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1. To be on trend : theo kịp xu hướng, đúng mốt

2. Casual clothes : quần áo thường ngày, không trang trọng

3. Classic style : phong cách đơn giản, cổ điển, lịch sự

4. Designer label : nhãn hiệu thiết kế nổi tiếng

5. Dressed to kill : chau chuốt, mặc đẹp tới mức thu hút sự ngưỡng mộ

6. To dress for the occasion : ăn mặc phù hợp với sự kiện, tình huống

7. Fashion house : công ty thời trang cao cấp

8. Fashion icon : biểu tượng thời trang

9. To get dressed up : mặc chỉn chu

10. To go out of fashion : lỗi thời, không hợp thời trang

11. Hand-me-downs : quần áo truyền từ người khác

12. To have an eye for (fashion) : có mắt nhìn thẩm mỹ, thời thượng

13. To have a sense of style : có khiếu thẩm mỹ, tư duy thời trang tốt

14. The height of fashion : rất sành điệu

15. Keep up with the latest fashion : theo kịp với xu hướng thời trang mới nhất

16. To look good in : trông hợp với bộ quần áo đang mặc

17. To mix and match : phối đồ

18. Must-have : đồ cần phải có

19. Off the peg : đồ may sẵn

20. A slave to fashion : tín đồ thời trang

21. To take pride in one’s apperance : chú ý tới vẻ ngoài, cách ăn mặc của người khác

22. Timeless : không bao giờ lỗi mốt

23. Well-dressed : ăn mặc đẹp

24. Throw-away society : xã hội có xu hướng sử dụng hàng hóa phung phí (sử dụng vài lần rồi

25. Throw money at : vung tiền vào

26. To be a steal : giá rất rẻ

27. advertising campaign: a series of advertisements to persuade people to buy something

28. big brand names: large well-known companies or product names

29. to be careful with money: to not over-spend

30. carrier bag: bags (usually plastic) supplied by shops

31. customer service: the degree to which customers are treated well

32. to get into debt: to owe money

33. to give someone the hard sell: to put pressure on someone to buy something

34. high street names: well-known shops

35. independent stores: small shops independent of large companies

36. local shops: community shops

37. loyalty card: a card issued by a shop to allow customers to save money on the basis of what
they spend

38. must-have product: a product that is very popular that a lot of people want to have

39. to be on a tight budget: to have a limited amount of money to spend

40. to be on commission: to pay someone in relation to the amount they sell

41. a pay in cash: to pay for something using coins or paper money

42. to pay the full price: to pay the full amount for something

43. to pick up a bargain: to buy something much cheaper than the normal price

44. to run up a credit card bill: to owe money on a credit card

45. to shop around: to try different shops to find the best deal

46. shop assistant: the person who serves customers

47. to shop until you drop: to do a lot of shopping

48. to slash prices: to reduce prices a great deal

49. to snap up a bargain: to buy something quickly that is being sold cheaply

50. summer sales: a period in the year when things are sold cheaply

51. to try something on: to see if an item of clothing fits or is suitable

52. to be value for money: to be worth the cost

53. window shopping: to visit a store to look at items without the intention of buying anything

• Some questions for a common topic in IELTS speaking part 1 - CLOTHES

1. Do you often buy clothes ?
2. Are clothes important to you ?
3. What kinds of clothes do you prefer to wear ?
4. What kinds of clothes do you wear most days ?
5. Would you ever spend a lot of money on clothes ?

6. Do you think men and women have the same view of clothing ?

Model answer:
1. Are clothes and clothing fashions important to you? (Why/ Why not?)

=> No, clothes and fashions are not really important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are
comfortable and practical rather than fashionable.

2. What different clothes do you wear for different situations?

=> Well, I have to dress quite formally for work, so I wear a shirt and trousers. At home I prefer
to wear jeans and a T-shirt, and on special occasions I might wear a suit.

3. Do you wear different styles of clothes now compared to 10 years ago?

=> No, not really, because I don't follow fashion. I think I have dressed in a similar way for the
last 10 years.

4. Do you think the clothes we wear say something about who we are?

=> Yes, they probably do. Some people are really careful about what they wear because they
want to be seen as stylish. Other people wear clothes that show wealth or status, such as clothes
by famous designers.

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