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• Advance pregnancy symptoms in cattle when an embryo is out – Lapsing of

uterus and Vagina (AFO 2022)
• For crossbreed cow & buffalo for 5th month of pregnancy how much -
concentrate (other than maintenance) should be given? 1.5-1.75 kg (AFO 2022)
• Which among the following is a drought breed of cattle where cows are less
milker, but bulls are best for cart & field purposes is - Krishna Valley (AFO
• ICAR afflicted veterinary institute which developed Embryo transfer technique
is – NDDB (BOM 2021)
• Crossing of cross breed cattle to one of its pure parents breeding is known as –
Back crossing (BOM 2021)
• Haryana cattle breed is used as a – Dual purpose (NABARD 2021)
• In order to regulate the temperature and to get rid of insects, the process of
buffaloes rolling in water/mud is called as – Wallowing (NABARD 2021)
• Which of the following is a draught purpose breed of cattle? Hallikar
• Sussex is the world-famous breed of? Poultry (NABARD 2019)
• Which of the following indigenous cow has highest milk yield in a lactation
period? Sahiwal (NABARD 2020 (PRE+ MAINS)
• Which of the following cow is draught breed? Hallikar (NABARD)
• Description of cow: elongated ears, striking appearance, good disease resistance
cow breed – Gir (NABARD)
• What is the cow gestation period? 282 days (NABARD)
• Horn has to be removed from calf after how many days? 7-10 days (NABARD)
• Amount of blood passing through udder for 1 ml of milk? 400 ml (NABARD)
• What is the Livestock contribution to Agriculture GDP? 28.4% (NABARD)
• First milk produced immediately following delivery of the newborn, which is
rich in anti-bodies, proteins is known as? Colostrum (NABARD)
• Which of the following is not a component under National Livestock Mission:
Sub Mission on Meat processing (NABARD 2020)

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• When two species that has been crosses alternatively then it is called as- Criss
• What is zoonosis? Covered in disease and vaccination chapter.
• The secretion of milk by the glandular secretory tissue of milk animals and their
collection in the various duct system terminating in the “let down” when
subjected to specific stimuli- Lactation. (Full topic added in milk lecture)
• Milk Fever is non- contagious disease and do cause because of which of the
following nutrient deficiency? - Calcium
• Breed of buffalo from Gujarat and have sickle shaped horns? -Surti
• Very Limited Movement Allowed by The Birds to Sit and Stand Properly. Floor
Space is 14 * 16 Inches and Height Of 17 Inches Is Allowed is --battery system
(Exact Question)
• Soild not fat (SNF) in cow milk as per standards of Food adulteration – 8.5 %
• Breaking of Milk fat globules into small uniform size is known as –
• Act of pasturation of Sow (PIG) Is known as – Farrowing
• A Cow in heat can be bred in which phase - Oestrum phase (RRB SO 2020)
• What is the SNF content for recombined toned milk -8.5% (RRB SO 2020)
• Breeding method which having wide range of relationship and maintains
uniformity? Line Breeding
• The place which is used to feed lambs calves and piglets but not for adults is—
• Gestation period of buffalo? 310+-5 days
• Indigenous draught breed of which bullocks are very useful for drafting while
female is not efficient in milk production? Khillari (NAINTAL BANK)
• Friesian is a breed of? cattle
• A cow which is in heat can be able to bred in which phase - Oestrum phase
• This is the practice of mating of animals within the same breed but having no
common ancestors on either side of their pedigree up to 4-6 generations-
• What is Poultry-boiler per bird sq ft floor space:0.8-1 sq.ft
• Number of permanent cheek teeth in cow (molar + premolar)? 32 numbers
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• To obtain pure breed, crossbreed is back mated with parent is known as back
• Which of the following milch breed where bull is not good a draught breed but
cow produces best quality milk? as per options Gir.
• S.N.F in Double toned milk – 9.0 %
• Hinny is a cross between which breeds? stallion x jennet
• Bacteria is removed from milk by using centrifugal action force is called?
• Which of the following is a draught purpose cattle breed? Hallikar
• Which breed is best known draught breed among cattle? - Amritmahal
• S.N.F in cow milk? 8.5 %

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✓ Breed: A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like
general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc., are said to be a breed.
There may be considerable differences between individuals, still they have as a
group many common points which distinguish them from other groups. Such a
common characteristic group is termed a breed. The purity of the breed is
maintained by confining the mating of animals to within the breed.
✓ Species: A group of individuals which have certain common characteristics that
distinguish them from other group of individuals with in species the individuals
are fertile when in different species they are not.
✓ Sire: the male parent of the calf.
✓ Dam: female parent of the calf.
✓ Calf: young one of cattle or buffalo below the age of six months is called calf.
✓ Heifer: the younger female of cattle above age of six months to first calving.
✓ Cow: the adult female of cattle from the date of first calving is called cow.
✓ Bull: it is uncastrated of cattle used for breeding or covering the cows.
✓ Bullock: it is the castrated male of cattle used for work.
✓ Service: the process in which mature male covers the female i.e. In heat with the
object to deposit spermatozoa in the female genital tract is called service.
✓ Conception: the successful union of male and female gametes & implantation of
zygote is known as conception.
✓ Gestation: it is the condition of female when developing foetus is present in the
✓ Gestation period: the period from the date of service (actual conception) to the
date of parturition is termed as parturition period or pregnancy period.
This period varies according to species of animals e.g. Is cows 285 days, in
buffalo 310 days, sheep 148-152 days, goat 150-152 days.
✓ Parturition: the act of giving birth to young one is called parturition.
✓ Lactation period: the period after parturition in which the animal produces
✓ Abomasum: True stomach where enzymatic digestion occurs.
✓ Drying off: it is the process of drying a lactating but pregnant cow.

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✓ Dry period: the period after lactation in which the animal does not produce
✓ Calving interval: the period between two successive calving is calving interval.
✓ Prepotency: the ability of certain individuals to stamp or impress their
characters upon their offspring or prepotency is the ability to transmit
characteristics to offspring to a marked degree.
✓ Fertility: ability of an animal to produce large number of living young.
✓ Fecundity: it is the potential capacity of the female to produce functional ova
regards of what happens to them after they are produced.
✓ Sterility: inability to produce any offspring.
✓ Buller: cow always in estrus condition.
✓ Teaser: a vasectomized (castrated) bull used to detect the heat or estrus of
female (cow).
✓ Herd: it is a group of cattle or buffalo.
✓ Flock: it is the group of sheep, goat or poultry birds.
✓ Steer: the male cattle that is castrated when he is still a calf or before the
development of sexual maturity is called steer.
✓ Veal: the meat of calf below the age of 3 months.
✓ Beef: the meat of- cattle past calf stage.
✓ Pork: the meat of swine.
✓ Mutton: the meat of sheep & goat.
✓ Chevon: the meat of goat.
✓ Wedder: a castrated sheep is called wedder.
✓ Prolificacy: ability to produce large number of off springs. The animal is said to
be prolific.
✓ Docking: to remove the whole or part of tail
✓ Dehorning: removal of horn from grown animals
✓ Dipping: it is the process of offering a bath with a mild parasiticidal
drugs/chemical in a specially prepared tank.
✓ Flushing: the feeding of extra rations to the pre-pregnant animals in order to
encourage her to produce a multiplicity of eggs.
✓ Steaming up: extra allowance of concentrate mixture fed to cow during last
quarter of pregnancy is called as steaming up.
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✓ Colostrum: colostrum is the first milk of a dam immediately after parturition.
✓ Culling: the process of removing unwanted animals from a population.
✓ Castration: removal of testicles to prevent breeding.
✓ Free martin: when a female calf is born as a twin to a male calf, a sterile female
is known as free martin.
✓ Clipping: it is the process of cutting the overgrown body hairs with the help of
hair clippers.
✓ Grooming: it is the careful brushing and combing of body hair coat.
✓ Gimmer: the female sheep aged 6 months to first parturition
✓ Mohair: the wool of angora goat is called mohair.
✓ Pashmina: the undercoat of kashmiri goat.
✓ Pelt: it is defined as removal of skin from day old lamb after slaughter.
✓ Shearing: shearing is nothing but clipping of wool and mohair from sheep and
goat respectively.
✓ Wedder: a castrated sheep is called wedder.
✓ Weaning: weaning is defined as separation of calf from its mother immediately
after birth or within two or three days of birth.
✓ Oestrus /heat: it is the period of intense sexual desire or sexual excitement
experienced by female.
✓ Ovulation: It is defined as the discharge of the egg from the graafian follicle.
✓ Anoestrous: means absence of oestrus.
✓ Branding: it is the method of imprinting number or any identification mark on
the skin of animal by hot iron, chemical or coolant.
✓ Tattooing: it is the process of puncturing desired number or letter on the inside
skin of ear with the help of tattoo forceps and then rubbing tattooing ink on the
✓ Tagging: it is method of fixing tag to the ear/neck of the animals.
✓ Ear notching: it is the method of making 'u shape cuts/notches at specific places
along the borders of ear with the help of scissors or pincers.
✓ Atavism: the reappearance of a character after it has not appeared for one or
more generation.
✓ Pullet: A young female chicken from 9 to 20 weeks of age.
✓ Cockerel: A young male chicken from 5 to 8 months of age.
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✓ Day old chick: Hatched out chick is called as day old chick.
✓ Grower: A young chick of 9th to 20th week of age of either sex.
✓ Brood: A group of chicks of same age raised in one batch is called as a brood.
✓ Brooding: The process of rearing the young chick from day old stage to 4 to 6
weeks of age during which heat is to be provided. Or Application of heat to
the birds at early part of their life.
✓ Brooder: A device for providing artificial heat to the chicks.
✓ Broiler: They are the hybrid chicks having rapid growth and attaining about 1.5
kg weight during the period of 6 weeks of age. Most of the broilers are
marketed at the age of 7-8 weeks
✓ Capon: It is a young male bird of which testicles are removed.
✓ Layer: An egg laying female chicken up to one year after starting the laying of
✓ Broody: A hen which has stopped laying eggs temporarily.
✓ Clutch: The number of eggs laid by a bird on consecutive days. A clutch of 3-4
eggs is preferred.
✓ Toned milk: Toned milk is a method developed in India, of treating buffalo milk
by adding skim milk, powdered skim milk and water to buffalo milk. This
process decreases the fat content, increases the quantity of available milk, and
tones up the nonfat solids level to the original amount Buffalo milk has a fat
content of about 7-8% and a nonfat solids content of 9-10%. By reducing the fat
content to 3% through the toning process, the available milk quantity is nearly
✓ Double-toned milk: Double-toned milk is a similar product, where the fat
content of the milk is reduced to 1.5% and the non-fat solids content increased to
10%. This product is produced by UNICEF for free distribution to homeless
youth and low-income families. Unlike single toned milk, double-toned milk is
always pasteurized.
✓ Dysgenesis– a defect in breeding such that hybrids cannot mate between
themselves but may produce of springs with members of either family of their

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✓ Creep- an area accessible to small calves, lambs, or pigs but no to adult animals,
to enable young to consume additional feed to supplement nutrients obtained
from nursing. (IBPS AFO 2020)
✓ Encephalomalacia - a disease causing lesions on the brain in poultry birds due
to vitamin E- deficiency.
✓ Flushing - it is feeding of females to stimulate the reproductive organs to
maximum activity.
✓ Heterosis is the increased stimulus of growth, vigour, performance which often
shown by a cross breed individual.
✓ Mohair wool obtained from the angora goats.
✓ Pashmina - the undercoat wool obtained from kashmir goat.
✓ Pica - due to phosphorous deficiency
✓ Stover - fodder, mature curved stalks of grain from which seeds have removed
✓ Slop feeding - a system of feeding to the animals involving a dry feed with the
fluid (slurry).
✓ Stud - herd of selected animals which is specially kept for breeding purposes.
✓ Zero grazing - a system of feeding in which animals are kept in buildings and
yards where fodder is taken to them.
✓ Selective breeding- It is the out-crossing within a herd with the help of
selected sires. The best method for improvement of buffalo breeds is selective
✓ Principal carbohydrate of milk = lactose (glucose + galactose)
✓ Nutrition: It is study of quality and quantity of nutrients for particular stage of
animal for particular goal. Goal is to optimize productivity.
✓ Nutrients: The chemical substance found in feed that can be used and are
necessary for maintenance, production and health of the animal. Main classes of
nutrients are: Water, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Minerals and Vitamins.
✓ Forages: Vegetative portion of plant fed to the animal in fresh, dried or ensiled
state. Although most forages are roughages. Conversely many forages such as
corncobs, straws are not forages.
✓ Roughages: These are feeding stuffs which are bulky and contain more than
18% crude fiber and less conc. of energy yielding nutrients. These as high in

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fiber content and low in energy (1-1.4 mcal/kg of DM). Example: Straws, green
fodder, hay, silage
✓ Concentrate: These are feed stuffs which contain less than 18% crude fiber and
less bulky and rich in energy yielding nutrients. These are low in fiber contents
and high in energy (1.5-2.2 Mcal/kg of DM). Example: Cereal grains, oil seeds.
Scientific name of different species
Animal Scientific Name
Cattle Bos indicus / Bos taurus
Buffalo Bubalus bubalis
Goat Capra hircus
Sheep Ovis aries
Pig Sus scrofa
Camel Camelus dromedarianus (Single hump);
Camelus bacterianus (Double hump)
Horse Equus caballus
Chicken Gallus domesticus

Classification of animals family

Classific Zebu/Exotic Buffalo Goat Sheep Pig
ation Cattle
Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia
Class Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia
Order Ungulata Ungulata Ungulata Ungulata Ungulata
Sub- Artiodactyla Artiodacty Artiodactyla Artiodactyla Artiodactyl
Order la a
Family Bovidae Bovidae Capridae Ovidae Suidae
Genus Bos Bubalus Capra Ovis Sus
Species Zebu -Indicus Bubalis Hircus Aries Domesticus
Exotic -Taurus
Stomach 4 chambered 4 4 4 (1 or 2
stomach chambered chambered chambered chambered
stomach stomach stomach stomach)
• Camelids has 3 chambered stomach

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Common terms in livestock production
Particular Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat Poultry Pig Horse
Species Bovine Bovine Ovine Caprine -- Swine or Equine
Group Herd Herd Flock Flock/ Flock Stock Pack
band Herd
Adult male Bull Buffalo Ram Buck Cock Boar Stallion
Adult Cow She Eve Doe Hen Sow Mare
female buffalo
New born Calf Buffalo Lamb Kid Chick Pigling Foal
calf or Piglet
Young Bull calf Buffalo Ram Buckling Cockerel Boarling Colt
male bull calf lamb male kid
Tup lamb
Young Heifer calf Buffalo Gimmer Goatling Pullet Gilt Filly
female heifer lamb or
calf Eve lamb
Castrated Buffalo Buffalo Weeder Weether Capon Stag Gelding
male steer bullock or Hog or geld
Weether Barrow
Sterilized Spayed Spayed Spayed Spayed -- Spayed Spayed
Female Calf at Calf at suckling suckling -- Suckling Foal at
with its off foot foot foot
Pasturation Calving Calving Lambing Kidding -- Farrowi Foaling
Mating Serving Serving Tupping Serving Serving Couplin Covering
Sound Bellowing Bellowin Bleating Bleating -- Grunting Neighing
produced g
Meat Beef Buffin Mutton Chevon Chicken Pork --

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Important Reproductive Characteristics
Animal Puberty Age Avg Age At Length of Gestation Heat
1st Calving Estrous Period period
Cow 24-30 25-30 21 Days 282 Days 18 hrs
Months Months
Buffalo 28-30 30-35 21 Days 310 Days 24 hrs
Months Months
Sheep 9-14 Months 18-24 16 Days 148 Days 1-3 days
Goat 8-10 Months 14-18 20 Days 150 Days 2-3 days
Sow 8-10 Months 9-10 Months 21 Days 114 Days 1-5 days
Camel 3-4 Years 4-5 Months 10 Days 391 Days 3-5 days
(L) (H)
Horse 15-24 months 21 days 336 ± 5

Chromosome number
Species Chromosome Number
Pig 38
Swamp buffalo 48
River or water buffalo 50
Sheep 54
Goat, cattle (zebu or exotic) 60
Donkey 62
Mule, Hinny 63
Horse 64
Camel 74
Poultry chicken 78
Turkey 82
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Body temperature of domesticated animals
Livestock Body temperature
(°C) (°F)
Cow 38.5 101.5
Buffalo 37.5 100
Goat 39.1 102.5
Sheep 38.9 102
Pig 39.2 102.6
Hen 41.7 107

Systems of Breeding
1) Inbreeding
• Mating of related individuals.
(a) Close breeding
✓ Sire to daughter
✓ Son to dam
✓ Full brother and sister
✓ Advantages: more uniform than outbreed progeny.
✓ Disadvantage: progeny becomes more susceptible to diseases.

b) Line breeding (IBPS AFO 2020)

✓ The mating of animals of wider degrees relationship than those of selected for
close breeding.
✓ Half brother and sister.
✓ Mating of animals more distantly related e.g., Cousin mating.

2) Out breeding
a) Out crossing: (RRB SO 2020)
✓ Mating of unrelated pure breed animals within the same breed.
✓ Merit: highly effective for characters like milk production, growth rate in
b) Cross breeding:

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Mating of animal of different breeds, common pigs and in the production of hybrid
chickens (for the production of new breeds).
✓ Criss crossing: when the two breeds are crossed alternatively, this method is
proposed for utilizing heterosis in both dams and progeny. (IBPS AFO 2021)
✓ Triple crossing: three breeds are crossed in a rotational manner. It is also
known as rotational crossing.
✓ Back crossing: Mating of a crossbreed animal back to one of the pure parent
races which were used to produce. It is commonly used in genetic studies.
(BOM 2021)

3. Grading-up: A breed of cattle produced by cross breeding with a superior breed.

It is the practice of breeding sire of a given breed to non- descriptive females and
their offspring for generation after generations. This system is followed for
improving indigenous poultry.

4) Top crossing: Mating of inbreed males with females which are not inbreed.

5) Species hybridization: Mating of animals of different species. This is most

extensive form of out breeding.
Mule Mare x Jack
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Hinny Stallion x Jennet
Cattalo American buffalo bull x Exotic cattle
Pien-niu Cattle x Yak

Important Phases In Oestrus Cycle

1) Proestrum phase: (2 days)
• This phase marks the animal coming in heat. During this phase the Graafian
follicle within the ovary is growing, Principally by the increased secretion of
follicular fluid.

2) Oestrum phase or oestrus: (1 day) (IBPS RRB SO 2020)

• This is the period of desire, where a cow in heat can bred in this phase.
• Graffian follicle is now “ripe” or very turgid and the ovum is undergoing
certain maturation changes. This period is brought to an end by the rupture of
the follicle (or) ovulation.
• As a rule, heat period of the cow lasts 12-14 hrs, 1-2 days in ewe, mare= 4-5
days and sow = 2-3 days.

3) Metoestrum phase: (4 days)

• During this period the cavity of the graffian follicle from which ovum has been
expelled becomes recognized and forms a new structure known as Corpus
Lucteum (C.L), an endocrine gland which secretes progesterone with important
functions below.
✓ It prevents the maturation of further graffian follicle.
✓ It is essential for the implantation of the fertilized egg.
✓ It is intimately concerned which the development of mammary gland.
✓ It nourishes the foetus during the first half of the pregnancy.

4) Diestrum: (14 days):

• This is the longest part of estrus cycle implantation, the C.L is fully grown and
its effect on the uterine wall is marked. Absence of pregnancy returns to normal
and thus the cycle continues.

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Types of animals based on estrous cycle
(1) Monoestrous animals:
• Animals show only one peak receptive activity (Oestrus) round the year or
Estrus cycle occurs once in a season.
• e.g. Wild animals, Wolf and fox etc.
(2) Dioestrus animals:
• Animals having two oestrus cycles in each year (One around august and another
in January) and the rest period there is a physiological anoestrous/quiescence of
ovary. e.g., Bitches.
(3) Polyestrous animals:
• These animals exhibit periodic oestrus cycle throughout the year except during
pregnancy and few days following parturition.
e.g. Cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, Sow etc.
(4) Seasonal polyestrous animals:
• Animals exhibit oestrous cycle only during certain season of the year (breeding
• e.g. Mare exhibit during spring, ewe- exhibit estrus during fall.

Animal Floor Spacing And Manager Space

Animal Floor Space /Animal (In Manager Length
Sq.Feet) /Animal(In Inch)

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Cows 20-30 80-100 20-24
Buffalos 25-35 80-100 24-30
Young Stock 15-20 50-60 15-20
Pregnant 100-120 180-200 24-30
Bull Pens 120-140 200-250 24-30
• Floor space per adult cow 65-70 square-feet is sufficient.
• Isolation boxes 150 square-feet.

ICMR dietary guidelines for Indians

• Milk - 300 ml/day
• Eggs - 180 eggs/annum
• Meat - 10.95 kg/annum

Time taken to double the biomass

• Broilers – 2 to 4 weeks
• Growing pigs – 4 to 6 weeks
• Growing cattle – 1 to 2 months
As Per ICAR data (In Animal Milk)
• Fat % And Total Solids - Pig (8.2) (H) > Buffalo
• Protein % - Pig (5.8 %) > Sheep (5.5).

Ruminant stomach
Parts of stomach Remarks
Rumen Largest compartment of stomach, on left side, Dorsal sac is the
largest sac of rumen. Lined by glandless stratified squamous
epithelium. Rumen liquor has pH 5.8 to 6.8. Also known as
paunch. Temperature inside rumen is 39*C
Reticulum Also called as Honey comb. Made up of stratified squamous
epithelium located immediately behind diaphragm in opposition
to heart. Temperature inside is 39*C
Omasum Primary function is to remove water by 50% and to absorb
VFA’S. (Absent in camel).

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Abomasum True stomach. Also the first Glandular portion of the ruminant
digestive system. pH=2.0. Enzymatic digestive site. It is similar
to fundic region of non-ruminant stomach.
• Teeth can be considered as part of the skeleton, but they are really a modified
form of skin.
• They contain the hardest substance in the animal's body, the enamel.
• There are three types of teeth in mammals.
1. Incisors.
• These are the teeth located in the front of the mouth. Broad and sharp teeth used
for cutting. They are present only in the lower jaw of cattle, sheep, goat and

2. Canine
• These are placed back to incisors. Sharp pointed small teeth used for gripping
and ripping; present only in the lower jaw.

3. Pre-molars and molars.

• Broad, flat teeth with ridges are the largest and strongest of all teeth, found in the
sides of the jaws and used for grinding.
• The grinding is an important function as it is at this stage that the saliva and
digestive juices are mixed into the mass of chewed food.
• Appearance of 4th pair of permanent incisors for cattle – full mouth @ 3 years
• Appearance of 4th pair of permanent incisors for sheep – full mouth @ 3 years

Dental formula
Species Deciduous or temporary Permanent
Cattle, Buffalo, Goat, 20 32
Horse 24 40 (male)
36 (Female)
Pig 28 44
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Camel 26 34

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