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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: _________
Subject: English for Academic and Professional Purposes LAS-1-Q3 Teacher: ADZAL, NASSER M.

What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing is a formal and rather impersonal mode of writing that is intended for a
scholarly audience. It tends to depend heavily on research, factual evidence, opinions of educated
researchers and scholars. Scholarly essays, research papers, dissertations, etc. are some examples
of academic writing. All these types of writings have rigid structure and layout, which include an
introduction, thesis, an overview of topics discussed, and a well-written conclusion. The main aim
of academic writing is to inform the audience while providing non-biased information and backing
up the writer’s claims with solid evidence.

Moreover, academic writing heavily contains vocabulary typical to a specific field. Citations
and a list of references or sources are another important feature in academic writing. Moreover, the
tone in academic writing should always be objective and formal.

Each subject discipline will have certain writing conventions, vocabulary and types of
discourse that you will become familiar with over the course of your degree. However, there are
some general characteristics of academic writing that are relevant across all disciplines.

Sources: non academic-writing and

Some Tips for Academic Writing

 Always use formal language. Avoid using colloquialism or slang.
 Don’t use contractions (shortened verb forms).
 Use the third-person point of view and avoid the first-person point of view.
 Don’t pose questions; convert the questions into statements.
 Avoid exaggerations or hyperbole.
 Don’t make sweeping generalizations
 Be clear and concise and avoid repeating.

Source: writing- and-nonacademic-writing/

What is Non-A c a d e m i c Writing?

Non-academic writing is writing that is not intended for an academic audience. They are written for a lay
audience or the mass public. This type of writing may be personal, impressionistic, emotional, or subjective in nature.

The language in non-academic writing is informal or casual. Some types of non-academic writing may even
contain slang. Newspaper articles, memoirs, magazine articles, personal or business letters, novels, websites, text
messages, etc. are some examples of non-academic writing. The content of these writings is often a general topic, unlike
academic writing, which mainly focuses on a specific field. Furthermore, the main aim of a piece of non-academic writing
is to inform, entertain or persuade the readers.

Most non-academic writings do not include references, citations or a list of sources. Nor are they extensively
well-researched as academic writing. Moreover, non-academic writing often does not have a rigid structure as academic
writing. It is often free-flowing and reflects the style and personality of the writer.

Examples of non-academic texts are the following:

1. Email messages
2. Personal opinions
3. Newspapers
4. Magazine
5. Blog article

Point of view of non-academic text

Subjective and personal – It is based on personal opinions and feeling other than on facts that
comes from reliable sources. Asking rhetorical questions – It is a self-evident, and used for style as
an impressive persuasive device. It may have an obvious answer, but the questioner asks it to lay
emphasis to the point.

DIRECTION: Explain the following questions. 10 points each.

1-10. what is academic writing and its example?


11-20. where is academic used?


21-30. what is the importance of academic writing?

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad, Angat at Tapat

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