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Widyagogik, p ISSN 2303-307X, e ISSN 2541-5468 1


Nurjanah1*, Dodik Mulyono2, Andriana Sofiarini3
Elementary School Teacher Education, PGRI Silampari University, South Sumatra,
Indonesia ,,

DOI: 0000
Received Month XX, 20XX; Revised Month XX, 20XX; Accepted Month XX, 20XX
This research aims to determine the science learning outcomes of fourth grade
students of SD Negeri 26 Lubuklinggau after the Number Head Together (NHT) learning
model is applied. This research method uses an experimental method with a pre-test
and post-test group experimental design. Sampling was taken from part of the
population, considering that there were two classes in the population, random
sampling was used where only one class was taken at random with a sampling of 30
students. The instrument used is in the form of a description of 9 questions. Data
collection was taken by using a test technique. The data were analyzed using the "t"
test formula. based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is obtained that t count = 2,63
and ttabel with degrees of freedom dk = n-1 = 30 – 1 = 29 and  = 5% obtained ttable 1,70,
then tcount, 2,63  ttable 1,70 which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be
concluded that the learning outcomes of fourth grade students in SD Negeri 26
Lubuklinggau after the Number Head Together (NHT) learning model was implemented
were significantly completed.

Keywords – Model Number Head Together (NHT), Learning Outcomes

2 Title (Calibri (Body) size 10)


1. Introduction
Education is a place for students to develop knowledge in the teaching given by
teachers, as well as make human resources with character and conscience that are
indispensable in mastering and developing science and technology, in order to be
able to face competition in the global era.
The implementation of the education system in Indonesia is generally more focused
on a mass and classical learning model, with a quantity orientation so that it is able to
serve as many students as possible so that it cannot accommodate the needs of
individual students outside the group. Education should be able to develop the
potential for intelligence and talent possessed by students optimally so that students
can develop their own potential into an achievement that has selling points (Shoimin
Aris, 2017). The purpose of education is a very important factor in education,
because the purpose of this education is the direction to be achieved or to be
addressed by education. In the world of education, students who carry out the
learning process of course do not do it individually but there are other components
involved such as teachers, media, curriculum, learning resources, and learning
models. The expected learning process that occurs in each school is a process that
can develop the potential of students as a whole.
According to Komalasari (Faizah, 2017) learning can be defined as a system or
process of teaching student subjects that are planned or designed, implemented,
evaluated systematically so that students can achieve learning goals effectively and
efficiently. Good learning is learning that succeeds in developing students' potential
to the fullest. In the learning process, the teacher should be able to create an
atmosphere of active, effective, creative, innovative learning activities, can provide a
sense of comfort, fun and encourage students to understand the subject matter
presented by the teacher. In order to create a conducive atmosphere, a teacher must
use models, strategies, and methods in learning.
At the elementary school level, one of the subjects that must be included in the
curriculum of a school is science learning. In science subjects can apply an effective
and fun learning. According to (Rosa, 2015)science is a science that develops from
observing natural phenomena and the interactions that occur in them. With the
interaction during learning can make students more active.
The success of a student's learning process can be determined based on learning
outcomes, according to Dimyati and Moedjiono (Arini et al., 2017) learning outcomes
are the result of an interaction of acts of learning or acts of teaching. Learning
outcomes can be interpreted as an action or a process to determine the value of a
person's learning success after he has experienced the learning process for a certain
Widyagogik, Vol. XX. No. XX, Month- Month 2021 3

One of the problems in learning science is the low learning outcomes of science.
Science learning so far only applies learning that has not been varied by conveying
knowledge from teacher to student through monotonous teaching methods and only
giving assignments to students. If the teacher is not able to present the material
properly and as attractively as possible, it can result in students becoming bored and
bored during the learning activities. This can later lead to a decline in student
learning outcomes in science subjects. Science learning in elementary schools still
uses a teacher-centered learning method.
Based on the results of observations made by researchers on Friday, November
19, 2021, in grade IV SD Negeri 26 Lubuklinggau, several facts were found that
became problems in the science learning process at school, namely the way teachers
teach still uses a monotonous and not varied learning model. Learning is still teacher-
centered by giving assignments and questions and answers, this causes student
activities and student learning outcomes to be less than optimal. In the learning
process there are still many students who are less enthusiastic, students are
sometimes busy with their respective activities such as joking and chatting with their
friends. And the results of the evaluation of the results of the daily tests obtained did
not reach the specified KKM, which was 75, while the average IPA value obtained was
class IV.A 69.4 out of 30 students, students who achieved the KKM were 11 people,
while students who had not reached the KKM KKM as many as 19 people. The
average IPA score obtained by Class IV.B was 69.6 out of 29 students, 10 students
who achieved the KKM while those who had not reached the KKM were 19 people.
So it can be seen that there are still many students who have not completed their
learning outcomes.
In the 2013 curriculum era, students are more active than their teachers, but
unfortunately teachers still apply a model that is not varied and monotonous when
teaching which makes students bored so that one of the learning models that can be
used by teachers is needed, namely the Number Head Together (NHT) model. a
special type of structural cooperative learning designed to influence student
interaction in obtaining the material covered in a lesson and checking their
understanding of the lesson content (Afandi, 2013), in which the Number Head
Together (NHT) learning model has several advantages between Another thing is this
model requires all students to be active, with this learning model students are also
required to carry out discussions in earnest, smart students can teach students who
are less intelligent, and teachers can identify students who understand the material
with students who do not understand about the material. material that has been h
delivered. The Number Head Together (NHT) learning model can also make it easier
for teachers to teach, so that teachers only provide a few problems (tasks) related to
the material being taught, while students can seek answers through discussion or
exchange opinions with group members so that they get the right answer. Therefore,
the solution needed to overcome problems in learning and learning outcomes is to
4 Title (Calibri (Body) size 10)


apply learning models, especially in science subjects. In order to obtain student

learning outcomes that are in accordance with the minimum completeness average,
efforts are needed to overcome them.
Teachers need to use learning models that are able to increase understanding,
be active, encourage courage, be fun, and reduce students' own activities in the
teaching and learning process. This is in line with research conducted by (Nova,
2018), it is proven that the use of the Number Head Together (NHT) learning model
in the science learning process can improve learning activities and student learning
outcomes, then (Suhardi, 2014) also prove that the use of learning models Number
Head Together (NHT) in learning is in the good category (the average score obtained
by students is 81) and can improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students.
Based on the problems that have been described, the researchers need to
conduct research with the title "Application of the Number Head Together (NHT)
Learning Model in Science Learning for Fourth Grade Students of SD Negeri 26
- Relevant Research
a. (Iqnatia Alfiansyah 1, 2018), entitled "Application of the Number Head
Together (NHT) Cooperative Learning Model on Environmental Damage
Materials in Grade IV Elementary School." The results show that by applying
the NHT learning model, the average The average value obtained by students
is 85.53 with a classical completeness percentage of 93.3% and can be said to
be complete. In addition, the results of the study show that the average ability
of teachers in implementing learning in all meetings is 89.8, which can be said
to be very good. The response of students to learning NHT can be said to be
good with an average of 96.7%.
b. (Afta et al., 2016) entitled "Application of the Number Head Together (NHT)
Type Learning Model Based on a Scientific Approach to Science Learning
Outcomes". Number Heads Together (NHT) type based on scientific approach
that can be obtained tcount = 1.976 and ttable = 2.032 then tcount < ttable. After the
implementation of the Number Heads Together (NHT) cooperative learning
model based on a scientific approach, namely obtaining data t count = 2,988 and
ttable = 2,032, then tcount > ttable.
c. (Suandewi & Wibawa, 2017) entitled "The Application of the Numbered Head
Together Learning Model to Improve Science Learning Outcomes for Fourth
Grade Students of SD NO. 3 Ships” The results showed that learning science
using the Numbered Head Together (NHT) type of cooperative learning model
can improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD No. 3 Ships
for the 2016/2017 school year. In the first cycle the average science learning
outcomes of students were 72.70% in the medium category and increased to
Widyagogik, Vol. XX. No. XX, Month- Month 2021 5

85.13% in the second cycle which was in the high category. There was an
increase of 12.43%.
d. (Suarmini & Parmiti, 2017) entitled "Application of the Numbered Head
Together (NHT) Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Science Learning
Outcomes". The results obtained are in the first cycle of student learning
completeness reached 75.38%, with an average student learning outcomes of
75.38. From cycle I to cycle II, student learning completeness increased by
5.96%, namely 81.34% with an average student learning outcome of 81.34. So
it can be stated that the application of the Numbered Head Together type of
cooperative learning model can improve science learning outcomes for fourth
grade students of SD N 2 Mengwi.
e. (Putu & Japa, 2016) entitled "Application of the Number Head Together (NHT)
Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Science Learning Outcomes for Class
IV Students in Semester I SD NO 5 Selat, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency
2015/2016 Academic Year" Results learning in the first cycle showed 66.75%
with the level of learning outcomes in the medium category. Then in the
second cycle the average value of student learning outcomes increased to
88.25% with the level of learning outcomes in the high category. Based on the
results of these studies, it can be concluded that the application of the NHT
learning model can improve science learning outcomes in fourth grade
students in the first semester of SD No. 5 Selat, Sukasada District, Buleleng
Regency, 2015/2016 Academic Year.

2. Method
The method used in this research by the researcher is an experiment. Hadi
(Payadya & Jayantika, 2018) experimental research is research conducted to find out
the consequences of a treatment given intentionally by the researcher.
The researcher used a quasi-experiment which was carried out without a
comparison class. The experimental design that will be used is in the form of a Pre-
Experimental Design. In this study, the experimental form used was One-Group
Pretest-Posttest Design, in which this study contained a pretest, before being given
treatment. Thus the results of the treatment can be known more accurately, because
it can compare with the situation before being treated. The experimental design
according to (Sugiyono, 2017) can be described as follows in table 1
Table 1. Experimental Design of Pre-Test and Post-Test Group

Pretest Treatment Posttest

O1 X O2

6 Title (Calibri (Body) size 10)


O1 : Pre-test
X : Model Pembelajaran Number Head Together (NHT)
O2 : post-test

a. Data collection technique

The data collection technique used to determine student learning outcomes
is a test technique. Widoyoko (Rofiah Emi, Aminah N.s, 2013) states that the test
is a tool for measuring, namely a tool to collect information on the characteristics
of an object.
The test was used to collect data on student learning outcomes in grade IV SD
Negeri 26 Lubuklinggau. In this study, the test was given twice, namely the first
test was given before the learning process (pre-test) and (post-test) was given to
see the final ability of students after participating in learning using the Number
Head Together (NHT) Learning Model. The test given is in the form of an essay as
many as 9 questions.
b. Data analysis technique
After the data has been collected, the next step is to analyze the data. The
data analysis technique used in this study was quasi-experimental.
1) Determine the mean and standard deviation
To determine the average value and standard deviation on the initial and final
tests using the formula:

Σ xi
X= (Riduwan, 2013)

√ Σ( x i x)
(Sugiyono, 2015)

X = Mean (average)
xi = The value of x to i to n
n = Number of samples
s = Standard Deviation
2) Data Normality Test
This normality test is used to see whether the two groups of population data
are normally distributed or not. The formula used in the normality test is the 2
(chi squared) fit test, namely:

( )
( f o−f h )
χ 2=∑
i=1 fh
Widyagogik, Vol. XX. No. XX, Month- Month 2021 7

(Riduwan, 2013)

𝜒2 = Chi kuadrat
fo = Observed frequency
fh = Expected frequency

3) Hypothesis testing
The statistical hypothesis in this study is to test the difference in the average
data, in this case the initial and final data, to analyze the null hypothesis (H O)
and the alternative hypothesis (H α). If the two data are normally distributed
and the standard deviation is unknown, then the statistical test used is the t-
test with the following formula:

(Sugiyono, 2015)
t= S
t = the calculated t value, hereinafter referred to as t count
x = the average value of xi
n = number of sample members
μo = hypothesized value ( μo =75 ¿
S = standard deviation

3. Result and Discussion

This research was carried out directly by researchers at SD Negeri 26
Lubuklinggau on March 15, 2022 to April 15, 2022 using one class as a sample,
namely class IV.A SD Negeri 26 Lubuklinggau in the even semester of the 2021/2022
academic year with a total of 30 students. In this study, the learning process uses the
Number Head Together (NHT) model.
This research was conducted in 5 meetings, with details of one meeting for
testing the instrument, one meeting for the initial ability test (pre-test), two meetings
for the learning process and one meeting for (post-test) at the end of the meeting. .
Giving a pre-test is used to determine the students' initial ability in the force material
with the motion of an event. The ability of the initial test (pre-test) is the ability
possessed by students before participating in the learning process that will be given.
After the initial ability (pre-test) of students is carried out and known, the learning
activities are continued by using the Number Head Together (NHT) model.
8 Title (Calibri (Body) size 10)


At the end of the study, a final test (post-test) was conducted to determine
the final ability of students in mastering the material of force and motion which is the
result of student learning after the learning process.
a. Description of Initial Test Data (Pre-test)
The pre-test was carried out on April 5, 2022 in grade IV, this pre-test was
conducted to determine the initial ability in student learning outcomes in the
material of force and motion before being given treatment using the Number
Head Together (NHT) model. The questions given are 9 questions in the form of
Table 2. Data Recapitulation of Pre-test Results
Information Frequency Percentage
75 Complete 0 0%
<75 Not Complete 30 100%
Amount 30 100%
Average 25,3
Standard deviation 6,88

Based on the results of the research, the initial test data in table 2 above
shows that none of the 30 students scored more than 75. The highest score
was 48 and the lowest was 14. The overall average (x )̅ score was 25.3. So
descriptively, it can be said that the initial ability of students before the
application of the Number Head Together (NHT) model is in the incomplete
b. Description of Final Test Data (post-test)
The final student test referred to in this study is student learning outcomes
after following the learning process using the Number Head Together (NHT)
model. Learning outcomes can be said to be complete if the student's score has
reached the KKM. The post-test in this study was conducted at the final meeting
on April 8, 2022, which was attended by 30 fourth grade students.
Table 3 Post-test Result Data Recapitulation
Information Frequency Percentage
75 Complete 22 73%
<75 Not Complete 8 27%
Amount 30 100%
Average 79,13
Standard deviation 8,63
Widyagogik, Vol. XX. No. XX, Month- Month 2021 9

Based on table 4.2 above, it can be seen that there were 22 students who
scored 75 (completed) and 8 students who scored 75 (uncompleted). The highest
score is 96 and the lowest score is 62. The average (x )̅ overall score is 79.13. So,
descriptively it can be said that the results of students' final abilities after the
application of the Number Head Together (NHT) model are included in the
complete significant category.
c. Normality test
The normality test aims to determine whether the data obtained are normally
distributed or not. To determine the normality of the data with the 2(chi
squared) fit test. Based on the provisions of statistical calculations regarding the
normality test of data with a significant level of 5% or  = 0.05, if 2count  2table
then the data is normally distributed and if 2count  2table then the data is not
normally distributed.
Table 4. Recapitulation of Normality Test Results of Pretest and Post-test Data
Data 2count DK 2table Conclusion
Pre-test 9,7179 5 11,0704 Normal distribution
Post-test 4,6227 5 11,0704 Normal distribution

Based on the results of the normality test of the initial test data (pre-test) the
value of 2count = 9.7179 and the final test (post-test) obtained the value of
2count = 4.6227. While the value of 2 table with = 0.05 (5%) and dk = (k – 1) is
11.0704. Thus, 2count 2table, it can be stated that the initial test data (pre-test)
and the final test data (post-test) are normally distributed.
The results of the discussion obtained based on the analysis of the data from
the pre-test results, the average value obtained by students was 25.3. While the
data analysis of the post-test results the average value obtained by students is
79.13, it can be said that there is an increase in the average value of students'
The first learning meeting which was held on April 6, 2022, the researchers
carried out learning activities on the force and motion material using the
previously made learning implementation plan (RPP) guide. Researchers focused
students' attention on attracting students' initial understanding of the material
presented. Researchers convey the material and students pay attention to the
material presented. Then the students were asked to form groups of 6 people and
the researcher distributed different numbered hats to each group as their
identity, the researcher asked each group to conduct an experiment and then
discuss related to the material that aims to develop concepts and be able to
answer the results of group discussions on the worksheets given.
In this learning activity, students still look confused when doing the
experiment. Students feel they do not understand so the class is not conducive
because students are busy asking questions. To overcome this, the researcher
went around each group and guided and helped students who had difficulties in
doing it. After discussing, the researcher called one of the numbers that used a
lottery system, one of the numbers that came out became one of the group
10 Title (Calibri (Body) size 10)


representatives to convey and explain the results of their discussion reports. At

first, the student representatives did not dare and lacked confidence to convey
the results of their reports, therefore the researcher accompanied them to help
answer so that they were more confident. Next, the teacher and students
together conclude the final correct answer from the questions given by the
teacher. Make sure students understand and they know where the mistakes in
their previous answers are. And the teacher closed the lesson with greetings.
At the second meeting on April 7, 2022, before entering the new material,
students and researchers repeated the previous material. Then after the students
understood the previous material, the researcher continued with the next
material. The implementation of learning is still based on the lesson plan (RPP)
that has been prepared as in the previous meeting. Researchers still focused
students' attention first at the beginning of learning, students were asked to sit in
groups at the previous meeting, then gave numbered hats to students, then
students were able to learn by using the Number Head Together (NHT) model and
using LKS. Students looked enthusiastic when the researcher began to direct
students in group discussions, students were able to work well in their groups.
After discussing with the group, the researcher called one number that used a
lottery system, one of the numbers that came out became one of the group
representatives to convey and explain the results of their discussion report. Group
representatives have started to be brave and confident in conveying the results of
their group discussion reports without being assisted by researchers, while other
group friends have been able to pay attention to their friends who are conveying
the results of their discussions from the results of the second meeting LKS
assessment, each group has been able to complete the questions in the LKS. So, in
this case the researcher only supervises and checks the students.
After the researchers completed the learning activities, namely two meetings,
the next meeting was held post-test on April 8, 2022 in class IV SD Negeri 26
Lubuklinggau. Post-test was given to students to determine student learning
outcomes after the learning activities were carried out. Post-test is used as a
benchmark in knowing student learning outcomes after the Number Head
Together (NHT) model is applied.
After looking at the results of the post-test, it can be seen that there are 22
students who got a score of 75 (completed) and 8 students who got a score of 75
(not completed). The highest value is 96 and the lowest value is 62. The average
(x)̅ overall value is 79.13 and the value of 2count = 4.6227 so that the data is
normally distributed, the magnitude of t count (2.63) ttable (1.70), can it is said that H o
is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, the average value of the fourth grade science
learning outcomes of SD Negeri 26 Lubuklinggau after the Number Head Together
(NHT) model was applied was significantly complete. This is in line with the
opinion of (Afta et al., 2016) who conducted research using the same learning
model and stated that the Number Head Together (NHT) model could improve
science learning outcomes.
Widyagogik, Vol. XX. No. XX, Month- Month 2021 11

4. Conclusion
Based on the background and problem formulation in the research that has been
done, it can be concluded as follows:
Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the
fourth grade science learning outcomes of SD Negeri 26 Lubuklinggau after the
Number Head Together (NHT) model was applied were significantly complete. The
average score is 79.13 and the percentage of students who complete is 73% with a
value of tcount  ttable that is 2.63  1.70.

5. Patents
Based on the research results and conclusions, the suggestions that can be given by
researchers are as follows:
1) The Number Head Together (NHT) learning model can be used as an alternative
for educators to develop student activity so that they can improve student
learning outcomes in science subjects.
2) To educators, to be able to improve the science learning system by using various
learning models so that students are more active during learning activities.
3) To schools, to be able to apply the Number Head Together (NHT) model as a way
to make the learning atmosphere active so that it can improve student learning
outcomes in science subjects.
4) For further researchers to be able to use the Number Head Together (NHT)
model in order to familiarize students with group discussions to train interaction,
student collaboration and create an active learning atmosphere in science
learning activities so that the desired learning outcomes can be achieved
properly. Researchers must also plan lesson plans and learning times in as much
detail as possible and prepare all the time needed in the learning activities that
will be carried out.


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© 2021 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY SA) license

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