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How to develop your

inner powers

Have a strong confidence in yourself

and master your life.
"Do you have any idea how many lives we must have gone through before we even
got the first idea that there is more to life than eating, or fighting, or power in the
Flock? A thousand lives, Jon, ten thousand!” And ten another hundred lives until we
began to learn that there is such a thing as perfection, and another hundred again
to get the idea that our purpose for living is to find that perfection and slow it forth"

Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull)

This is for you if you are looking for a simple
method to awaken the potential that is in you
and control your destiny...

Make the wonderful choice of freedom

Most people are educated as children, then they are conditioned as adults without
ever questioning the place they occupy in society.

They believe that their situation is the result of their perfectly spontaneous and
freely made personal decisions.

Obviously when they watch their television and even if they shift between
channels, they receive almost at the same second the same false information
without realizing that they are obviously the object of enormous manipulation.

The materialistic vision of the world that is permanently injected into their mind
locks them into an artificial frame in which they move and circle around like a fish
in an aquarium. They have abandoned their children’s dreams, they have not really
chosen their profession and do not think for themselves. Their beliefs are only the
resumption of the current discourse served by the media.
If they try to go further in their thinking, and then consider the World as a whole,
they realize that the same aquarium always presents itself to them, whatever side
they look at. And that the fish are trapped in the aquarium even if they believe
they are living in a natural environment. That things "have always been like this
and that you have just to accept it".

Imagine if only a fish that lives in this aquarium discovered the extensive world that
exists outside the aquarium! Because in reality there are two worlds that rub

- the first one is that of manipulated slaves who live a life of servitude and do
not see they are in a perfectly artificial setting
- and the second where some insiders live, who know that all this is "false"
and are far from the understanding of the aquarium prisoners!

You are now on the verge of discovering how to break out of this artificial world,
how to break the limits of the framework in which you were locked up and how to
finally take control of your life!

Of course, you know that there is no miracle recipe to achieve this. You do not free
yourself from dozens of years of conditioning as simply as that. Yet, there is a
certain approach that can radically transform your life...
Moments of eternity
Has it never happened to you one night, watching a campfire or contemplating the
stars in the sky, to have the feeling of being in harmony with the universe?

It's the same feeling, but elevated to a higher degree, that you have experienced
again when you were in love: the world then took a new dimension for you, and
you feel in these privileged moments, the presence of a great force in the universe.

At a lecture he gave in Florence in 1944, the physicist Max Planck declared:

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the
study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much:
There is no matter as such!

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles
of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom
together. . . . We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

This force has received different names in the past. Some call it "Great Architect
of the Universe", other "cosmic consciousness". But whatever the name given to
it, it is possible for man to be in harmony with this supreme intelligence. He can
then modify the reality in which he lives and create himself the cause of certain
In past centuries, the means for contacting this Force were taught by the occult
sciences. Thus, the followers of occultism, were in possession of secret techniques,
making the ignorant believe they were magicians. In the past, many members of
secret societies died at the stake on the pretext of witchcraft. In reality, the strange
phenomena they provoked were not supernatural, and simply resulted from the
application of certain cosmic laws or mental powers.

Think for a moment about this:

- The atoms that form the molecules are not solids with electrons in
orbit. They do not look like anything we know. Atoms are energy fields
made up largely of empty space.

- What we see of the world is a reconstruction of our mind, from a

processing of information from our senses.

- Matter is without substance. The world perceived by our senses is a

simple illusion. The Real is beyond phenomena. It is a superior reality
outside of space and time.

This fascinating world in you

You must have heard about parapsychology experiences conducted by a group of
researchers at the University of Toulouse. Much research is also conducted in
laboratories in both the United States and Russia1.

All these studies have proved that there is in man a force that is not subject to the
laws of physics. They also proved that the psychic faculties are not "gifts" held by
the privileged, but exist latently in us. You will see it when you learn the techniques
that lead to their demonstration.

In reality, we can affirm that if these faculties are not expressed for everyone, it's
simply because our education has not allowed us to develop them. The teaching

To go deeper into this topic, see Professor Francis Dessart’s “Scientific parapsychology Course”.
we receive at school aims only to develop the conscious part of our mind, and
totally neglects the other dimension, the subconscious dimension.

Still, remember. In the past you have already had to use your mental power on
some occasions without really looking for it. For example, by making a premonitory
dream or during a conversation by guessing by telepathy what the other person
was going to say. This kind of thing, studied by parapsychology, happens to all of
us someday in our life.

Remote viewing Outing from the body Telepathy

Telekinesis Contact with universal memory Magnetism

When you know how to use your brain, it becomes possible to reproduce these
phenomena voluntarily. You cannot progress in your personal development when
neglecting your inner faculties. That would cut you off from a part of yourself. As
it is said in Boja Yoga: "Knowledge without power is only a joke".

We will now explain the benefits you can get. But never forget that with regard to
our association, the development of psychic faculties is part of a more
comprehensive approach to spiritual awakening. Our true goal is to embark on the
path of initiation, to liberate your being and to allow you to control your life. Here's
Have a strong confidence in
Men have always wanted to develop their potential. At the same time, the majority
of the psychic energy of human beings is devoted to their protection. But the more
we protect ourselves emotionally, the less we can use our psychic powers to
evolve. Indeed this protection consumes a very important amount of your psychic
Establishing a sense of self-confidence and personal security is therefore the
essential basis for any evolution and change of life.
This will then cause an improvement in your power at all levels, which provides
you with the resources needed for any change.
If you sometimes do not dare to act, if you feel paralyzed by the fear or judgment
of others, know that you are not alone in this case! 8 out of 10 people admit to lack
self-confidence. Indeed, self-confidence is never acquired from birth. It's
something that is growing!

“Break your limits, break down the barriers of your constraints, mobilize your
will, demand freedom as a right, be what you want to be. Find out what you
would like to do and do everything possible to achieve it”

Richard Bach
Achieve success on all fronts
It will always be difficult for a person who is in need and without work, to live a
spiritual life and to flourish. Money will be for this person a real problem and a
brake to control his life.

Achieving material success and being financially secure from need gives you a
sense of security. It's the safest way to transform your life: You can finally realize
your dreams and make your family and relatives happier. It helps you to have a
free mind and then to devote your energy to the spiritual search and the perfection
of your being.

There is therefore a definite link between material success and self-realization.

That's why we teach our members to control their lives on all levels, including the
material plan.

A technique that helps you advance spiritually must also help you move forward
materially. If a method is not able to help you succeed materially, it means that it
is not able to help you spiritually either.

“According to the American psychologist Maslow, the higher needs of the

human being can only be expressed if basic needs are already met”
Transform your personality
Imagine that your dreams suddenly come true.

That you have in all circumstances a strong and friendly personality. That you
become an admired and respected leader. A person who attracts and whose
presence is sought. That you always know a state of serenity and inner peace.

Does it sound too good to be true?

And yet we affirm that it is possible for you to become the person you have always
dreamed to be!

How to do? Simply by acting on your

subconscious. This is what learning
hypnosis will allow you.

Indeed, recent discoveries in

psychology prove that it is your
subconscious that is the key to your

This is where your identity and

behavioral programs are. So, if you
know how to act on your
subconscious, you become able to
transform your personality.

Improve your health

Humans have always been looking for ways to live long and healthy lives.

In fact, classical medicine has made considerable progress and thanks to it many
diseases have been defeated. But new diseases have emerged, related to stress
and our diet.

If the official medicine deals only with the physical body, the occult medicine, also
takes into consideration the energy body and the mind body. Be aware, for
example, that the energy body is often affected several weeks before the physical

By acting on your energy body, you will know how to detect a disorder and treat it
before it reaches your physical body.

If it is an already chronic disease, you will be able by these same methods to obtain
improvement or cure, acting on the real cause of the disease: the energetic

“Kirlian photo of a plant leaf. Even if a part of the plant is amputated, its
aura remains intact”

Some spend tens of thousands of euros, in books, therapies, energetic healing, and
coaching sessions, to try to get these results!

Be fortunate
Many people complain about not having chance in life. And it is true that the bad
luck sometimes seems to pick on certain individuals.

In reality, there is no chance in life. Chance also obeys laws. People who complain
about not having a chance, are those who in their ignorance, do not know how to
use these laws, or even worse, who use them unknowingly against themselves.
Yet you can be master of your destiny and easily reach all your goals. When the
occult sciences speak about the "Master", it is to this Master that they allude:
everyone must be his own Master! Is this release really possible?

Yes! It involves contact with the forces of nature and the development of our secret
powers. This is what is called in the common language "white magic". Thus, when
problems arise in one's life, far from feeling helpless, the insider always knows
what to do and how to do it.

The authentic occult tradition has both the goal of unlocking your latent faculties
and making you discover how to use the spiritual laws of the universe. In fact, it is
one of the most rewarding spiritual paths ever conceived by man.

The authentic occult tradition has both the goal of unlocking your latent faculties
and making you discover how to use the spiritual laws of the universe.

But of course, do not think that you just snap your fingers to make it work. Serious
training must necessarily be in the long term. Indeed, to be harmonious the
awakening of the psychic faculties must be progressive.
Good training also mixes theory and practice because you have to understand the
forces you will use.
Why not you?
Without knowing it, you possess in you prodigious faculties that the nature has
given you. It is unfortunate that you do not have also their operating instructions.
Whatever your age, you can transform your life!
The ALPHA association invites you to start today, apart from any dogma, a process
of personal fulfillment. We offer you a complete course of psychic sciences and
practical parapsychology.

It is explained to you through the lessons:

- How to use all your faculties to become the master of your destiny and to
achieve success on all levels.
- How to be healthy by acting through the power of your mind on your body.
- How to foresee the future and to anticipate dangers.
- How to practice duplication and project yourself out of your body.
The lessons are clear and easy, illustrated with pictures and enjoyable to read. They
go straight to the point, each time include a summary and are primarily practical.
The exercises require little time, because our members have every day the
opportunity to experience in their life, the paranormal phenomena that have been
indicated to them.
- Change your personality by reading lesson 31.

- Use telepathy on someone as a professional would. Do the lesson 18


- How to hypnotize a friend? The really effective technique is explained in

lesson 22.

- How to use self-hypnosis to condition your mind to success in all areas? Read
lessons 18 and 19.

The courses of the association ALPHA are written in a simple language,

understandable by everyone. If you like a sophisticated style, comparable to that
of the great novels, the courses of the association ALPHA are not for you.

On the other hand, our vocation is to bring about the appearance of real insiders.
The teachings we give with the esoteric and scientific explanations have never
been given anywhere else.

Does life make sense?

Our courses also address metaphysical questions, and help to better understand
the meaning of life and death.

Thus, parapsychology helps to illuminate in a new light some fundamental

questions that you surely ask yourself:

- Why am I on Earth?
- Where do I come from?
- Where will I go after this life?
- What is my reason for being?

Finding a personal answer to these questions, allows man to give meaning to his
life. What do you think of a traveler on a train, not wanting to know where the
train comes from and what its destination will be?

For example, let’s ask about the question of death?

Death does not exist!
For insiders, death does not exist. Death is only the separation between the
physical body of man and the spirit that animated it.
Why, in fact, accumulate so many experiences during our life, if then everything is
engulfed in death?
Nature does not get used to such losses. If we look at the universe, we realize that
everything in the universe has a reason to be. If the human being is on earth, it is
not without reason, and his spirit will survive the disappearance of his physical
On the other hand, if the purpose of existence is to become perfect, who can claim
after an average of 80 years of life, to have reached perfection?

This is why we believe that the soul must

reincarnate many times on Earth. This
belief about reincarnation is obviously
based on facts.
We will quote you only one experiment,
the regression in time under hypnosis.

You know that it is possible under hypnosis to bring a subject back in the past. If
we bring him back to the age of 7 or 3, he will then remember events that are
sometimes completely forgotten, and have the impression of reliving them again.
Brought back to the period of intrauterine life, the subject begins to take the
position of the fetus, proof of a real psychomotor regression.

During some sessions, the ALPHA Association pushed the experience even further
by causing the person to regress until 100 or 200 years before birth. Out of 60
subjects who participated in this experiment, 8 began to talk and recount
memories, as if they had lived before in another life, in another place.

Of course, one must be very careful in such a process, and watch out for the
imagination of the subjects, who alone can create artificial memories. But what to
think when someone starts to speak a foreign language never learned at school?

What to think when after investigation in the country concerned, his story is
verified? Are not we then dealing with a real paranormal phenomenon?
We offer you the freedom to conclude!

Our courses often refer to Egyptian occult sciences.

The Egyptians represented the astral body in the form of a bird
flying away from the body at death.

But know that the conclusion that you will adopt will not be without consequence
on you. Indeed, the attitude we have towards death determines what we have
towards life.

For one who does not believe in the survival of the soul, only material goods are
important. But this quest for earthly values is illusory and ephemeral. One day,
everything we have piled will disappear. It must be admitted that materialism is
not exciting. Its final perspective is total annihilation in death.
Does God exist?
Another important question every
human being faces is the existence of
God. Occultists use the expression
"Great Architect of the Universe". The
Great Architect of the Universe is one
of the fundamental symbols of
occultism. But this symbol has often
been misunderstood by the insiders

Indeed, it is not God, but the universal

creative principle, which has nothing
to do with the revealed God of
monotheistic religions. By meditating
on this symbol, the adept gradually
comes to decipher the mystery of life.

On all these questions, you will find in

our courses interesting food for
The Great Architect of the Universe thought.

Think a moment about this:

- Think about the time in which you move. The universe has 15 billion
years. Our planet is 5 billion years old. As for man, he exists only for a
few million years.

- Then think about your location in space: you are on Earth, the Earth
revolves around the sun, there are billions of suns in our galaxy, and
there are billions of galaxies in the universe.

- It's on this tiny Earth, 5 billion years old, that you spend your life, which
is measured in decades. What is the meaning of all this?
Origin of the Alpha Association
The ALPHA association was founded in 1977 by a group of occultists happy to share
the results of their experiments. However, ALPHA is not a recent group. Although
its modern manifestation happened in 1977, we can affirm that the teachings
perpetuated by the ALPHA Association already existed long before.

The origin of our group has its roots in the past. We can mention for example, some
circles of Kabbalists in the South of France and some lodges of Freemasons. Simply,
in 1977 an association was officially declared as ALPHA INTERNATIONAL, to
concretize very old ideals. Moreover, most of our founding members originally
belonged to occult societies, some very closed.

By the way, note that, according to the desire of its founders, the association
ALPHA is a non-profit organization.

Ancient Egypt is the cradle of occult sciences.

In fact, occultism as practiced by the association ALPHA, goes back to the Egypt of
the Pharaohs. On the land of ancient Egypt, the brotherhoods of insiders played an
important role. The knowledge they conveyed related to:
- The high magic
- Alchemy
- Astrology
- The creative laws of the universe
This knowledge was then passed on to initiatory societies, especially Gnostics and

Organization of studies
Our teaching is a distance learning with courses sent via mail or download directly
on the internet. It is divided into 3 levels, plus a preliminary level. Each level
represents a step forward on the path of self-actualization. You will receive 4
lessons each month, revealing the instructions for use of your brain as well as the
cosmic laws to know. Each lesson also has a practical aspect and indicates psychic
experiences to achieve.
It takes about 4 years to complete the studies. But from the first lessons,
transformations appear in our members. And even if all do not reach the end of
the training, they will have acquired from the first year, very effective techniques
of personal development. At the end of our teaching, a diploma is issued to our

Meetings and assemblies

Weekend seminars are organized several times a year. The attendance at these
meetings is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended. Indeed, these meetings
come in addition to the written course and are designed to facilitate your progress.
Also, after one year, you will have the opportunity if you wish, to put you in touch
with one of our lodges. There, supported and guided by the leaders of the
association, you will receive an oral training and will be able to attend our initiation
rituals which are of a great elevation. Of course, such attendance is not mandatory.

Overview of covered topics

There is no greater adventure than self-discovery.
Bernard Lancelot

Since the very beginning of civilization, there is a teaching that can pulverize our
chains and give us access to the light of knowledge.

Preliminary level
This level allows you to know our association without being a full member. You
have a year to see if everything really suits you. The instruction of this level is
general and makes you penetrate step by step in the secrets of the occultism:

6th sense; occult anatomy of the brain; the art of sympathy; magnetism; how to
see the aura; how to reach your goals; the power of the fascination of the gaze; the
power of vibrations; psychometric experiences; visualization exercises; how to
influence events by the power of your thought; telepathy; practical psychology; the
art of suggestion; breathing exercises; the subconscious; the techniques of
hypnosis; post-hypnotic suggestion; self-hypnosis exercises; hypnosis and
regression over time; the development of intuition; the vital force; duplication; how
to modify the self-image; the action of the mind on matter; dowsing; new breathing

Level 1: (or Apprentice)

During this level you know the secrets of Initiation and contemplate the mysteries
of your existence. Through a series of deep and luminous experiences, you put into
practice the old occult adage: "Know Thyself". This level also allows the release
from the conditioning of the past, a preliminary step in the control of destiny.

Some of the topics covered include:

How to control your emotions, elements of psychosomatic medicine; how to unlock
your personality; the art of slowing down aging; heal naturally; how to develop self-
confidence; rules of sexual harmony; psychology of love; how to succeed in your
love life.

There are relationships between man and the stars.

The study of these influences is part of our teaching.

Level 2: (or Companion)

The completion of learning results in a profound change of personality. Then
comes the moment to move to the next rank: that of Companion. During your
initiation to the rank of Companion you experience a ritual of great symbolic
richness where you will discover the fundamental principles of sacred geometry.

During your training, you receive a confidential instruction about the key of
symbols and the laws of the universe. The teaching of this grade also covers:

Hermetic principles; the collective unconscious; symbolism; spiritual healing; sleep

and dream; the interpretation of dreams; divination by the tarot; palm reading;
meditation techniques; cosmic influences; study of the law of cycles; the laws of
evolution; the truth about alien life; beginning of the study of cosmic laws; secret
doctrines of occultism.

Level 3: (or Master)

If you are judged worthy to be elevated to the rank of Master, you experience a
touching ritual of death and rebirth. The death of the old man and the birth of the
new man.

As Master, all that was hidden from the layman will be fully revealed to you. An
Initiate who has reached this stage can move objects remotely, see in the past and
in the future, and that in a way so real that the people around him realize the truth
of the facts. Here, among others, are some themes of lessons sent to Masters:

Our Psychic Sciences courses.

Nature of the matter; presence of force; how to use the universal force; study of
frequencies; psychic centers; exercises to activate them; foresight; clairvoyance
exercises; use of sounds to act on the psychic centers or on objects of the material
world; the memory of matter; waveforms; their practical use; the knowledge of
Hermetic Masonic Order:
At the end of Level 3, the member then has access to the high ranks of the Hermetic
Masonic Order, also known as the Inner Circle. The teaching then takes a different
nature, more initiatory and more related to high magic.

The Hermetic Masonic Order is part of the spiritualist trend of Freemasonry and is
exclusively interested in esoteric and metaphysical issues. Membership in the
Hermetic Masonic Order is not mandatory and applies only to members who have
completed Level Three of the ALPHA Association.

Hermetic Masonic Order comprises

3 successive teaching circles.

Ethics becomes here a very important thing for the Insider! For the Insider must
not behave dishonestly in everyday life, but on the contrary, his conduct must
reflect his spirituality.

If, on the other hand, someone claims to be an insider and behaves very badly
outside, he shames the initiatory tradition, and sooner or later, the law of karma
will call him to order. Indeed, he carries a heavy responsibility because the outside
people will inevitably associate him with the initiatic tradition, and we risk to
appear to these people like unsavory individuals.

Love must be the quality that distinguishes the Insider from the profane. Master
Jesus said, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one
another. (John 13:35).

This Love that was to be the characteristic trait of the disciples of Jesus, must also
be that of every Initiate, regardless of his religion! But we have not just to speak
about Love, but to manifest it in all our actions. We can even consider that Love is
the first thing that an authentic Occult Society has to teach its members.

Learning to love, is not it a wonderful program?

The courses here deal with the highest metaphysical powers of human being. The
member then becomes able to modify the Reality and create specific events in his
life or that of others.

He also receives a long series of lessons on the exact technique of projection out
of the body, and learns how to make himself visible at a distance during a

The fulfilment attained then is above ordinary human experience.

No one can ask to be admitted to the Inner Circle, you must obligatorily be invited
to be part of it when you have proved your worth. In other words, it is only after
the diligent study of the three first levels that our students are privileged to be
called to the highest levels of our organization.

Here is just for the record the non-exhaustive list of topics covered:

Space and time; consciousness; cosmic consciousness; contact with the cosmic
consciousness; the soul; is there life after life? the theory of reincarnation; the law
of karma; exercise to remember his past lives; good and evil; the truth about
spiritualism; contact with universal memory; the 7 cosmic laws; their practical use;
astrology; examination of Eastern doctrines; Alchemy; practice of high magic; how
to live in harmony with the cosmos.

All these disciplines are complementary, and even if you only want to practice one
of them, it is important for you to know others as well.

Telepathy and magnetism, for example, have something to do with hypnosis. A

training in both of these areas will help you with hypnosis. Similarly, clairvoyance
is related to the awakening of psychic centers.

In reality, everything comes together, and anyone who is interested in

parapsychology cannot be limited to one area.

Duplication: en experience much easier to realize than

many imagine.
Your welcome gifts
It is traditional to give the new member a welcome gift. Some organizations offer
a rose or an instruction manual.

We have chosen to give you gifts directly related to our teachings. These are 5
outstanding monographs not available in store written by Prof. Francis Dessart:

Bonus n°1:

Many people do not know the laws that govern mental powers. This largely
explains their failure. In this monograph Prof. Dessart approaches from a
theoretical and practical point of view the main parapsychological phenomena:

- dowsing,
- magnetism (with full description of the receiver points)
- telepathy,
- clairvoyance,
- hypnosis,
- the astral journey.

It also explains the mistakes that must be avoided to make it really work!
Bonus n°2:

This monograph is entirely based on the work of the great French spiritualist
Armand Toussaint. His work is unavoidable and you must know it, otherwise you
miss out on a unique traditional knowledge related to your spiritual development.
Topics covered include:

- the quest for perfection,

- self-hypnosis and subconscious programming,
- mastery of the chakras,
- the cellular mind ...

You will also find there the complete description of the technique to practice the
projection of your consciousness (what some call the "astral journey"). All of these
topics are addressed in an esoteric and spiritual way leading the reader through
the experiences that are described in spiritual awakening.

Bonus n°3:

This monograph is an extension of the Treaty of Spiritual Energies. You will know
how to have a free mind and greatly increase your abilities by identifying yourself
with an order that is superior to you. The topics discussed are again of vital

- The Awakening
- The gap between science and reality: the impasse of materialism,
- The science of meditation (with description of the different stages).

Bonus n°4:

This text indicates the relationships existing today between parapsychology,

science and metaphysics. You will gain a deep understanding of the links between
these three disciplines and you will easily respond to critics. The monograph then
presents paranormal phenomena that in themselves belie the materialistic model
of the Universe described by the official science. And most importantly, it clearly
demonstrates the evidence we have for the survival of the soul.

Bonus n°5:

In this monograph you will discover some of the teaching of Pythagoras. Formerly
this teaching was oral and secret, and reserved exclusively for the initiated. It
relates to your understanding of the Universe and your fulfillment as a human

Discover also the different schools of mysteries, especially the Egyptian mysteries,
which exerted a profound influence on Pythagoras.

In the second part, the prof. Dessart is doing a very interesting study on Numbers
and the Spirit to illustrate this thought of Pythagoras: "Everything is organized by

This clearly demonstrates that the universe is wonderfully legislated by simple,

balanced, harmonious numbers, the simplest being statistically the most
abundantly represented in Nature. These monographs are rare documents. They
can be downloaded in the member area of our website. You have access to it even
if you decide to receive your courses via mail.
Special welcome bonus

The course: "How to evolve spiritually through dreams" written by Dr. Serge
Hutin, worth 49 €:

You spend an important part of your nights dreaming because this is an absolutely
necessary activity for the balance of your unconscious. Yet most people do not pay
much attention to it. Some people do not even remember their dreams when they
wake up!

Be part of those who know how to take advantage of their dreams. Indeed, dreams
are an excellent way of self-awareness. Freud even affirmed that "dreams are the
royal way of the unconscious".

But in addition to the psychological aspect, Serge Hutin speaks to us here about
paranormal aspects of the dream including the case of premonitory dreams,
projections of consciousness during sleep and dreams related to reincarnation. He
tells us in particular a technique to cause the appearance of dreams in relation to
our previous incarnation ... By applying the indications of this course, your dreams
will become for you an excellent means for spiritual evolution.
Your benefits as a member

The members of the association belong to a group of occultists present in all

French-Speaking countries.

1. As a member, you receive 4 psychic lessons per month taking into

consideration the latest discoveries of parapsychology and applied
psychology. This gives you a lesson to put into practice a week.
2. These courses are sent to you by mail or downloaded directly from the
internet. In this case you can save them in your computer, and also print
them. You can come back later when you want to review the important
3. We give you indications of simple exercises (self-hypnosis, meditation), to
be realized in certain circumstances of life.
4. You notice a gradual awakening of your psychic faculties.
5. You have access to all our private videos on hypnosis and parapsychology in
the Member Area of our website. In one of these videos you will attend a
telepathy experiment realized by one of the senior officials of our
association. This experience is so amazing that it was broadcast on the
program Normal Paranormal of the French TV channel M6.
Screenshot of our website
6. You benefit from follow-up and, if necessary, personalized advice from the
leaders of our association. You can at any time contact our managers by
email if you have any questions about the teaching or the experiences.
7. You are protected by the power of our egregore. In the event of a specific
problem, you can call on our free Psychic Aid Committee, which will do
spiritual work to direct to you the positive cosmic forces.

The members of the

association all have a
membership card which
gives them access to
our meetings and
allows them to
recognize each other.
How does psychic mutual
aid work?
The universe is not the result of chance. There is an intelligence that
penetrates the whole universe and governs the universal order. Various
names have been given to it in the past, and we prefer for our part to
designate this supreme intelligence by the term Cosmic Consciousness.

This Cosmic Consciousness gives birth in its manifestation to the laws of

nature (or cosmic laws) studied by the occult sciences and taught in the
higher levels of our association.

Man has the opportunity to use these laws to achieve results in his life.

Our Psychic Assistance Committee is made up of advanced members who

use these laws to assist members in difficulty.

The strength and positive power of the convergent thinking of this assembly
is immense, and in most cases the member realizes very quickly that his
situation is improving.

Like any group, we ask our members to pay an annual fee.

But before we talk about the membership fee, ask yourself first the following
questions: If there were no question of money, would you want to be part of this

Second question: Would you spend 200 € today to win 100 times or 1000 times

Indeed, the amount of the contribution is quickly amortized since you will discover
techniques allowing you to succeed in all the domains of your life and the material
success is part of it. Instead of costing you, this training will pay you!

Imagine how you will feel when you master total of your life. It's a peace of mind
that is priceless! In reality, investing in yourself is the best investment you can
make of your money!

The fee includes, of course, the price of the courses which are then sent free of
charge to each new member, as a basic element of his training.

You must remember that if these same services were sold by a commercial
company they would cost at least 1900 €. A personal coaching for example is sold
between 150 and 300 € for a session of one hour only! Of course it is not the price
you will pay with our association. Here is the amount of our annual fee:
- Only 197 €!
- Price for professionals of parapsychology: 450 € per year 2

The membership fee is valid for one full year from the day of accession. It can be
paid by credit card, check, money order or bank transfer. Payments by check are
exclusively reserved for France. The means of payment for the International are
detailed at the end of this document.

Know that it is necessary to be up to date with your contribution to receive the

lessons because each member must contribute to the running costs of the
association by his contribution.

The problem of the contribution will be quickly overcome by a sufficiently

motivated person. On the other hand, those who are not ready to take the path of
Knowledge will find the pretext of the membership fee not to join.

The contribution is an event: the test of the motivation: we must always give
before receiving, such is the law!

If your desire to progress is real, if you are truly called to the Knowledge you will
succeed in finding the amount of the contribution despite the difficulties of all

Amount of contribution in foreign currency:

At the time of writing of this document, the annual contribution converted into
foreign currencies was:

- $ 271 Canadian.
- 208 Swiss francs
- 23,509 Pacific francs
- 129,224 F CFA

The currencies changing regularly you can easily know the current rate using an
online currency converter:

These are exactly the same courses that are sent but the fee is higher because the member uses our teaching for
professional purposes.
The application process

I must now talk to you about the application process...

I refuse to see the use of our Psychic Sciences Courses by dubious or ill-intentioned

So after your registration, for thirty days, there will be a review period of your
application. During this period of 30 days, I can decide not to accept you in more
advanced courses, and YOU can also decide to leave our association without losing
a cent:

If you decide to leave during the exam period, just a simple mail from you and I will
refund you in full without asking any questions. I will close your access to the site
and we will leave good friends.

Now, if I AM the one deciding not to accept you within our association, I'll take the
time to explain why (by email or on telephone). Of course I'll pay you back right
away, but to apologize for making you waste your time, you can keep the first
lessons you've learned. That way we'll leave good friends. It seems honest to me!

We are free to go wherever we want and to be who we are.

Richard BACH.
Your guaranties as a member
You have a period of 30 days from registration to request a full refund of your
membership fee. Even after this period, if you decide to stop the course, you can
request a refund of your contribution for the remaining months. This will be done
without any discussion. In this case, you will still be able to keep the training
materials and bonuses you have received.
Our motto is: "The Search for Truth in Absolute Freedom of Conscience". This
freedom means that nothing is ever imposed on the member but simply proposed.
We believe that each individual is unique, that everyone already has everything in
him. Our role is simply to allow the latent faculties of our members to manifest.
We respect their personality and their values. In no case do we decide for them.
Our association was founded in 1977 and is now over 40 years old. Until his death
in 1997, our honorary president was Dr. Serge Hutin, doctor of Letters degree,
writer, author of the entire section on esotericism in the Encyclopedia Universalis,
and former research associate at the C.N.R.S. Our Honorary Grand Master is
Minister Jacques Joumas Libizangomo † (Gabon). This is a guarantee of seriousness
of our house.
Since our inception, thousands of students have already been trained. We know
most of the problems that our members may encounter and also how to solve
We make an absolute commitment never to reveal the name and address of our
members. In the case where you choose to receive the courses via mail, the
mailings are made in sealed envelope, without any apparent mention.
Here are some testimonials from
thousand others:
Our method is tested and proven. It has already worked for thousands of people
with very different profiles. Here are, among others, some excerpts from many
letters received from our members, giving you their personal opinion on the value
of our teaching (only the initial of the name is indicated because we promise our
members to keep their identity secret).

If these people have been transformed by the study of our parapsychology course,
you can do the same. The originals of these letters are visible at the headquarters
of our association and have been checked by bailiff.
"I must confess my skepticism at reading the pamphlet you sent me. I still decided
to become a member, but it must be said, without really believing it. I must have
been led by a strange sense of curiosity. But as soon as I received the first lessons,
I soon realized how serious your house was. The lessons are simple and really
accessible to everyone. The first results of my study did not take long to appear and
everyone around me found me completely transformed, without suspecting the
true cause of this rebirth. Géraldine V (Student in Montpellier) 19 years old
"I take advantage of the payment of my dues to inform you on my progression. The
lessons present no real difficulty and I owe them a complete transformation of my
life. I finally become myself, fully exploiting all my abilities. Exercise n ° 30 in
particular produced an astonishing result and awakened in me forces that I did not
know. From the bottom of the heart thank you! PS: As a sign of recognition, I
authorize you to publish my testimony in your advertisements. Daniel P (Paris Post)
42 years old.
"Today I finish the written teaching and I want to thank you for what you have
brought me. I have learned more with you in three years than in any reading I have
done in my life. My only regret is not having known the association earlier.
Jacqueline V (Retired, Belgium) 62 years old.
"Your exercise in lesson 9 is fantastic. I did not think while experiencing it to arrive
at such a good result. I suddenly see the applications that I can draw in my life.
Daniel B (Business Manager at Lille) 31 years old.
"It is with great interest that I study your lessons every week. I am currently
studying the lessons of personality exploration. I think I have now understood the
cause of my shyness. Thanks to your visualization exercises I am fighting it since
two weeks and I start to take some insurance against my superiors. Richard M
(Restaurateur at Sète) 28 years old.

The testimonies reproduced in our Guestbook have

all been noticed by bailiff.
This is who we are
Dr. Serge Hutin was, until the end of his life, the honorary president of our
association. He has participated in the writing of our courses as well as many
monographs that we distribute to our members. He was a former research
associate at the CNRS, author of several "Que sais-je?” And the esoteric section of
the Encyclopedia Universalis.

Screenshot of the Encyclopedia Universalis website.

I myself am author of many books setting the standard in the field of esotericism
or hypnosis. I was awarded honorary doctorate of Zoroastrian College on March
21, 2000.

Screenshot of the online sales Site

Since the beginning of time, a secret knowledge is conveyed by the Occult
Sciences. This knowledge is opposed to resignation. It is a school of human
pride that breaks the chains of slavery.

It also allows the inner fulfillment of the human being and to approach the
deep meaning of life.

This knowledge is in fact one of the most rewarding spiritual paths ever
conceived by man!

This is a unique opportunity. I did not plan to take hundreds and hundreds of
students because I want to be able to make myself available to them. This is an
opportunity for you to benefit from these techniques and have a long-term follow-
I will close the registrations when all places are taken.

Author, President of Alpha International

How to apply

There is something more serious than

not having succeeded; that is not
having tried.

Franklin Roosevelt

Do you want to explore all the possibilities that are in you? Thanks to our
techniques, you can become the person you have always dreamed to be. You can
achieve mastery of yourself and mastery of your life!

Admission to the ALPHA Association is on application. Now is the time to apply.

The main reason why many fail is that they never begin the journey to success. Do
not miss your chance, because the years go by quickly and the time is precious.

At this very moment and in this place, you can make a decisive act to reach the
liberation of your being. Make your decision now. To book click on the button

or copy this link into your explorer:

Our Association does not want to be a mass association. In each country, the membership is limited to 3,000
members. We want to follow our members easily. Which would not be possible with an unlimited number of places.
Therefore, once this number is exceeded, registrations are closed. In this case, of course, your membership fee will
be returned to you and your name written on the waiting list.
Then follow the steps below:
Then fill in your card number, its expiry date and the last 3 digits on the
back of the card:

To finish, click on the blue button “Validate”. If your card is linked to the 3D
Secure system, you will then receive an 8-digit code by text message to enter to
authenticate your purchase.

This simple gesture is enough to start a new life! Little by little you will see
your life transform according to your desires. You will be another man, another
woman, and you will wonder how you could have gone so many years without

knowing the joys that come with real mastery of life.
Remember that the number of places is limited and once all places are filled we
will close the registrations for an indefinite period.
To start your application click on the button below:

or copy this link into your explorer:

For payment by transfer or phone, please contact the Grand Treasurer for the
English-speaking area : Jean Didier Assogba, Email : .

Open up new possibilities!

Print this document

to print and return with the membership fee to:
B.P 42 34560
Poussan (France)
Name ………………………………………………First Name……………………………………………………………………………………
Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Postal Code ……………………………………. City ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Country …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………...


a single check of 197 € Association to get its training.
or 2 checks of 98.50 €
or 4 checks of 49.27 € I undertake not to give, lend, sell or translate any of the lessons
that are addressed to me, and to consider the teaching received
In case of payment with more as strictly confidential. I promise never to use the techniques
than one checks, all checks that will be revealed to me for evil or to satisfy selfish desires.
should be sent at registration It is understood that if the training received does not give me
but they will be cashed at a rate full satisfaction, I will be able to leave the association at any time
of 1 per month. and will be refunded the contribution for the remaining months.
If my resignation intervenes within 30 days following my
Payments by check are reserved registration I will be refunded in full.
only for France.
At this date, I pay the amount of my contribution, which will be
PAYMENT BY MANDATE OR returned to me in case my application for admission would be
only one shipment of 197 €
I wish to receive the courses:
PROFESSIONALS IN  directly by internet (advised because faster)
PARAPSYCHOLOGY ∗ E-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………….
a single payment 450 € per year
 by mail
(please check your choice and indicate your email address if

I certify to be major.


These are exactly the same courses that are sent to parapsychology professionals but the fee is higher for
them as they then use our teachings for professional purposes.

This report is published by The Alpha International Association

The Alpha International Association is one of the most important

metaphysical organizations in the World. We correspondents in all French
and English speaking countries.

The Alpha International Association is exclusively interested in metaphysics and has no

political activity. It does not impose on his members any belief. There is nothing in its
teaching that can shock a believer or an atheist. Its teachings are philosophical or
scientific and not religious.

Its motto is “Search of truth in absolute freedom of conscience”

© Alpha International


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