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JS Seriies

U d Plastic Injection
g Machinne

Macchine Introoduction

YAN N HING GR ROUP didirikkan di Hong g Kong seja ak tahun 195

50 dan telahh berpengaalaman lebih
h dari seten
dekade dalam produksi mesin
m plasticc injection. YAN
Y HING GROUP telah bekerja sama deng gan PT. EKA A
MAJJU MESININDO lebih darid 30 tahu un dalam memasarkan
m n produk-prooduk YAN HHING di Ind
donesia secara
eksklusif. JS se
eries adalah
h mesin pla
astic injectioon dengan kapasitas
k lebih besar d
dan komponnen yang
ngkatkan (upgraded). Biasanya
ditin B dig gunakan un ntuk mencetak barang ukuran bessar.

Clamping Unitt
1. Highlyy accurate and
a rigid nod dular graphite casting steel
s platenns designed d through CA AE finite
element analysis ensure optimal require ement of claamping
2. Five-p
point vertical double tog ggles and chrome-plate ed high tenssile tie-barss give stable e platen
movem ment and su ufficient clam
mping forcee
3. Clamp ping speed isi largely increased over 80% by adopting
a diffferential hyydraulic circ
4. Extend ded daylight opening anda enlarged d platens allow accommodation o of bigger mo oulds
5. Electrical, hydraulic and mecchanical saffety devices s are all employed to ensure safe
6. Promp pt and accurate change e of every mould
m closin
ng/opening stage ensures smooth h mould
travelling and mould protection
7. The ap pplication of self-lubrica
ating bearin
ngs in platens, cylinderr rods, guide e rods, etc. can
largelyy eliminate wear
w of mecchanical paarts and thus
s prolong machine
m life

* Warnaa dan spesifikasi meesin bisa berubah seesuai dengan perub

bahan spesifikasi pabrik.
JS Seriies
U d Plastic Injection
g Machinne

ection Unit
1. Nitride
ed screw an nd barrel
2. Producctivity can be
b increased by high speed and high pressurre injection and plasticiizing
3. Double e hydraulic carriage cyylinders enssure securedd contact be
etween nozzzle and mo ould and
preven nt nozzle leaakage
4. The de esign of T-sshape slide--way for mo ovement of injection un
nit results in highly stab
5. Specia al design off screw checck valve and digital scrrew back-prressure con ntrol allow th
he best
plasticcizing result in both mixxing and meelting

P-3 Controllerr
1. Europe ean-made and
a specially designed d computeriz zed controller Plastron
nic-3, P-3, shows all
operattion parameeters and allows memo ory storage of 500 mou ulding data ssets. It also gives
warninng message es in case ofo malfunctioon
2. 8 inche es large LC
CD monitor with
w Chinesse/English character
c interchangeaable display
3. Direct input of pre
essure, speed, position n, time, mouulding temperature and d functions
4. 6-stage setting foor injection pressure,
p sp
peed and po osition
5. 3-stage setting foor injection holding
h presssure, speeed and time
6. 2-stage setting foor plasticizin
ng pressure, speed and d position
7. 5-stage setting foor mould ope en/close preessure, spe
eed and possition
8. 2-stage setting foor ejection pressure,
p sppeed and poosition
9. Highlyy accurate potentiomete
p ers monitorr mould, scrrew and ejecctor positionn
10. Injectio
on volume detection
d annd screw prrevention off cold start
11. Built-in
n PID tempeerature control program m and solid state relayss in heater circuit give accurate
moulding tempera ature and durable conttrol circuit
12. Indepe endent heatter tempera ature malfunnction monittoring devicce to prevennt barrel ove erheat
13. Compu uter sequennce safety protection
p m
monitoring too prevent abnormal mo ould closing g
14. Seque ence control for accumulator, auto omatic dual core pulling g, unscrewinng device, dual
d air
ejectors"photo-ceell detector, extractor, etc"
15. Pre-seetting product count
16. Injectio
on and mouuld data can n be saved in computer or memorry card throu ugh USB

draulic Con
1. Use off highly efficcient Japanese-made variable
v displacement piston pump can save energy
consumption up to 50%
2. High pressure
p and high spee ed performa ance can be e achieved by
b employinng large
displaccement pum mp driven by high powe er electric motor
3. Use off imported hydraulic
h va
alves ensurees highly prrecise mould
4. Hydrau ulic blocks are
a mounte ed close to the
t actuatorrs to reducee discrepanccy
5. All-time hydraulic oil filtering

* Warnaa dan spesifikasi meesin bisa berubah seesuai dengan perub

bahan spesifikasi pabrik.
JS Seriies
U d Plastic Injection
g Machinne

chnical Spe

* Warnaa dan spesifikasi meesin bisa berubah seesuai dengan perub

bahan spesifikasi pabrik.

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