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Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

Exercícios da Aula
Text Comprehension

Pringles unveils new recyclable paper packaging

Pringles has made its packaging better. Pringles is famous for its potato chips and
the tube they come in. However, the tube is bad for the environment. It looks simple,
but it is made of _______ (1) things. It has a plastic cap, a metal base, an aluminium
cover, and foil-lined cardboard. It is difficult for people to separate and recycle. The
Recycling Association called it one of the "villains" of the recycling world. The BBC
called it "a recycler's nightmare"


1-According to the text, which alternative is correct?

a) Pringles is known for its packaging

b) Pringles improved the taste of the chips

c) Plastic is good for the environment

d) Separating and recycling is a simple activity

2- Complete the gap in the text: “it is made of _______ (1) things.”

a) much

b) little

c) lot

d) many

3- Pringles is a

a) Environment Company

b) Food Company

c) Packaging Company

d) Plastic Company


(UNESP) It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires __________

years of study.

a) many
b) much
c) little
d) lot of
e) any
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

(PUC) The expression “haven’t spent any money” (Ref. 07) can be
substituted, without a change in meaning, by

a) haven’t spent nothing.

b) haven’t spent no money.
c) have spent some money.
d) have spent something.
e) have spent nothing.

1- (UNESP) Do politicians work __________ and earn __________ money?

a) little – many
b) very – much
c) much – few
d) little – much
e) hard – many

2- Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso gramatical correto de "there


a) There is few teachers and parents talking to the children.

b) There is some children who need help.
c) There is a lot of frightened adults after the attack.
d) There is many events happening at the same time.
e) There is much anger among people in New York.

3- In the sentence "MANY thinkers have tried to give us answers," the

capital word has a meaning close to:

a) a few.
b) few.
c) little.
d) several.
e) much.
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

Exercícios Propostos
Nível 1
Fill in: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few.

1. It seems we have had __________________ assignments in English this year.

2. How __________________ do we have to read this week?
3. __________________ Americans don’t like George Bush
4. There aren’t very __________________ books in the library.
5. I think he drank __________________ wine last night.
6. I have had __________________ headaches already because of the stress.
7. I didn’t use _____________ fertilizer last spring, that’s why we had so ________ weeds.
8. It has rained very __________________ this summer, that’s why the grass is so brown.
9. __________________ people know as much about computers as Jack does.
10. I’m having __________________ trouble passing my driving test.
11. I do have __________________ friends but not that many.
12. How __________________ juice is left in the bottle?
13. John had __________________ money with him so he couldn’t even buy a bus ticket.
14. __________________ time and money is spent on education in Great Britain.
15. I know ______________ Spanish so I am going to have a problem when I get there.
16. __________________ of the children in our block have got roller skates.
17. Football is the only subject I know very _________ of. It doesn’t interest me that much.
18. _______________ people can live without money. We simply need it.
19. There are __________________ leftovers for you in the refrigerator.
20. Is she already gone? – I’m only __________________ minutes late

1. Would you like ___________ apple c) any
d) a few
a) many
3. How _______ did your computer cost?
b) a few
a) many
c) some
b) some
d) any
c) any
2. There is _______ food in the fridge.
d) much
a) many
4. There are __________ books on the
b) much table.
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

a) any c) any
b) much d) much
c) many 8. How _______ water does he drink?
d) little a) much
5. Is there __________ vegetable in the b) many
c) some
a) any
d) any
b) many
9. Don't eat so ________ chocolate or you
c) very will get fat.
d) a lot a) many
6. There are a ______ eggs in the basket. b) some
a) little c) much
b) much d) any
c) many 10. There is _______ butter left. We need
to buy ________.
d) few
a) few / any
7. He is very rich. There is ______ money
in his wallet. b) little / some
a) some c) much / many
b)many d) few / some

Nível 2
1- (UNESP) It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires _______ years of study.

(A) many
(B) much
(C) little
(D) lot of
(E) any

2- Give me ________tea with _______ sugar.

(A) many – much

(B) some – a lot of
(C) short – many
(D) bit – a lot of
(E) some – many

3- Must you always make so _________ noise?

(A) much
(B) many
(C) most
(D) few
(E) less
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

4- In the sentence “many thinkers have tried to give us answers,” the highlighted word has a
meaning close to:

(A) a few.
(B) few.
(C) little.
(D) several.
(E) much.

5- I have a ________ friends.

(A) ten
(B) few
(C) some
(D) many
(E) several

6- Choose the option which completes the sentences below correctly:

It is _______use trying to change her mind. Slowly, ________ children began coming to school.
Unfortunately, he had _______friends. Could you possibly give me ________ help?

(A) a little – a few – few – little

(B) a little – a few – little – little
(C) a little – few – few – a little
(D) little – few – little – a little
(E) little – a few – few – a little

Text for questions 7 and 8:

Fifty years ago, ever considered that a life full of household chores, not shared by her husband, might
take a toll on a mother’s mental state.
Husbands, who weren’t expected to be involved with their children, were passionately caught up in
developing their own careers, yet at-home mothers often seemed frustrated, dissatisfied and tired of
being homebodies.

Family Circle Magazine, 2002 (adapted).

7- (EEAR) Fill in the blanks with the suitable options, respectively:

(A) none – much

(B) nobody – any
(C) no one – much
(D) no one – many

8- (EEAR) “Own”, in bold type in the excerpt, refers to the:

(A) careers.
(B) mothers.
(C) children.
(D) husbands.

9- Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences:

I. Only ______ people came to the party yesterday. It was so boring!

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

II. I have very _______ money. I need more.

III. I have ______ time to stay with my friends nowadays.
IV. Who has as ______ friends as John? Nobody, I think.
V. Could you give me _______ water? I am so thirsty.

10- After the analysis, we found ______ bacteria.

(A) a
(B) much
(C) a great deal of
(D) a lot
(E) many

11- Choose the alternative that best completes the sentences:

I. I have _______ apples in my house, but I don’t have _______ sugar.

II. There isn’t _______ money for the party.
III. Are there _______ chairs in your room?

(A) some – any – any – any

(B) some – any – some – some
(C) any – any – some – some
(D) some – any – any – some
(E) any – any – any – some

12- In “She is going to eat a lot of acarajé”, the highlighted expression can be replaced by all
the following words, except:

(A) a little.
(B) no.
(C) lots of.
(D) many.
(E) much.

13- The expression “few” cannot be used with:

(A) friends.
(B) tomatoes.
(C) news.
(D) suggestions.
(E) cars.

14- The only word we can use in the question “How much do you have?” is:

(A) people.
(B) children.
(C) men.
(D) glasses.
(E) sugar.

15- I think there isn’t _______ gas in the tank. We’ll have to go to a gas station.

(A) much
(B) many
(C) little
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

(D) few

Nível 3

1- (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences:

I. Could you give me ______ water? I’m so thirsty.

II. I have very ______ money. I need more.

III. Who has _______ friends than John? Nobody, I think.

IV. Very _______ people came to the party yesterday. It was boring!

V. I have _______ time to stay with my family nowadays.

(A) I. less; II. little; III. lesser; IV. a few; V. few

(B) I. some; II. a little; III. few; IV. little; V. lesser

(C) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less

(D) I. little; II. a little; III. less; IV. a few; V. least

(E) I. few; II. less; III. least; IV. little; V. more

2- (UFPR) _______ of our history and the lives of _______ of our great men and women are
recreated by the movies.

A soma das alternativas que podem completar as lacunas acima é:

01) Much – much

02) Much – many

04) Many – much

08) A lot – a lot

16) A lot – much

32) A lot – many Soma: ( )

3- (UNESP) Do politicians work ______ and earn _______ money?

(A) little – many

(B) very – much

(C) much – few

(D) little – much

(E) hard – many

4- How ______ shoes are there in the shop windows?

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

(A) much

(B) many

(C) few

(D) a few

(E) a lot of

5- (ITA) Assinale a opção cuja frase esteja gramaticalmente correta:

(A) There is fewer people at the party than Mary expected.

(B) There is less people at the party than Mary expected.

(C) There are less people at the party than Mary expected.

(D) There are fewer people at the party than Mary expected.

(E) There was less people at the party than Mary expected.

6- (UFRS) Na sentença “The Tamagotchi is a keychain-size plastic egg that houses a small
LCD in which there ‘lives’ a creature that you nurture by pushing a variety of buttons”, a
expressão “a variety of buttons” significa o mesmo que:

(A) little buttons.

(B) several buttons.

(C) all the buttons.

(D) very small buttons.

(E) too many buttons.

7- (CESGRANRIO) Which of the following sentences can be completed with the word “many”
as in “the laser has many applications”?

(A) The laser beam is being used by _________ telephone companies.

(B) The laser beam has caused _________ advance in various areas.

(C) Science has gained from the latest applications of the laser.

(D) __________ effort has resulted in significant technological improvement.

(E) Scientists have devoted ________ time to research in the field of communication.

8- When the first men arrived in Samoa, they found blind men who could see well _________ to describe
things in detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France, just after the First World War, Jules
Romain tested hundreds of blind people, and found a ___________ that could tell the difference between
light and dark. He narrowed their photosensitivity down to the nose or in the fingertips.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do texto:

(A) so – some
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

(B) very – any

(C) enough – few

(D) little – one

(E) less – plenty

9- “Laughter” is an uncountable noun. Mark the sentence below that shows the correct
usage of countable and uncountable nouns:

(A) I’ll have just a bread for dinner.

(B) John has fewer money than Paul.

(C) Can you give me an advice?

(D) I need some informations.

(E) My mother is in very good health.


Watched by his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, Mr. Mousavi told an audience of female supporters in Tehran:
“We should reform laws that are unfair to women.” As Ms. Rahnavard spoke, many in the crowd
shouted protests against the morality police, who regularly arrest women they deem inappropriately

Which of the following is the best option to be used after the word “many” in the sentence “many in
the crowd shouted protests against the morality police” in order to complete its meaning?

(A) women.

(B) people.

(C) citizens.

(D) dwellers.

(E) wives.

11- “Little” is used in “There is still very little known about compulsive spenders”. Check
the item in which it must also be used to complete the sentence meaningfully:

(A) __________ people claim they don’t like to go shopping.

(B) Many adults are compulsive spenders, but very ________ children suffer from this obsession.

(C) Researchers are willing to spend _________ thousand dollars to find out more about compulsive

(D) As the famous psychiatrist was talking about compulsive shoppers, the audience interrupted
very __________.

(E) Apparently, changes in the treatment recommended to obsessive shoppers were very _______.
Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

12- (EPCAr-AFA)

An elderly German decided to commit suicide. Took a lot of pills, tied a briefcase full of stones around
his neck, rowed out into the middle of the Rhine and was found sound asleep in his boat.

Buffalo News

In the sentence “Took a lot of pills”, which other expression of quantity could not be used in it?

(A) a large number of.

(B) a couple of.

(C) a great deal of.

(D) plenty of.

Apostila de Exercícios – Aula 5: Quantifiers

Nível 1
1. It seems we have had a lot of, many, lots of assignments in English this year.
2. How much do we have to read this week?
3. Most , Many , A lot of Americans don’t like George Bush
4. There aren’t very many books in the library.
5. I think he drank a lot of , lots of , much wine last night.
6. I have had a few headaches already because of the stress.
7. I didn’t use much a lot of , lots of fertilizer last spring, that’s why we had so many weeds
8. It has rained very little this summer, that’s why the grass is so brown.
9. Few people know as much about computers as Jack does.
10. I’m having a lot of , much, lots of, little trouble passing my driving test.
11. I do have a few friends but not that many.
12. How much juice is left in the bottle?
13. John had little money with him so he couldn’t even buy a bus ticket.
14. Much time and money is spent on education in Great Britain.
15. I know little Spanish so I am going to have a problem when I get there.
16. Most of the children in our block have got roller skates.
17. Football is the only subject I know very little of. It doesn’t interest me that much.
18. Few people can live without money. We simply need it.
19. There are a few leftovers for you in the refrigerator.
20. Is she already gone? – I’m only a few minutes late.
1. some
2. much
3. much
4. many
5. any
6. few
7. much
8. much
9. much
10. little / some
Nível 2 15- A.
1- A.
2- B Nível 3
3- A. 1- C.
4- D. 2- Soma: 42.
5- B. 3- D.
6- E. 4- B.
7- C. 5- D.
8- D. 6- B.
9- C. 7- A.
10- E. 8- C.
11- A. 9- E.
12- D. 10- A.
13- C. 11- D.
14- E. 12- C.

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