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Pathology International 1998; 48: 549-556

Case Report
Histiocytoid breast carcinoma: Histological,
immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, cytological and
clinicopathological studies

Satoru S h i m i ~ u , Hajime
~ , ~ ~ ~Kitamura,’ Takaaki lto? Takeshi Nakamura,’ Jun Fujisawa2and
Hiroshi Matsukawa2
Depattments of‘ Pathology and ‘Surgery, Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital, and 3Depattmentof Pathology,
Yokohama City UniversitySchool of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Histiocytoid breast carcinoma (HBC) is a rare variant of Histiocytoid breast carcinoma (HBC) was first reported by
breast carcinoma and often causes a diagnostic dilemma Hood et a/.’ in 1973 in eight patients with eyelid metastasis
because of its histological similarities to some types of and, since then, only about 30 cases have been reported in
breast cancer and benign lesions. To elucidate the the English and French Iiterature.l4 It was first introduced in
incidence of HBC and its biological properties, histological
specimens from 1010 breast cancer patients treated at
the textbook written byAzzopardilo as a rare variant of breast
Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital between 1972 and 1996 carcinoma in 1979, and Tavassoli” in 1992 and Rosen’2 in
were reviewed. Three cases of pure HBC and three cases of 1997 also referred to this variant in their textbooks. We
combined HBC (two with pleomorphic lobular carcinoma reported the first Japanese case in 1996 and described, for
and one with apocrine ductal carcinoma) were found, the first time, the electron microscopic and cytological
yielding an Incidenceof 0.3% for each. Two of the three pure features of HBC.’ The occurrence of histiocytoid breast
HBC cases contained foci of in situ lobular carcinoma. carcinoma appears to be rare, but the precise incidence of
Targetoid and Indian file invasive patterns, the features
this tumor is not known, partly because of lack of definite
characteristicof lobular carcinoma, were present Inall three
pure HBC cases and in two of the three combined HBC with criteria for its histological diagnosis and also lack of wide
pleomorphlc lobular carcinoma. These results, together recognition of this tumor. In fact, several reported cases were
with those of previous studies, suggestedthat the majority originally diagnosed as benign lesions.“ Accordingly, the
of HBC are of lobular origin, although the apocrlne ductal biological behavior has not yet been clarified, although Hood,
origin is also possible in a small number of HBC. Diastase- et a/. reported preferential metastasis to the eyelid.’ Most
resistant periodic acid-Schlff-positive granules and gran- cases were considered to be lobular in origin, but Eusebi et
ular immunoreactivitles for gross cystic disease fluld
al. recently proposed a ductal origin in a subset of their
protein-15 (GCDFP-15) were characteristic of the hlstio-
cytold tumor cells in both the pure and combined HBC, cases? Thus, the histogenesis of HBC has not yet been
suggesting the apocrine differentiation of tumor cells. All settled. The purposes of the present study were to clarify the
three pure HBC cases were in stage 1and were free of the incidence of histiocytoid carcinoma among breast carcin-
diseasefor up to 5 years and 1month after the lumpectomy. omas, to investigate its histogenesis, and to establish its
Thus, the prognosis of HBC appears to be dependent on the diagnostic criteria.
stage of the disease and may not always be poor, as
indicated by the original report mentioning a preferential
eyelid metastasis.
Key words: breast carcinoma, diagnostic criteria, differential
diagnosis, disease entity, GCDFP-I5, histiocytoid, pleomorphic Hematoxylin-eosin (HE)-stained histological sections from
lobular carcinoma 1010 patients with breast carcinoma who underwent surgery
at our hospital between 1972 and 1996 were reviewed with a

special reference to the histiocytoid appearance of tumor

Correspondence: Satoru Shimizu, MD, Department of Pathology,
cells; that is, finely granular to vesicular cytoplasm and a
Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital, 500 Mutsuuracho, Kanazawa-
ku, Yokohama 236,Japan. Email:<CAA82080@pop06.ODN.NE.JPr round to oval nucleus with a low nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio
Received 17 December 1997. Accepted for publication9 February (N: C ratio). We found three cases of lobular carcinoma
1998. composed almost exclusively of histiucytoid tumor cells (pure
550 S. Shimizu eta/.

type, cases 1 to 3). two cases of pleomorphic lobular carci- and 1%osmium tetroxide. They were embedded in epoxy
noma with focal histiocytoid features (combined type, refer- resin, and ultrathin sections (80 nm in thickness) were
ence case (RC) 1 and 2). and one case of apocrinecarcinoma stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate for observation
with focal histiocytoid features (combined type, RC 3). The under electron microscope (JEOL2000, Tokyo, Japan).
ctinicopathologicaldata of these six cases are summarized in
Table 1. These were all studied histochemically and immuno-
histochemically and, in the two cases of histiocytoid carci- PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS
noma, an ultrastructural study was performed. For compari-
son, one case each of clear cell (glycogen-rich) carcinoma, Histological findings of puretype histiocytoid breast
lipid-rich (lipid-secreting) carcinoma, signet ring cell carci- carcinoma
noma of ductal origin, secretory (juvenile) carcinoma and
granular cell tumor was also histopathologically studied. For All three of the cases diagnosed as pure histiocytoid
light microscopic examination, the tissues were fixed in 10% carcinoma showed very similar histological and cytological
neutral formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections of 4 pm features. The tumors consisted of a diffuse infiltration of
were stainedwith HE, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reactionwith large tumor cells with amphophilicfinely granular to vesicular
or without prior diastase digestion, and alcian blue (pH 2.5). cytoplasm (Fig. 1). lntracytoplasmic luminae (ICL) were
Lipid stainings with Sudan 111 were also carried out on frozen seen, but rarely. The nuclei were round to oval with a single
sections in all three of the cases of pure histiocytoid carci- small eosinophilic nucleolus, very fine chromatin pattern and
noma. lmmunohistochemistry was performed by the avidin- thin nuclear membrane. These cytological features were
biotin peroxidase complex method for epithelial membrane similar to those of ordinary lobular carcinoma, but the size
antigen (EMA, 1 : 100; DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark), cytok- of the nuclei was larger than that in ordinary lobular carci-
eratin (KL-1, 1 :200; Immunotech, Marseilles, France), noma. Tumor cells having a smaller nucleus with condensed
vimentin (1 : 50; DAKO), desmin (1 : 50; DAKO), S-100 chromatin were occasionally seen (Fig. 2). The nuclear
protein (1 :200; DAKO), lactalbumin (1 : 100; DAKO), gross pleomorphismwas not obvious, and the mitotic figures were
cystic disease fluid protein-15 (GCDFP-15, 1 : 200; Signet less than one per several high-powerfields. Tumor cells were
Laboratories, Dedham, MA, USA), c-erbB-2 oncogene separated from each other by hyalinous stroma producing a
product (c-edS-2, pAb-I, 1 :30; Triton Diagnostics, scirrhous pattern, but also showed a focal, rather medullary
Alameda, CA, USA), p53 tumor suppressor gene protein pattern with or without acinar structures. All three cases
(p53, DO-7, 1 :100; Immunotech) and carcinoembryonic showed invasion of the adipose tissue simulating chronic
antigen (CEA, 1 : 100; Kyowa Medex, Tokyo, Japan) and Ki- fibrosing panniculitis, where the cancer cells were difficult to
67 (MIB-1, 1 : 1; Immunotech). For estrogen receptor (ER, recognize on HE-stained sections (Fig. 3a,b). The invasive
1D5,l :50; DAKO), sections were pretreatedby autoclave at pattern was reminiscent of invasive lobular carcinoma with
121"C for 15 min. targetoid and Indian file arrangements (Fig. 4a,b). Foci of in
For electron microscopy, specimens were taken from situ lobular carcinoma and transitions from in situ to invasive
formalin-fixed tissues and post-fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde carcinoma were found in cases 1 and 3 (Fig. 5). Most tumor

Table 1 Clinicopathologicaldata of three cases of histiocytoidbreast carcinoma and three reference cases (RC) with focal histiocytoid features
Original Age (years) Menopausal Pathological Outcome
Case diagnosis at operation state Location Size (cm) stage* Operation /duration
Case 1 Histiocytoid ca. 55 Post Right lower 1.2 X 1.I t l nOMO stage 1 Lumpectomy Disease free 2 years
outer 9 months
Case 2 Pleomorphic 41 Pre Right upper 1.7 x 1.5 t l nOMO stage 1 Lumpectomy Disease free 5 years
lobular ca. outer 1 month
Case 3 Histiocytoid ca. 77 Post Right upper 2.0 x 2.0 t l nOMO stage 1 Lumpectomy Disease free 1 year
6 months
RC 1 Pleomorphic 43 Pre Right upper 4.0 x 4.0 t2nOMO stage 1 Patey's Disease free 6 years
lobular ca. outer mastectomy 11 months
RC 2 Pleomorphic 47 Pre Right upper 7.0 X 5.5 t3n3M1 stage 4 Patey's Dead with disease
lobular ca. medial mastectomyt 2 months
RC3 Apocrineca. 60 Post Left areolar 5.0 x 4.0 t3nOMO stage 2 Patey's Disease free 3 years
mastectomy 5 months
'According to the classificationof the Japanese Breast Cancer Society?'
+After1 year of chemotherapy.
Cases 1-3, pure histimytoid carcinoma; RC 1 and 2, pleomorphic lobular carcinoma with focal histiocytoidfeatures; RC 3, apocrine carcinoma with
focal histiocytoidfeatures. ca,Carcinoma.
Histiocytoid breast carcinoma 551

Figure 2 High-power view of histiocytoid cells. The nuclei are

Figure 1 Diffuse infiltration of histiocytoid breast cancer cells (case round to Ovalwith very fine a thin nuclear membrane and
3). The nuclei are uniformly small and the cytoplasmic border is a msinophilic
indistinct. Note the intact tubulus.

Figure 3 Invasion of histiocytoid cancer cells in the adipose tissue. (a) Cancer cells are hardly recognized by the HE stain in this low-power
view (case 1). (b)lmmunostainingfor cytokeratin clearly demonstrates these cancer cells (the same site as a).

cells showed granular cytoplasmic positivity for PAS reaction products in all three cases (Fig. 7). Lactalbumin was mostly
regardless of prior diastase digestion (Fig. 6). Apart from ICL, negative. Estrogen receptor was positive in case 2, in which
alcian blue staining was only weakly positive in cases 1 and biochemical assays of ER (25 fmoWmg) and progesterone
2, and was diffusely positive in case 3. The lipid stainings receptor (PgR; 109 fmol/mg) were also positive. c-erbs2 was
were negative overall, except for only a few cells with weak negative in all cases, and p53 was weakly positive (less than
positivity in case 1 (Table 2). 10%) only in case 3. Carcinoembryonic antigen was positive
in case 3 (Table 2).

lmmunohistochemicalfindings for puretype

histiocytoid breast carcinoma Electron microscopicfindings for pure-type histiocytoid
breast carcinoma
The tumor cells were positive for EMA and cytokeratins but
negative for vimentin and desmin. Gross cystic disease fluid The tumor cells were surrounded by densely packed collagen
protein-15 was diffusely positive in the cytoplasm as granular fibers, and the junctional apparata were very poorly devel-
552 S.Shimizu eta/.

Figure 4 Cancer invasion similar to invasive lobular carcinoma. (a) Scirrhous invasion with Indian file arrangements (case 2). (b) Cancer
invasion around a small tubulus showing a targetoid pattern (case 3; cytokeratin).

Agum 5 An in situ focus suggesting a transition to invasive Figure 6 Granular cytoplasmic positivity for periodic acid-Schiff
histiocytoid carcinoma. (PAS) reaction in the histiocytoid cells (case 2; PAS after diastase

Table 2 Results of histochemical and immunohistochemical stainings in three cases of histiocytoid breast carcinoma and three reference
cases (RC) with focal histiocytoid features
PAS D-PAS Alcian blue Lipid stain GCDFP-15 Lactalbumin ER Cvtokeratin CEA ~ 5 3 c-erbB-2 Ki-67 (%)
Case 1 + + + 10
Case 2 + + + 10
Case 3 + + + + + - 5
RC 1 H + + ND - 2 - 30
PL + + + ND - + - 30
RCPH + + + ND + + + 30
PL + + + ND + + + 40
RC3H * -c + ND 20
A + 2 ND 40
Cases 1-3, pure histiocytoidcarcinoma; RC 1 and RC 2, pleomorphic lobular carcinomawith focal histiocytoidfeatures; RC 3, apocrine carcinoma with
focal histiocytoid features; H,histiocytoid cells; PL. pleomorphic lobular carcinoma cells; A, apocrine carcinoma cells; D-PAS, diastase periodic acid-
Schiff; (+) diffusely positive; ( % ) focally positive; (-) negative; ND. not done; ER. estrogen receptor:CEA. carcinoembryonic antigen; GCDFP-15. gross
cystic disease fluid protein 15.
Histiocytoid breast carcinoma 553

oped. The nuclei were round to oval with fine chromatin, a

thin nuclear membrane and a small round nucleolus (Fig.
8a), but cells with slightly irregular nuclei with coarsely con-
densate perinuclear chromatin were occasionally seen (Fig.
8b). The cytoplasm was abundant, but the organellas were
poorly developed with small numbers of mitochondria,
several lysosomes and Golgi apparatus. Membrane-bound
granules of diverse electron densities varying in size
(300 to 800 nm in diameter) were observed, and the rough
endoplasmic reticulum was scattered, often adjacent to these
granules or the Golgi apparatus. Glycogen granules were
scanty (Fig. 8a,b).

Cytological findings for pure-type histiocytoid breast

Figure 7 Most histiocytoid cells show granular cytoplasmic
positivity for gross cystic disease fluid protein (GCDFP)-15. Note a in all three pure-type HBC cases, the aspirates contained a
strongly positive cell also in the nest of in situ lobular carcinoma
(case 3; GCDFP-15).
few scattered tumor cells or sheet-like small-cell clusters
showing a histiocytoid appearance due to the rich and

Figure 8 Electron microscopicfeatures of histiocytoidcells of (a) case 1 and (b)case 3 showing many membrane-boundgranules of varying
electron density in the abundant cytoplasm. Most of them are similar to apocrine granules. The other organelles are poorly developed. The
nucleus in a has euchromatin. but those in b are rich in heterochromatin.which corresponds to the dark nuclei observed under light microscopy.
Bar = 2pm.
554 S. Shimizu era/.

combined cases than in the pure-type cases. The portions of

pleomorphic lobular carcinoma showed diffuse and strong
positivity for the PAS reaction only in ICL, and those of
apocrine carcinoma tended to be only sporadic. Alcian blue
staining was positive in RC 2 and RC 3, but negative in RC 1.
Gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 was diffusely positive in
the cytoplasm of histiocytoid cancer cells in all three com-
bined cases. The portions of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma
histology in RC 1 and 2 showed irregular positivity for
GCDFP-15, while apocrine cancer cells in RC 3 were stained
very strongly. Estrogen receptor was positive in two cases
(RC 1 and RC 3). p53 was weakly positive in two cases (RC 1
and RC 2). Both c - e m - 2 and CEA were positive in one case
(RC 2; Table 2).

Figure 9 Aspirates from the lesions of case 1 contain a few

histiocytoid cells as single cells or small cell clusters. These cells are Other variants of breast carcinoma and benign lesions
easily overlooked as benign cells unless the examiner is familiar with mimicking histiocytoid breast carcinoma
the histiocytoid breast cancer variant.

Cases of both malignant and benign breast lesions

resembling histiocytoid carcinoma in HE specimens were
granular pale cytoplasm and the low N : C ratio of the tumor selected for the study of differential diagnosis. Clear cell
cells. lntracytoplasmic luminae were seldom seen. The cell (glycogen-rich) carcinoma was easily differentiated by
border was indistinct and occasionally shaggy. The nuclei abundant PAS-positive granules which were digested by
were located usually eccentrically and possessed either pale diastase pretreatment. The lipid-rich (secreting) carcinoma
or condensed chromatin. A single small nucleolus was visible and secretory (juvenile) carcinoma were negative for
in each nucleus with a pale chromatin pattern (Fig. 9). The GCDFP-15; this finding is very useful for the differential
aspirates also contained a few non-neoplastic duct epithelial diagnosis when the materialfor lipid staining is not available.
cells and small lymphocytes. The signet ring cell carcinoma showed diffuse cytoplasmic
positivity for PAS reaction instead of the granular positivity
seen in the histiocytoidcarcinomas. The granular cell tumor,
Findings for combined-type histiocytoid breast xanthogranuloma and sclerosing mastitis could be differen-
carcinoma tiated by negative immunostainings for epithelial markers
(cytokeratins and EMA), but they were also negative for
In the three cases of combined HBC, the histological GCDFP-15. Thus, PAS reaction with or without prior diastase
appearance of the portion of histiocytoid cells was very digestion and immunohistochemistry for GCDFP-15 seemed
similar to that seen in the three cases of pure HBC. The to be sufficient for the differentiation of every breast lesion
growth pattern was characterizedby scirrhous invasion. The examined mimicking histiocytoidcarcinoma of the breast on
features of invasive lobular carcinoma with occasional HE stain.
targetoid and Indian file arrangements were seen in two
cases of combined histiocytoid and pleomorphic lobular
carcinoma, but the other case of combined histiocytoid and DISCUSSION
apocrine carcinoma lacked the targetoid pattern and typical
Indian file arrangements, even at the site with histiocytoid The tumor cells of HBC are characterized by fine granular to
features. In all of the combined cases, the portions of vesicular cytoplasm and a round to oval nucleus with a low
invasion of the adipose tissue by histiocytoid cells were N : C ratio, and should be differentiated from those of clear
similar to chronic fibrosing panniculitis. The appearance of cell (glycogen-rich) carcinoma, lipid-rich (secreting) carci-
the cytoplasms was identical to that seen in the pure-type noma and secretory carcinoma. Strong GCDFP-15, an estab-
HBC specimens. However, the nuclei of the histiocytoidcells lished apocrine marker,I3and diffuse diastase-resistant PAS
in the combined cases tended to be larger and more irregular positivitieswere very useful for distinguishing HBC from these
in shape than those of the pure-typecases. The PAS reaction tumor cells. The tumor cells of HBC also resemble reactive
showed diastase-resistant granular positivity in the cyto- histiocytes, particularly in the area of scirrhous invasion and
plasm of the histiocytoid cancer cells, but was weaker in the invasion of adipose tissue. In fact, several of the reported
Histiocytoid breast carcinoma 555

cases of histiocytoidcarcinomawere originally misdiagnosed and three combined cases (two pleomorphic lobular carcino-
as chronic sclerosing inflammati~n,'-~ the late stage of chronic mas and one apocrine carcinoma) with focal histiocytoid
periductal mastitis," xanthogranulomatous lesions,' or gran- features. The common histological characteristics of these
ular cell tumor.' The immunohistochemistry using cytoker- tumors were: (i) histiocytoid appearance of the tumor cells
atins and EMA was essential to the differentiation between on HE staining; (ii) diastase-resistant granular cytoplasmic
HBC and these benign lesions, but they were also differenti- positivity for PAS reaction; and (iii) diffusegranular cytoplas-
ated by negative staining for GCDFP-15. mic positivity for GCDFP-15. We thus propose the above
As for the differentiation phenotype of histiocytoid tumor three findings as the diagnostic criteria for histiocytoid carci-
cells, apocrine metaplasia has been considered. In 1980, noma, regardless of its origin (ductal or lobular) and whether
Mossler et a/. noted a pale granular cytoplasmic change the tumor is invasive or not. Combined cases like our refer-
(histiocytoidchange) in apocrine ~arcinorna.'~ A histiocytoid ence cases should be classified into the basic histological
breast carcinoma case reported by Eisenberg et a/.4and two types with the additional comment of focal histiocytoid fea-
cases described by Walford and Velden' were designated as tures. In addition, the term 'histiocytoid' should not be used to
apocrine variants of lobular carcinoma. Eusebi eta/. recently describe breast cancers verified to be other than histiocytoid
examined thirteen cases and demonstrated the apocrine carcinoma, such as clear cell carcinoma or lipid-secreting
characteristics immunohistochemically as well as by in situ carcinoma.i8 Differential diagnoses from all breast lesions
hybridization and northern blotting for GCDFP-15.5 All of resembling histiocytoid carcinoma are possible and not
the reported cases studied by immunohistochemistry for difficult when these criteria are applied. However, histiocytoid
GCDFP-15 expression were found to be p ~ s i t i v e ~as ~ ~ . ~cells
~ ' ~ as well as the cancer cells of basic histology in
were the three cases reported here. Granular positivity for pleomorphic lobular carcinoma (RC 1 and RC 2) and
GCDFP-15 was characteristic in our cases. The electron apocrine carcinoma (RC 3)showed stain characteristics very
microscopic study of our two cases (cases 1 and 3)showed similar to those of pure histiocytoid carcinoma, although the
intracytoplasmic membrane-bound granules similar to intensity was weaker than that of the pure type. This may
apocrine g r a n ~ l e s . ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ indicate the close relationship of histiocytoid carcinoma to
Most of the above authors postulated a lobular origin of both pleomorphic lobular carcinoma and apocrine carcinoma.
HBC. Filotico et a/L6 Walford and Velden,g Remadi and Hence, we propose that histiocytoid breast carcinoma is
Chappuis' and the present authors7described the presence basically a variant of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma with
of in situ lobular carcinoma foci with a transition from in sit0 apocrine metaplasia, and that apocrine carcinoma may show
lesion to invasive histiocytoid carcinoma. Since Dixon et a/.'6 cellular and histological appearances similar to those of
introduced a pleomorphic lobular carcinoma as a subtype of histiocytoidcarcinoma of lobular origin.
invasive lobular carcinoma in 1982, histiocytoid carcinoma The incidence of HBC has not yet been established, but
has been regarded as closely related to or identical to may be higher than hitherto estimated from the reported
pleomorphic lobular carcinoma." To the contrary, Eusebi et case numbers. In fact, our present study revealed as many
a/. in 1995 reported, in addition to four cases of lobular origin, as three cases among 1010 operated breast cancers at our
nine cases of ductal origin including two cases of mixed hospital (0.3%).
ductal and lobular origin and one case of intraductal The aspiration cytology of HBC is characterized by a
carcinoma composed of histiocytoid tumor c e k 5 They paucity of cancer cells and benign-looking cytology, and is,
collected their cases based on the granular to foamy therefore, quite difficult to correctly diagnose. The scirrhous
appearance of tumor cell cytoplasm. They demonstrated invasive pattern of HBC may reflect the small number of
apocrine differentiation in all of the cases and designated aspirated cancer cells. It should be stressed that this variant
them as a specific group of apocrine carcinoma of both ductal must be kept in mind to avoid overlooking it in the cyto-
and lobular origins. The pure ductal features of histiocytoid diagnosis or misinterpreting the hi~todiagnosis.6.~
carcinoma among their cases were unique findings, because The prognosis of HBC has been considered poor since
histiocytoid carcinoma had been regarded as a variant of Hood ef a/.' reported eyelid metastasis in all eight cases
invasive lobular carcinoma (especially the pleomorphic type) examined, as well as in a case reported by Dabski et aL3 In
with apocrine metaplasia prior to publication of their article. addition, Allenby and Chowdhuty2 reported an autopsy case
Therefore, the diagnostic criteria of histiocytoid carcinoma with systemic cancer metastasis. The prognosis of pleomor-
must now be settled again in order to test whether histiocytoid phic lobular carcinoma is also regarded as poor compared
carcinoma stands as a distinct variant of metaplastic breast to classical lobular car~ i noma.' ~Given ~ that histiocytoid
carcinoma, a variant of apocrine carcinoma, or a variant of carcinoma is a variant of pleomorphc lobular carcinoma, the
invasive lobular carcinoma. poor prognosis may, thus, be accurate. However, the prog-
In the present study, we histopathologically examined nosis of apocrine carcinoma is still controversial, reportedto
three cases of pure histiocytoid carcinoma of lobular origin be both equa12'.p and p00P.~' compared to the ordinary
556 S. Shimizu et al.

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