown immensly well ith great screenplay. We can get entertainment fom the comfort of eurhouses ‘he COVID-9 pandemic is changing the way we consume media and entertainment (MAE). With people confined to thee homes, ou social lives have moved online and entertainment consumption has risen notably within the athome segments of television, enine gaming and oversheop (OTT). We made a research form wherein we collected responses from all over the city of Mumbai. A total of 178 people has filled out our research forms. Out of which 59% were male, 40.6 % of them were female and 0.6% belonged to the category of others. This brings the count to 109 male, 68 female, and 1 belonging to the category of others. The majority of our respondents belonged to the age group of 15-30 years with a total of 77.5%. Followed by the age group of 45 and above, and the age group of 30-45 with a total percentage of 12.9% and 9.6% respectively. Moving on to the next question where the people were asked if the online streaming services bloomed and helped in any possible way for entertainment. For this question, we had a majority for the option "YES", with nearly 89% of people voting for it, meaning online streaming services did help in entertainment after all When asked if theatres will have the same kind of business post covid. We received mixed answers. With the option "NO", getting the edge over the options "Yes! and 'Maybe'. According to our respondents, COVID-19 has affected our entertainment industry as most of them voted for the option 'Yes' which contributed to 76.4% of the total respondents, and the remaining were divided into the other options with 11.2% for 'No’ and 12.4% for the option ' Can't say '. When asked what kind of medium do, they prefer for entertainment traditional or digital. It was very clear that most people were comfortable with the digital medium of entertainment. As unto a 73.6% opted for the option” Digital”. In relation with.... when the respondents were asked about the quality of the entertainment nearly 66 percent of the respondents said that the quality of entertainment has increased post covid and 15.7% of the remaining public says it has decreased, whereas the other 18.5 percent says it has been the same. Next, they were asked about when did they start using digital platforms for entertainment upon that we received a majority of people opting for " BEFORE COVID" with a total of 61 percent opting for that option and only 31 percent of people saying " DURING COVID" and the remaining others giving mixed views by saying post covid and during the lockdown. They were even asked if it was worth spending money on online events for which we did receive different perspectives and approachesas there were only 24.2% of the respondents who said yes, 43.8% were against spending money on online events whereas the other 32% were confused and chose the "MAYBE" option. When asked about their favorite form of entertainment we had several options out of which a majority of people went for the movies, followed by T.V shows, music, and sports and only a handful of people went for the option of books and video games. Lastly, when the people were asked for their personal views and opinions on the quality of entertainment post covid there were many different kinds of responses. Some of them said the entertainment industry had grown whereas some of them counter-views. Some said there is still a chance of growth due to an increase in web series and T.V shows. There were also some views where people said post covid the actors have got a greater exposure. Some said, nowadays there is less of real content and more of materialistic and adult content. Some even said OTT has taken over and the theatres are suffering, Hypothesis Its clearly being witnessed that the entertainment industryis going through a revolutionary stage. With the initiation of OTT platforms and other digital forms of entertainment, there is a huge possibility that the future of the entertainment industry is fully digitalized, as the quality and quantity of digital entertainment are way too high. The proportion an individual spends on entertainment is based on their income, and since the income level of everyone had a great fall even after having a relaxing lockdown people couldn't much of their disposable income on entertainment, thus digital media came in handyas the subscription amount was minimal and the quality of the content was also distinguished. Conclusion Covid 19 pandemic has brought a huge change in the media and entertainment industry. In this primary study, we have all overstudied that the majority of people have been shifted to the OTT platform rather than television. There has been an increase in the number of subscriptions of various OTT as people have been watching it on a larger scale. Covid has also changed the theme and pattern of content for the viewers. As per the research, we have observed that the digital form of entertainment has increased drastically during covid and lockdown, as all the physical form of entertainment was closed during this period. In the hustle and bustle of the city people hardly find time to enjoy any physical form of entertainment, which has led to the growth of digital entertainment and various channels like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. The concluding statement of the research would be the busier people have become the more digital entertainment will boom as it is the most easily accessible form of entertainment. Reference Book references: Chitra. R., Dr. Gopinath. R., The book: The Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Industry, Pg: 194 section (4.6) Rishabh Publications, Business research method SYBMS, Second edition Web links: Types of relationship,, Article on how do we find a ‘New Normal’ for Industry and Business After COVID- 19 Shut Downs? How do we Find a %27 New Normal%27_for_Industry_and Business After _COVID-19 Shut_Downs Article on EVTM after covid: httos:// EVTM_After_COVID Research reference: IMPACT OF COVID- 19_ON DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY

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