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Are you in a rut… feeling like you’re just “getting by” instead of truly living?

Do you struggle with fatigue, extra weight, depression or a chronic health condition?

Would you like to balance hormones, optimize metabolism

and naturally lessen your dependence of prescription medications?

Do you ever wish you could be. . .

Happier? Healthier? Hotter?

What if you could have all that, plus the energy to outplay your kids, heat up your sex life, and excel in
every area of your life?

Dream a little with me. Let go of any resistance and join me in a fantasy:

How would your life change if. . .

You felt beautiful, healthy, sexy and confident?

If you had the energy to live life to the fullest?

If you were truly happy – all the time?

We work hard to create the best life for our children. It is in our DNA. As women, specifically mothers,
we are simply wired to nurture and give of ourselves.

Although we have never met, I feel I know a little something about you. You are just like me. We are a
moms. We love the family life that we have created, we are proud of what we have accomplished in life,
and things are pretty good.

When we step into our roles as mothers, we give so much of ourselves – our bodies, our emotions, our
resources, and our love.

It is really a wonderful thing.

But somehow it isn’t enough.

In the days following Paxton’s birth, at time when I should have been at my happiest, I found myself
confused, scared and even a little sad.

I had just created a miracle, yet I felt something short of miraculous.

Maybe it was the fact that my body had been stretched beyond recognition and my modesty taken
during the most difficult physical event of my life. Or was it because my breasts- which were once a
symbol of my sexuality – had now become utilitarian factories of milk. Or perhaps it was because I was
sleep deprived, and my hormones were going haywire, and my whole life had changed – in a blink.

I fell into what I describe as a “rut.” I wondered if I would have to give up my active lifestyle, career, and
goals to be the best mom in the world for little Paxton. After all, I would do anything for that little guy.
It wasn’t long before I realized that the fact that I was now a mom was a REASON to take back my
health, my happiness and my confidence. It was my responsibility to take care of myself SO THAT I

Not only did I want to be healthy and strong so that I could be around to nurture his children may years
from now, but I wanted to be a positive role model for him from that day forward.

I needed to blend functional medicine, modern science, ayurvedic principals, herbalism, aromatherapy,
traditional Chinese medicine, energy work, meditation, mindset, movement, rest, and nutrition.

What emerged was a way for me to regain optimal health and happiness using a process that enables
me to maintain that level of wellness, effortlessly.

My life was completely transformed.

I mentioned before that healthy, happy, confident moms raise healthy, happy, successful children. Epi-
genetics tells us that your grandchildren will also benefit from what you do right now. This is the gift that
I want to share with you and your family.

Your own story is undoubtedly different – maybe you had a difficult pregnancy or birth, maybe you child
has a disability, or maybe you struggle with a chronic health condition. . . but the feelings of
dissatisfaction, fear and uncertainty you struggle with are likely much the same as mine were.

Today, let me invite you to experience your own personal transformation.

I want to be the last doctor you need to see.

We can work together in a few different ways:

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