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BEmONC Neonatal E Functions

1. Newborn resuscitation

2. Treatment of neonatal sepis/infection

3. O2 support

4. Management of LBW or premature newborn (before 37 weeks)


Time bound Procedures:

1. Drying the baby -warming the baby to prevent hypothermia

2. Skin to skin contact to warm baby to prevent hypothermia, bonding, initiate breastfeeding/let down

3. Clamping of the cord after 1-3 mins after to prevent anemia

4. Non separation of the baby unless full breastfmilk is initiated

Non-Time Bound Procedures:

1. Give all the immunizations given at birth

2. Give Crede's prophylaxis to prevent opthalmia neonatorum

3. Give Vit. K for coagulation

4. Weigh the baby

5. Postponing washing the baby for at least 6 hrs to prevent hypothermia

Unnecessary Procedures:

1. Routine suctioning, routine separation of newborns for observations

2. Administration of pre-lacteals like glucose, water formula

3. Footprinting

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