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Graduation Level: Diploma of Engineering

Course: Computer Engineering

Subject Name: Object Oriented Programming using JAVA
Subject Code: 2102CS304
Semester: 3

Suggested List of Experiments / Exercises:

Ex. No. of
Unit No. Practical / Exercise
No. Hrs.
1 1  Write a program in java to print simple “Darshan University” 2
2 1  Write a program in java to find maximum number from given three numbers 10
and using conditional operator.
 Write a program in java to calculate factorial of given number.
 Write a program in java to print Fibonacci series.
 Write a program in java in java to reverse the digits of a numbers using while
& for loop
 Write a program in java to perform basic Calculator operations(using Switch
3 2  Write a program in java to perform addition of two matrix. 10
 Write a program in java to perform multiplication of two matrix
 Write a program in java to find the Transpose of a given Matrix
 Write a programs in Java to use Wrapper class of each primitive data types
 Write a proram in java to use of String and StringBuffer class.
4 3  Write a program in java to use of class, object and method. 8
 Write a program in java to use of method overloading concept.
 Write a program in java to use of static and final keyword
 Write a program to Find out the Number of Objects Created of a Class
5 3  Write a program in java to use of default and parameterized Constructor 6
 Write a program in java to use of copy Constructor
 Write a program in java to passing and returning object from method
6 4  Create a class to find whether the given year is leap year or not.(Using
 Write a program in java to perform types of inheritance
 Create a class with a method that prints "This is parent class" and its subclass
with another method that prints "This is child class". Now, create an object
for each of the class and call method of parent class by object of parent class
and child class and method of child class by object of child class
 Write a program in java to use of super keyword
 Write a program in java to create two classes: A child class Girl and a parent
class Father. The Girl class extends Father class. Both the classes have a
common method void eat(). Girl class is giving its own implementation to the
eat() method or in other words it is overriding the eat() method.
7 4  Write a program in java to perform multiple inheritance using interface.
 Write a program in java that shows implementation of packages 6
 Write a program in java that shows implementation of import packages
8 5  Write an small application in Java to develop Banking Application in which
user depositsthe amount Rs 1000.00 and then start withdrawing of Rs
400.00, Rs 300.00 and it throws exception Not Sufficient Fund when user
withdraws Rs. 500 thereafter. 8
 Write a program in java to create custom exception
 Write a program in java to create and extending thread class
 Write a program in java to implementing Runnable interface

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