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1 SoftwareX Article Template

3 MATLAB code to generate uniaxial flexural compression diagrams for reinforced concrete elements / SEID

6 Brian Caguaa; Roberto Aguiarb; Julia Pilatasigc; Cecibel Moralesd; Alejandro Bonillae
7 Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y la Construcción, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 171103
8 Sangolquí, Ecuador,
9 Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y la Construcción, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 171103
10 Sangolquí, Ecuador,
11 Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y la Construcción, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 171103
12 Sangolquí, Ecuador,
13 Ecuador,
14 eDepartamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y la Construcción, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 171103

15 Sangolquí, Ecuador,





20 Corresponding autor: Brian Cagua,

22 Abstract.
23 The following functions developed with MATLAB [1], allow generating uniaxial flexural compression diagrams of
24 reinforced concrete elements. The simulated sections could be either rectangular or "I" type columns, walls with or
25 without edge elements. It is also possible to use artifices for hollow rectangular sections such as the ones on bridge
26 piers. There are several computer programs that generate these diagrams; however, the shape of the elements, the
27 number of steel rods or their position are often very limited. The functions, later presented, have the advantage of
28 being an open source and allow greater versatility in regard of the variables previously described.

30 Keywords:
31 Reinforced concrete; Design; Uniaxial flexural compression; Free Code; CEINCI LAB

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35 Required Metadata
37 Current code version
39 Table 1 – Code metadata (mandatory)
Nr Code metadata description Please fill in this column

C1 Current code version V1.0

C2 Permanent link to code/repository used of

this code version

C3 Code Ocean compute capsule

C4 Legal Code License MIT

C5 Code versioning system used none

C6 Software code languages, tools, and MATLAB

services used

C7 Compilation requirements, operating

environments & dependencies

C8 If available Link to developer


C9 Support email for questions

42 1. Motivation and Significance
43 Within the confines of civil engineering, a structure comes as a very complex system due to the fact that it has many
44 elements that interact with each other. In addition, its analysis requires a study of each individual element, and then
45 the verification of the interaction with adjacent elements. To address the first point, it is necessary to know the
46 stresses and capacity of the elements. In the case of columns and shear walls, it is generally necessary to know the
47 flexural compression capacity, which is represented by "axial load - bending moment" interaction diagrams, which in
48 turn are a function of the sections and reinforcements. Subsequently, it is necessary to evaluate other factors such as
49 shear, torsion, etc. to validate that these elements have the adequate capacity to withstand the stresses to which
50 they are subjected.

51 An interaction diagram is the graphical representation of two actions that are interacting with each other in certain
52 scenarios. Commonly, when studying columns and shear walls, these actions refer to axial load and bending moment
53 in one direction, this direction is usually the one that mainly causes the failure of the section. When referring to axial
54 loading, these elements are generally subjected predominantly to compression and are therefore commonly referred
55 to as Uniaxial Flexural-Compression diagrams.

56 In the work of De Armas [2], the MatLab coding for obtaining dimensional interaction diagrams of uniaxial flexural
57 compression in columns is presented. This study is validated with the comparison of results from other experimental
58 software articles. Although the purpose of this study is to predict the behavior of most elements when exposed to

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59 flexural compression, it actually works only with rectangular and circular section columns with variable data such as
60 variable steel area, coatings and cross section dimensions. In addition, the results show that, for cases where the
61 ratio between the cross section and the effective cover is very small, there is a variation in the behavior of the
62 interaction diagram where the bending moment undergoes a retraction at its maximum value.

63 Another article that presents a code proposal for the calculation of the uniaxial flexural-compression diagram is that
64 of Bassantes [3]. That article introduces the codification for the development of a program for the design of reinforced
65 concrete columns. The study validated from the comparison of results between manual calculations and the
66 predictions of the program. It comes as astonishing that the margin of error was less than 5%. However, in the
67 comparison of diagrams it is concluded that there is a significant variation due to the fact that the manual calculation
68 does not allow the same number of interactions as the program. The program is presented as an extension of the
69 Matlab software and has an interface that facilitates and organizes the data input according to the material
70 properties and acting external loads. However, this program is limited to the design of rectangular and circular
71 columns.

72 The work of Muñoz [4], presents the elaboration of interaction diagrams of reinforced concrete columns based on
73 the guidelines of the ACI 318-14, NTC-2017 and NTC-2004 codes in the DIIN software. DIIN is a program developed
74 within Microsoft Excel that allows the design of rectangular reinforced concrete columns at uniaxial and biaxial
75 flexural compression by Breiser's reciprocal loading method. In addition, the interaction diagrams in both directions
76 with up to 50 steel layers can be obtained. The results of this program are validated by comparing the results of
77 commercial programs such as SAP2000 and ETABS. The author concludes that DIIN is a didactic tool that allows the
78 user to modify unit systems and resistance factors, and adapt both to the requirements of the regulations of the
79 country where it is used; however, this program is applicable only to rectangular and circular reinforced concrete
80 columns.

81 The work of Sánchez [5], introduces the “CCR column with resistant loads”, an application created with the Matlab
82 “R2015”B software. It performs interaction diagrams in reinforced concrete columns, under the guidelines of ACI 318-
83 2010 and NEC-15. The interface presented by this program is easy to access and the data input is organized by
84 entering dimensions, concrete strength, steel properties, modules of both elasticity and design actions; in order to
85 finally determine the resistant load of the column by means of Bresler's reciprocal loads method. The corroboration
86 of the results was made by comparing them with the results of the SAP2000 software, where the reliable design of
87 the program was verified. However, its applicability again, only comes in hand for rectangular, square, and circular
88 columns.

89 After acknowledging the state of the art of such programs, the advantages of creating software that facilitates and
90 shortens the design time in other types of elements comes as a need. In addition to the importance of generating
91 user friendly interfaces that allow easy data entry.

92 1.1. Methodology for the calculation of the uniaxial flexural compression diagram
93 The assumptions considered for the design methodology are the following:
94 ▪ Flat cross sections before deformation remain flat after deformation.
95 ▪ The concrete does not resist traction, only cooperates in compression.
96 ▪ The stress-strain properties of the materials are known, in this work a perfectly plastic elastic behavior
97 is considered for steel while the stress distribution for the concrete is considered rectangular.
98 ▪ The bond between steel and concrete is perfect and the deformations can be equalized.
99 ▪ There is proportionality of deformations in concrete and steel in respect to the distance from the neutral
100 axis.
101 ▪ The section reaches failure when the concrete in some fiber of the section reaches the maximum
102 deformation in compression, that is to say  = 0.003 .

104 The procedure requires the individual calculation of each point of the diagram, which means, the axial load and the
105 associated bending moment, for a previously determined section (dimensions and reinforcement of steel rods).

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106 Initially a value of the location of the neutral axis is assumed (value of c) and it is considered that the extreme concrete
107 fiber subjected to compression is found with a maximum deformation in compression,  = 0.003 and by the
108 proportionality between the deformations for each fiber containing the steel rods, the unitary deformation of each
109 of them is determined, in case of exceeding such value, it is considered that the material is in the plastic range and
110 the stress will be assumed as Fy. Based on the dimension of the section, the reinforcement of the steel rods, the
111 location of the rods and the corresponding area, and knowing the unit deformations, the stresses are calculated as (
112  iTensión y  iCompresión ) and with this the partial forces in each fiber of analysis of the section are determined as (
113 TiTensión y CiCompresión ). To obtain the nominal axial load of the section, the sum of these forces is calculated. The
114 bending capacity of the section is determined by the summation of the forces by the corresponding distances
115 measured from the neutral axis of the section. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the section and reinforcement, the
116 deformation diagram, and the force diagram.

118 Figure 1. Representation of cross-section, deformations, and forces for analysis.

119 The capacity reduction coefficients are determined based on forces and as a function of unit deformations, as
120 illustrated in Figure 2a and 2b. The values proposed are based on the methodology of ACI-318 [6]. The graphs
121 correspond to the calculation of example 1.

(a) (b)

122 Figure 2. Capacity reduction coefficients for (a) forces; (b) deformations.
124 This paper presents free code functions to determine the "axial load - bending moment" interaction diagram of
125 reinforced concrete columns and shear walls. The functions can be used for columns with rectangular cross-sections
126 and type "I” and can also be used for walls with or without edge elements, and even these diagrams can be calculated

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127 for rectangular cross-sections with openings. The functions are developed as a complement for teaching the design
128 of reinforced concrete elements and as a free tool for structural engineering professionals.

129 2. Software Description

130 The programs were developed in MATLAB programming language with 3 subroutines:
131 • Dg_Rec_Columns.m is the subroutine that generates the calculations and presents the graphs for the column
132 interaction diagram, it requires geometry, material and steel quantity data.
133 • Assemble_As_total.m requires data on the head and web of steel in the wall, this function places this
134 information in a single vector called AS_TO.
135 • Dg_Struc_Wall.m this subroutine requires geometry, type and steel quantity data to determine the
136 capacities of the reinforced concrete element and to plot the interaction diagram for walls.
137 Table 1 presents the variables used to define the program data.
138 Table 1
139 Variables
Variable Description

A vector containing the data of:


Data_DI A vector containing the data of:


A matrix containing the data of:

[Asi di]

C1 Column base

C2 Column height

C3 Width of wall web

L Length of wall web

fc Concrete compressive strength

Ec Modulus of elasticity of concrete

Es Modulus of elasticity of steel

Exconc Unit deformation of concrete

Ex_steel Unit strain of steel

fy Yield stress of steel

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Asi Steel area

di Position of the steel bars

A matrix containing the data of the reinforcing steel in the wall heads.
[Asi di]

As_Body A matrix containing the data of the reinforcing steel in the body of the walls.

[Asi di]

Pn Nominal axial loads of the section * No capacity reduction

Mn Nominal moments of the section * No capacity reduction

Phi_Forces_Pn Axial loads affected by the force factor 

Phi_Forces_Pn2 Refers to the Pn, in regards to the safety limit of the ACI standard.

Phi_Forces_Mn Moments affected by the force factor 

Phi_def_Pn2 Loads affected by the deformation factor 

Phi_def_Mn Moments affected by the deformation factor 

140 An application called SEID: Structural Elements Interaction Diagrams was also developed, which is a graphical
141 interface that facilitates data entry and allows the procurement of the figures of the uniaxial flexural compression
142 diagrams.

143 3. Illustrative Examples

145 The calculation of the interaction diagram “ P − M ” of a wall with edge elements is presented, the geometry and
146 reinforcement are shown in Figure 3:

148 Figure 3. Wall with headers example 1.

149 1. Enter the dimensions of the element C1 = 80 ( cm ) , C2 = 80 ( cm ) , C3 = 35 ( cm ) y L = 390 ( cm ) .

150 2. The material properties are entered:

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 kg 
151 Concrete compressive strength: f c = 240  2 .
 cm 
 kg 
152 Modulus of elasticity of concrete: Ec = 12000  f c'  2 .
 cm 
 kg 
153 Modulus of elasticity of steel: Es = 2.1106  2 .
 cm 
154 Ultimate unit compressive strain of concrete: Exc = 0.003 .
155 Unit strain associated with steel yielding: Exs = 0.002 .
 kg 
156 Steel yield stress: Fy = Exs  Es  2  .
 cm 
157 3. Two vectors are generated including the geometric properties and one vector with the combination
158 between geometric properties and material properties.

159 GEO = C1 , C2 , C3 , L 

160 Datos = GEO, f c , Ec , Es , Exc , Exs , Fy 

161 4. Enter the area of steel and its position on the heads measured from the base:
19.64 6 
 9.82 19.6 
 
 9.82 33.2 
162 As Cabezal =  
 9.82 46.8
 9.82 60.4 
 
19.64 74 
163 5. Enter the area of steel and its position in the core of the wall measured from the beginning of the wall web:
9.82 6 
9.82 41 
 
9.82 76 
 
9.82 111 
9.82 146 
 
9.82 181 
164 As Cuerpo = 
9.82 216 
 
9.82 251
 
9.82 286 
9.82 321
 
9.82 343 
9.82 384 
 
165 6. The function Ensamblar_Astotal is executed.

166  AS _ To = Ensamblar _ Astotal ( GEO, As Cabezal , As Cuerpo )

167 7. The function Dg_Interaccion is executed

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168  Res _ Diag _ Interaccion = Dg _ Interaccion ( Datos, AS _ To )
169 With these variables and routines, the interaction diagram is obtained as shown in Figure 4.

171 Figure 4. Diagram of wall interaction with headers.

172 The results are verified by comparing them with the diagrams obtained from the SAP2000 Section
173 Designer [7], as shown in Figure 5.

(a) (b)

174 Figure 5. Comparison of results of routines vs. commercial programs: (a) Diagram Pn − Mn ; (b)  Pn  –  Mn

175 For bridge piers with a hollow rectangular cross section as shown in Figure 6a, it is possible to determine
176 the uniaxial flexural compression diagram by performing an equivalent section as shown in Figure 6b. The
177 equivalent section can resemble a wall with heads like the example provided, however, in each axis of
178 steel rods the area is the sum of the area of each individual rod.

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(a) (b)

179 Figure 6. Bridge stack for analysis: (a) Actual section; (b) Equivalent section.

180 4. Impact
181 The main contribution of this work is the creation of an open-source code to generate uniaxial flexural compression
182 diagrams of reinforced concrete columns and walls, a code, at some point, will be adapted for other reinforced
183 concrete elements. To the best of our knowledge, these functions provide advantages in the geometry of the cross
184 sections of the elements and the fortification steel reinforcements that can be analyzed.
185 With this program it is possible to have an efficient procedure when obtaining interaction diagrams in structural
186 elements with different cross sections and reinforcement. It is a useful tool in research on reinforced concrete
187 structures or for the common practice of structural engineering.
188 The proper design of columns, shear walls or piers for bridges is essential to contribute to the safety of structures and
189 decrease the vulnerability of buildings and bridges safeguarding the wellbeing of the occupants and the investment.
190 The program can be used for teaching reinforced concrete design and such tool could be useful for both teachers and
191 students.
192 The use of this software can contribute to several construction industries, from the conventional design of columns
193 and shear walls of buildings to the design of reinforced concrete bridge piers.
194 Moreover, the functions presented have the advantage of being versatile to the users, the code can be modified and
195 adapted to calculations with different cross sections of steel elements.
197 5. Conclusions
198 The interaction diagrams obtained from the program developed in MATLAB are very similar to those determined in
199 SAP2000; there are certain variations that in engineering terms are not representative.
200 The graphs with the capacity reduction factors based on the unit strain of the external tensile fiber presented by
201 SAP2000 and MATLAB present a particular shape that is theoretically correct; however, it should be treated with
202 caution in the designs. This is due to the fact that it might not be complied with in reality since it is illogical to think
203 that at some point an additional capacity to moment is developed for the same axial load, therefore it is
204 recommended to apply the usable area under the curve φPn - φMn with the reduction values (φ) determined on
205 forces that would be more conservative.
206 The methodology proposed to determine the points of the interaction diagram is applicable for all types of sections,
207 whether regular circular, I, T or irregular sections with special shapes, in these cases it can be difficult to determine
208 the parameters of the section, but the steps required to obtain this diagram are the same as those indicated in this
209 article.

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211 Conflict of Interest
213 We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there
214 has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome.
216 Acknowledgements
217 None.
219 References
220 [1] MATLAB R2015a. The MathWorks Inc.: Natick, Massachusetts, USA; 2015.

221 [2] De Armas, Y. Diseño de elementos de hormigón armado sometidos a Flexocompresión Uniaxial a
222 partir del empleo de diagramas de interacción. Universidad de Matanzas, Matanzas. 2018.

223 [3] Bassantes, E. Desarrollo de un programa interactivo para el cálculo y diseño de columnas aplicando el
224 software Matlab. Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ambato. 2018.

225 [4] Muñoz, D. Diagramas de interacción de columnas circulares mediante el software DIIN. Benemérita
226 Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla. 2020.

227 [5] Sánchez, L. Automatización del diagrama de interacción de columnas de hormigón armado mediante
228 el uso de Matlab. Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa. 2020.

229 [6] American Concrete Institute, ACI 318: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, Farmington
230 Hills, Michigan. 2019.

231 [7] SAP2000 CSI. Linear and nonlinear static and dynamic analysis and design of three-dimensional
232 structures, Computers and Structures. Inc.: Berkeley, California, USA; 2011.


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