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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

4, 1994, 23-40 Copyright 0 M u n k s g u a r d 1994

Printed in Denmark . All rights reserved
ISSN 0906-6713

Biomechanical aspects of fixed

bridgework supported by natural
teeth and endosseous implants

Treatment that includes extensive fixed prosthodon- of teeth and implants. Both complete and partial
tics is frequently chosen to restore mutilated den- edentulism are considered.
titions. A successful long-term outcome of such
prosthetic rehabilitation depends not only on con-
trol of disease-related factors but also requires care-
Occlusal force pattern
ful consideration and control of biomechanical fac-
Occlusal activity: frequency of occlusal contacts
tors, related to both the prosthetic construction per
se and the supporting units. The intensity of occlusal activities has considerable
The occlusal force pattern, that is, the magni- individual variation. Examining teeth for occlusal
tude, duration, frequency, distribution and direc- wear demonstrates that some dentitions, although
tion of the forces during function, decisively influ- they have been in function for many years, seem to
ences both the bridgework and the abutments. The have been subjected to a minimum of occlusal ac-
energy produced by the occlusal activities must not tivities apart from chewing and swallowing. Other
exceed the strength of either the bridge com- dentitions reveal by extensive occlusal wear that
ponents or the abutments and their supporting much of the masticatory muscle energy has been
tissues to achieve a good long-range prognosis. It is spent on parafunctional activities, such as clenching
therefore important that the bridgework be given a and grinding. Although many factors may be associ-
proper fit, dimension and occlusal design to match ated with incisal and occlusal wear, bruxism is one
the occlusal forces. Careful dimensioning and de- that correlates well with this type of dental break-
sign of any included cantilever segment is of ut- down (9). Trenouth (60) showed that the total oc-
most importance. clusal contact time per night of patients with brux-
The supporting abutment units (natural teeth or ism was about 7 times longer than that of subjects
endosseous implants) should have sufficient ca- without such activities (38.7 min vs 5.4 min). In ad-
pacity to carry and retain the construction. This calls dition, it has been reported that the degree of oc-
for an adequate number and distribution of abut- clusal wear is positively correlated with the magni-
ments in relation to the bridge extension and tude of occlusal forces during function (17). Taken
necessitates a reasonable biomechanical design of together, these data show that 1) the time spent on
the prepared or prefabricated abutments. An appro- chewing and biting is comparatively limited and 2)
priate quantity and quality of the tissues supporting clenching and grinding activities considerably in-
and retaining the abutments are, in turn, fundamen- crease both the instantaneous amount of energy and
tal for the entire construction. the energy per time-unit affecting the dentition.
The aim of this chapter is to discuss biomechan- Consequently, the presence, type and intensity of
ical factors of importance for a successful, long-term parafunction should be considered carefully when
outcome of rehabilitation of dentitions with fixed fixed prosthodontics is planned and carried out to
bridgework supported by either natural teeth or en- meet the individual demands on the construction
dosseous implants exclusively or by a combination and its supporting units and to achieve acceptable

Lundgren & Laurell

durability of the treatment. These considerations are In a series of investigations of axially directed oc-
especially highly applicable in planning and carrying clusal forces (14, 311, a novel method was used by
out treatment including implant-supported bridge- which occlusal forces could be studied in various
work to avoid overload of both the implant-bone parts of the dentition and over the entire dentition
units and their suprastructures. In fact, Quirynen et simultaneously during natural functioning (40). This
al. (54) reported from a follow-up study of Brbnem- method used several strain-gauge transducers di-
ark@implants supporting fixed bridges that excess- mensioned such that they could be mounted into
ive marginal bone loss (more than 1 mm of annual artificial crowns, bridge-pontics or removable den-
bone loss also after the first year) andlor implant tures without interfering with the occlusion. At least
loss correlated well with the presence of overload 4 and sometimes as many as 8 transducers were
due to the presence of parafunctional activity. used, distributed in the prosthetic constructions
such that bilateral and simultaneous contacts were
created both anteriorly and posteriorly. Each trans-
Occlusal forces
ducer registers the local forces evoked in the part of
Usually, occlusal forces have been measured by the dentition where the transducer is located. The
means of biting on a strain-gauge transducer (bite- total force acting on the entire dentition is assessed
fork) placed locally between the tooth arches (7, 8, by adding the local forces. Thus, the force pattern,
23). Such an arrangement is limited by the fact that that is, the magnitude of the force and the duration
the tooth arches have to be discluded to a great ex- and frequency of force application, can be evaluated
tent to give place for the transducer. Another limi- during chewing and swallowing and during jaw-clos-
tation is that only static, artificial force can be meas- ing without food both locally and totally at the
ured at one point or area at a time without same time.
consideration to how the forces are distributed over Total chewing and jaw-closing forces obtained in
the entire dentition during natural function. There- dentitions with cross-arch bridges of different design
fore, occlusal forces measured by means of bite-fork and with different abutment support (13, 38,42,43)
devices represent the voluntary muscular capacity using the method described are presented in Table
during artificial, conscious biting and are not repre- 1. It appears that the total amount of chewing force
sentative of local or total occlusal forces acting on a loading the entire bridgework (when chewing roast-
dentition during natural function. Usually, these beef and potato salad) varied between 55 and 166 N
force values are substantially larger than the local on average. The total sum of forces loading the
forces occurring during natural function. Conse- bridge construction when the subjects were asked to
quently, such force data are less suitable for as- close their jaws with maximal strength without food
sessing the loads affecting the supporting structures varied between 264 and 336 N on average.
or as reference values for dimensioning of fixed Fig. 1 - 4 demonstrate the corresponding local (an-
bridgework, as they will lead to overestimation of the terior and posterior) forces to the total forces in
need for both abutment support and bridge dimen- Table 1 during chewing and jaw-closing. Fig. 1 shows
sions. the distribution of local chewing and jaw-closing
To overcome the disadvantages of assessing bite forces on tooth-supported cross-arch bridges with
forces using bite-forks, a single transducer has been bilateral, posterior end abutments. Fig. 2 illustrates
built into a crown or a bridge-pontic to register local the corresponding forces on tooth-supported cross-
forces (11, 21). However, only one area at a time can arch bridges with unilateral, posterior 2-unit canti-
be studied and there is no reported control of poss- lever segments. Fig. 3 shows the same type of forces
ible force leakage due to inadequate placement of distributed on tooth-supported cross-arch bridges
the transducer in relation to the occlusal surfaces. with bilateral, posterior 2-unit cantilever segments.
Gibbs et al. (18) used a sound-transmission tech- In all these figures the bridge constructions are oc-
nique that does not require intraoral equipment to cluding with natural teeth. Fig. 4 illustrates the same
measure the total occlusal forces (over the entire type of forces distributed on implant-supported
tooth arch) exerted during chewing and swallowing. cross-arch bridges with bilateral, posterior 2-unit
However, this indirect method does not permit cantilever segments occluding with complete den-
measurement or calculation of local forces in various tures.
parts of the dentition or the prosthetic construction. These illustrations show that, in the presence of
In addition, the imprecision of the method is con- bilateral end abutments (Fig. l), local chewing and
siderable. jaw-closing forces are larger in the posterior regions

Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework

Table 1. Axially directed, naturally occurring, occlusal forces (newtons) in dentitions with tooth- or implant-sup-
ported fixed bridges. Mean values and standard deviations of total forces loading the entire prosthetic construction
during chewing (based on individual mean values) and during jaw-closing (based on individual maximal values);
n=number of subjects
Tooth support Tooth support Tooth support Implant support
Bilateral end abutment Unilateral cantilever Bilateral cantilever Bilateral cantilevera
(n=12) (n=12) (n=6) (n= 10)
Chewing 109264 5 5 5 19 121274 166?75
Jaw-closing 3202 117 264" 108 309 2 90 336297
a Complete denture in the antagonizing jaw.

I40 7 Bilateral end abutments Bilateral 2-unit cantilevers

Maximal closing
Meanchewing -C Mean chewing
120 1

40 -

V '
E4 i i EA
Preferred Non-preferred
Chewing side


A . Non-preferred
,i c 1
. I . ,


Fig. 1. Local mean chewing forces and local maximal Chewing side
forces (newtons) during jaw-closing without food. The
cross-arch bridges are tooth-supported and supplied with Fig. 3. Local mean chewing forces and local maximal
posterior bilateral end abutments (EA). The anterior forces (newtons) during jaw closing without food. The
transducers are mounted in the first premolar area (A) cross-arch bridges are tooth-supported and supplied with
and the posterior transducers close to the end abutments posterior bilateral 2-unit cantilever segments. The an-
(FA).The opposing jaw has natural teeth with or without terior transducers (A) are mounted to occlude with the
fixed bridgework. incisor area. The posterior transducers are mounted in
the first (Cl) and the second (C2) cantilever units. The
opposing jaw has natural teeth with or without fixed

Unilateral 2-unit cantilever

- Max closing
Bilateral cantiteversiimplants

0 40

EA A A c2
Preferred Non-preferred
Chewing side C2 C1 F3 F1 F1 F3 C1 C2
Preferred Non-preferred
Fig. 2. Local mean chewing forces and local maximal Chewing side
forces (newtons) during jaw-closing without food. The Fig. 4. Local mean chewing forces and local maximal
cross-arch bridges are tooth-supported and supplied with forces (newtons) during jaw closing without food. The
posterior unilateral end abutment (EX)on one side of the cross-arch bridges are implant-supported and supplied
jaw and a posterior &unit cantilever segment on the other with posterior, bilateral 2-unit cantilever segments. The
side. The anterior transducers are mounted in the first opposing jaw is supplied with a removable denture in
premolar area (A) and the posterior transducers close to which 4 anterior transducers are mounted to occlude with
the end abutment (EA) or in the distal unit (C2) of the the frontal implant-supported area (F3-F3) and 4 pos-
cantilever segment. The opposing jaw has natural teeth terior transducers with the first (Cl) and the second (C2)
with or without fixed bridgework. cantilever units.

Lundgren & Laurel1 ~ ~~~

than in the anterior (24, 42). On the other hand, tact in habitual occlusion, it is possible to reduce the
when end abutments are missing and the bridge magnitude of the local occlusal forces not only dur-
(occluding with natural teeth) is supplied with pos- ing jaw-closing in habitual occlusion but also during
terior 2-unit cantilever segments uni- or bilaterally chewing and swallowing (46). If, on the other hand,
(Fig 2, 3), the forces are considerably smaller over a premature contact, even as small as about 100 pm,
the second (distal) than over the first (mesial) canti- is introduced, the local chewing and closing forces
lever unit. This is valid irrespective of whether the may increase substantially (15, 3 5 ) . If such a prema-
prosthetic construction is supported by implants or ture contact becomes located on, for instance, the
by natural teeth (16, 38, 43). However, when pos- second unit of a posterior 2-unit cantilever segment,
teriorly cantilevered cross-arch bridges (whether the risk for technical failure is obvious.
tooth- or implant-supported) are occluding with Although the magnitude of occlusal forces de-
complete maxillary dentures, the occlusal forces are veloped during natural functioning varies consider-
larger in the posterior regions despite a lack of end ably between individuals (13, 43, 61), there are some
abutments (13, 41, 46) (Fig. 4). In addition, these characteristics in common. Thus, chewing forces are
studies have shown that the occlusal forces in such usually much smaller than maximal closing forces.
dentitions are of the same magnitude as in den- In addition, the force-withstanding capacity of the
titions with tooth-supported bilateral end abutment supporting structures (the teeth and periodontium
bridges. and the implants and supporting bone) will not nor-
This disagrees with the general belief, based on mally be fully utilized during chewing or during
bite force measurements using bite-forks, that a maximal closing provided that there is no excessive
complete denture implies reduced occlusal forces. parafunction (13, 32, 33, 42, 61). Furthermore, most
The observations made by Falk et al. (16) also con- individuals, although symmetrically supplied with
tradict the postulation made by Erhardsson (12) that posterior end abutment support, seem to prefer one
complete dentures in the opposite jaw demand side as their chewing side (24, 42, 46) on which not
smaller dimensions of the bridge framework than do only the chewing forces but also the closing and
natural teeth but corroborate the findings reported biting forces are larger than on the non-chewing side
by Ann (3, 4) and Glantz & Stafford (20). In fact, the (Fig. 1-4).
stress exerted on the posteriorly cantilevered bridges The pattern of distally decreasing occlusal forces
and their supporting structures was about 40% along posterior cantilever segments of more than
larger when occluding with a complete denture than one pontic included in an implant-supported (or
when occluding with natural teeth or fixed bridges tooth-supported) bridgework and occluding with
due to the larger moment (forcexlever) evoked by natural teeth or implant-supported bridgework is
the unfavorable distribution of forces on the canti- due to a larger apical deflection or bending of a
lever segments opposing a complete denture (16). cantilever beam when loaded compared with an
Thus, cantilever segments constitute a greater threat end-supported beam. Thus, during closing in habit-
to the prosthetic construction when occluding with ual occlusion, the mechanical law of bending will
a complete denture than when occluding with natu- regulate the force distribution along the cantilever
ral teeth. This difference in cantilever joint stress segment. Also, during chewing of soft food, the force
probably explains the finding by Isikowitz (25) that pattern is basically the same as during jaw-closing,
technical failures for free-end saddle bridges oc- as the bending of the cantilever beam surpasses the
curred more frequently when the opposite jaw was force concentration caused by the bolus inter-
supplied with a complete denture than with natural ference.
teeth. In all probability, neuromuscular feedback mech-
These findings of the magnitude and distribution anisms are involved in the regulation of the force
of occlusal forces along cantilever segments are valid pattern, as individuals with unilateral cantilever seg-
provided that simultaneous occlusal contacts with ments consistently prefer the contralateral end abut-
the antagonizing prosthetic construction or teeth are ment side as the chewing side (43), and individuals
present not only along the entire extension of the with bilateral cantilever segments tend to place the
supported part of the bridge but also along the en- bolus in the anterior abutment-supported region
tire cantilever segment (43, 46). (38).
By adjusting local occluding units in such a way The reversed or distally increasing force distri-
that they will be in lighter contact with each other bution pattern found with a posteriorly cantilevered
or to a variable extent inferiorly placed with no con- bridge occluding with a complete removable denture

Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework

(Fig. 4) is probably due to the fact that a complete evoked in a beam of a given dimension. Thus, a
denture is supported by a mucosal soft tissue, the comparatively small force that affects a connector
resilience of which is smaller in the posterior region cross-section via a relatively long lever arm exerts
than in the anterior. The magnitude of this differ- the same moment on this section as a force that is
ence in resilience exceeds the degree of deflection of twice as large but is acting via a lever arm half that
the end of the cantilever beam, thus converting the of the first arm (Fig. 5).
expected decreasing force gradient to an increasing Other factors of decisive importance for the mag-
one (16). nitude and distribution of stress and strain are the
material and the dimension of the beam. Depending
on the type of material and the state in which the
Stress and strain, deflection and material is used, it might be characterized as elastic
bending or stiff. However, all materials subjected to load react
initially with an elastic, reversible deformation. An
All objects react with stress and strain when sub- elastic material has a broad field of elasticity and a
jected to force or load. The compression and tension stiff material has a narrow field. This means that, for
that arise within the object always cause deforma- a given force, the elastic material reversibly deflects
tions due to the movement and thereby altered posi- a longer distance in the direction of the force than a
tion of its smallest components, the atoms or mol- stiff material. A material deformed within its field of
ecules. If these deformations are minute and elasticity always regains its original state after un-
temporary, as when stiff and stable materials are loading, since the atoms and molecules move back
loaded with small forces of short duration, they to their original positions of equilibrium. However,
might be difficult to discover clinically, but they be- an elastic material is not identical to a weak material
come quite evident when the material has a high [certain types of rubber materials may be very elas-
elasticity and the forces are large. The stress distri- tic and very strong), and a stiff material is not ident-
bution within a bridge-beam interposed between ical to a strong material (certain types of glass are
two abutments depends on many factors such as the very hard but also very brittle).
point of attack and direction of the force, the vari- If a material is deflected (yielded) beyond its field
ability in shape of the beam and the abutments, the of elasticity (passes its yield limit) into its field of
type of material, etc. Basically, however, the maximal plasticity, it becomes permanently deformed, be-
stress (the stress concentration) appears at the cause it can no longer regain its former state of rest
middle portion of such a beam if the beam has a because the atoms or the molecules have been
uniform shape and is supported by comparable
abutments. However, the stress concentration in a
uniformly shaped cantilever bridge-beam is concen-
trated to the connector section between the beam
and the abutment when the beam is subjected to
force. Thus, the weakest point of a uniformly shaped
beam interposed between two abutments is at the

midportion of the beam, whereas a comparable

cantilever beam has its weakest point in the connec-
tor section at the abutment. This pattern may be
substantially modified by several factors, such as dif-
ferences in the elasticity of the attachment of each
abutment to the jaw bone, local neuromuscular
feedback mechanisms of the supporting tissues and
local variations in the elasticity of the supporting
jaw bone.
The distance between the point(s) of force appli- Thus M1 = M2 when F2 = 2 F l
cation and the connector cross-section of a canti- Fig. 5. The stress and strain exerted on the weakest point
lever beam is termed the lever. The product of the of a cantilever beam, that is, the connector cross-section
(CCS) between the beam and the abutment, is the same
magnitude of the force and the length of the lever is when a force F1 is applied on a distance L1 from CCS as
termed the moment. The size of the moment is one when a force F2, twice as large as F1, is applied on half
decisive factor that determines the stress and strain the distance, L2, from CCS.

Lundgren & Laurell

forced to take new positions in a new equilibrium. The importance of the dimensioning of a bridge-
Such a material has not lost strength but has beam is illustrated in Fig. 6 and 7 by the formula for
changed shape. If the same material is forced to be stress applied to a cantilever beam (Fig. 6) and the
deformed beyond its field of plasticity, it reaches its formula for deformation or deflection of an identical
ultimate stress limit; after passing that limit it will beam due to bending (Fig. 7) when it is subjected to
fracture. The strength of a material, or the magni- a vertical (axial) force at the end of the beam. The
tude of force or load it can withstand until it will stress formula for a cantilever beam is:
fracture, depends on 1) its atomic or molecular
G = F X LX 32/WXH‘
structure and how it is modified and handled during
fabrication (for example, gold alloys composed of where (T is the evoked stress in N/mm’ of the cross-
varying amounts of different types of metals and dif- section of the beam at the cantilever connection, F
ferently hardened or unhardened) and 2) the dimen- is the magnitude of the force in newtons, L is the
sioning of the material, especially in relation to the length of the beam in mm, 32 is a constant for a
force direction. beam with an elliptic cross-section at the cantilever
However, not only the structure and dimensioning connection, H is the height (the distance in the force
of the material but also the type of force determine direction) and W is the width of that connection. The
when the material will fracture. Thus, frequently ap- evoked stress of the beam is directly proportional to
plied forces will, with time, cause the material to the magnitude of the force as well as to both the
fracture due to fatigue if they continuously exceed length and the width of the beam: doubled force or
about two thirds of the ultimate stress limit value of beam length will double the beam stress (due to
the material. Still another factor of basic importance doubled moment), and a doubled beam width will
is the velocity by which a force hits an object, as the halve the beam stress. The height of the beam
impact energy produced by a high-velocity force is (which is raised to the second power in the formula),
more deleterious to the object than a low-velocity however, influences the stress more. Thus, a doubled
force. It is, however, unlikely that the mandibular jaw beam height reduces the beam stress by 75%, and a
under any circumstances will achieve such velocities halved beam height increases the beam stress 4
that deleterious effects will arise because of excess- times.
ive impact energy. The deformation or deflection (yielding, flexure or
bending) of an object depends on not only 1) the
properties of the material (the higher the elastic
modulus (E), the stiffer the material) but also on 2 )

Fig. 6. When a cantilever beam is loaded with a force F,

the resulting stress (0)will be concentrated to the connec-
tor section between the beam and the abutment (the
weakest point). The stress is directly proportional to the Fig. 7.When a cantilever beam is loaded with a force F,
magnitude of the force (F) and the length (L) and width the resulting deflection (6) of the beam-end is directly
(w) of the beam, and the height (H) of the beam has a proportional to the magnitude of the force (F) and the
squared influence on the stress magnitude. This means width (W) of the beam, while both the length (L) and the
that if a cantilever beam is doubled in length the stress height (H) of the beam have a cubed influence on this
will double for the same force, and if the height of the deflection. This means that if a cantilever beam is doubled
beam is halved the stress will be 4 times as high for the in length or halved in height, the beam end will deflect 8
same force. times as much as before for the same force.

Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework

the shape (circular, elliptic or square-shaped cross- periodontal tissue supporting a bridge of cross-arch
section) and 3 ) the dimension of the object in re- design can be very much reduced in relation to the
lation to the direction of the forces. The deflection original amount of periodontium and still have the
formula for the cantilever beam is: capacity to successfully carry the bridge construc-
tion with good long-term prognosis (32, 34, 36, 37,
6= FX L3X 64/3 X n X E X WX H3
39, 48, 50-52). In fact, dentitions treated for ad-
where 6 is the deflection of the beam end in mm, 64 vanced periodontal disease and restored with fixed
and 3 are constants and n is related to the elliptic bridgework with a reasonable distribution of the
cross-section of the connection of the beam. E is the abutments in relation to the extension of the bridge
elastic modulus in N/mm2 of the material. An alter- may function satisfactorily for several years with as
ation of both the length (L) and the height (H) of the little as 10%of the original periodontal ligament area
beam has a greater influence on the deflection or remaining as support (37, 48).
bending than on the stress of the beam, as these two This means that a small number of abutment teeth,
factors are raised to the third power in the deflection preferably not fewer than 4, can successfully support
formula but only to the first and second power (re- a cross-arch bridge if they are reasonably distributed.
spectively) in the stress formula (Fig. 6). Thus, a Thus, the length of the beams of the framework inter-
doubled beam length or a reduction of the beam posed between the abutment crowns may be up to 30
height to half the original height will increase the de- mm without jeopardizing the prognosis of the bridge,
flection of the beam end 8 times, and the correspond- also in a long-term perspective, provided that the re-
ing increase of the stress is 2 times and 4 times respec- quirements of proper retention, dimension and oc-
tively. It is therefore possible to substantially increase clusal design (see below) are met (37). It has also been
the amplitude of deflection of, for instance, a canti- shown that the capacity of an extremely reduced but
lever beam end of a bridge by intentionally reducing healthy periodontium supporting such abutments
its height, without necessarily jeopardizing its and constructions is large enough not to influence the
strength because of excessive stress. Ideally, the abut- chewing and jaw-closing forces (32) or the chewing
ment crowns of a bridge construction should be di- pattern and chewing capacity during natural func-
mensioned to be as non-deformable (stiff)as possible tioning (33).
to ensure that the luting cementum (or the abutment The horseshoe shape of a cross-arch bridge means
screw of an implant-supported bridge) does not that it resists lateral occlusal forces more effectively
break. The bridge beams, especially of the cantilever than a straight segment bridge in the maxillary jaw,
type, should preferably be more deflective to be able which is more prone to tilt in the buccal direction or
to deflect away from the occlusal forces during chew- to become hypermobile due to lateral forces. This
ing and when closing in habitual occlusion, thereby is especially the case if the occlusal force activity is
concentrating the forces to the abutment regions. An- intense and the periodontal support is very much
other clinical situation when a bridge beam is inten- reduced. This tilting or hypermobility can be pre-
tionally dimensioned to achieve a critical deflection vented or reduced by designing low cuspal inclines
of the beam-end to favorably distribute the forces is in relation to adjacent teeth and/or by connecting or
when an implant-supported beam of cantilever type extending the bridge to include a larger number of
is to be connected to a natural tooth. abutments, thereby lending the construction a more
favorable design.
The critical number, distribution and amount of
Amount and distribution of bony support of endosseous implants for carrying
abutment support fixed bridgework with good long-term prognosis
have not been as thoroughly documented as have
The traditional opinion, going back to Ante’s law (5), the number of teeth and the amount and distri-
claims that there should be at least the same total bution of periodontal support needed for tooth-an-
amount of remaining periodontal ligament tissue to chored bridges. Available data, however, indicate
support a fixed bridge on natural teeth as the total that 4 reasonably distributed implants secure a long-
maximal amount of periodontal ligament tissue of range maintenance of bony support for at least a 10-
the teeth to be replaced. The validity of this state- unit cross-arch bridge, also including bilateral pos-
ment has been seriously questioned in several inves- terior 2-unit cantilevers, provided that the bone
tigations undertaken during the last 2 decades. Thus, quality is reasonable (1, 2, 54). Usually, a minimum
it has repeatedly been shown that the amount of length of 10 mm is advocated for each implant.

Lundgren & Laurel1

Retention and dimension of abutment crowns Few abutments supporting an extensive cross-arch
bridge means long interabutment beams, which re-
The luting cementum is still the weakest biomech- quires a relatively large cross-section area. Den-
anical link in a tooth-supported bridge construction, titions treated for advanced periodontal disease
especially for abutments adjacent to cantilever seg- usually exhibit both long clinical crowns, which are
ments (29, 56). Fracture of the cementum, leading to advantageous for proper retention, and a large inter-
loss of retention of the abutment crown, may result occlusal space, which facilitates proper dimen-
in rapidly, irreparable caries destruction of the abut- sioning. Given these prerequisites, there should be a
ment tooth. Proper preparations with long and par- negligible risk of fracturing a properly constructed
allel surfaces of both vital and nonvital abutment end abutment bridge, provided there are no excess-
teeth and with a cervical tooth embracement of at ive parafunctional activities.
least 3 mm in height are therefore mandatory for A bridge supported by endosseous implants dis-
preventing loss of retention, particularly in bridges tributed as for tooth-supported end abutment
including cantilever segments (37, 38). To optimize bridges should be dimensioned in analogy with the
retention, pre-prosthetic crown-lengthening surgery latter. Although they are less resiliently connected to
sometimes has to be performed. the supporting bone, there is no reason based on
Another important retention factor is the degree published follow-up studies to recommend coarser
of fit of the abutment crown to the prepared tooth. beams and connectors for implant-supported
Other decisive factors are the type and dimension bridges than for tooth-supported bridges.
of the crown. Fixed bridges with long interabutment
spans or cantilevers should be supplied with full-
Cantilever segments in natural teeth
coverage abutment crowns. In addition, the crowns
should be dimensioned to ensure a stiffness that It is well known that many clinical situations require
prevents fracture of the luting cementum due to (both tooth- and implant-supported) fixed bridge-
crown deformation, even with intense occlusal activ- work of cross-arch extension to restore function and
ity and large occlusal forces. aesthetics and in which posterior end abutments are
The retention of cemented implant-supported not available. In such situations a satisfactory pros-
bridges should be subjected to the same type of con- thetic reconstruction may still be attained by insert-
siderations as the tooth-supported bridges, although ing posterior endosseous implants as end abutment
the retentive capacity of the luting cementum is support. However, it is not always possible to use
higher when (rough) metal is attached to metal. In implants for this purpose due to inadequate bone
implant systems that exclusively use screws to attach volume. The alternative is to include one or several
the supraconstruction to the implant abutments, the posterior cantilever units in the construction. The
retentive capacity of the supraconstruction is related incorporation of cantilever extensions in fixed,
to the friction forces attained when the attaching tooth-supported prosthetic constructions is, how-
screws are tightened. These forces in turn are related ever, controversial. Traditionally, the opinion is
to the shape and dimension of the screws (28). either that the use of cantilevers is absolutely contra-
indicated or that a maximum of one cantilever unit
Interabutment and cantilever should be permitted to avoid jeopardizing the bridge
construction and its supporting teeth. Such state-
segments ments have usually been anecdotally based without
any support from clinically well-controlled studies.
Interabutment segments
However, some clinical investigations on the prog-
Whenever reasonable, end abutments should be in- nosis of extensive bridge constructions supplied
corporated in fixed bridgework. This means that with one or more cantilever units have been pub-
there should be at least 2 abutment units to support lished. Thus, Randow et al. (56) examined the results
a segment bridge and preferably 4 units to support of extensive fixed prosthodontics performed by gen-
a cross-arch bridge, with 2 of the abutments placed eral practitioners in a retrospective questionnaire
posteriorly in the second premolar or molar region. study. Their investigation demonstrated a technical
The dimensioning of the interabutment pontics and failure rate for fixed bridges after 7 years in service of
their connections (solder joints) to the abutment 8% for constructions including distal end abutment
crowns usually should not cause any problems if teeth, 16% for fixed bridges with single cantilever ex-
they are constructed in harmony with these crowns. tensions, 34%for bridges with unilateral double can-

Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework

tilever extensions and 44% for bilateral double can- ment of advanced periodontal disease. The follow-
tilever extensions. The main cause of failure was loss up period for 34 patients (with 36 cross-arch
of retention of the anchor crowns adjacent to the bridges) varied between 5 and 12 years, with an aver-
cantilever segments, followed by fracture of the re- age of 8 years. During this period, one bridge con-
construction. The frequency of failures increased struction was lost due to complete periodontal
substantially with time in service, especially for con- breakdown caused by excessive occlusal trauma due
structions with bilateral cantilever pontics. In these, to parafunctional activities in conjunction with an
loss of retention was located at the abutment tooth extreme psychosocially caused stress period for the
adjacent to the cantilever segment, and the fractures patient. In another patient, one (vital) abutment
occurred in the beams mesial or distal to the retainer tooth of a 12-unit bridge, supported by 2 abutments,
crown of the same abutment tooth. was fractured. In the remaining 32 patients, the
The findings by Randow et al. (56) were confirmed bridges exhibited continuously acceptable function.
in a follow-up study by Karlsson (29). In a retrospec- No further periodontal breakdown occurred in any
tive long-term clinical study, he examined the of these patients and no technical failure of the
bridges after 14 years in service. The prosthetic treat- bridge constructions was observed.
ment had been performed by private dental prac- However, special requirements were established
titioners. The average technical failure rate was 26%. for the design of these constructions: 1) optimal re-
Fixed bridges with distal abutment support ex- tention (long and parallel surfaces), especially of the
hibited a failure rate of 11%,and those with canti- retainer crowns adjacent to the cantilever segments;
lever extensions showed a failure rate of 36%. The 2) establishment of occlusal contacts anteriorly as
number of failures increased with number of canti- well as posteriorly along the entire prosthetic con-
lever units and with time in service, and the main struction in habitual occlusion; 3) an occlusal mor-
cause was loss of retention of distal abutment phology guiding the occlusal forces in an apical di-
crowns. rection, anteriorly as well as posteriorly; 4) anterior-
It therefore appears that there is a markedly in- guided lateral movements with no latero- or medio-
creased risk of failure if a fixed cross-arch bridge is trusive contacts on the cantilever segments; and 5)
provided with cantilever units. These studies, how- metal framework heights of at least 5 mm and
ever, did not closely evaluate the biotechnical quality widths of 4 mm preferably along the entire tooth
and design of the construction, such as the prepara- arch and definitely distal and mesial to the retainer
tion form of the abutments and dimensioning of the crowns adjacent to the cantilever segments.
bridgework. Nor was the design of the occlusal con- The authors concluded that, although failures do
tact pattern, especially of the cantilever segments, occur, they can be kept to a minimum provided that
described. In addition, it is not possible from the re- special attention is paid to retention, dimensions
ported findings to establish whether the patient ma- and occlusal design of the bridge construction and
terial included subjects with excessive parafunc- that the periodontal tissues are properly treated. In-
tional activity and/or exhibited dentitions with short dividually related follow-up recalls should include a
clinical crowns. careful control of the occlusal contact pattern of the
Nyman & Lindhe (51) presented a technical failure cantilever segments. The often observed, gradually
rate of less than 8%, including loss of retention developing, hard contacts on the cantilever units
(3.3%),fracture of bridgework (2.1%) and fracture of due to less occlusal wear of the cantilevers than of
abutment teeth (2.4%) after 5-8 years in 159 peri- the abutment-supported crowns should be elimin-
odontally treated patients supplied with extensive ated to avoid development of supracontacts causing
cantilever fixed bridges. During this period, no occlusal force concentration to the cantilever seg-
further loss of attachment had occurred. These ments.
bridges were all performed by or under the super- As previously discussed, the occlusal force distri-
vision of the senior staff of the Department of Peri- bution on the cantilever segments and thereby also
odontology at the Faculty of Odontology of the Uni- the stress concentrations in the framework and in
versity of Goteborg. the supporting units can be comparatively well con-
Laurel1 et al. (37) reported on the long-term prog- trolled by occlusal adjustments. However, this can
nosis of extensive fixed bridges with uni- or bilater- also be done by intentional dimensioning of the can-
ally placed 2- or 3-unit cantilevers. These construc- tilever segment. Thus, the height of the connector
tions had all been performed by the authors or can be moderately reduced, which substantially in-
under their supervision as part of the overall treat- creases the apical deflection of the beam end when

Lundgren & Laurell

loaded without necessarily causing fatigue stress in Occlusal design in

the connector, as the deflection increases more than implant-supported bridges
the stress. The increased deflection means that the
cantilever forces become redistributed towards the As related to prosthetic rehabilitation by means of
abutment-supported segment after such a connec- implants, occlusion is somewhat empirical (61). It
tor reduction. It is also possible to increase substan- seems, however, reasonable to apply the basic prin-
tially the amplitude of apical deflection of a canti- ciples for stable occlusion proposed by Beyron (6)
lever beam end (=25%) by a design characterized by that are intended for extensive fixed bridgework sup-
successively increasing the reduction of the beam ported by natural teeth, also on implant-supported
height towards the beam end. Such a modification fixed bridgework.
does not influence the stress of the beam, as the Occlusal stability, characterized by bilateral and
connector area is left intact. Such a design also con- anterio-posterior distribution of occlusal contacts,
sumes less framework material. should be ensured, since this will create stability in
the entire masticatory apparatus. This also results in
a proper force distribution without undue force con-
Cantilever segments in implants
centrations on individual implants. The require-
Although the incorporation of cantilever extensions ments for a perfect fit of an implant-supported
in fixed, tooth-supported prosthetic constructions is bridge are also very high, since this will promote
controversial, it is generally accepted to include 2 or proper stress distribution. If undue static stresses are
even 3 posterior cantilever units in implant-sup- concentrated on individual bridge components and
ported bridges of cross-arch design. A large number implants after screw-tighteningor cementation of an
of documented cases verify a high long-term success inaccurately fitting bridge, there is a great risk of
rate of such cases, especially in the mandibular jaw damage both to these components and to the sup-
(2). porting bone. The accentuation of the need for pre-
It is mandatory that individually related follow-up cise adaptation of an implant-supported bridge to
recalls of implant-supported bridges also include a the implant abutments is therefore highly relevant in
careful control of the occlusal contact pattern, es- a discussion of proper occlusal force distribution.
pecially of the cantilever segments. Hard contacts on Criteria 5-7 proposed for tooth-supported bridges
the cantilever units due to less occlusal wear of the are especially important if not mandatory to ensure
cantilevers than of the implant-supported crowns a stable occlusion with force distribution concen-
should be eliminated to avoid occlusal force concen- trated to the anterior abutment region, when the
tration to the cantilever segments. bridgework includes posterior uni- or bilateral canti-
levers. Working-side contacts should be designed to
provide immediate disocclusion of the cantilevers
and may be either canine-guided or group function-
Occlusal design in guided. There should be no balancing contacts. It is
tooth-supported bridges preferable to place the working-side contacts as
anteriorly as possible to reduce the bending moment
The occlusal force pattern described is based on the achieved during lateral excursions. The report by
criteria for stable occlusion proposed by Beyron (6). Quirynen et al. (54) that lack of anterior occlusal
These criteria include 1) wide freedom in centric contacts of implant-supported cross-arch bridges
(habitual) occlusion, 2) bilateral stability in centric with posterior cantilevers correlated well with ex-
(habitual) occlusion, 3) no interference between the cessive marginal bone loss around the implants
retruded and centric (habitual/intercuspal) posi- underlines the importance of a proper occlusal de-
tions, 4) occlusal contacts, preferably along the en- sign of implant-supported bridgework.
tire construction in centric (habitual) occlusion, 5)
an occlusal morphology guiding the occlusal forces
in an apical direction anteriorly as well as pos-
teriorly, 6) for the maxillary bridges a balcony shape Occlusal material in
of the singulum palatae should be aimed at, 7) an- implant-supported bridges
terior-guided lateral movements with slight or no
latero- or mediotrusive contacts on posterior canti- Most of the implant-supported bridges that have
lever segments. been scientifically documented in terms of success

Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework

and failure rates have been supplied with acrylic resin Another problem in using metal-ceramic ma-
teeth. It has been suggested that resin, considered a terials may be the deformation of the posterior can-
shock-absorbing material, should be beneficial com- tilever segment of the cross-arch bridges, which can
pared with porcelain fused to metal in reducing easily cause ceramic fracture. One solution to this
stresses in the implant-bone interface in impact force problem might be to use acrylic resin teeth in this
conditions (10,59).These conclusions were based on segment; another is to dimension the segment so
theoretical assessments and calculations using a fi- that its deformation is negligible and instead reduce
nite element analytical technique. On the other hand, the stress by inferior placement of the posterior oc-
Ismail et al. (26),also using the finite element analysis, clusal contacts. A third way to overcome this compli-
found that the use of resin teeth as a shock absorber cation might be to separate the ceramic material of
may not be valid. In addition, apart from being con- each cantilever unit by avoiding ceramic proximal
tradictory, such theoretical calculations imply a num- contacts.
ber of extrapolations, making the conclusions less
valid when they are applied to in v i m conditions. In
reality, occlusal impact loads, or loads applied at a
high rate, are probably very uncommon in the clinical Implant-supportedbridges in the
situation. It may, in fact, be questioned whether the
comparatively low velocity achieved by closing the
partially edentulous jaw
mandible can cause any occlusal impact forces of any
Indications for free-standing bridges
deleterious significance.
In a recent clinical investigation, Hobkirk & When properly inserted, high-quality implants of
Psarros (24) studied the chewing pattern and the an endosseous type are osseointegrated. This
chewing forces in patients with mandibular implant- means that they are incorporated in the jawbone in
supported cross-arch bridges, alternately supplied close contact with the surrounding bone tissue
with acrylic resin teeth or porcelain teeth. They with no intervening connective tissue. This means
could not find any differences in the peak masticat- that the implant is more stiffly connected to the
ory forces for subjects chewing different types of jawbone than is the natural tooth with its peri-
food using acrylic resin or porcelain teeth. It there- odontal ligament, which permits considerable de-
fore seems unlikely that the use of metal-ceramic flection or yielding of the tooth when loaded.
material would imply such a threat against the im- Consequently, there should be a risk of undue force
plant-bone interface that some sort of shock-ab- transmission to the osseointegrated implants when
sorbing arrangement (59) would regularly be re- they are placed in the same jaw as natural teeth.
quired. This doubt is supported by the findings Theoretically, the force concentrations might either
reported from a 2-year follow-up study by Naert et result in overloading of the implants andlor their
al. (49). They found no adverse effects on the bone- surrounding bone tissue or create an unfavorable
implant interface or the fixture components. In ad- force distribution in other structures of the stoma-
dition, there were no fractures of the occlusal por- tognathic system.
celain, whereas such fractures frequently were ob- A certain amount of restraint has therefore been
served when composite resin was used. advocated in using implants to support fixed
A somewhat different question might be whether bridgework in partially edentulous jaws. Recently
the more attrition-resistant porcelain teeth have published case reports or series of consecutive
more deleterious effects on implant components cases (27, 49, 54, 55, 60, 63) indicate, however, that
and supporting bone than acrylic resin teeth in pa- such apprehension might be somewhat exagger-
tients with severe parafunction. ated. It is also our clinical experience that endosse-
One well-known problem with the use of por- ous implants can carry free-standing bridge con-
celain-fused-to-metal restorations is related to the structions in partially edentulous dentitions in both
high demands on close fit of implant-supported the mandibular and the maxillary jaws with good
framework to the implant abutments, because the long-term prognosis provided that there is enough
firing of metal-ceramic materials may warp a casting bone volume, good bone quality and no extreme
that initially fit accurately. Such a bridge has to be parafunctional activity. At least 2 , but preferably 3
sectioned and postceramic soldered to avoid stress implants with a minimum length of 10 mm are ad-
concentrations that may jeopardize the osseointe- visable to secure the long-term support of such
gration of the implants. bridges.

Lundgren & Laurel1

Occlusal equilibration of natural teeth and tioning of a single occlusal unit reduces or even elim-
implants inates the local forces at that unit both during biting
and chewing (46). In principle, the same technique
Careful control of the overall occlusion is necessary, can be used to distribute the occlusal forces, also dur-
as always. It is recommended to register and, if ing lateral excursion movements. In other words, the
necessary, adjust all occlusal contacts, also when the cuspal or incisal inclines of the implant-supported
patient bites hard together in habitual occlusion and crown units can be adjusted either during light tap-
when performing powerful latero- and mediotrusive ping or during hard biting in strategic lateral posi-
movements. This helps to avoid supracontacts on tions, depending on the desired distribution of load
the implant-supported units, since such units are between teeth and implants. The light tapping oc-
more stiffly anchored than natural teeth. If there are clusal equilibration distributes more force to the im-
signs of parafunctional activities, it is advisable to plants during function, and the hard biting equili-
make an extra light contact or even place the oc- bration distributes the force more evenly over teeth
clusal units supported by the implants in an inferior and implants. Neither of these techniques is likely to
position in relation to the overall occlusal plane, result in tooth elongation. The relative distribution of
even in the centric habitual position. This will sub- force also depends on variation in mobility between
stantially reduce or even eliminate the occlusal the teeth and, during chewing, also on the type of
forces over the implant-supported unit. food.
It is possible to arrange for light or no occlusal The location of the implants and the teeth in re-
contacts during latero- and mediotrusive move- lation to the location of the jaw-closing muscles may
ments posterior to the cuspids by securing a low(er) decisively influence the effect of the occlusal adjust-
cuspal incline of the premolars and molars and to ments due to the elasticity of the masticatory appar-
still have a normal occlusal contact in centric habit- atus. Thus, if an implant-supported bridge is inserted
ual occlusion. in, for instance, either the first or the fourth quadrant
A natural tooth is easily intruded (about 50 pm) to and there are natural teeth in the rest of the dentition,
the bottom of its socket by small forces (<20 N) (53). the discrepancy in apical deflection between the im-
Endosseous, osseointegrated, screw-shaped im- plants and the contralateral teeth is compensated for
plants, on the other hand, will intrude to a much by the elasticity of the mandible, so that there appears
lesser degree (about 2 pm) for a 20-N force (58).This to be an even bilateral force distribution, maybe not
means that if such separate, implant-supported during light tapping, but during biting in habitual oc-
crowns are placed to alternate with natural teeth and clusion. In fact, ifthe quadrant with natural teeth hap-
are adjusted so that their occlusal and incisal surfaces pens to be the patient’s preferred chewing side, the
are level with the corresponding surfaces of the natu- forces are likely to be larger on that side, not only dur-
ral teeth when these are located in their extruded rest ing chewing (24,42) but also during biting in habitual
positions, the implants will take up the majority of the occlusion (42), even though the forces are larger on
force when the subject is lightly tapping the teeth to- the implant side during light tapping.
gether and, when the subject is biting hard in habitual Thus, the technique chosen for occlusal equili-
occlusion, the implants will absorb almost all force. If, bration in implant-restored partially edentulous den-
on the other hand, the occlusal (incisal) surfaces of titions depends on whether the tooth or teeth or the
the separate implant-supported crowns are placed or implant(s) or none of them have to be protected and
adjusted to be level with the corresponding surfaces on whether functional supracontacts are introduced
of the natural teeth when these are intruded into the that will disturb the masticatory apparatus, although
bottom of their sockets, there will be a fairly equal dis- they do not interfere with the occlusion during light
tribution of force on teeth and implants during biting tapping. To our knowledge, there are no experimental
hard together. However, with this arrangement of oc- data available on the latter issue.
clusal contacts, the natural teeth take up almost all The matter of protection has many aspects. There
force during light tapping. are many situations in which a sufficient number of
Thus, it is possible to determine the relative distri- adequately osseointegrated implants need no protec-
bution of force between the natural teeth and the tion and would have been capable of functioning sat-
osseointegrated implants in a partially edentulous isfactorily also in the absence of the remaining teeth,
jaw by simply performing the occlusal adjustments provided that the implants are reasonably well dis-
either during light tapping or during hard biting. It has tributed. In such situations, it may be appropriate to
repeatedly been shown that a very slight inferior posi- concentrate the occlusal forces on the implants to un-

Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework

load more or less hypermobile teeth and to use the plants and teeth should be avoided because of the
implants to raise a collapsed bite. However, some- risk of undue loading of the implants. Intra-mobile
times proper protection is decisively important for a elements, incorporated into the implants to elimin-
good prognosis, such as when, often in the maxillary ate the mobility discrepancy, have therefore been
jaw, a small bone volume is combined with large mar- advocated when teeth and implants are to be con-
row spaces, a narrow apical base creating long levers nected (30). However, no convincing, controlled ex-
to the occlusal and incisal surfaces during both cen- perimental data demonstrating the inevitable need
tric and eccentric biting and, in addition, the need for for such elements have yet been presented.
extensive cantilever segments. If such a dentition also Sekine et al. (58) tested the mobility of Brine-
shows signs of parafunctional activity, it is definitely mark@fixture-abutment units in the mandibular jaw
advisable to take advantage of the remaining stable of humans. They demonstrated that it was possible
teeth and to distribute as much force as possible to to laterally displace such free-standing units at an
them and to place the cantilever segment in an oc- angle when a laterally directed force of 20 N was ap-
clusally inferior position. plied to the abutment. This displacement is due to a
It is often argued that very light or no occlusal con- combination of the elasticity of the supporting bone
tact on the most posterior cantilever unit of a cross- and the lateral angle of tilt of the threaded com-
arch bridge may negatively affect the stability of the ponents of the fixture-abutment unit. The lateral dis-
stomatognathic system, possibly resulting in prob- placement amplitude varied between 17 and 66 pm.
lems with the temporomandibular junction. How-
ever, the absence of the second cantilever unit does
not reduce such a risk and is less satisfactory aesthet-
Theoretical calculations
ically. In such situations, cantilever contacts to obtain
stability have to be balanced against the risk of undue The schematic illustrations in Fig. 8 show the load-
stress concentrations and aesthetic requirements. In ing effect of a force applied on a natural tooth con-
this context, a shortened dental arch often gives suf- nected to an osseointegrated endosseous implant via
ficient stability to the masticatory system. There are a fixed bridge. Fig. 8a shows the situation before
exceptions when extensive molar support is needed loading. In Fig. 8b, a vertically (axially) directed force
for anatomic reasons or to cope with problems with of 10 N has been applied to the bridge at the tooth-
the temporomandibular junction. In such cases, supported retainer crown. At the very moment of
measures should be undertaken to solve these prob- load application, the bridge functions as a cantilever
lems with removable prostheses or fixed, implant- construction, supported by the implant only. How-
supported bridgework in the molar region. ever, the moment of 240 (the force of 10 N
When the dentition is edentulous in the anterior re- times the length of the beam of 24 mm) rapidly
gion only (for example from first premolar to first pre- angles the implant-abutment-crown unit (20 mm in
molar) and thus has intact molar occlusion, the prog- height) in the lateral direction with a certain ampli-
nosis for an implant-supported anterior bridge is tude. If we assume that this lateral amplitude is
even better than for a totally edentulous dentition about 50 pm, the corresponding apical amplitude of
from an occlusion-biomechanical point of view, as the bridge-beam is at least 50 ym at its tooth-sup-
there usually is no need for cantilevers. The only ported end, since the beam is 24 mm long. This api-
forces that impact such a bridge (in the absence of ex- cal deflection (yielding) is sufficient for a tooth with
treme parafunctions) are the relatively small anterior normal apical mobility to reach the bottom of the
forces in habitual occlusion, during biting off food socket for very small forces, and when intruded
pieces and during lateral and anterior mandibular ex- further, the apical yield of the root is close to zero,
cursions. even if large forces are applied (53). Thus, the ini-
tially cantilever-functioning bridge is very rapidly
converted to a bilaterally supported bridge by the
angular deflection of the implant-abutment-crown
Connections between natural teeth unit. The initially attained and very short-lasting
and implants moment of 240 N . mm creates stress concentrations
well below what is suggested to be the limit value for
The assumption that osseointegrated implants are 1) the interface integrity of an implant, incorporated
virtually immobile under loading has led to the rec- into bone with normal density, 2) the yield strength
ommendation that stiff connections between im- of a properly dimensioned connection between the

Lundgren & Laurel1

10 N
v2 4 m m I

Angling of

Fig. 8. Outline of a stiff prosthetic connection between an sults in a potential apical deflection of the beam at the
osseointegrated implant and a natural tooth. The height supporting tooth of at least 50 pm. The tooth is supposed
of the implant-abutment-crown unit is supposed to be 20 to reach the bottom of the socket after 50 pm of apical
mm and the distance between the tooth and the implant yielding. c. Another effect of the applied force is bending
24 mm. a. Starting position before loading. b. An axially of the beam, resulting in an apical deflection of the beam
directed force of 10 N has been applied to the bridge at at the supporting tooth of about 50 pm, if the height of
the tooth-supported retainer crown. This is presumed to the beam is 4 mm and the width is 3 mm.
angle the implant with an amplitude of 50 pm, which re-

beam (type I11 dental gold alloy) and the implant- implant with a much shorter bridge beam than ex-
abutment-crown unit. emplified above and still be expected to decisively
Another effect of the initial loading of the bridge contribute to the uptake of force.
is the bending of the beam (Fig. 8c). According to Fig. 9 shows the same type of bridgework as dis-
the formula for cantilever beam-bending, the apical cussed above but with a distance between the sup-
deflection of the tooth-supported end of the beam porting tooth and implant unit of half that of the
is about 50 pm when a force of 10 N is applied at previously described bridgework. Assuming that the
that end, provided that the height of the beam is 4 implant leans with the same amplitude as previously
mm and the width is 3 mm at the connector be- discussed (about 50 ym) given a load of 20 N (which
tween the beam and the implant-supported retainer creates a bending moment of 240 with a
crown. Thus, only 10 N of axial force is needed to beam length of 12 mm) at the tooth-supported end
bend the beam so much that the root touches the of the bridge, the apical deflection of the beam end
bottom of the socket, thereby converting a cantilever is about 30 pm. This is not enough to convert an
construction into a bilaterally supported one. initially cantilever-functioning bridge unit into a bi-
If the effect of the angular deflection of the bridge laterally supported one. The deflection of the beam
beam is also taken into consideration, only about end due to bending of the beam after application of
5-6 N is needed to convert the bridge from an im- the 20 N load is only about 12-13 ym. Adding the
plant-supported cantilever construction to a bilat- angular deflection to that from the bending of the
eral construction, supported by one tooth and one
implant. If, on the other hand, the tooth is hypermo-
bile with an apical yield of as much as 100 pm for
small axial forces, the root will still reach the bottom
Angling I
of the socket and give rise to a counterforce after 10
N of initial loading.
These calculations show, for example, that a man-
dibular canine in one quadrant can be stiffly con-
nected with an osseointegrated implant located in a
the region of the extracted contralateral canine via
Fig. 9. Outline of the same type of bridgework as in Fig.
a fixed bridge and dimensioned as discussed above 8, but with a distance between the supporting tooth and
without the risk that undue axial forces will cause implant of half that in Fig. 8, that is, a beam length of 12
undue stress to the bridge or the implant. This is mm. If the same moment as in Fig. 8 is applied (20 N X 12
valid also when such a canine is hypermobile with mm=240 N-mm), the apical deflection of the beam end
twice as large apical yield as normally observed. will be about 30 pm due to angling of the implant-abut-
ment unit and about 12 pm due to bending of the beam,
Consequently, a tooth with hypomobility (for in- if dimensioned as in Fig. 8. This will probably not meet
stance, a firmly attached canine or molar with full the requirement of a reasonably equal distribution of
periodontal support) can be stiffly connected to an force on tooth and implant.
Biomechanical aspects of fixed bridgework

beam, gives a total of about 42-43 ym of deflection, clinical examination, the tooth-supporting and im-
which is too little if the tooth yields 50 ym. However, plant-supporting tissues were evaluated without
if the height of the beam is reduced from 4 to 3 mm finding adverse reactions. The force distribution on
at the connector site, the deflection of the tooth- some of the constructions was also measured before
supported beam end increases about 2.5 times due they were connected. These data verify the calcu-
to bending, from 12-13 pm to 30-32 pm. Together lations presented here.
with the angular deflection of 30 pm, we now slightly Furthermore, Rangert et al. (57) presented data
exceed the apical deflection of a tooth with normal from mechanical in uitro tests of the Brdnemark@
mobility. The height reduction of the beam to permit implant system showing that the screw joints, which
a larger deflection of the beam end does not result attach the prosthetic gold cylinder and the perimu-
in stress concentrations exceeding the yield strength cosal abutment to the fixture, form a flexible system.
of the chosen material. The flexibility is of a magnitude that seems to match
If the distance between the tooth and the implant the vertical mobility of a natural tooth, stiffly con-
is further reduced in the same type of bridgework so nected to such a system by means of a fixed bridge
that they become located quite close to each other with at least one intervening pontic between the im-
with no intervening pontic, this approaches a situ- plant and the tooth. Calculations of vertical load dis-
ation with too little apical yielding of the natural tribution, based on measured flexibility data ob-
tooth due to angular deflection of the beam to be tained through tests of the screw joints, show that
useful for our purposes. Deflection due to bending the axial forces are shared almost equally between
of the connector (bridging part) between the natural tooth and implant, without taking the flexibility of
tooth and the implant means that the dimensions of the surrounding bone or the framework of the
the bridging part of the construction must be re- bridgework into account. This implies that the
duced to a level where there is an obvious risk of Brinemark@ implant system, which consists of a
fatigue fractures. However, in such a situation a hy- screw in a screw in a screw, may have overall flexi-
pomobile tooth still may contribute to uptake of bility (obtained not only from the screw joints, but
force. also from the deflection of the bridge-beam and the
Generally, it may be assumed that, if an osseointe- elasticity of the bone) of a magnitude that permits
grated implant is stiffly connected to an immediately stiff connection to a natural tooth with normal mo-
adjacent tooth, the implant has to absorb more force bility located quite close to the implant, with the
than the tooth to which it is connected. In the ex- forces still reasonably shared between the two units.
treme case (hypermobile tooth), the situation is the However, this hypothesis has to be scientifically
same for the implant as if it had been supplied with proven in clinical trials to evaluate indications and
a cantilever unit. It may well be that the implant- treatment results. The results from a clinical study
bone interface can also withstand the forces applied by Gunne et al. (22) corroborate the experimental
on its natural tooth cantilever unit, especially if the data referred to. They presented an intraindividual
forces of the dentition happen to be small or if the study in which free-standing or tooth-connected,
local forces over the cantilever unit intentionally are implant-supported bridges had been followed in 23
reduced by infra-occluding that unit (46). Obvious partially edentulous patients for 3 years. Each sub-
indications for this type of connections may be a de- ject had been supplied with one free-standing bridge
sire to reduce mobility or to prevent an expected mi- supported by 2 Brdnemark implants in either the
gration of the tooth. third or the fourth quadrant. On the contralateral
side, the bridge was supported by one implant and
one tooth to which the retainer crown was ce-
Clinical relevance
mented. The distance between the implant and the
The clinical relevance of the discussed theoretical tooth corresponded to at least the width of 1, but
calculations has been demonstrated in experiments usually 2, premolar pontics. The implant and the
and follow-up studies in humans (44, 45, 47, 48). tooth were rigidly screwed together using a McCol-
These authors followed, for about 4 years, a small lum T-attachment. This permitted unscrewing of the
number of subjects with stiffly connected tooth-im- implant-supported part of the bridge to check the
plant constructions with the teeth and implants osseointegration of all implants. The survival rate in
located at a critical minimum distance from each terms of the number of persisting osseointegrated
other in relation to the angling and bending of the implants after 3 years in service was 89% for free-
framework beams. Using routine parameters for standing bridges and 91% for implant-tooth-con-

Lundgren & Laurel1

nected bridges. Another clinical study presented by bution between an implant and a tooth connected
Naert et al. (49) confirms these data. Thus, fixed to each other.
bridgework connecting natural teeth with osseointe- Lateral forces on a natural tooth stiffly connected
grated implants did not show more frequent im- to an implant with a force direction along the tooth-
plant-interface, periodontal or mechanical problems arch should not harm the implant unit, as there is
than free-standing bridges. no or negligible leverage to enlarge the effect of the
forces. Buccolingually directed forces on such a
tooth, on the other hand, cause both shear stress
Lateral force, stress and deflection and torsial tension at the implant-bone interface
due to leverage caused by the beam between the
It has been shown that the stress pattern of fixed tooth and the implant. The magnitude of this stress
bridgework can be very complicated, particularly in and tension depends on the (buccolingual) mobility
constructions including cantilever beams (19, 59). of the tooth, the dimension (length, height and
However, most of the prosthetic constructions dis- width) and material composition of the bridge
cussed here exhibit an occlusal morphology char- beam. When screw joints are used to attach the
acterized by wide freedom in centric and low cuspal bridge to the connected implant unit, the torsial re-
incline (6, 14, 31, 37, 38). This implies that, during sistance of these joints may be critical. It has there-
jaw closing in habitual occlusion and also during fore been suggested that the connected tooth should
chewing, virtually all occlusal force is directed axially have only a minor buccolingual mobility to avoid
(perpendicular to the occlusal plane) in the region loosening of the screw (57).
posterior to the canines. The comparatively small,
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