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Philia Quirks are all about strange love, or any love that is about the norm.

For example, Tumblrkids love gifs, but if

you have a massive collection of thousands of gifs on your computer, you may have a philia. (You like that combo
quirk don’t you? We knew you would.)

Here is a massive collection of philia quirks. This is by no means a list of all the things there are to love obsessively
in the world, so don’t feel like you have to stick to only the philias listed here!

 A

o Ablutophilia - Abnormal affection for washing or bathing

o Acarophilia - Abnormal affection for itching or of the insects that cause itching

o Acerophilia - Abnormal affection for sourness

o Achluophilia - Abnormal affection for darkness

o Acousticophilia - Abnormal affection for noise

o Acrophilia - Abnormal affection for heights

o Aerophilia - Abnormal affection for drafts, air-swallowing, or airborne noxious substances

o Aeroacrophilia - Abnormal affection for open high places

o Agateophilia - Abnormal affection for insanity

o Agliophilia - Abnormal affection for pain

o Agoraphilia - Abnormal affection for open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like

o Agraphilia - Abnormal affection for sexual abuse

o Agrizoophilia - Abnormal affection for wild animals

o Agyrophilia - Abnormal affection for streets or crossing the street

o Aichmophilia - Abnormal affection for needles or pointed objects

o Ailurophilia - Abnormal affection for cats

o Alektorophilia - Abnormal affection for chickens

o Algophilia - Abnormal affection for pain

o Alliumphilia - Abnormal affection for garlic

o Altophilia - Abnormal affection for heights

o Amathophilia - Abnormal affection for dust

o Amaxophilia - Abnormal affection for riding in a car

o Ambulophilia - Abnormal affection for walking

o Ammophilia - Love of sand and sandy places

o Amnesiphilia - Abnormal affection for amnesia

o Amychophilia - Abnormal affection for scratches or being scratched

o Anablephilia - Abnormal affection for looking up

o Ancraophilia - Abnormal affection for wind (Anemophilia)

o Androphilia - Abnormal affection for men

o Anemophilia - Abnormal affection for air drafts or wind (Ancraophilia)

o Anginophilia - Abnormal affection for angina, choking or narrowness

o Anglophilia - Abnormal affection for England or English culture, etc

o Angrophilia - Abnormal affection for anger or of becoming angry

o Ankylophilia - Abnormal affection for immobility of a joint

o Anthrophilia or Anthophilia - Abnormal affection for flowers

o Anthropophilia - Abnormal affection for people or society

o Antlophilia - Abnormal affection for floods

o Anuptaphilia - Abnormal affection for staying single

o Apeirophilia - Abnormal affection for infinity

o Aphenphosmphilia - Abnormal affection for being touched (Haphephilia)

o Apiphilia - Abnormal affection for bees

o Apotemnophilia - Abnormal affection for persons with amputations; Desire to amputate a healthy

o Arachibutyrophilia - Abnormal affection for peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

o Arachnephilia or Arachnophilia - Abnormal affection for spiders

o Arithmophilia - Abnormal affection for numbers

o Arrhenphilia - Abnormal affection for men

o Arsonphilia - Abnormal affection for fire

o Asthenophilia - Abnormal affection for fainting or weakness

o Astraphilia or Astrapophilia - Abnormal affection for thunder and lightning (Ceraunophilia,


o Astrophilia - Abnormal affection for stars or celestial space

o Asymmetriphilia - Abnormal affection for asymmetrical things

o Ataxophilia - Abnormal affection for disorder or untidiness

o Atelophilia - Abnormal affection for imperfection

o Atephilia - Abnormal affection for ruin or ruins

o Athazagoraphilia - Abnormal affection for being forgotten or ignored or forgetting

o Atomosophilia - Abnormal affection for atomic explosions

o Atychiphilia - Abnormal affection for failure

o Aulophilia - Abnormal affection for flutes

o Aurophilia - Abnormal affection for gold

o Auroraphilia - Abnormal affection for Northern lights

o Autodysomophilia - Abnormal affection for one that has a vile odor

o Autogynephilia - Love of oneself as a woman

o Automatonophilia - Abnormal affection for ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures, wax

statues, anything that falsely represents a sentient being

o Automysophilia - Abnormal affection for being dirty

o Autophilia - Abnormal affection for being alone or of oneself

o Aviophilia or Aviatophilia - Abnormal affection for flying

 B

o Bacillophilia - Abnormal affection for microbes

o Bacteriophilia - Abnormal affection for bacteria

o Ballistophilia - Abnormal affection for missiles or bullets

o Barophilia - Abnormal affection for gravity

o Basophilia or Basiphilia - Inability to stand

o Bathmophilia - Abnormal affection for stairs or steep slopes

o Bathophilia - Abnormal affection for depth

o Batophilia - Abnormal affection for heights or being close to high buildings

o Batrachophilia - Abnormal affection for amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc

o Belonephilia - Abnormal affection for pins and needles (Aichmophilia)

o Bibliophilia - Abnormal affection for books

o Blennophilia - Abnormal affection for slime

o Bogyphilia - Abnormal affection for bogeys or the bogeyman

o Botanophilia - Abnormal affection for plants

o Bromidrosiphilia or Bromidrophilia - Abnormal affection for body smells

o Brontophilia - Abnormal affection for thunder and lightning

o Bufonophilia - Abnormal affection for toads

 C

o Cacophilia - Abnormal affection for ugliness

o Cainophilia or Cainotophilia - Abnormal affection for newness, novelty

o Caligynephilia - Abnormal affection for beautiful women

o Canophilia - Love of dogs

o Cardiophilia - Abnormal affection for the heart

o Carnophilia - Abnormal affection for meat

o Catagelophilia - Abnormal affection for being ridiculed

o Catapedaphilia - Abnormal affection for jumping from high and low places

o Cathisophilia - Abnormal affection for sitting

o Catoptrophilia - Abnormal affection for mirrors

o Cenophilia or Centophilia - Abnormal affection for new things or ideas

o Ceraunophilia or Keraunophilia - Abnormal affection for thunder and lightning (Astraphilia,

o Chaetophilia - Abnormal affection for hair

o Chasmophilia - Love of small places

o Cheimaphilia or Cheimatophilia - Abnormal affection for cold (Frigophilia, Psychophilia)

o Chemophilia - Abnormal affection for chemicals or working with chemicals

o Cherophilia - Abnormal affection for gaiety

o Chionophilia - Abnormal affection for snow

o Chiraptophilia - Abnormal affection for being touched

o Chirophilia - Abnormal affection for hands

o Chiropterophilia - Love of bats

o Cholerophilia - Abnormal affection for anger or the Abnormal affection for cholera

o Chorophilia - Abnormal affection for dancing

o Chrometophilia or Chrematophilia - Abnormal affection for money

o Chromophilia or Chromatophilia - Abnormal affection for colors

o Chronophilia - Abnormal affection for time

o Chronomentrophilia - Abnormal affection for clocks

o Chrysophilia - Love of gold

o Cibophilia - Abnormal affection for food (Sitophilia, Sitiophilia)

o Claustrophilia - Abnormal affection for confined spaces

o Cleithrophilia or Cleisiophilia - Abnormal affection for being locked in an enclosed place

o Cleptophilia - Abnormal affection for stealing

o Climacophilia - Abnormal affection for stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs

o Clinophilia - Abnormal affection for going to bed

o Clithrophilia or Cleithrophilia - Abnormal affection for being enclosed

o Cnidophilia - Abnormal affection for stings

o Cometophilia - Abnormal affection for comets

o Coimetrophilia - Abnormal affection for cemeteries

o Coitophilia - Abnormal affection for coitus

o Contreltophilia - Abnormal affection for sexual abuse

o Coprastasophilia - Abnormal affection for constipation

o Coprophilia - Abnormal affection for feces

o Consecotaleophilia - Abnormal affection for chopsticks

o Coulrophilia - Abnormal affection for clowns

o Counterphilia - The preference by a phobic for fearful situations

o Cremnophilia - Abnormal affection for precipices

o Cryophilia - Abnormal affection for extreme cold, ice or frost

o Crystallophilia - Abnormal affection for crystals or glass

o Cyberphilia - Abnormal affection for computers or working on a computer

o Cyclophilia - Abnormal affection for bicycles

o Cymophilia or Kymophilia - Abnormal affection for waves or wave like motions

o Cynophilia - Abnormal affection for dogs or rabies

o Cypridophilia or Cypriphilia or Cyprianophilia or Cyprinophilia - Abnormal affection for

prostitutes or venereal disease

 D

o Decidophilia - Abnormal affection for making decisions

o Defecaloesiophilia - Abnormal affection for painful bowels movements

o Deipnophilia - Abnormal affection for dining or dinner conversations

o Dementophilia - Abnormal affection for insanity

o Demonophilia or Daemonophilia - Abnormal affection for demons

o Demophilia - Abnormal affection for crowds (Agoraphilia)

o Dendrophilia - Abnormal affection for trees

o Dextrophilia - Abnormal affection for objects at the right side of the body

o Diabetophilia - Abnormal affection for diabetes

o Didaskaleinophilia - Abnormal affection for going to school

o Dikephilia - Abnormal affection for justice

o Dinophilia - Abnormal affection for dizziness or whirlpools

o Diplophilia - Abnormal affection for double vision

o Dipsophilia - Abnormal affection for drinking

o Dishabiliophilia - Abnormal affection for undressing in front of someone

o Domatophilia - Abnormal affection for houses or being in a house (Eicophilia, Oikophilia)

o Doraphilia - Abnormal affection for fur or skins of animals

o Doxophilia - Abnormal affection for expressing opinions or of receiving praise

o Dromophilia - Abnormal affection for crossing streets

o Dutchphilia - Abnormal affection for the Dutch

o Dysmorphophilia - Abnormal affection for deformity

o Dystychiphilia - Abnormal affection for accidents

 E

o Ecclesiophilia - Abnormal affection for church

o Ecophilia - Abnormal affection for home

o Eicophilia - Abnormal affection for home surroundings (Domatophilia, Oikophilia)

o Eisoptrophilia - Abnormal affection for mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror

o Electrophilia - Abnormal affection for electricity

o Eleutherophilia - Abnormal affection for freedom

o Elurophilia - Abnormal affection for cats (Ailurophilia)

o Emetophilia - Abnormal affection for vomiting

o Enetophilia - Abnormal affection for pins

o Enochlophilia - Abnormal affection for crowds

o Enosiophilia or Enissophilia - Abnormal affection for committing unpardonable sins or of criticism

o Entomophilia - Abnormal affection for insects

o Eosophilia - Abnormal affection for dawn or daylight

o Ephebiphilia - Abnormal affection for teenagers

o Epistaxiophilia - Abnormal affection for nosebleeds

o Epistemophilia - Abnormal affection for knowledge

o Equinophilia - Abnormal affection for horses

o Eremophilia - Abnormal affection for being oneself or of loneliness

o Ereuthrophilia - Abnormal affection for blushing

o Ergasiophilia - 1) Abnormal affection for work or functioning 2) Surgeon’s Abnormal affection for

o Ergophilia - Abnormal affection for work

o Erotophilia - Abnormal affection for sexual love or sexual questions

o Euphilia - Abnormal affection for hearing good news

o Eurotophilia - Abnormal affection for female genitalia

o Erythrophilia or Erytophilia or Ereuthophilia - 1) Abnormal affection for red-lights 2) Blushing 3)


 F

o Felinophilia - Abnormal affection for cats (Ailurophilia, Elurophilia, Galeophilia, Gatophilia)

o Francophilia - Abnormal affection for France or French culture (Gallophilia, Galiophilia)

o Frigophilia - Abnormal affection for cold or cold things (Cheimaphilia, Cheimatophilia,


 G

o Galeophilia or Gatophilia - Abnormal affection for cats

o Gallophilia or Galiophilia - Fear France or French culture (Francophilia)

o Gamophilia - Abnormal affection for marriage

o Geliophilia - Abnormal affection for laughter

o Geniophilia - Abnormal affection for chins

o Genophilia - Abnormal affection for sex

o Genuphilia - Abnormal affection for knees

o Geophilia - Love of earth or geology

o Gerascophilia - Abnormal affection for growing old

o Germanophilia - Abnormal affection for Germany or German culture

o Gerontophilia - Abnormal affection for old people or of growing old

o Geumaphilia or Geumophilia - Abnormal affection for taste

o Glossophilia - Abnormal affection for speaking in public or of trying to speak

o Gnosiophilia - Abnormal affection for knowledge

o Graphophilia - Abnormal affection for writing or handwriting

o Gymnophilia - Abnormal affection for nudity

o Gynephilia or Gynophilia - Abnormal affection for women

o Gynotikolobomassophilia - Love of biting a female’s earlobes

 H

o Hadephilia - Abnormal affection for the idea or study of hell

o Hagiophilia - Abnormal affection for saints or holy things

o Halophilia - Love of salt or salt-water

o Hamartophilia - Abnormal affection for sinning

o Haphephilia or Haptephilia - Abnormal affection for being touched

o Harpaxophilia - Abnormal affection for being robbed

o Hedonophilia - Abnormal affection for feeling pleasure

o Heliophilia - Abnormal affection for the sun or sunlight

o Hellenologophilia - Abnormal affection for Greek terms or complex scientific terminology

o Helminthophilia - Abnormal affection for being infested with worms

o Hemophilia or Hemaphilia or Hematophilia - Abnormal affection for blood

o Heresyphilia or Hereiophilia - Abnormal affection for challenges to official doctrine or of radical

o Herpetophilia - Abnormal affection for reptiles or creepy, crawly things

o Heterophilia - Abnormal affection for the opposite sex (Sexophilia)

o Hierophilia - Abnormal affection for priests or sacred things

o Hippophilia - Abnormal affection for horses

o Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophilia - Abnormal affection for long words

o Hobophilia - Abnormal affection for bums or beggars

o Hodophilia - Abnormal affection for road travel

o Hormephilia - Abnormal affection for shock

o Homichlophilia - Abnormal affection for fog

o Homilophilia - Abnormal affection for sermons

o Hominophilia - Abnormal affection for men

o Homophilia - Abnormal affection for sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming


o Hoplophilia - Abnormal affection for firearms

o Hydrargyophilia - Abnormal affection for mercurial medicines

o Hydrophilia - Abnormal affection for water

o Hydrophobophilia - Abnormal affection for rabies

o Hyelophilia or Hyalophilia - Abnormal affection for glass

o Hygrophilia - Abnormal affection for liquids, dampness, or moisture

o Hylephilia - Abnormal affection for materialism or the Abnormal affection for epilepsy

o Hylophilia - Abnormal affection for forests

o Hypengyophilia or Hypegiaphilia - Abnormal affection for responsibility

o Hypnophilia - Abnormal affection for sleep or of being hypnotized

o Hypsiphilia - Abnormal affection for height

 I
o Iatrophilia - Abnormal affection for going to the doctor or of doctors

o Ichthyophilia - Abnormal affection for fish

o Iconophilia - Love of pictures and symbols

o Ideophilia - Abnormal affection for ideas

o Illyngophilia - Abnormal affection for vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down

o Iophilia - Abnormal affection for poison

o Insectophilia - Abnormal affection for insects

o Isolophilia - Abnormal affection for solitude, being alone

o Isopterophilia - Abnormal affection for termites, insects that eat wood

o Ithyphallophilia - Abnormal affection for seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis

 J

o Japanophilia - Abnormal affection for Japanese

o Judeophilia - Abnormal affection for Jews

 K

o Kainolophilia or Kainophilia - Abnormal affection for anything new, novelty

o Kakorrhaphiophilia - Abnormal affection for failure or defeat

o Katagelophilia - Abnormal affection for ridicule

o Kathisophilia - Abnormal affection for sitting down

o Kenophilia - Abnormal affection for voids or empty spaces

o Keraunophilia or Ceraunophilia - Abnormal affection for thunder and lightning (Astraphilia,


o Kinetophilia or Kinesophilia - Abnormal affection for movement or motion

o Kleptophilia - Abnormal affection for stealing

o Koinoniphilia - Abnormal affection for rooms

o Kolpophilia - Abnormal affection for genitals, particularly female

o Kopophilia - Abnormal affection for fatigue

o Koniophilia - Abnormal affection for dust (Amathophilia)

o Kosmikophilia - Abnormal affection for cosmic phenomenon

o Kymophilia - Abnormal affection for waves (Cymophilia)

o Kynophilia - Abnormal affection for rabies

o Kyphophilia - Abnormal affection for stooping

 L

o Lachanophilia - Abnormal affection for vegetables

o Laliophilia or Lalophilia - Abnormal affection for speaking

o Leprophilia or Lepraphilia - Abnormal affection for leprosy

o Leukophilia - Abnormal affection for the color white

o Levophilia - Abnormal affection for things to the left side of the body

o Ligyrophilia - Abnormal affection for loud noises

o Lilapsophilia - Abnormal affection for tornadoes and hurricanes

o Limnophilia - Abnormal affection for lakes, ponds, or marshes

o Linonophilia - Abnormal affection for string

o Lithophilia - Love of stones

o Lockiophilia - Abnormal affection for childbirth

o Logizomechanophilia - Abnormal affection for computers

o Logophilia - Abnormal affection for words

o Lutraphilia - Abnormal affection for otters

o Lygophilia – Love of darkness

o Lyssophilia - Abnormal affection for rabies or of becoming mad

 M

o Macrophilia - Abnormal affection for long waits

o Mageirocophilia - Abnormal affection for cooking

o Maieusiophilia - Abnormal affection for childbirth

o Malaxophilia - Abnormal affection for love play (Sarmassophilia)

o Maniaphilia - Abnormal affection for insanity

o Mastigophilia - Abnormal affection for punishment

o Mechanophilia - Abnormal affection for machines

o Megalophilia - Abnormal affection for large things

o Melissophilia - Abnormal affection for bees

o Melanophilia - Abnormal affection for the color black

o Melophilia - Love of music

o Menophilia - Abnormal affection for menstruation

o Merinthophilia - Abnormal affection for being bound or tied up

o Metallophilia - Abnormal affection for metal

o Metathesiophilia - Abnormal affection for changes

o Meteorophilia - Abnormal affection for meteors

o Methyphilia - Abnormal affection for alcohol

o Metrophilia - Love of poetry

o Microphilia - Abnormal affection for small things

o Misophilia or Mysophilia - Abnormal affection for being contaminated with dirt or germs

o Molysmophilia or Molysomophilia - Abnormal affection for dirt or contamination

o Monophilia - Abnormal affection for solitude or being alone

o Monopathophilia - Abnormal affection for definite disease

o Mottephilia - Abnormal affection for moths

o Musophilia or Muriphilia - Abnormal affection for mice

o Mycophilia – Love of mushrooms

o Mycrophilia - Abnormal affection for small things

o Myctophilia - Abnormal affection for darkness

o Myrmecophilia - Abnormal affection for ants

o Mythophilia - Abnormal affection for myths or stories or false statements

 N

o Myxophilia - Abnormal affection for slime (Blennophilia)

o Nebulaphilia - Abnormal affection for fog (Homichlophilia)

o Necrophilia - Abnormal affection for death or dead things

o Negrophilia - Love of black people

o Nelophilia - Abnormal affection for glass

o Neophilia - Abnormal affection for anything new; Love of the latest novelties and trends

o Nephophilia - Abnormal affection for clouds

o Noctiphilia or Nyctophilia - Abnormal affection for the night

o Nomatophilia - Abnormal affection for names

o Nosocomephilia - Abnormal affection for hospitals

o Nosophilia or Nosemaphilia - Abnormal affection for becoming ill

o Nudophilia - Abnormal affection for nudity

o Numerophilia - Abnormal affection for numbers

o Nyctohylophilia - Abnormal affection for dark wooded areas or of forests at night

 O

o Obesophilia - Abnormal affection for gaining weight (Pocrescophilia)

o Ochlophilia - Abnormal affection for crowds or mobs

o Ochophilia - Abnormal affection for vehicles

o Octophilia - Abnormal affection for the figure 8

o Odynophilia or Odynephilia - Abnormal affection for pain (Algophilia)

o Oenophilia - Abnormal affection for wines

o Oikophilia - Abnormal affection for home surroundings, house (Domatophilia, Eicophilia)

o Olfactophilia - Abnormal affection for smells

o Ombrophilia - Abnormal affection for rain or of being rained on

o Ommetaphilia or Ommatophilia - Abnormal affection for eyes

o Oneirophilia - Abnormal affection for dreams

o Oneirogmophilia - Abnormal affection for wet dreams

o Onomatophilia - Abnormal affection for hearing a certain word or of names

o Ophidiophilia - Abnormal affection for snakes (Snakephilia)

o Ornithophilia - Abnormal affection for birds

o Orthophilia - Abnormal affection for property

o Osmophilia or Osphresiophilia - Abnormal affection for smells or odors

o Ostraconophilia - Abnormal affection for shellfish

o Ouranophilia or Uranophilia - Abnormal affection for heaven

 P

o Pagophilia - Abnormal affection for ice or frost

o Panthophilia - Abnormal affection for suffering and disease

o Panophilia or Pantophilia - Abnormal affection for everything

o Papyrophilia - Abnormal affection for paper

o Paraphilia - Abnormal affection for sexual perversion

o Parasitophilia - Abnormal affection for parasites

o Paraskavedekatriaphilia - Abnormal affection for Friday the 13th

o Parthenophilia - Abnormal affection for virgins or young girls

o Pathophilia - Abnormal affection for disease

o Parturiphilia - Abnormal affection for childbirth

o Peccatophilia - Abnormal affection for sinning or imaginary crimes

o Pediculophilia - Abnormal affection for lice

o Pediophilia - Abnormal affection for dolls

o Pedophilia - Abnormal affection for children

o Peladophilia - Abnormal affection for bald people

o Peniaphilia - Abnormal affection for poverty

o Peristerophilia - Love of pigeons

o Petrophilia - Love of living or spending time in rocky areas

o Phagophilia - Abnormal affection for swallowing or of eating or of being eaten

o Phasmophilia - Abnormal affection for ghosts

o Phengophilia - Abnormal affection for daylight or sunshine

o Philalethia - Love of the truth

o Philemaphilia or Philematophilia - Abnormal affection for kissing

o Phobaphilia - Abnormal affection for falling in love or being in love

o Philosophilia - Abnormal affection for philosophy

o Photoaugliaphilia - Abnormal affection for glaring lights

o Photophilia - Abnormal affection for light

o Phonophilia - Abnormal affection for noises or voices or one’s own voice; of telephones

o Phronemophilia - Abnormal affection for thinking

o Phthiriophilia - Abnormal affection for lice (Pediculophilia)

o Phthisiophilia - Abnormal affection for tuberculosis

o Placophilia - Abnormal affection for tombstones

o Plutophilia - Abnormal affection for wealth

o Pluviophilia - Abnormal affection for rain or of being rained on

o Pneumatiphilia - Abnormal affection for spirits

o Pnigophilia or Pnigerophilia - Abnormal affection for choking of being smothered

o Pocrescophilia - Abnormal affection for gaining weight (Obesophilia)

o Pogonophilia - Abnormal affection for beards

o Poliosophilia - Abnormal affection for contracting poliomyelitis

o Politicophilia - Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians

o Polyphilia - Abnormal affection for many things

o Poinephilia - Abnormal affection for punishment

o Ponophilia - Abnormal affection for overworking or of pain

o Porphyrophilia - Abnormal affection for the color purple

o Potamophilia - Abnormal affection for rivers or running water

o Potophilia - Abnormal affection for alcohol

o Proctophilia - Abnormal affection for rectums

o Prosophilia - Abnormal affection for progress

o Psellismophilia - Abnormal affection for stuttering

o Psychophilia - Abnormal affection for mind

o Psychrophilia - Abnormal affection for cold

o Pteromerhanophilia - Abnormal affection for flying

o Pteronophilia - Abnormal affection for being tickled by feathers

o Pupaphilia - Abnormal affection for puppets

o Pyrophilia - Abnormal affection for fire

 R

o Radiophilia - Abnormal affection for radiation, x-rays

o Ranidaphilia - Abnormal affection for frogs

o Retrophilia - Love of things of the past

o Rhabdophilia - Abnormal affection for being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being
severely criticized; Abnormal affection for magic

o Rheophilia - Love of living or spending time in running water

o Rhypophilia - Abnormal affection for defecation

o Rhytiphilia - Abnormal affection for getting wrinkles

o Rupophilia - Abnormal affection for dirt

o Russophilia - Abnormal affection for Russians

 S
o Samhainophilia: Abnormal affection for Halloween

o Sarcophilia - Love of flesh

o Sarmassophilia - Abnormal affection for love play (Malaxophilia)

o Satanophilia - Abnormal affection for Satan

o Scatophilia - Abnormal affection for fecal matter

o Scelerophibia- Abnormal affection for bad men, burglars

o Sciophilia or Sciaphilia - Abnormal affection for shadows

o Scoleciphilia - Abnormal affection for worms

o Scolionophilia - Abnormal affection for school

o Scopophilia or Scoptophilia - Abnormal affection for being seen or stared at

o Scotomaphilia - Abnormal affection for blindness in visual field

o Scotophilia - Abnormal affection for darkness (Achluophilia)

o Scriptophilia - Abnormal affection for writing in public

o Selachophilia - Abnormal affection for sharks

o Selaphilia - Abnormal affection for light flashes

o Selenophilia - Abnormal affection for the moon

o Seplophilia - Abnormal affection for decaying matter

o Sesquipedalophilia - Abnormal affection for long words

o Sexophilia - Abnormal affection for the opposite sex (Heterophilia)

o Siderodromophilia - Abnormal affection for trains, railroads or train travel

o Siderophilia - Abnormal affection for stars

o Sinistrophilia - Abnormal affection for things to the left or left-handed

o Sinophilia - Abnormal affection for Chinese, Chinese culture

o Sitophilia or Sitiophilia - Abnormal affection for food or eating (Cibophilia)

o Snakephilia - Abnormal affection for snakes (Ophidiophilia)

o Soceraphilia - Abnormal affection for parents-in-law

o Socialphilia - Abnormal affection for being evaluated negatively in social situations

o Sociophilia - Abnormal affection for society or people in general

o Somniphilia - Abnormal affection for sleep

o Sophophilia - Abnormal affection for learning

o Soteriophilia - Abnormal affection for dependence on others

o Spacephilia - Abnormal affection for outer space

o Spectrophilia - Abnormal affection for specters or ghosts

o Spermatophilia or Spermophilia - Abnormal affection for germs

o Spheksophilia - Abnormal affection for wasps

o Staurophilia - Abnormal affection for crosses or the crucifix

o Stenophilia - Abnormal affection for narrow things or places

o Stigmatophilia - Love of tattooing or branding

o Stygiophilia or Stigiophilia - Abnormal affection for hell

o Suriphilia - Abnormal affection for mice

o Symbolophilia - Abnormal affection for symbolism

o Symmetrophilia - Abnormal affection for symmetry

o Syngenesophilia - Abnormal affection for relatives

 T

o Tachophilia - Abnormal affection for speed

o Taeniophilia or Teniophilia - Abnormal affection for tapeworms

o Taphephilia or Taphophilia - Abnormal affection for being buried alive or of cemeteries

o Tapinophilia - Abnormal affection for being contagious

o Taurophilia - Abnormal affection for bulls

o Technophilia - Abnormal affection for technology

o Teleophilia - 1) Abnormal affection for definite plans 2) Religious ceremony

o Telephonophilia - Abnormal affection for telephones

o Teratophilia - Abnormal affection for bearing a deformed child or Abnormal affection for monsters
or deformed people

o Testophilia - Abnormal affection for taking tests

o Teutophilia - Abnormal affection for German or German things

o Textophilia - Abnormal affection for certain fabrics

o Thaasophilia - Abnormal affection for sitting

o Thalassophilia - Abnormal affection for the sea

o Thanatophilia or Thantophilia - Abnormal affection for death or dying

o Theatrophilia - Abnormal affection for theatres

o Theologicophilia - Abnormal affection for theology

o Theophilia - Abnormal affection for gods or religion

o Thermophilia - Abnormal affection for heat

o Tocophilia - Abnormal affection for pregnancy or childbirth

o Tomophilia - Abnormal affection for surgical operations

o Tonitrophilia - Abnormal affection for thunder

o Topophilia - Abnormal affection for certain places or situations

o Toxiphilia or Toxophilia or Toxicophilia - Abnormal affection for poison or of being accidently


o Toxophilia - Love of archery

o Traumatophilia - Abnormal affection for injury

o Tremophilia - Abnormal affection for trembling

o Trichinophilia - Abnormal affection for trichinosis

o Trichopathophilia or Trichophilia - Abnormal affection for hair (Chaetophilia, Hypertrichophilia)

o Triskaidekaphilia - Abnormal affection for the number 13

o Tropophilia - Abnormal affection for moving or making changes

o Trypanophilia - Abnormal affection for injections

o Tuberculophilia - Abnormal affection for tuberculosis

o Turophilia - Love of cheese

o Typhlophilia - Love of the blind

 U

o Uranophilia or Ouranophilia - Abnormal affection for heaven

o Urophilia - Abnormal affection for urine or urinating

 V

o Venustraphilia - Abnormal affection for beautiful women

o Verbophilia - Abnormal affection for words

o Verminophilia - Abnormal affection for germs

o Vestiphilia - Abnormal affection for clothing

 W

o Wiccaphilia - Abnormal affection for witches and witchcraft

 X

o Xanthophilia - Abnormal affection for the color yellow or the word yellow

o Xenoglossophilia - Abnormal affection for foreign languages

o Xenophilia - Abnormal affection for strangers or foreigners

o Xerophilia - Abnormal affection for dryness

o Xylophilia - 1) Abnormal affection for wooden objects 2) Forests

o Xyrophilia -Abnormal affection for razors

 Z

o Zelophilia - Abnormal affection for jealousy

o Zeusophilia - Abnormal affection for God or gods

o Zemmiphilia - Abnormal affection for the great mole rat

o Zoophilia - Abnormal affection for animals

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