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From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr.

Ben David



Design and analysis of cantilever retaining wall is quite complicated because it combines the
science of soil mechanics, hydraulics and structural mechanics. In ancient times, this is usually
done by trial and error method. However in the beginning of the 20 th century with the
acceptance of Foundation Engineering, scientific discipline plays an important role in the
analysis of retaining wall and lately with the emergence of the micro computers and the
matrix method of structural analysis accurate design of retaining walls have improved to
a mark degree.

Below is a typical section of a Cantilever retaining wall and the forces acting on it.
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Fr = Rtan + c’B + Pp Active Soil Pressure Pah

F = Fr (1.5) h

Tb Slab thickness

Pp =1/2(y) (Hp)2(Kp)

There are three criteria for retaining wall design

1) Sliding stability

2) Overturning stability

3) Uplift stability

By sliding stability, we mean the entire structure must be in equilibrium (i.e. the
summation of forces horizontal is equals to zero. Then by definition F sliding =

The safety factor against sliding should be at least 1.5 for cohessionless backfill and
about 2 for cohesive backfill.
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Overturning stability means that the structure must be safe against overturning with respect

to the toe. Then by definition Foverturning = The

usual safety of factor against overturning with respect to toe is 1.5 for cohessionless
backfill and 2 suggested for cohesive soil.

Uplift stability means, there should be no negative pressures at either toe or heel usually
known as the principle of the middle third which will be defined later.

The pressure acting on the stem of a retaining wall is analogous to a concrete dam except that
a factor Ka is introduced. Ka is usually known as Rankin’s coefficient of active soil pressure
which will be discussed later. Let us analyze the figure below.

Stem portion M= (W1)(h)3

h dy


Figure 20.2

Let y = Distance from top of wall

Let w1 = Weight of active soil in pounds per cubic Foot

Let LF = Load factor used (This is similar to 1.4 and 1.7 used in beams design)

Let H = Height of retaining wall

From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Then from the pressure diagram it is evident that the pressure at any instant is

p = Ka(LF)(w1) in Kips . The total pressure then at any point from top of wall is
equals to the sum ∑ of all infinisitimal elements summation areas pdy. The total pressure
then would

P = Ka(LF)(w1) dy = (Ka)(w1)y2 = = (Ka)(w1)h2 Equation (1)

In a similar manner, the moment acting at any point is equals to M = P(Y)(dy) substituting

the values of P from Equation (1) we get DM = (Ka)(w1)y2dy the total moment
then by integration M = (Ka)(w1) dy = Ka (w1)(y)3 but

Y = h so that M = = Ka (w1)(h)3 In inch Kips

From figure 20.2 the driving forces causing horizontal sliding will be the horizontal
component Pah while the resisting horizontal force will be the frictional force FR which is
equals to FR = R tan + c’B + Pp here is equivalent to the base soil factor in degrees. B
is the overall base length and Pp is the passive soil pressure preventing sliding of structure
here Kp is known as the Rankin coefficient of passive pressure.

The overturning moment can be found by taking moments about the heel. It is best to divide
the section into individual elements for easy computation shown in figure 20.1. The forces
causing overturning moment will be the horizontal component of P = Pah acting at a lever
arm equals to 1/3(h) from top of wall.

Now we defined Ka known as the Rankin’s coefficient of active earth pressure which is equals

to Ka = It may also be expressed by Trigonometric transformation K a = tan2 (45 -

Ka can also be computed in terms of B and here B is the angle of inclination, soil surface
with respect to the top of wall and
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David



with Ka known then Pah is equals to (Ka)(w1)(LF)(h)3 in Kips Equation (4)

Equation 4 is known as the active soil pressure, it is called active because it causes the
structure to slide and overturn. In a similar manner, the coefficients Kp known as the passive
Kp = (COSB) (COSB + COS2B - COS2 with Kp evaluated


Pp is equals to Pp = (Kp)(w)(h2) here h is the reckoned depth of soil from top cover of
concrete. The thickness of stem is usually governed by shear at the junction.

The thickness of stem is usually obtained by shear. The shear force of concrete is equals to

Vc = vc(b)(d) equating this to the shear at junction. A linear equation in t is solved. A covering
of 2” is added as covering of steel..

By uplift stability, this means there is no negative pressure at toe or heel. The principle of the
middle third will be applied . For a rectangular pressure diagram as shown below in Figure A
20.2 the resultant is located at the center which is equals to B/2. . For a triangular pressure
diagram as shown in figure B 20.2, the resultant is located at a distance B/3 from hill. It is
evident that for rectangular pressure distribution the pressure at any point is equal and
uniform thru out while in the second case a maximum pressure occurs at the heel and a zero
pressure at the toe.

The third case, if the resultant lies between B/2 and B/3 from heel then a trapezoidal
pressure diagram shown in figure C 20.2. However if the resultant is located at a distance less
than B/3 from heel or less than B/3 from toe, then the resulting pressure diagram would be
shown in Figure D 20.2.
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

To satisfy uplift stability, it is therefore necessary that the resultant of all forces must be
located between the distance B/3 to B/2. If we let the symbol as the location of R from
the heel edge, then taking moments about the heel edge

R( ) = Summation Mr - (Pah)(h/3) from which is readily solved.

here R = Weight of the section plus the vertical component of Pa Introducing the letter e as

eccentricity reckoned from resultant pressure diagram then is equals to e= - then

for a value of e for positive pressure at either toe or heel

e must be within the range = - = In short the eccentricity must not be less than

or equals to L/6 FIGURE 20.2


B/2 B/3 B/6 B/6


with e solved the pressure acting at the heel and toe can be solved by combined axial and
flexure formula from which Qheel = (1 + ) and Toe = (1 - ) here V is the
summation of vertical loads and B is the overall length of base. Like the footing the bearing
capacity can be obtained from soil test, building codes. It can also be computed by the

empirical formula qultimate = CNcdcIc + qNqdqiq + BNydyIy this formula is known as

Bousinique equation.
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Once the stability of section is confirmed the next move is to determine the required
area of steel reinforcements in base and at the stem. The analysis is similar to that in
footing, however in the stem portion since width varies linearly with h it is necessary to
determine the required area of steel reinforcements at different locations, often the minimum
steel reinforcement ratio from code governs. Sometimes it is customary to find where the
cutting point of steel reinforcements for a given moment, this is usually the case where a
supply of steel bars is limited. Shown below is a graphical representation both for Pn(limit)
and given area of steel bars.


Y1 PROG LINES 2240 - 2820

A1Y3 + B1Y2 + C1Y + D = 0 M = A1X3 + C1X + D1X


PROG LINES 1610 - 2830


Mmax Mmax

B equation of straight line M = AS (.90)(FY)(d - )

given As three values

From the figure the point of intersection Y is the distance by which minimum steel
reinforcement ratio from code governs. We note that the “General Cubic Equation” is used
two times. The above discussion can be visualized by a detailed classical solution (Analytical
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

In our general computer program, if either of the three criteria is not satisfied the computer
displays into the monitor screen the word “Revise dimensions or material strength
specifications failure of retaining wall by sliding or overturning, uplift stability eminent”.
Computer stops running and the designer may revise his dimensions.

We note that in locating the cutting point of steel reinforcement bars, the third degree
equation is encountered twice, so the general cubic equation program no 1 (Struct
math solver 1) is included as a sub routine program within the main program
“Ret Wall program no. 21”. Instead using a one dimension array author prefers
the combination of RESTORE and GOSUB statement. (See program listings).


Design a Cantilever Retaining Wall for the condition shown. Use Rankin Ka even though
wall is high. B = 10

Backfill soil = 34

X y = 115 P.C.F no water

1Ft height of wall = 26 Ft


Fc’ = 3 K.S.I Fy = 60 K.S.I.

5 Ft. Batter on front face of wall = 1:48

3 Ft. 9.5 Ft.

top thickness = 16” Load factor is taken as 1.8 Weight of concrete is 150 Pounds per Cubic
Foot. Estimate 3.5” from CGS to soil interface to allow approximately 3” covering of clear cover.

Base soil = 32 and c = 0.40

From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

1) Step one Establish stem dimensions

Compute Rankin’s active earth coefficients Ka = (CosB) [CosB – Cos2B – Cos2 ]/ [CosB + Cos2B –
Cos2 ] = COS 10 (COS 10 (COS 10 )2 – (COS 34 )2)/ (COS 10 + (COS 10 )2 – (COS 34 )2)

= .294 Find pressure acting on wall (the horizontal component of pressure. Let that Pressure be
Pa = ((y)(h)2(y) here y is the unit backfill weight of soil in pounds per cubic foot or .115

Kips. per Cubic Foot. Substituting values we get Pa = (0.115) (26)2 (0.294) = 11.43
Kips/Foot *** A strip of 1 foot is considered.

Pa- horizontal = Pa (COS B) = 11.43(COS 10 = 11.25 Kips per Foot from code wide beam shear is
given as vc= 2 fc’ = 2(0.85) (3000) = 0.09311 in K.S.I. WITH A LOAD FACTOR OF 1.8

Pa- horizontal = 1.8(11.25) The shear carried by concrete at junction is Vc = (vc) (t)
(12) equating Vc to Pa- horizontal we get Pah = Vc 0.09311(12) (t) = 1.8(11.25)

solving for t = = 18.14” Allow covering of 3.5” then T at junction is 18.14” + 3.5”

= 21.6” with a slope batter of 1/4” per foot then thickness at top of wall is t = t junction – h (0.25)
= 21. 6 – 26(0.25) Ttop = 15.1 Inches use t = 16” to maintain even dimensions let us use t =
16 inches + 26((0.25) = 22.5” use 23”

Step 2 Compute overturning and sliding stability of wall

From figure it is evident that H’ = H + 2.42 + 9.5(Tan 10 ) = 30.1 Feet

Pah’ = 1/2(y)(H’)2(Ka) = 0.50(30.1)2(0.115)(0.294) – 15.1

From these data’s and wall dimensions we can set up the following in table form

PART Weight, Kips Arm, Foot Mr’ ft -

1 0.5(26+27.65) x 0.115(9.5) = 29.3 9.67 283.3
2 1.33 x 26 x 0.15 x 1 =5.2 4.28 22.1
3 0.5 x 0.59 x 26 x 0.15 = 1.2 3.39 4.0
4 2.42 x 14.42 x 0.15 x 1 = 5.2 7.21 37.5
Pav’ = Pah’(sin10 ) = 15.1 sin 10 = 2.6 Kips 14.42 37.5
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Total Sum Sum weight = 43.15

Sum 384.4 Foot

Overturning Kips

Taking moments at toe the overturning moment is MO

mo = P’AH = 151 Ft Kips/foot here = 1/3 x h = = 151 Ft kips/foot

The safety factor is sum = = 2.54 greater than 1.5 Okay. Here 1.5 is the
recommended factor of safety against overturning which is equals to 1.5

Determine sliding stability of wall. The factor of safety against sliding will be based on using
3 feet of depth of soil at the toe.

Kp = tan2(45 + ) = 3.255 The friction coefficient factor Fr = R tan ’ + cB’ + Pp here

the limiting value of c’ is 0.50c to 0.75c here c = 0.40 given see datas problem with R = 43.5
substituting values we get Fr = 43.5 tan 32 + 0.67(0.4)(14.42) = 31 Kips From Bowles
reference text book page 438 “Foundation Analysis and Design ” Pp = 1/2YH Kp + 2cHKp

see drawing here H is the depth of soil from surface of toe up to soil surface with Kp = 3.255 &
1.804 respectively substituting values in the above equation we get

Pp = 0.50(0.112)(3)2(3.25) + 2(0.4)(3)(1.804) = 6 kips

Summation SFr = Pp + Fr = 31 + 6 = 37 Kips The resulting F = = 37/15.1 = 2.45

greater than 1.5 (i.e recommended o kay)
Now locate resultant = Summation weight on base and the eccentricity. Taking moments at

toe we have = = = 5.37 ‘ Compute eccentricity e

e = B/2 - 14.42/2 – 5.37 = 1.84 Feet less than L/6 recommended for eccentricity okay.
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Step 3 Compute bearing capacity of soil. For datas see page 134 reference textbook
“Foundation Analysis and Design by Joseph Bowles”. The actual soil bearing pressure using
bousiniques equation is qultimate = cNcdcic + qNqdqiq + YBNydyiy B’ = 14.42 – 2(1.84) =
10.7 From tables Nc =35.5, Nq = 23.2 , Ny = 20.8, Ic = 0.42 , Iq = 0.44, Iy = 0.309. dc= 1.19, dq
=1.13 and dy= 1.00 substituting values in the above equation we have

qult = 0.4(35.5)(0.42)1.19 + 5(0.112)(23.2)(1.13)(0.44) + 0.5(0.112)(1.0)(10.7)(20.8)(0.309) =

7.1 - 6.5 - + 3.9 = 17.5 qa = 17.5/3 = 5.8 Ksf

Compute actual soil pressure. Actual soil pressure is given as q = (1 )

= (1 = 3.02 (1 ) = 5.3 ksf maximum at toe q = 0.7 ksf

max at heel.

Step 4 Compute base slab shear and bending moments toe and heel.

For toe at stem face x = 3 feet. slope pressure is q = 5.3 – 0.36 – 0..32X. Neglecting
soil over toe and integrating the pressure diagram we get the shear at any section

V = 4.94X – 0.32X2/2 = 13.4 Kips Integrating the shear diagram we have the moment at any
section M = 4.94 dx - .32/2 dx = 4.94/2X2 – 0.32/6X3 = 20.8 Foot

For heel at approximately CG of tension steel X = 9.5 + = 9.79 Feet for moment , use 9.5
feet for shear.

Use average height of soil on heel for downward pressure includes Pav = 2.6 kips, the

pressure q is = 3.45 - .70 -.32X. The shear at any section X is V = 2.75X – X2 +


Mheel = 107.2 Foot kips

From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Step 5. Check base slab shear using largest V, with LF = 1.8 and d = 2.417 – 0.29 = 2.13 feet

Actual shear stress V = = = 0.84 less than 0.093 okay *** Note
we could reduce the base slab shear stress by about 1 to 1.5”

Step 6 Compute steel reinforcement ratio, using authors derived

formula ***see chapter three P= (1 ± 1 – 2.622Mu/(bd2Fc’) )

with Mu = 107.2(12)(1.8) = 2315.52 Inch Kips and b = 12” ( 1 foot strip length) and
d = 25.5 inches evaluating the terms separately 2.622 x 2315.52/(12(25.5)2(3) ) =
0.2582691 and

0.847fc’/fy = = 0.042235 Substituting values and taking the smaller

negative sign we get p = 0.042235 x (1 – 0.861237) = 0.042235(0.138763) =

but from code minimum is p = 200’/fy = 200/60000 = 0.0033 hence actual steel
reinforcement ratio governs use p = 0.00586 Then area of steel Asheel = p(b)(d) =
0.00586(12)(25.5) = 1.79 in2/ft

For steel reinforcement in toe, let us use authors derived formula ***
Refer to chapter 4

As = (b)(d) ± (0.7225Fc’2b2d2)/Fy2 – 1.888Fc’(b)(Mu)/Fy2))

with Mu = 20.8 Using a load factor of 1.8 Mutoe = 20.8(12)(1.8) = 449.28 Inch kips with d =
25.5” and b = 12” substituting values and evaluating the mathematical expressions one by
one. .7225fc’b2d2/fy2 = 0.7225(3)2(12)2(25.5)2/(60)2 = 169.1300
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

0.85fc’bd/fy = = 13.005

1.88888fc’bMu/fy2 = =

Substituting numerical values in the above equation we get

13.05 13.05 = 13.05

12.674 taking the least value we further get As = 13.005 - 12.674 = o.331 in2/ft.
Check actual steel reinforcement from code allowable

p = As/bd = = 0.0018 less than P minimum from code Therefore p

minimum from code governs = 0.0033

Required area of steel at toe = Astoe = minimum (b)(d) = 0.0033(12)(25.5) = 1.02 in2/feet

***Note author by computer use the mathematical expression below *** See
chapter 4

*** Note given d, b and Mu depth of stress rectangular block is

a=d ± d2 For Computer application

As = Mu/( fy(d – a/2)) to solve areas of steel reinforcements as sub routines

program within the main program both heel and stem portions (See program listings)

Below is the load, shear and moment diagram

From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

3 Ft 9.5 Ft
q = 2.429.15) = 0.36 STEM Q = 2.42(1.5)+26.8(.115) = 3.45 KSF

pressure diagram heel and toe o.7 k.s.f.

5.3 k.s.f. 1 .32


Z 1.4 Ft kips .2h 17.4”

22 Ft kips .5h 19.5”

.8h h 21.6”

90 Ft kips h 23”

175.5 Ft kips d = 19.5”

Pressure diagram Moment diagram Section


From the pressure diagram profile the pressure at any point is q = ka(w)(z)/1000 in Kips. The
total pressure then is found by integrating the pressure diagram dv =qdz and V =

V = Ka(w)/1000 dz from which V = Ka(w)(z)2/2000 Likewise integrating the

shear diagram . The moment at any section is M = vdz = Ka(w)/2000 2dz

M= (z)3 Applying a load factor of 1.8 and w = 115 Pounds per cubic foot
the moment then at any section is M = 0.010143Z3 from the figure the section at
any height h is d = 0.26923(h) + 12.5
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

Step 7 Compute steel reinforcements stem portions from the above figure at
section 0.5h, 0.8h and h using a load factor of 1.8

Using authors derived formula we get the following information’s in table form.

Point M,ft. Kips Wall thickness D inches As Square P(used)

inches Inch
0.5h 22.00 19.5 16 0.64 0.003
0.8h 90 21.6 18.1 1.18 0.005
H 175.8 23.0 19.5 2.26 0.010

For longitudinal shrinkage and temperature steel Use (12)(0.002) =

0.43 in2/Ft. in top half

Use 2 no 5 bars at one on each face = Use (19.5 + 23)/2(12)(0.002)=


*** Note author by computer use the General Cubic equation program
to solve the cutting points of steel reinforcements stem portions. (See
program listings)
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David


Programmer/Designer/ Structural Engineer : Bienvenido C. David Date: Jan

19, 1970 PRC NO: 10170

DESCRIPTION: Cantilever Retaining Wall Design By U.S.D. format

SUBJECT: Reinforced Concrete Design (USD ALTERNATIVE 1983 ACI

TITLE: Design Of Cantilever retaining Wall
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

CODE NAME: Ret - Wall


Program steps: 310
PTR NO: 40589345 at Baguio City 01/12/1987


REFERENCE TEXTBOOKS: Foundation Design By Soil Mechanics In

Foundation Analysis & Gregory Chebotariof Engineering Practice By
Design By Joseph Bowles Charles B. Peck
PROGRAM DISCLAIMER: Any use of the programs to solve problems other than those
displayed is the role responsibility of the user as to whether the output is correct or correctly
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

My first generation home computer

RET WALL.Is a program that sizes and designs the stem, heel and toe of a cantilever retaining
wall by using the Ultimate Strength Design theory. The program determines the stability of
the section i.e. sliding, overturning and uplift pressure at heel and toe. Determines the
required areas of steel reinforcements at base slab, heel and toe. Prints on the monitor
screen required equation locate cutting points of steel with given area of steel
reinforcements and vice versa. The program is written in advance basica language and can be
feed to a wide variety of programmable calculators, personal computers. Can be easily
incorporated to the E. REVIEW CENTRE OF UC – BCF.


If true branch out


Main program
If false



“Design of Cantilever Retaining Wall by U.S.D
method” in English units
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

20 PRINT” This program was developed by

Bienvenido C. David, a Civil/Structural Engineer
on May 1, 1984 in Baguio City”
25 PRINT “ For drawing and legend refer to
program record see attached sheets”
30 PRINT” All units i.e. material strength
specifications in Kips per square inch, Height of
retaining wall in feet, Linear dimensions of heel
and toe i.e length in feet, thickness of stem in
inches at top”
35 PRINT “Length of base from toe up to stem in
feet, length of base from heel up to back face
of stem in feet, weight of backfill soil in pounds
per cubic foot, weight of base soil in pounds per
cubic foot”
40 PRINT” Coefficients of base soil factor in
degrees passive soil pressure, slope batter front
face of wall in decimal i.e X:Y where X is run
and Y is rise”
45 PRINT” Angle of inclination of backfill soil from
top of wall in degrees, coefficient factor of base
soil in degrees, passive soil pressure in degrees”
50 PRINT “Weight of concrete is taken as 150
pounds per cubic foot, refer to tables by Joseph
E. Bowles for determining soil bearing pressure
at base i.e. Nc,Ny,Ic,Iq, Iy,Dc,Dq, & Dy as input
55 PRINT” For Shear and moment use 0.90 for
moment and 0.85 for shear”
60 PRINT” If all data’s are in their respective units
then run line no 80”
80 REM Step one Compute dimension and wall
85 INPUT”H,W1,W2,B1,H1,B2,B3” Example only H = 26
H,W1,W2,B1,H1,B2,B3 feet, W1 = 115
Lbs,W2 = 112 Lbs, B1
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

= 10 ,H1 = 5 Ft, B2 =
34 and B3 = 32
=0.25, C= 0.40 & TS =
440 WD = 150/1000*TS*L4 5.18537 Kips
450 XD = L4/2 7.1525
460 MD = WD*XD 37. 088358 in foot
470 WT = WA + WB + WC + WD 40.46162 kips
480 MT = MA + MB + MC + MD 342.517 foot kips
495 REM Compute overturning moment take
moment at toe
500 H4 = H3 + TS 30. 092 Feet
510 P2H = 0.50*W1/1000*H4^2*COS(K3)*K4 15.075
515 P2V = 0.5*W1/1000*H4^2*KA*SIN(K3) 2.661589
520 MAH = P2H*H4//3 151.212
530 FM = MT/MAH 2.265
540 IF FM<1.5 THEN 560
550 IF FM>=1.5 THEN 580
560 PRINT” Assumed dimension of slab not
okay failure will be initiated by
overturning of structure either revise
dimension L1, L2 or thickness of slab or
material strength specifications”
570 STOP
580 REM Determine sliding stability of wall
585 PRINT” Overturning stability of wall okay”
590 KB = COS(K3)*(COS(K3) + K1)/(COS(K3)- 3.2946
600 KP1 = KB^.5 1.8151076
610 REM Take C as 0.625 Average value
615 K5 = 0.0174533*B3 .5585150
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

620 FR = WT*TAN(K5) + 0.625*C*L4 28.8588

630 REM Let PP passive force supporting slab
640 PP = 0.5*W2*KB*(H1-TS)^2/1000 + 4.981696
650 SFH = PP + FR 33.85692
660 REM P2H = Force causing horizontal
670 REM Let FU actual factor of safety for
sliding must not exceed 1.5 as per code
680 FU = SFH/P2H 2.2448
700 IF FU<1.5 THEN 720
710 IF FU>=1.5 THEN 740 720
720 PRINT “Failure of retaining wall by sliding
revise either dimension of slab L1,L2,TS or
material strength specification”
*** REM Have to start at this point line no
95 INPUT”Nc,Nq,Ny,Ic,Iq,Dc,Dq,Dy”: Nc = 35.5, Nq =
Nc,Nq,Ny,Ic,Iq,Dc,Dq,Dy 23.2, Ny = 20.8, Ic
=0.42, Iq = 0.44,
Dc = 1.19, Dq =
1.13,Dy = 1.00, Iy
= 0.30796
100 INPUT”L1,L2”:l1,L2 9.5,3
105 K3 = B1*3.141516/180
120 K3 = 0.0174533*B1
130 K4 = 0.0174533*B2 .5585056.0593
135 IF (COS(K3)^2 – COS(K4)^2<0 THEN 137
ELSE 138
138 STOP
230 KA = COS(K3)*(COS(K3)–K1)/(COS(K3)+K1) 0.2943727
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

240 PA = 0.5*W1*H^2*KA/1000 11.42778

250 PAH = PA*COS(K30 11.254169
260 VC = 0.0537587*FC^.5 0.09311
270 T1 = PAH*LF/(12*VC)+3.5 21.63
280 T2 = T1-H*SB 15.13
290 REM Compute overturning and sliding
stability of wall
300 HO = L1*TAN(K3) 1.675
310 H3 = HO+H 27.675106
320 WA = 0.5*(H+H3)*L1/1000*W1 29.31 Kips
330 AT =L1*H+0.5*L1*HO 254.956
340 X1 = (H*L1*L1/2+0.5*L1*H0*2/3*L1)AT 4.7994
350 XA =X1+L2+T1/12 9.6019
360 MA = WA*XA 281.4316
370 WB = T2/12*H*150/1000 4.924685
380 XB = T2/24+L2+SB*H/12 4.17 Feet
390 MB =WB*XB 20.477 Feet
400 WC = 0.5*(T1-T2)*150*H/12000 1.05625 Inch Kips
410 XC = 0.6667*(T1-T2)/12+L2 3.361129
420 MC = WC*XC 3.5501926
430 L4 = L1+L2+T1/12 14.3025
440 REM Our next line number would be 730
730 STOP
740 PRINT” Sliding stability of retaining wall
section okay no revision necessary”
745 REM Checked uplift pressure at toe or
750 X2 = (MT-MAH)/WT 4.728 Feet
760 E1 = XD-X2 2.4245 Feet
770 E2 = L4/6 2.38375 Feet
780 IF E1>E2 THEN 800
790 IF E1<E2 THEN 820
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

800 PRINT” Assumed dimensions not okay for

eccentricity uplift pressure at base or heel
eminent either revise section or material
strength specifications”
810 STOP
820 PRINT “Section okay for eccentricity
resultant lies within the middle third no
revision necessary”
830 REM Compute bearing capacity of soil at
835 L5 = L4-2*E1 9.4535
840 REM Let Q1 Actual soil pressure at base
860 Q1 = H1*W2/1000 .56 Kips per
square foot
870 REM Let Qu Ultimate soil pressure and Qa
= Ultimate soil pressure for cohessionless
base soil
880 QU 16.94716
885 REM Note values of the above variables
can be found from the textbook
“Foundation Analysis and Design by
Joseph H Bowles”
890 QA = QU/3 5.6490
900 REM Let QT and QH actual pressure at
heel and toe respectively
910 QT = WT/L4*(1+6*E1/L4) 5.70634
915 PRINT “Actual soil pressure at toe is 5.70634
=”;QT;”Kips Sq Ft”
920 QH = WT/L4*(1-6*E1/L4) -0.0483613
925 PRINT” Actual soil pressure at heel is -0.0483613
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

930 REM Compute base slab shear and
bending moments for toe up to stem face
determine shear and moment equation
by integration if time permits draw shear
and moment diagram by hand
940 PRINT” Sketch and detail retaining wall
section copy values of
1020 for design of steel reinforcements
slab portions and stem
945 PRINT” If finished then type continue to
resume running press enter to run”
ONE 5.3,QH
5,L2 = 3,P2V
=2.6,H =26,H4 =
30.07,FC=3 &
1040 INPUT”W1,LF”:W1,LF 115,1.8
1050 QS = (QT-QH)/L4 0.3190013
1070 V =(QT-150/1000*TS)*L2*QS/2*L2^2 21.26
1080 VT = ABS(V) 21.26
1090 D = (TS-3.5/12)*12 25.54
1100 VA = VT/(12*D) 0.04364
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

1110 VC = 0.053758*FC^.5 0.0931088

1120 IF VA>VC THEN 1140
1130 IF VA<=VC THEN 1160
1140 PRINT “Actual shear stress exceeds
allowable from code revise D”
1150 STOP
1160 M1 = (QT-150/1000*TS)*L2^2/2- 20.781
1170 MT = ABS(M1) 20.781
1180 M = MT
1190 GOSUB 1310
1200 AT= AST
1205 PRINT” Area of steel at toe=”;AT;”Square 1.02 Square Inch
Inches Per Foot of width”
1220 X= L1+3.5/12 9.79 Feet
1225 QR = 150/1000*TS+(H+H4)/2*W1/1000 3.5874
1230 M2 = (QR-QH)/2*X^2-1/6*QS*X^3+P2V*X 113
1240 MH = ABS(M2) 25.454
1250 M-MH
1260 GOSUB 1310
1270 AH =AST
1275 PRINT”Recquired area of steel
reinforcements at heel=”;AH;”Square Inch
per foot”
1280 STOP
1290 REM A sub routine required area of steel
at slab toe and hill
1295 REM This is a sub routine determination
of steel reinforcements at slabs toe and
1297 REM This is sub routine one
1300 IF (D^2-2.61**M*LF*12/(FC*12))<0 THEN
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

1305 ELSE 1315

1305 PRINT “Depth of stress rectangular block a
is imaginary not possible review given
1310 STOP
1315 A = D – SQR(D^2-2.61*M*LF*12/(12*FC))
1320 AS = M*LF*12/(0.90*FY*(D-A/2))
1330 P =AS/(12*D)
1340 PN = 0.2/FY
1350 IF P>PN THEN 1370
1360 IF P>=PN THEN 1390
1370 AS1=AS
1380 GOTO 1400
1390 AS1=12*PN*D
1400 AST=AS1
1410 RETURN `
1420 STOP
**** Note For stem portion there are
three alternatives. First determine the
cutting point by which minimum steel
reinforcement ratio from code governs
then as a guide we can find the area of
steel reinforcements for a value of Y
distance from top of wall. Third for a
given area of steel reinforcements
determines the point of cutting at what
distance from top of wall should a portion
of steel reinforcements be cut. A general
cubic equation results, a third degree
1430 PRINT “This is a continuation of cantilever
retaining wall design finding the cutting
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

points by which minimum steel

reinforcements from code governs”
1435 PRINT” With dimensions already
computed input this numerical values
following program lines”
1440 INPUT”TB,TT,H”:TB,TT,H 23”,16”,26’
1450 INPUT”FC:FY”:FC,FY 3,60 IN k.s.i
1460 INPUT”KA,W1,LF,”:KA,W1,LF 0.294, 115,1.8
1470 DT =TT-3.5 12.5”
1480 DC =DB-DT 7”
1475 DB =TB-3.5 19.5”
1490 PN=0.2/FY 0.0033333
1500 U =PN*FY*/(1.78*FC) 0.039215
1510 V =DC/H 0.2692
1520 J = 10.8*FY*PN 2.159784
1530 MU=1/500*KA*W1*LF 0.121716 Inch Kips
1540 A1 =MU/J
1550 B1 = -(V^2-U*V^2) -0.069626
1560 C1 = 2*U*DT**V 0.2639169
1570 D1 = -(DT^2+2*V*DT) -162.98
1575 REM A1,B1,C1 and D1 are coefficients of
the General Cubic Equation AY13 + B1Y2 +
C1Y + D1 = 0 To solve for Y we restore
general cubic equation program no 1
1580 PRINT” TAB(1);A1;”Y CUBE”;TAB(10);B1;”
Y Square”;TAB(15);C1;”Y”;TAB(22);”=0”
***Note computer prints on the monitor
screen the third degree equation AY13 +
B1Y2 + C1Y + D1 = 0
1590 PRINT “Copy coefficients of Y cube, Y
square and y and constant D1 for data
statement then type continue to resume
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

1600 BREAK
1610 DATA Put value of A1,B1,C1 & D1
1620 GOSUB 2400
1630 PRINT “Location of minimum steel
reinforcements is valid at a distance
Y=”;”Feet from top of wall”1640
1640 REM To find required area of steel
reinforcements for a given value of y
1645 INPUT “Thickness of top T1,T2,:T1,T2 23”,16”
1650 REM Let the factor FR1,FR2,,FR3,,FR4 as
multiplication factor of H
1655 INPUT”VALUE OF Example only FR1
FR1,FR2,FR3,FR4”:FR1,FR2,FR3,FR4 =0, FR2 = 0.5, FR3
=0.7,FR4 =.9
1660 Z = FR1*H
1670 GOSUB 2860
1675 PRINT”Recquired area of steel at first
FR=”;AS1;”Square Inches per foot of
1680 Z =FR2*H
1685 GOSUB 2860
1690 PRINT”Recquired area of steel at second
FR2=”;AS1;”Square Inch per foot of
1700 Z=FR3*H
1705 GOSUB 2860
1710 PRINT”Recquired area of steel a5t a value
of FR4=”;AS1;”Square inch per foot of
1720 Z=FR4*H
1730 GOSUB 2860
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

1740 PRINT”Recquired area of steel at a value

of FR4=”ASI;”Square inch per foot”
1750 REM This is third alternative to find the
value of Y(cutting point at a distance from
the top)at a given AS a cubic equation
1755 REM Let AS3,AS4 & AS5 as given area of
steel reinforcements
1760 REM Let us DIM AS4 in three elements
1770 PRINT “Put numerical values of AS as data
1780 DIM AS4(3)
1790 FOR JX=1 TO 3
1800 READ AS4(JX)
1810 DATA Put numerical
values in
sequential order
1820 VX =1/500*KA*W1*LF 0.121716
1830 LX(JX) = FY*AS4(JX)/(20.4*FC) 1.1568
1890 UX(JX)=0.90*FY**AS4(JX) 63.72
2000 DT =TT-3.5 12.5 Inches
2010 DB = TB-3.5 19.5 Inches
2020 REM Let DA= Depth of stem at any
section from top
2030 DA = DB-DT 7 Inches
2040 A1X=VX
2050 B1X=0
2060 C1X(JX)=-DA*UX(JX)/H
2070 D1X(JX)= UX(JX)*LX(JX)-UX(JX)*DT 722..78888
2080 PRINT D1X(JX)
2090 NEXT JX
2100 PRINT”A1X=”;VX
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

2120 PRINT”A3X=”;VX
2130 PRINT”B1X=”;B1X
2140 PRINT”B2X=”;B1X
2150 PRINT”B3X=”;B1X
2160 PRINT”C1X=”;C1X(1)
2170 PRINT”C2X=”;C1X(2)
2180 PRINT C3X=”;C3X(3)
2190 PRINT”D1X=”;D1X(1)
2200 PRINT ‘D2X=”;D1X(2)
2210 PRINT “D3X=”;D1X(3)
2220 PRINT” Above data’s are coefficients of
cubic equation. Copy coefficients for sub
routine no one then continue to resume
2230 BREAK
2240 REM Format is A1X3 + B1X2 + C1X + D1 – 0
2250 DATA Note put
Coefficients of
AX1,B1X,C1X &
2260 DATA Note put
A2X,B2X,C2X &
2270 DATA Note put
A3X,B3X,C3X &
2280 RESTORE 2250
2290 GOSUB 2400
2300 PRINT “Location of y for first area of steel
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

is located at a distance =”Y;”Feet from top

of wall”
2310 RESTORE 2260
2320 GOSUB 2400
2330 PRINT “Location Y for second steel area is
located at a distance Y=”;”Feet from top”
2340 RESTORE 2270
2350 GOSUB 2400
2360 PRINT “Location Y for third area of steel is
located at a distance Y=;Y;”Feet from top
of wall”
2370 PRINT Programmed by Bienvenido C.
David a Civil/Structural Engineer on May3,
1984 in Baguio City”
2380 PRINT”Designed by Bienvenido C. David
2390 STOP
2400 REM A sub routine
2410 REM This is the general cubic equation
program no 1 finding the roots of a third
degree equation format is A1X3 + B1X2 +
C1X + D1 – 0
2420 READ A1,B1,C1,D1
2440 P = C- B^2/3
2450 Q = D - B*C/3+2*B^3/27
2460 R = P^3/27+Q^2/4
2470 IF R<0 THEN 2530
2480 Z = -Q/2+R^0.5
2490 IF Z<0 THEN 2520
2500 ZA = Z^.33333
2510 GOTO 2630
2520 ZB = ABS(Z)^.33333
2530 ZA = -ZB
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

2540 GOTO 2630

2550 O =ATN(ABS(R)^.5/(-Q/2))/3
2560 PI = 2.094395102
2570 ZC = ((-Q/2)^2-R)^.5
2580 ZA = (ZC)^.33333
2590 IF (-Q/2)>0 THEN 2620
2600 ZA = -ZA
2610 XA = COS(O+2*PI)*(ZA-P/(3*ZA))-(B/3)
2620 X = COS(O+PI)*(ZA-P/(3*ZA))-(B/3)
2630 XB = COS(O)* (ZA-P/(3*ZA))-(B/3)
2710 IF XA>0 THEN 2740
2720 IF X>0 THEN 2770
2730 IF XB>0 THEN 2800
2740 Y = XA
2743 DA = DT +Y/H*DC
2745 AS =12*PN*DA
2748 PRINT”Recquired area of steel
AS=”AS:;”Square inches per foot length of
2760 STOP
2770 Y=X
2773 DA = DT + Y/H*DC
2775 AS = 12*PN*DA
2778 PRINT”Recquired area of steel
AS=”;AS;”Square Inches per foot of wall”
2790 STOP
2800 Y = XB
2810 DA = DT+ Y/H*DC
2820 AS = 12*PN*DA
2830 PRINT” Required area of steel
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

AS=”;AS;’Square inches per foot of wall”

2850 STOP
2860 REM This is a sub routine no three
2870 REM Determination of steel
reinforcements for a value of y
2880 M = 1/6000*KA*W1*LF*Z^3
2885 D = Z/H*(T1-T2) + T2
2887 D1 = (D-3.5)
2890 IF (D1^2-2.61*M*12/(12*FC))<0 THEN
2895 ELSE 2905
2895 PRINT “Depth of stress rectangular block
is imaginary not possible review given
data of sub routine no two”
2900 STOP
2905 A = D1- SQR(D1^2-2.61*12/(12*FC))
2910 AS = 12*M/(0.90*FY*(D1-A/2))
2920 P = AS/(12*D1)
2930 PN = 0.2/FY
2940 IF P>=PN THEN 2960
2950 IF P<PN THEN 2980
2960 AS1 = AS
2970 GOTO 2990
2980 AS1 = 12*PN*D1
2990 AS1 = AS1
3010 END
From my book “Analytical & computer methods in Concrete Design” By Engr. Ben David

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