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SLA – Session 5

Teaching Approaches and Instructional Issues

TBLT for beginners: simple task like talk about your family using a photo

CLT and TBLT: CLT – focus on communicating activities, authentic materials

TBLT – focus on language, come after the students’ presenting the task, draw students’ attention to the
faults after the lesson

=> TBLT was created because of the criticism of CLT – no accuracy.

Major L2 teaching approaches

 The Grammar Translation Method
 The Direct Method
 The Audiolingual Method
 Affective-Humanistic approaches: Suggestopedia
 Total Physical Response
 Communicative Language Teaching
 Task-based language teaching

The direct method should be used with individual students (ask some student to say … individually)

Audiolingual method: focus on one language structure at the time

Input enhancement – Input flooding

Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis: attention + noticing => intake

Processing instruction (PI)

 Step1: give explicit instruction
 Step 2: give students explicit strategies, explanation to understand the structure (key one)

Ex: raise questions to explain the structure for the students

 Step 3: provide activities (referential activities and affective activities)

Referential activities

Activity I. Listen to each sentence and answer each question given.

1. The teacher had John clean the board.

2. John brought the girl some flowers.

3. The men made Richard buy some bread.

4. Jean asked Jack for a lift.

5. The girl made the boy pay the bill.

SLA – Session 5

6. He bought me a book about happiness.

(VanPatten, 2002; Wong, 2004, as cited in Rasuki, 2017, p. 3)

Affective activities

Activity II. Listen to the sentences about what teachers ask students to do. Say Yes' if you think the
actions asked by the teachers are common. Say 'No' if you think what the teachers ask is not

1. Teachers have their students kill animals.

2. Teachers get their students do homework.

3. Teachers make their students study hard.

4. Teachers get their students clean the school yard.

5. Teachers make their students listen to their explanation

6. Teachers have their students play a videogame in the classroom

(VanPatten, 2002; Wong, 2004, as cited in Rasuki, 2017, p. 3)

Corrective Feedback
 Long’s interaction Hypothesis (Processing related hypothesis)
 Corrective feedback

Explicit >< Implicit

Lee (2013, p.128): Corrective feedback types (6 types)

 Uptake (students take up your feedback) => we need to know this one because when you do
a research on corrective feedback, you can know whether your feedback is successful or not
=> know the effectiveness of your feedback

Note from the video clip:

1 give them a chance to correct

Ignore the mistake

Ask ss to give the correct

Ask the class to help

Repeat the sentence import the error

Use Grammarly dictation to fix the error

Correct and move on

Exaggerate the correction

SLA – Session 5

Write the correction to the post and give to them

Ask the students to write the correction

Corpora from native speaker: BNC, COCA, ANC

Technology and language learning

 CALL: use computer/computerized resources in L2 learning
 computer-mediated communication (CMC): omnipresent
 in-class or homework exercises: learners are more autonomous in their learning

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